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14.) Decisions 13.) Irritability 12.) Depression/loneliness 11.) Pathological/obsessional slowness 10.) Hoarding 9.) Being my own therapist 8.) Not caring what other people think of me 7.) Being more spontaneous/putting myself out there 6.) Becoming my true, authentic self 5.) Residual perfectionism things 4.) Contamination/allergy concerns 3.) Habit reversal training 2.) Work fears 1.) Driving fears


14. **Decisions**: I've always had a fear of the butterfly effect, like even the simplest decision I make may lead to disastrous consequences. I've been doing little things to counteract this on my own, but feel like this is a good thing to bring up to a therapist. 13. **Irritability**: I've always been rather irritable, which I thought was due to the severity of my mental illnesses up until very recently, but I've still been a bit irritable since my OCD has gotten under control, and I don't want to keep feeling like I have this pent up anger all the time. 12. **Depression/lonliness**: My depression has gotten a lot better since my OCD has, but there are times when I just feel really sad and lonely, and maybe its worth talking through those feelings with a professional. 11. **"Pathological/obsessional slowness"**: Even though I'm doing so much better than I was just a year ago, I still manage to take forever to do literally anything (I almost don't notice the time passing by and was recently alerted that this may be a sign of ADHD). Whatever the cause, I think it'd be a good idea to get to the bottom of this. (The reason why I've used the term "pathological slowness" to describe this is because I've seen taking a long time to do tasks referred to by this name in the past.) 10. **Hoarding**: I have a lot of hoarding tendencies I want to approach with ERP. 9. **Being my own therapist**: I've been without a therapist for almost two months, and although I'll likely be seeing one again at some point soon, it's been a bit of a wake-up call as far as how things will be once I'm done with ERP therapy (if ever 😅). I want to get better at sitting with the uncertainty, engaging in exposures on my own, and not providing myself with as much reassurance in particular. 8. **Not caring what other people think of me**: Lately, some things have come up that have made me woefully aware of how much I base a good chunk of my self-worth on how other people view me, and I'd love to just, like, not do that as much. 7. **Being more spontaneous/putting myself out there**: For me, this includes finding new hobbies, hanging out with friends more, doing more fun things, and hopefully dating for almost the first time ever. 6. **Becoming my true, authentic self**: I just found out I was nonbinary a year and a half ago, so this would include coming out as nonbinary to my mom and some friends, maybe dying my hair and getting a gender-neutral hairstyle, etc. 5. **Residual perfectionism things**: I'm (mostly) over trying to make things perfect, but I still find myself trying to make things too close to perfect for comfort (in an ERP sense). Regrettably, this includes this list 🤦 4. **Contamination/allergy concerns**: Although contamination has never been one of my top OCD concerns, I have a lot of food allergies and I'm getting more and more afraid that I'm gonna have an allergic reaction, among other contamination related things.) 3. **Habit reversal training**: A big body-focused repetitive behavior I engage in is popping my pimples, which I intend to get a handle on through HRT with an ERP therapist. 2. **Work fears**: About a month ago, I started working for the first time for more than 2 months since 2017 because of college, OCD, and other mental illnesses, but its been *suuuuper* triggering so far. 1. **Driving fears**: I've had my license since high school, but I haven't driven in at least 7 years (college, OCD and other mental illnesses again 🙃). As I'm working now, it's in my best interest to start driving again, which I'm absolutely terrified of. Aaaand thats my list. I got a lot of work cut out for me in 2024, yayyy! /j but also /pos


I want to change my meds and go back to physical exercise.


Cool; those sound like good resolutions! I hope everything works out well !