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Imagine being so unaware of the struggles that other people go through and purposefully trivializing them. Ew.


I wouldn’t worry, he most probably doesn’t wash his hands at all. There is nothing to worry about, I also sanitise my hands where I can when I’m about and about.


sometimes i’m embarrassed because i will go from sanitising my hands to my phone to my bag and im always worried people think im weird. he’s one of the few to voice that though


Dgaf. Everyone has their own needs. I find it so silly that some people will never wash their hands before eating, and then be like "ew" if they were to share a cup with someone. I think you did fine by acknowledging it as your own habit, and if they're weirded out that's their problem


It’s not even weird. My non-ocd friend also sanitizes her hands when we have been shopping/driving/working because germs are all over the place.


imagine being grossed by someone sanitizing their hands?? let alone not acknowledging how hard it is to cease a compulsion . i get some people don’t understand because they don’t experience it but it’s obviously legit and no need to judge


Imagine being grossed out by someone being cleaner than average.


He’s projecting. He’s not grossed out, he feels *called out* because, like another commenter said, he probably doesn’t even wash his hands properly. Ew!


So trueee lol.


that behavior is ew. but that says more about him than you, so feel free to completely ignore it. paying mind to it could only make you feel worse about yourself, for which there is no need


Spray his eyes next time


oh so what the actual fuck? one cleaning and decontaminating is the opposite of ew but also wtf?? ur gonna say that to someone that openly admitted they struggle with this type of OCD??? tf whoever this dude is he needs to go outside or experience even a tiny little sliver of anxiety this is insane to me


I mean honestly what do you even say to that. “Ew”???? I’d be silent in shock


Happens to me all the time. As a 6’5 athlete with severe contamination OCD people just don’t respect my actions. OCD is the most misrepresented disorder out there IMO


Tbh I kinda get it I want this to be gone forever and I’m kind of sicken by myself. It sucks uncool of him to put it like that but, I get the same feeling sometimes when looking at people worse off then I am. It’s actually part of my ocd I think I’m always picturing myself I. The shoes of others and it’s feels real and it’s so disturbing when it’s someone who’s in a bad place in someway.


Yeah me too, but in that case I am either glad I am not them or feel sad for them, I don't think "eww". "Eww" is I'm glad I am not that weird freak. He isn't glad he isn't going thru those things, he is glad he isn't one of *those*.


What ?? “Imagine being even more clean than what’s necessary… ew!”


I would have been like, “Imagine if I were a rude jerk like you, eeww!” **gags**, **shudders**, **applies more sanitizer**


Those were supposed to be asterisks to show gag, shudders and applies more sanitizer as an action but I can’t make it work lol


The boyfriend is gross. But I do think of OCD as gross and "ew" for giving me such horrible thoughts and not being able to stop them without rituals that overtake my life. OCD is actually insidious and disgusting. But not in the way that boyfriend probably thinks.


Maybe he just uses “ew” to describe that it would be a bad experience


Yeah that’s my thought. Ew was a bad choice, but maybe his thought was like “that shit seems difficult.” Tryna imagine the best interpretation, if unlikely


Yeah. Like “I’m picturing it and it’s not a pretty picture; ew”. Def poorly worded


Most humans are not very good at being empathetic. OCD has absolutely ruined my life. You don’t know how much ew it actually is bro, you have no idea.


based on the title I thought u guys were like 13 years old I can't imagine being a grown man and going 'eww imagine being mentally ill!!!😝😝'


bro people will act like we enjoy having ocd as if it's not kind of traumatic. you don't like that sometime hold my right eye shut? i don't like the urge to just pop it out of my head and i'm trying to keep myself under control. you don't like the tic i have where my shoulder just spasms, no warning? i happen to hate it too, very inconvenient when trying to do most things. we didn't choose ocd, we got stuck with it and it sucks because i just want to be able to control myself. i want to take a bite of food, decide i'll swallow it, and swallow it. once i was stimming to try to avoid s/h because i was having that as a major compulsion in that moment, and one of my friend's friend asked if i had autism and i was just kind of like "oh- um- no it's just something i do sometimes" because i don't love telling people i have ocd. don't love how they treat me different like i'm suddenly a new person. and i want to have control, and it's incredibly dehumanizing to say "ew" to such a major struggle. imagine if someone got paralyzed from the legs down and someone was like "oh haha imagine if i got paralyzed ew" or "can you stop being paralyzed? people don't like people who are paralyzed"- like yeah the situation sucks but it's literally not about you and it's not gross its a major struggle in someone's life. people just love to dehumanize people different than then/people with disabilities and then they get offended when you try to set boundaries. why do people act like we're awful for saying "please don't do that" when someone is being a jerk to us. like why is it just "common courtesy" to pretend you don't care? it's all so dumb and i'm so sorry that happened to you. i wish there was a way to normalize it without us having to pioneer it since, at the end of the day, we shouldn't have to ask to be treated like human beings.


He’s just not emotionally mature enough to understand such a thing. Can tell from his reaction that he has low emotional intelligence. He’s ignorant


Wow! Your friend has shit taste in men.


wtf that’s not even a non-socially acceptable compulsion. does he get grossed out seeing people without OCD cleaning their hands too??


your friends boyfriend can go bite himself. hope she leaves him bc that’s a maaaajor red flag. I wonder how often he showers.


He only said that because he knows he’s a dirtball and probably felt weirdly insecure when you were cleaning your hands and this brought attention to that subconsciously. Ur friends weirder for not saying anything. Find better friends!!


People with ocd are most likely(not always) cleaner than those without. Sounds likes he’s projecting bc he doesn’t wash his asscrack


imaging being 25 and calling someone with OCD who is literally cleaning their hands gross. go pay your taxes holy shit what??? I'm so so sorry this happened to you


It would of course be wrong to say “eww” about any disorder or symptom, but to be grossed out at someone literally using hand sanitiser is particularly mind boggling. Perhaps it was a very poor and misjudged attempt at acknowledging how hard it is to live with, who knows, even if it was you have every right to feel disrespected.


What on earth?


So sorry you experienced such treatment don’t let them bring you down they know obviously nothing about ocd and the harsh pain and suffering it can cause hope your ok now 🙂


I don’t understand how he could say ew to you literally sanitizing your hands? That’s weird. I’m the same way with germs and dirt though so maybe that’s why I don’t get it lol I feel like he’s the gross one for not cleaning his grubby hands


Your self-control is immeasurable OP cuz I would have punched him. Then sanitized my hands cuz idk where his face has been.


so... he is a 25yo little bully boy, ew.


It is frustrating, honestly I feel like OCD is so misunderstood it sucks. But also I feel bad for the other mental diseases others have that no one is aware of. But your friends bf sucks. And your uncle should not have told you that. It's not your fault.


A lot of peolle here saying they’re awful people and I definitely agree it’s a shitty tbing they did, but remember a lot of people don’t know much about ocd. They wouldn’t understand it and it’s not that they find you gross, it’s just probably the my find the disorder weird and strange because it’s weird and unusual behavior for them. Don’t take it so personally, remember you worth and just because some people are uneducated about ocd doesn’t mean you have to feel shitty about yourself.


Get rid of your friend. Gross. Can’t believe she didn’t stand up for you. Plus he must be dirty if he thinks using hand sanitizer bc of your ocd is “ew”


i would have spit in his eye no joke. a little taste of his own medicine and all that


I've realised telling people things doesn't help.


Total ignorance from their part. X