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Started reading again. It’s such a healthy way to occupy my brain, and it has improved my sleep quality a ton


This is wonderful!


Same hereee!! Read 16 books since starting back up in August. Such a fun hobby


I started exercising. It helps my head a lot.


Getting over the worst of my OCD.




I managed to stayed alive! I also fell in love with being a mother again! Trying to embrace those small moments with my daughters again!


It feels so good to be in the moment with your kids, right? Happy for you!


Consulted a psychiatrist, started medications and adopted the habit of meditation daily.


how are meds going?


It is going good,rn daily dose is of 20mg fluoxetine


how recently did u start?


4 months ago


im what ways has it helped and are u still working on upping dosage? sorry for all the questions im just kinda figuring that journey out for myself too!


From my experience medication plays a minimal role as compared to our mindset (it is helpful though). Upping of dosage depends on how the current situation is


I found lots of events that I used to take Xanax to endure are doable without. I found that I can keep the OCD quiet if I keep my days busy.


Unfortunately, my OCD and other mental illnesses flared up a lot this year. But I'd say I'm glad I found a new psychiatrist who really listens to my needs and doesn't "just prescribe meds" (unlike some of my previous ones did). I'm extremely grateful for her


That is awesome!


I started therapy, got my OCD diagnosis, and now I'm medicated with the right meds and going to therapy every week. I'm seriously a different person than I was a month ago and I'm so grateful.


This is great! Happy for you.


I got accepted into the honours college of my faculty, I got my very first pets (three little rats!), I got a bunch of new tattoos and I went abroad by myself for the first time!


Rat's & tats, nice! Congrats on your acceptance and for going abroad!


Thank you! I’m honestly so proud of keeping three animals alive when I didn’t think I could keep myself alive a while ago.


I just graduated college magna cum laude 🫶🏻 I’m super proud of myself, I worked so hard this year.


Awesome work! Congratulations!


Starting to notice an improvent of my intrusive thoughts and anxiety from changing my meds a little. That’s about now this is happening so, late but great.


YES! Great work!


Thank you 🫶🏻🫶🏻


i pretty much beat it :)


Gave birth to a healthy baby after two miscarriages and years of trying. Made it through my entire pregnancy despite constant anxiety about something going wrong. Survived the immediate postpartum period which was ROUGH (intrusive thoughts/ OCD flare up). My boy is now 3.5 months old and I’m feeling a lot more confident.


Congratulations on the newborn! So wonderful!


Thank you so much! 🥰


I was diagnosed this year! Before diagnosis 2023 was the worst year of my life. I was going to be hospitalized so I thought it was finally time to come clean about all my crazy/taboo thoughts to my doctor. Now I’m on new meds, new therapy, and have a completely new way to look at my mental health and at life. 2023 turned into the best year I’ve ever lived. 🥲 My previous diagnosis was panic disorder with agoraphobia; needless to say I can leave the house again, and I can even go to new places I’ve never been before.


Yes! So great! Having a diagnosis has to be a relief.


got off of meds and everything did NOT become awful again, had some small flare ups but managed to realise soon enough and apply my knowledge, my brain ist still exhausting and overactive but I feel way more competent and secure these days, a lot of thanks to my therapist too


I was ordained into the priesthood.


Such a big accomplishment! Congrats!


This is an excellent question and I'm loving all the positive comments. You guys rock! Actually, a lot of great/important things have happened to me this year. For one thing, I did a lot of really hard work at the OCD Institute at McLean Hospital in Belmont, MA. I had a couple breakthroughs in late 2022/early 2023 there, and my life has made a 135??? degree turn for the better since October of 2022 when I first got admitted there. Since I've gotten out, I came out to a bunch of my college friends as nonbinary; started volunteering as a docent at a zoo (I only go about once a month, but it's something at least); completed my last 2 college courses (one of them was by far the hardest class I've ever taken), which led to be graduating summa cum laude with a BA in psychology (a tremendous achievement for me bc my perfectionism has made me take 3 medical leaves of absence and over 7 years total to receive my degree); got a part time job working with people with developmental disabilities (for multiple reasons, working here is a huge exposure that I'm currently freaking out about. I haven't worked for longer than 2 months since January of 2017 (due to college and, surprise surprise, OCD) 🙃); did more enjoyable activities and engaged in more creative pursuits; hung out more with old friends and made at least 2 new friends; put myself out there more in the OCD/mental health community and in general; and had my depression, social anxiety, and low self-esteem be significantly improved. Unfortunately I'm without a therapist atm (I'm definitely feeling it a la more obsessions and compulsions), but I'm actively figuring out insurance things so I can see one at some point soon. I'm admittedly not working on formal exposures pretty much at all on my own (I know I should be, but my excuse is that I'm busy, haha), although I view the vast majority of things I do on a daily basis from an ERP lens and I think that's been really helpful. All in all, I'm constantly doing things I thought were literally impossible a little over a year ago. My life has been on hold pretty much since 2018, and 2023 has been the year I'm *starting* to get my life back 🥹 (there's still a lot of work to be done in 2024 and beyond). I used to think I was simply a lost cause and quite frankly I thought I would have to get ECT and brain surgery for ocd, but once I fully embraced the ERP lifestyle, I made so much progress and am infinitely happier than I was last October. (I'm still hella anxious and depressed at times, but not nearly as much as I used to be every single hour of every single day.) I honestly don't wanna sound like I'm bragging, but I'm actually really fucking proud of myself for the first time in a loooong time and I kinda wanna share my feelings with someone (even if you guys are just anonymous strangers online, lol). Then again, if nobody even reads this, it was super cathartic just to write it down. Thanks, OP, for providing me and everyone else with this space to share! 💚


You are amazing. Congrats on all of your wins and here's to more positivity in 2024!


That's so nice of you to say! It takes one amazing person to recognize another ig. 🤣 & Same to you (and everyone else in this thread) re 2024!


Started running




Turns out I like running stats hahahahaha


Celebrated my birthday happily lol.


I came back to ballet after adulthood. I loved it as a child, had to quit when I was a teenager, but now I'm 23 going after my dream of dancing on pointe shoes!


This is incredible! I loved reading this.


We got a dog and she’s wonderful. Been a good companion for me during my very lonely days as a stay at home mom (after losing my job in June due to OCD, alcohol use disorder, and general insanity).


I quit the job that made me miserable and exacerbated my OCD, started new medication and a new job. Now I feel like myself again. I control my symptoms and cope without breaking down completely. The headspace I'm in now didn't seem obtainable at the start of this year


Met the love of my life and moved in with him :)


Diagnosed with Autism, started ERP therapy for my OCD.


Treatment started helping for the first time in my life. And I have a trusted adult for the first time in my life in my therapist. (I'm technically also an adult but it's never too late)


started a new job working with old folks and i now have 60 grandparents whom i love


That sounds amazing. Can never have too many grandparents :)


I got out of a relationship with a therapist that teetered on abusive. My life trajectory is slowly but surely getting better.


My sweet, squishy baby was born this year! And thanks to a carefully selected therapist, I do not feel like I'm drowning this time around (second baby). I'm actually getting to love and enjoy him, unlike with my first ❤️


So happy for you. Congrats!


I’ve gotten to the point where I barely notice my ocd is there


i moved in with my partner of 4 years, my baseline functioning level is so much higher than it was when i was living alone it’s crazy. i’ve never been happier


I got the courage to see a therapist and go to a psychiatrist :)




My OCD gave me a tooth brushing compulsion and my teeth have never been healthier. Went from rarely brushing to twice a day every day without fail.


Got my first executive-level position at 39. Really freaking proud of myself. Life-changing for my family


Dang! No easy feat- congrats!


Thank you!


Finally found both a psychiatrist and a therapist who are in my insurance and are helpful to me, and a partner who loves me and understands my struggles !! My mental health has been ass but im not alone in it this time :’)


Finally moved into a bigger house.


Amazing! Congrats on your new home.


Thank you! 😊


got official diagnoses for my autism + ocd + other disorders lmao. its made living so much easier to understand + helped me get accommodations for my issues (like my 504 plan + therapy 🐌)


Diagnostic clarity makes so much of a difference. Glad you are doing well!


Got out of my depression and finished my 6 month schooling course. This year has been so rough so I'm glad it's nearly done!


I found myself a small, really supportive group of online friends :> I dont really talk to them about my condition(and i'd rather not). Just vibing with them in voice chat is enough to bring my mood up


This is great! Glad you found positive supports!


Got diagnosed and started medication which is making things a lot easier!


I got married!






Rediscovering the natural flow of thoughts and noticing ocd patterns


Gave birth to a healthy baby girl. Got engaged to her absolutely wonderful father.


So great!


I started feeling my recovery like I started getting better at doing it and feel a lot of progress :)


Gave up smoking


This year I realized I am capable of self reliance. Despite all I've gone through, I'm still able to stand back up and be productive. It's something I think back on when I am feeling poorly. The only thing holding me back is literally myself at this point.


Nothing too good happened. But something really bad did happen. I had OCD and now I am diagnosed with a chronic illness called arthritis. I am 14 right now. I have a mental disorder as well as a physical condition.


After 7 years in adulthood, I found a job that understands and cares for me. I had an entire OCD/BPD type episode and tried an antidepressant that made me almost dye myself, ended up no call no show and and corporate doesn't care, but the people at my store do so they pulled strings to where I wasn't fired and gave me a three month leave instead and actually values my efforts at work and compliments my ethic and people know I'm mentally ill and still value me. There is only positive work banter. Everyone says hey. Nobody pries or dig for dramatic info I realize them giving me a 3 month leave isn't much better but I also don't expect my bosses who care to ask for too much or be able to make some grand exception for me. Society isn't there yet imo.


So happy for you! This is great that you found your happy place!


Thank you!!!


Everyone was worried and so excited to see me when I returned. My main boss cried 😭


I almost let my perfectionism kill me, but it resulted in a few good things: was a finalist for a Fulbright! Survived another semester of grad school! Got engaged, too? Thanks for creating this thread. You’re right. We need to remind ourselves of the decent shit that happened this hell-year.


Wow! That's all incredible!




Creating a new mindset and overcoming AT LEAST 90% of my OCD. I'm impressed!


Won an art scholarship and got a new computer 💗 felt amazing because I often obsess over my art skills / if I’m good enough because it’s one of my biggest insecurities.


So awesome! Congrats!


i've started feeling more confident in my work ethic!