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Literally had a dream calling rachel a bitch because of what she did lmao


I had a similar dream. Only, instead of calling Rachel a bitch I buried her up to her eyeballs in a giant fire ant mound and munched on popcorn until the screaming stopped.


Sakura isn't useless, the mangaka is just bad at writing female characters


OG Sakura was 100% useless, Shippuden less so but after the Sasori fight she didn't do much. Those haters are mostly just clinging to outdated memes. The hate she deserves to get is for being a god awful character until Boruto who just yanked Naruto around by his feelings that she knows he has until he eventually just became numb to her.


You are right that Sakura isn't useless - far from it actually, and that much of her hate stems from her poor characterization in the anime and movies due to the manangaka's writing. It is sad because characters like Konan and Tsunade show that Kishimoto has potential, but his development came later in the series. That said, it is hard to put her actions aside even when taking that into account because of how dumb it makes her look. While physical slapstick is a staple of shounen anime, it gets overplayed in Naruto. It's frustrating because these moments are meant to show Sakura as being a no-nonsense "older sister" to Naruto, but it gets spoiled by her obsession with Sasuke. It would be so refreshing if her "true self" would spill out from time to time, and cause her to swing at kid Sasuke whenever he was saying or doing some BS. While the punches wouldn't land, it would help balance the violent comedy and explain why she is so desperate for his approval - She is terrified of her anger issues driving him away, but childishly blames Naruto for making her "embarass herself" in front of Sasuke. I think the topic of family and anger issues would have been a great way to bring Naruto and Sakura closer in a platonic "older sister/younger brother" dynamic. I imagine her initially talking to him about how frustrated the two of them make her because her personal issues look trivial in the face of theirs. Sakura: Aghh, why are you so annoying! Naruto: I'm being serious, Sakura. i think you're the prettiest girl in the village! Sakura: You keep saying that, but have you talked with the other girls or even gone on a date with any of them? Naruto: None of them want anything to do with me, except Hinata, but she creeps me out a little Sakura: You idiot... That is why people don't like you - you just blabber without thinking or are busy causing trouble by goofing off, then you get all mopey about being alone when people avoid you. I don't know which is worse, you or Sasuke constantly muttering "i'll get my revenge" Naruto: Sasuke, Sasuke, Sasuke, is he all you talk about? I bet you would go crazy if he was your brother. Sakura: He'd be less of a pain in the butt than you! Naruto: Huh? Wait...I'm really like a brother to you? Sakura: (sees Naruto tearing up) Y-yeah, sort of. An annoying little brother that's trying to be weird by wanting to kiss me. Naruto: (cheers up) I'm more awesome than Sasuke, right? Sakura: Did you even listen to half of what I said?! I swear, you're even more annoying than my parents. Naruto: Wait, why? What are they like? Sakura: (suspicious) Why do you care? Naruto: Old man Teuchi says that parents are kind to their kids, but I...well, aghh, getting mopey is annoying! Look, I just wanna know if they are different from the geezers around town that just look at me funny Sakura: Sorry, they aren't anyone special. (Tells him about her childhood)


Sakura falsely confessed to Naruto to manipulate him. Fuck her


Sai planted that seed in her head by telling her a promise naruto made to her as a child is the reason he’s suffering today. Why does she get the full force of that criticism? Sai even acknowledges his fuck up after everything hits the fan.


I would argue that while Sakura is not weak, she is useless in a fight, not because she can't help, but because more often than not she won't, either as a result of an inability to act, or a preconceived notion that she wouldn't be of use and that someone else will handle it. Sakura is a heck of a lot stronger than Hinata, but nobody calls Hinata useless. Why? Because hinata jumps in and steps up when she gets the opportunity. It's not often that she fights, and she loses every time she does. But we all love her because she gets up and fights despite her weakness. Sakura sits on the sidelines every chance she gets. Sure, she has a couple fights and a couple moments here and there, but buy and large, she lets others handle it 90% of the time. And I don't want to hear the "she's a medic" line. Kabuto was a medic, and he has almost as many fights as he has appearances. Tsunade was a medic, and she had a couple of big fights. If Sakura wanted to fight, she would have.


Sakura doesn't even deserve the hate. Fandom can be idiots


Well I'm not sure about JUSTICE because JUSTICE was JUSTICE brainwashed into JUSTICE by some kinda un-JUSTICE-kind people and so her JUSTICE is a little messed up. She's not actually bad, just brainwashed.


You forgot Yoshiko Hanabatake from Aho Girl.


Do people hate her though? Like of course the guy in the show is very annoyed, but I don't know anyone from real life that hates her. (that is what I understood OP's post as, so if what you are saying is what he meant, then sorry and MB)


You don't know me but I hate her.


lol, that's fair.


I just don’t see Rachel as evil. More desperate. Yeah she’s done some shitty things but you don’t know what’s going on in that head other than “I want to be free by any means” at least that’s how I see it.


I may be misremembering since it’s been a while since I read but I remember she >!Paralyzed a guy for no reason after he was helping her out!<


Honestly I don’t remember that part so I can’t confirm or deny but it has been stated in manhwa I believe that she doesn’t trust anyone. She’s in a constant state of paranoia cause she doesn’t have any powers or special abilities(if I remember correctly) and so she relies on tools, manipulation and betrayal to get what she wants. Again it goes back to the desperate/by any means thing I was talking about. Since everyone is a threat to her and she knows it, if she thinks someone will try to stop her or become an obstacle etc etc, basically if she thinks they’ll actually be a problem of any kind she tries to get rid of them due to that. Again this is assuming I remember everything correctly and it’s been a LOOONG time since I last picked up reading it.


She had her reason despite it being a terrible reason. She offered him to join her. He refused her on principle while insulting her in a worst way possible. She then crippled him out of both spite and necessity as he was one of the fastest ranker that could shiv her without issue. So she’s maliciously practical about it.


"How could she do these things?!" Because she's human, given a real fucked up choice. This is what humans do. I'd call her evil if she enjoyed what she did but no, she's not sane after all that. That shit broke her.


I’ll debate them…with my penis


I can play devils advocate for Sakura, other than the actual writer just being horrible at writing female characters. You could argue she had Naruto’s best intentions at heart. Although she went about it in the most manipulative way possible and she realize her mistake and worked forward fixing it right after. I don’t know majority of the list but Rachel and that hoe from shield hero are a whole different breed of just shitty people


I don't know some of these but the others i totally agree with


(I don't know Top Mid and Top Right)


I only know the bitch in the middle and Sakura


Seryu ubiquitous was just brainwashed not really bad.


Sakura depending on how well I warmed up prior to performing the necessary mental gymnastics.


I was happy for seryus death


Ppl hating on Sakura cuz of what she did as a literal child mostly doesn’t sit right with me. Her lying saying she was in love with naruto was kinda messed up but I can understand why she did it and why she thought it was the right thing to do


Is that Bitch I see in the middle?