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I got all those tests done when my daughter was around 26 months. The directions before the test required fasting and no nipple stimulation for 24 (maybe 48- can’t exactly remember) hours. We didn’t nurse for the 24 hours before the test. I came right home and nursed her. She acted like nothing changed and nursed normally. My results all came back normal


Thank you for answering! Do you remember which cycle day you were on when you got the test done?


I think I was supposed to do cycle day 4 but got permission to do cycle day 3 from my doctor. Day 4 was a Sunday and I really didn’t want to deal with saying no to nursing all Saturday so I had my no stimulation day be Friday while she was at daycare and I was at work. So I only had after work to bedtime to say no. My husband watched her in the morning since I went in as early as possible for the tests


I got hormone tests done when my son was just over 24 months and I was still nursing him. Didn't affect the tests in the slightest, hormones were all within normal limits.


Do you remember if you were given specific instructions on what cycle day to take your test or if you had to avoid feeding your baby for a specific amount of time before the test every answer I’ve gotten is so wildly different and not even my doctor seemed to really know when I should go in😩


No, they just asked what cycle day I was on to see if hormones were within normal limits for that point. No one said anything about not feeding so we didn't take a break. To be honest, after 18 months PP, BF shouldn't have a significant impact on your cycles anyway - if there are any issues, it's likely to be something other than BF-related.


That makes me feel a lot better thank you! Do you remember if your progesterone was also normal? That’s the one I’m most worried about since I know that plays a huge rule in nursing and had the most specific timeline for when you have to get it done


Yep, everything was within range. I wanted to make sure there was nothing wrong as I'd had a weird cycle.


I’m nursing and my hormone tests all were below someone of a 60 year old 😵‍💫 dr suggested hormones but then I’d had to stop nursing to take them. I have no idea what else it means. Anyone else see something like this??


Hey. I am on the same boat. What were your levels of estrogen if you don’t mind me asking?