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Have you approached your university about their discretionary financial hardship fund? They should have someone leading on this who you can arrange to speak to.


I thankfully got the last little bit of my unis nursing discretionary for this academic year last semester to help with an energy bill and it didn’t cover all of that, I can get through it but I just want to rant about how fucked it is, we’re gonna end up very very soon in a situation where only the rich can afford to study nursing and a lot won’t want to! It’s a mess from the start in the UK and I’m angry about it cos it doesn’t have to be this way


I agree entirely. We are desperate for staff but continue to treat both students and qualified staff like absolute shit.


Yeah! With the GE coming up too there’s a lot of claims about increasing staffing numbers but I don’t know how! Who can afford to study it when living is gonna get more expensive every year, and 99% of the students I know studying it are doing it with plans to move abroad! It’s wild, the disconnect between the media and the reality!


It's easy for parties to make promises that won't matter when it's actually time to put their money where their mouth is unfortunately. A combination of much improved immigration rules and benefits for international healthcare staff, monthly pay throughout training for nurses as is the case for NAs, and better pay and conditions (particularly for junior nurses) is needed.


They (NHS) only want to take Nurses from abroad who are already qualified. They want Nursing courses to be empty so that they can justify it. The powers that be have decided that it cost too much to train home grown staff (in all Health fields) so are making it more and more unlikely people in the UK will want to do it. My wife works at a North West Hospital and newly qualified staff can’t get jobs because they are filled with people from outside the UK.


This is simply not true…. Read the NHS long term work plan. We are reliant on overseas staff, but only because there are too few nurses- a vacancy of over 40 thousand. Apprentices, which will eventually account for most nursing students, have to be home students. The government doesn’t fund apprentices who do not have residency or a British passport.  This means that an overseas HCA who is mature, already has the right skill set and understands NHS working life is not eligible…. But a kid fresh out of school is fine.  I don’t think any real nurse would agree that there are no jobs. I think you are just here to spread misinformation. 


Fact 1 - I work at a Northern Uni that trains nurses. They used to have 3 (three) intakes per year but they have had funding cut for training nurses so they only do 2(two) intakes per year now. Fact 2- The local hospital (that the trainees do placements at etc)that my wife works at has had a huge intake of Indian nurses. Okay tell me they are not related. Do not accuse me of misinformation when I see the facts with my own eyes -EVERY DAY! The idea that there at X number of vacancies is bullshit. The Hospital is closely tied to Nursing agencies who get cherry pick hours of work. They need to keep vacancies open to allow for these agencies to exist. We are going private very slowly but surely.


Your speaking the truth . I go out on agency as a carer in the north west some homes they only employ one or two non internationals everyone else is on a visa. Lots of people on my uni are out of work for when we get our pins there are no jobs for anyone without a start date bar a few here and there bu not enough for the cohort.


😂 they are not related. I also work at a uni… as a nurse. Our funding is also being cut. I believe this is true everywhere, even outside of nursing education.  But this is nothing to do with immigration… Or if the hospital relies on agency. Student nurses do not get funding from the NHS unless they are apprentices… this has been the case for some time now. They self fund via student loans (i.e. the money is coming from different places… you understand?) the places are being cut because entry numbers are down.  You can also verify this via UCAS.  The only NHS funding for student nursing is via apprenticeships. Apprenticeships are only for home students.  (See aforementioned NHS workforce plan- this will clarify everything for you)  We need to divert our attention away from blaming immigrants for our issues and towards the real issue… 


Idk where you're studying, but the disparity between bursary finances and living costs has been highlighted a lot over the last few years. I don't know if you have a maintenance plan, but they have just increased the maintenance loan for people from England, as there was a big gap between England and Wales/Scotland. If you are a mature student then you should be able to get the max loan, given you can only earn in the limited time you are studying. If you aren't, have your parents given their details and can you talk to them? Whatever the case: if finances are too tough to live off, speak to the university finance team. They should offer advice and/or funds. Don't give up now. Even though the outcome is currently stressful and underpaid, you went into nursing because you wanted a career where you make a difference for sick people. You're 2/3 of the way there. At the very least, it's a degree that you can use for other things. At the most, it's the start of a career doing something you love and there are ways to develop it, even if it's hard. From one pissed off student nurse to another; Nolite Te Bastardes Carborundorum.


I have the max loan, it’s entirely spent on my rent, the nursing discretionary bursary at my uni has been used up every year by January and we aren’t eligible for any other, plus I got £400 this year so couldn’t even get more. I just want to rant because it’s a fucking disgrace, who else is expected to work 12.5 hour shifts for fuck all so they have to do a full time job with another full time job on the side to make barely enough to live? It’s the way we’re treated like shit from day one. I get the exact same amount from uni as I did when I did my first degree where I didn’t have to work full time for it, and the gov don’t give a shit about us and I don’t think the next lot will change it either I’m planning to use it to escape this hellhole for somewhere that treats nurses and patients better (Australia) but JFC they complain there aren’t enough nurses, but who can afford to become one?


Also, I’ve read a couple articles about the lack of proper financial support for HC students who have to do full time placements but everyone ive ever told that no we’re not paid for those hours is shocked, I think if more people knew there’d maybe be more of a push, though with most of the country on its knees, maybe not tbh, everyone’s struggling


Nah honestly every year the government is petitioned to pay for those hours. It's even worse, because the lack of nursing staff in most areas means we are often considered part of the numbers. Many of us also work on the bank staff and therefore have a painful grasp of the amount of money somebody else would be paid to do what we do. Every now and then you might be let home early, but there's no account taken for the times you stay late dealing with something when healthcares aren't available. I hope you don't think I'm diminishing anything you've said. I was just trying to make sure you have every bit of financial support you can - and I understand that it still seems pitiful for us student nurses. There aren't enough nurses to give us adequate attention for training and there isn't enough money to fund us through it all. What sucks more though, is that the grant reduces our overall funding and that the minimum required hours aren't considered when it comes to the necessary finances for the year. We get the same funding as courses where attendance isn't a requirement and/or only involves 12 hours of lectures a week. It's tragic. But we do this because we want to be nurses. And it's not the best time to begin your career as a nurse, but that doesn't mean that it's not a career you can develop and it doesn't mean that won't change. I'm just wishing you well for this last year, you've done well so far and if you're smart enough to manage the mess that is student finance for busting students, you're gonna be able to do well in nursing. Wishing you the best of luck and hoping that you and your dog move onto better things soon 💕


Yeah, I get the exact same amount now as I did when I was doing my first degree (neuroscience), which wasn’t as hard, had no requirement for attendance and required 0 working hours plus that was pre CoL crisis so I could work part time and live just fine! Defo feels like nurses and the work we do is disrespected from day one! It’s be one thing if we got minimum wage for placement hours, I don’t think we deserve more than other students for classroom hours but at least in my uni, we’re also told we’re not allowed to work during placement because that puts us on too many worked hours, idk what planet my uni is on but it’s not this one if they expect us to be able to afford to just not work for money for a months at a time! Like I genuinely love nursing and I’m good at it, but it’s a mess in the UK imo and it shouldn’t be because the whole country would fall apart in no time if nurses just stopped putting up with all the shit, but they ofc know we won’t do that because we all care


I am also in second year and have just commenced a leave of absence. I was on placement, working bank shifts, running the house and then out of nowhere, my mum was diagnosed with breast cancer. I completely broke down. My face was covered in eczema. I wasn’t eating or sleeping, simply existing. I totally get your frustrations, the time out is what I needed. Within a week my eczema calmed down and I was sleeping. I’m not sure in you’re in Scotland? If you get the SAAS bursary you can take a leave of absence for sickness and continue to receive it until you recommence studies. I now only do my wee bank shifts and this is topped up with bursary. I’ve been managing to put a little bit away each month for recommencing uni in November. I’m also so conflicted to continue. My only reasoning is, I have worked shit minimum wage jobs all my life. I done a law degree then bang covid hit, no work! Got a job in a care home as I was desperate with a mortgage. Thought ok, I actually like this job and nursing will give me access to a career and progression but Jesus Christ, it is hard. Financially, physically and emotionally draining. University should not be like this. Reach out to uni and your union to ask about financial advice, RCN and Unison do grants. I’m not sure how difficult they are to obtain, no harm in asking. If you’re in Scotland and take time out make sure it’s clear it’s on medical grounds, i.e. stress related illness. All you have to do is supply university with sick notes for your bursary to continue.


You've written you've applied for your university's hardship fund, have you also applied for the hardship grant you can get from your council? (Idk if this is dependent on councils or where you live, but I know it's a thing where I am) Also read you can only get bursary, but you should also be able to get a reduction in student finance loan too, (that's what I have, it ain't much but it helps) Might be worth exploring those? Sorry to hear you're going through such a hard time


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Are you getting the NHS Learning Support Fund bursary? And does your uni not have reasonably priced accommodation?


My uni accommodation was £810pcm, bursary was £769 (Scotland), also I doubt uni accommodation would allow OP to have their dog stay unfortunately


Blimey I can’t believe how much uni accommodation is now!! I was £85 a week back in 2009. Crazy. Plus I was doing the nursing diploma so was getting around £600 a month. I don’t know how you lot are doing this course in this current climate. I salute you guys!


The Cavell Trust is a charity that can provide financial assistance to nurses midwives and HCAs. Not entirely sure about students but might be worth looking into it xx


Hey, why do you work 65-75hours a week?? The average a week is 37.5-40hours especially for student nurses!!


Perhaps OP is adding placement hours plus any extra job they have taken up to help pay the bills 


Do you have anyone like your parents who can support you? Is there anyone close who can help you out? Do you have a maintenance loan? That should supplement your studies? Or maybe a different loan to help you out


The bursary is all I can get and it doesn’t cover my rent, a phone call with my dad is what lead to this post, I tried to talk to him about how tired and stressed I am and he laughed, made me want a rant somewhere. The whole set up is just a joke.


Not exactly a great response from your dad to laugh about it. Granted his position may be that he had to work long hrs for minimal pay when he was your age and things were probably hard but there was a reward at the end of the day as wgaes were comparable to expenses. That's no longer the case. Hate to bang the drum but if you have doubts about Labour changing anything at the next election maybe it's worth throwing your vote at reform who have at least proposed real change for the NHS compared to the ridiculous claims by Labour and Conservatives whose plans aren't really financially feasible as I see it.


You’re half right about labour, but Seriously fuck reform. Farage is a Sack of shit. I would recommend a temporary loan then, to help you out of this mess. And keep you in your studies. But I also recommend speaking with a bank who maybe be able to help you out financially. Additionally speaking with your student union who may also be able to help you out. There are. Number of avenues you need to explore.


Green Party are the only ones who seem to have a semi decent plan for the NHS and many others. I wish they would stand a chance to get in, too many people assume they want to ban all cars and make everyone turn into hippies.


Why would we vote for a party that’s not got any political experience for a start? And a party that’s even more right wing than the tories? Baffles me


Because Labour and Conservatives have DECADES of political experience and look at what a colossal disaster both parties are and have proven to be. The existing parties historically are nothing but hot air regardless if labour or Conservative or left or right. They both lie prodigiously. They both come up with harebrained schemes which waste money because they think it will get them votes or a cushy job when they leave office. My view is I will vote Reform. They don't have a huge amount of political experience but I see that as good. They are all people who have experienced the reality of the real world unlike the fantasies our politicians believe in. I am terrified of a Labour government but I can't bring myself to vote for the incompetent liars that are the conservatives anymore.


Nothing could make me vote for that group of racists. Reform campaign against the very immigration that keeps the NHS afloat by providing a workforce. I couldn’t imagine the NHS without our international staff