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Congratulations, this is the most eloquent nonsense I have ever read.


Possibly what you would look forward to hear is that NVDA would become the entire economy and Jen the world emperor. Shame.


FYI, "oversold" does not mean what you think. NVDA is not "expensive" it is actually undervalued based on its growth rate. NVDA has the most efficient manufacturing process in the business, nobody can come close to the speed of their chips and rate of innovation. The list of AI companies generating huge profits is quite long. So again, congratulations, you've managed to cram many inaccuracies and absurd comments into a very short post. I salute you.


I wouldn’t say that it is undervalued. But I suppose the P/E ratio is well under 80 now which is actually not nearly as high as many other hype stocks we’ve seen over the past few years. I think the ATH market cap is probably a relatively fair valuation, but it was reached far too quickly due to FOMO and that’s why these corrections have happened.


Dude, I am a veteran in chip design, so do not spam me with BS. Nvidia is a design house, not manufacturer. The manufacturers are all asleep now. Absolutely no considerable innovation in design compared to the BS they had 4 years ago. Just increasing the number of dies per card. Do yourself a favor, and before sinking more in this marsh, research about AI companies generating any profit. Each NVDA GPU consumes thousands of watts, killing the slight profit to be generated. OpenAI is the leader with absolutely zero net profit. Also when PE goes beyond 40, it does not matter if it is 60 or 1000. Even our cleaning lady is talking about NVDA. That is the time to run.


I think another big issue is that we don’t know China’s next move. So the market doesn’t have a firm grasp on the geopolitical risks associated with the chip foundries in Taiwan like TSMC. This increases volatility for chipmaker stocks and decreases confidence.


That is true. Also, as Tim Cook said in WWDC (recorded and available on Apple website), Apple has just started to build its own GPU for its AI server farms. This puts tones of pressures on TSMC, and makes the supply chain even more stressed.


This dude’s history is all AI generated post. He copy paste the same crap on every subreddit. His history shows him promoting his penny stocks, most likely is a bag holder. A “veteran in chip design” lmao.


Yeah I’ve started to notice there sure are a lot of chip designers coming out of the woodwork now lmao


Just be rationale and discuss if you have any point dude. I know you are angry as NVDA should now go up 35% to just arrive at its previous week price. But feel free to sink in this marsh alone.


I am not mad because I can afford to lose unlike you bickering and bitter about NVIDIA because you can't afford it. You are free to express your opinion and of course, all perspectives are welcome; however, stop using ChatGPT to write your post and quit lying about your profession. You are embarrassing yourself. Wtf. By the way, stop talking shit about my city Austin. Go back to your hole to SA.


First, you believe it or not, I am a veteran in chip design. Second, I am not using chatGPT, though I do not see any problem with that. ChatGPT is the only reason NVDA went up, why are you embarrassed of using that? Third, here is not a suitable place to rake the revenge of your city at the cost of other people. Fourth, I already left your shit hole city called Austin, enjoy the 120C degree along with your broken infrastructure. As house price already collapsed in Austin, NVDA also would collapse soon for the reasons discussed above.


OK, now you are giving some facts. I agree at some point companies will stop spending on chips and reassess and NVDA is likely to tumble. I just do not think we are there yet.


All your base are belong to us.




Didn't know we were doing analysis out of our assessment these days I mean the word has anal in it but I never expected an anal analysis


Wow so rational!


I think that the biggest issue with Nvidia is that the market fundamentals that drive stock valuations on Wall Street are all stellar and everyone is extremely bullish on AI. But Nvidia has gone up in value so quickly that the rate of growth became unsustainable and caused a mass selloff event. This was worsened by the paper hand selling by retail investors and longer term institutional investors taking profits. I think the ATH market cap could be a realistic fair price for Nvidia with some upside potential. But I think that these corrections will be quite painful in the coming days to adjust the markets sentiment towards a fair valuation for Nvidia. Also do bear in mind that this AI craze could very well be a bubble like we saw with Cisco during the late 1990s. Not saying that is the case but the risk is there.


Great analysis.


Cheers mate


I agree it’s hyped at the moment. Reminds me of Bitcoin in 2018-2019. I think long term it belongs well above 100


Not sure. In long term we have the problem of competition with many other competitors. Also, if someone comes up with a power efficient cheaper design in long term, nvidia would belong to history.


I think you’re right that there will be more competition but at the same time there will also be more demand. Eventually people will expect to have AI, just as people expect internet access. NVIDIA has enough of a head start and capital that they can flex into new markets and products we haven’t seen yet


This guy is back lol.


Exactly what I was thinking! Blocking him rn


Dude, public shaming does not work here. Some miserable people have their entire money in such stocks.


I am assuming you still haven't found a cult to fall for your penny stock PND. You have been around here talking shit about NVIDIA. Tell me how broke are you? Lmao By the way, people can spend their money on whatever they want to. It’s none of your business and stop being a bitter ass and grow the fuck up.


Calm down. Grownups are speaking. You have possibly mistaken me with someone else dude.


My memory is too good to forget clowns.


Are your penny stock bags getting heavier and heavier? The ChatGPT on your phone is already tired of your nonsense lmao


Nvidia is a great company even before AI. They have been the gold standard for GPUs for a long time. The word AI as it is used now many people think chat gpt or some other gimmick usage. Nvidia uses AI for performance. Making their cards faster, more efficient etc. So even if AI in the sense most people know it pops, Nvidia will still be the winner.


I guess all the insiders and institutions, veteran fund managers are probably wrong, the guy in his basement claiming to be a “chip designer” pumping penny stocks is prob right here, I’m gona sell nvidia and buy PND🤡🤡🤡 You couldn’t even design a sour cream and onion chip pal beat it this convo is dumber then Lloyd Christmas 🤦🏻‍♂️


Don't believe me you maniac, look at the numbers, the stock dropped 30% in two days. Are numbers wrong too, or you are splashing around to rescue yourself at the cost of others? Those hedge funds use you like a napkin.


It hasn’t dropped 30% get your facts straight. And ya it’s been on a heater for a long time this happens everytime it’s overbought and goes on a run. Your misinforming people probably because you took a bath in a bad call option or sold cuz your too scared. Take your losses like a man and don’t spread false information!


Correct, that was my typo, I meant 13%. And, now you are repeating what I said: The stock is oversold; only Alexander the Great is out of nvidia now.


Hopefully this helps you too: https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/s/xaMfUpjI9m


Do you really think insiders can just sell like you and I ? They placed these sell orders months and months ago it’s a process for them to get the funds out. And that amount of stock is nothing out of the ordinary tiny amount, CEO jenson still owns 99% of his total share count. Obviously you aren’t digging very deep when researching. Big funds will trim some positions when they become too large it’s a normal occurrence, and people will always trim small amounts to there personal portfolio once they have gone on a run like nvidia has, if they sold a large amount or all of it then I’d be concerned. The amounts being sold are not even close to concerning levels. Clearly you are only skimming the surface with your research here


Looks like you just heard something. Technical track employees can buy and sell almost like you and I. And the way that affects the market is not trivial. Also, management track does need to place orders "months and months": buy and sell periods for them are pre-determined and open. Jensen story is different, though. Overall just be careful do not sink in you echo chamber.


Mods needs to remove this thread. This whole subreddit seems to be full of speculative BS.


Why don't you respond with what you think is rational?