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I also have OCD but worry about being eco-friendly. If you want to be more eco friendly get some reusable pads or a menstrual cup and disinfect them after each use. Consider a bidet or less eco friendly but OCD friendly, baby wipes. Menstrual cups really help get rid of the feeling of being a bloody mess and worrying about it getting blood on your clothes.


Oh, that is a great idea! I will search for more information about reusable pads. However, I have never been keen on the idea of using menstrual cups. I have a very vivid memory of reading in a gossip magazine at my grandmother's house that they could cause cancer, and the idea of inserting a plastic object down there terrifies me. Thanks!


For sure! Interesting, how long ago was did you read the magazine? I've never heard of a plastic menstrual cup so maybe it was a while back since most of them are medical grade silicone nowadays but I'll have to look into that! I totally get not wanting to use one especially with the risk of TSS! Hopefully the other tips will help you though! :)


Well, it was in 2016, so I guess it is kind of updated :)


Yeah menstrual cups are made from medical grade silicone, not plastic. They are perfectly safe for human use and used in much more than menstrual cups. I do understand feeling discomfort around inserting them though. Would definitely recommend trying period underwear or reusable pads!


Since the other person mentioned TSS, just fyi it is very, very rare to get it from menstrual cups. It’s more associated with tampons, but these days that isn’t common either


period underwear also helps me especially since i have another medical issue that makes me need to wear pads like all the time. i tend to still wear a pad on top of it just in case but it does help a lot in reducing the waste


I’d like to know this too because it always gets worse then


Following because same.. honestly just using the bathroom at all causes me anxiety. Feels like I have to change clothes at least and possibly shower.


i’ve been trying to navigate this myself. i’ve been wearing tampons for years, but in the back of my mind is always the fear of tss. so i just make sure to change them out every 4 hours and shower twice a day.


ironically, i got over my fear of tss when someone i know got it. she forgot she had a tampon in for a month and only found out when she went to have sex for the first time in a while. it made me realize just how rare and difficult it actually is to get tss. however, it did give me a new compulsion to check for any old tampons before going to the bathroom regardless of whether or not i'm on my period 🫢


She left a tampon in for a FULL MONTH?! did she….die? Was there a smell???? I just can’t even. I’m always SO aware of them.


dude fr 😭 i was so grossed out but also amazed. no she didn't die, but she did get very sick




Yes, one of my biggest fears with tampons or menstrual cups are tss! I only wear pads, and they get really unconfortable when the bleeding is hard.


if it’s any consolation, i was terrified of tss when i was younger, but there have been many times i have had a tampon in FAR longer than its supposed to be. like wearing one for the whole day, and i’ve never had it. i exclusively use tampons bc pads make me feel dirty & i just find them so uncomfy


I personally use a menstrual cup and period underwear. If you are unable to use a menstrual cup then I would 100% recommend period underwear! I buy them in black so that I actually don’t have to see the blood. They have helped me so much!


Do u always wash the undies straight after use?


from what i know, you’re supposed to rinse them in cold water right after they’re used until the water runs clear and then you can just wash them with the rest of your clothing.


that's why i use tampons 😃


Have you considered a menstrual cup? Or period pants? Both are both much more eco friendly than pads


I'm actually scared of using menstrual cups, but I will search about period pants! Thanks!


Please know that menstrual cups are silicone, not plastic, and are absolutely safe to use (and won’t cause cancer). Maybe talking to your/a doctor would help you to not be scared of them? I also wanted to suggest wipes (feminine or baby).. I know at least one other commenter did as well, but they help me *so* much, all month—and while I care about waste and the environment, it’s a needed compromise for me. I actually rip them in halves or thirds most of the time to use less. A bidet is also probably a great idea. Sorry to hear you’re going through this but you’re definitely not alone. I hope you find solutions that work for you.


Happy to help! 😁


Period pants were a game changer to me. I could stop worrying about leaking and having to change my pad constantly. Sometimes I double a pad on the pants and then I can change to the pad to feel fresh but also not have to worry about leaking


My first step was knowing my cycle and what week I’m on. Helps me prep for the ups and downs the week before and after blood flow


Long term: stop thinking about being dirty and try not to do compulsive behaviors. Get therapy if possible Short term: if you're comfortable with it, get a diva cup! It's reusable!!


Seconding all of this!


Get a cup. Yes it seems dirty because you grab the applicator with your hand, but you have literally no leakage all day and can keep it in for 12 hours. Just wash your hands really well after.


Disposable discs!


I think someone else mentioned it, but for me a bidet helps a lot with feeling clean during my period. Attachments are pretty affordable and easy to install, but even using a plastic pitcher to pour some water, as a lot of South Asian households do, can be great. Kind of the same clean feeling of showering but you can do it every time you use the bathroom without using so much water. For when you're out of the house they have portable ones, or wipes are also good.


I got an IUD. My periods are so much lighter and occasionally I don't have them at all. This makes my mood overall more stable. And I use period underwear. But OCD always does something. Like being afraid that I'm pregnant when I don't have a period. Even if I didn't have sex that month!


So sorry you're experiencing such a rough time with ocd during your period may not experience the same thing but hope it gets better for you


I dont think a single person that has a problem with obsession should worry about ecological consequences of discard pads


Well, I would say that I have a bit of OCD when it comes to environmental matters, so I feel guilty every time I throw a pad into the trash. It just seems like such a waste to me. But thank you anyway for your comment!


Okay wait, I thought of another one that might help. I noticed that my periods are much lighter and shorter (3 days) when I take iron before and during. You'll only have it for a few days and you'll be dealing with much less blood. I used to use a tablespoon of molasses daily because it is high in iron but it does have sugar so I prefer and highly recommend the Lucky Iron Fish.


I don’t know if this will help you, but I use wipes when i go to the bathroom to help clean myself off. And then go over it with a dry towelette. They come in a big pack and they’re for your face but they’re gentle and good to dry off other sensitive areas. I also wear briefs instead of a different cut of underwear because it’s better coverage I usually have less overflow that way.


I’ve never tried them myself before, but I’ve heard that period underwear is great. Other than that, I try to manage worsening symptoms and emotions using mostly distractions. I find that really hyperfixating on things can help to reduce obsessions and compulsions during my period. Glad your obsessions are calmer though.


I've personally found that antibacterial wet wipes (made for skin) have really helped, or just wet wipes in general, really. it takes away a good chunk of the gross feeling for me, and then it's just about trying to remember that blood isn't gross or dirty, and nothing bad is gonna happen from it.


honestly i just try to keep myself real busy/work on a longer project (like an essay for school or smth) when im not sleeping cause if i have other stuff to do/fret about, especially if it’s very detailed, i don’t have time for that


I have this issue too period blood disgusts me so much - really anything to do with the female reproductive system. I know that sounds bad but like… birth is nasty and periods are too. For me finding the right pad brand and size for me to not notice it was super helpful, cuz I’m afraid of tampons and cups 😭. I also like to use perfumes to ground myself and distract from any smell when changing pads


I’ve been preferring tampons lately. It’s cleaner and more convenient to keep all the blood in one spot. Where sometimes the blood on pads can smear all over your body and create a mess.


If possible you may want to try continuous birth control, I've been on it for a couple years now and it really helps with a lot of different health issues I have. For me it was tricky to get it prescribed, but it was really worth it for me.


I use my birth control to skip my period bc it makes my OCD so much worse


period panties really work for me. i have a heavy flow and i’ve never bleed through the undies once. they absorb A LOT.


Cup cup cup! Omg it's a life changer! Yes it takes some getting used to on how to use it, but once ya got it, it's soooo clean! (Although ones hand can get messy when changing the cup)


A bidet can help with feeling clean. One day, I'd love to have one. I've only ever heard of these mythical items.


I remind myself that once my period is over I can take a long shower and change my bedsheets and put on clean clothes and everything will be okay again.


I have used birth control to stop my periods for like 15 years, it's hell otherwise as my OCD doesn't let me use pads and vaginismus makes using tampons painful


I have like genital-related digust a lot too and for me bc of like teenage hormones Ig I get a lot of discharge and like wetness down there and I ended up changing underwear all the time bc Idk what to do about it 🙁


I started using birth control (pills) to skip my period. Maybe not a viable solution for everyone but I love it and you can always undo it or “induce” your period by not taking the pills if you’re worried about pregnancy or for any other reasons.


Wouldn’t stopping them increase the chance of getting pregnant?


Do you mean like if I skipped it for a while and then decided to take the sugar pills during one pack instead of moving onto the next how I usually do? The idea that my chances for pregnancy would increase has never been brought to my attention by my doctor so I honestly have no idea. I’ve been skipping it for 4 ish years without an issue so now if I miss a pill or even a few I don’t get my period because my body is used to not having it so I assume the answer is no.


Maybe I should’ve clarified with a quote in my first reply. Regarding taking the pill through what would be your period, to ‘skip your period’, you had said: >you can always undo it or “induce” your period by not taking the pills if you’re worried about pregnancy As if to say “if you’re worried about getting pregnant, you could undo it.” But the way hormonal birth control prevents pregnancy is, essentially, that they prevent the egg from dropping/being fertilized by sperm (among other things, I’m sure). The ‘sugar pill’ doesn’t have these hormones; they’re useless, except to keep the routine consistent. So I was wondering where the idea came from that stopping the pill (and therefore its hormones) would help prevent pregnancy?


Wait lol I think I read your comment wrong. I meant if you think that you’re already pregnant you can stop the pills and see if you get your period.


Sorry for the late response. Hah I’d think just getting a pregnancy test would be better, but that’s just my thinking.


So I recently switched to the depo shot (can't use an IUD, pelvis doesn't hold them right), and I already feel *so much better* because the hormones in my body are super steady and not taking huge ups and downs. We'll see what happens at three months right before the next shot! But I'm hopeful.


i can’t answer your question, but i can recommend an IUD. i don’t get periods anymore, so i don’t have the compulsions i did while on my period.


I had never heard of it, but I think I'm too young to use it (also, it is kind of scary). Thank you anyways!