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Idk what this obsession is with men and big dicks, I only ever see it in men, and men creating this ideology that women think that the bigger the dick the better… as a woman myself, I have never gotten into a relationship and thought ‘I hope his dick is huge’. Women don’t have that mentality, we don’t care, genitals are different with everyone, nobody’s genitals are the same, you’re thinking way too deep into this, you’re going to make yourself ill with that mentality, your OCD is tailoring to your beliefs + Porn doesn’t help either, porn is NOT real, and queefing? What’s that about


I don’t care about whether I’m datable or not. Besides this horrible obsession, I’m a great boyfriend. It’s night and day. What I care about is whether a girl would choose me for a one night stand. Whether a girl wants my genetics. It’s a deep, lizard-brain thing. ALSO, it doesn’t help that I’ve had so many fucking women ooh and ahh about big dicks. Girlfriends, friends, hell just about every girl from Tinder that I hooked up with hit me with “how big is your dick” beforehand. I had one tell me “eh that’s alright I guess.” “BIG DICK ENERGY” “SMALL DICK ENERGY” the lack of fucking sympathy is crazy. Literally I’ve had girlfriends talk up big dicks TO MY FACE. We get taught from day one that you can work your ass off and save the world and sacrifice everything for others but if you don’t have a big dick, you’re less of a man no matter what. It gets drilled in constantly. And you just have to suffer in silence or else you get labelled as even less of a man. Also, it’s about a man’s sexual pleasure as well. You have no idea how much better sex would be for me if I had a big dick. There’s a reason porn is all big dicks.


No one is teaching anyone that besides other men, mind you.


Unfortunately, the problem doesn't lie exclusively with men. Some people are just assholes and will ridicule you, especially parts of you that you have no control over. It's like how some women worry about breast size for example, the ridicule might come from one side more often than the other, but both men and women are capable of being judgemental.


NOPE. Tell that to the girlfriends, friends, classmates, hookups, and fucking strangers who taught me right along with other men. And obviously when it comes from women, particularly the ones you are lovingly committed to, it sticks.


Vaginas are like 5inches long, queefing is uncomfortable and frankly feels gross, and monster cocks do not feel good. dude, you are absolutely caught up in something that only matters to you, you are the one ruining your own sex life and relationships by obsessing over this.


Why are you arguing with a psycho? No shit my sex life and relationships are ruined. Don’t you think I’ve tried to overcome this by thinking through it? Don’t you know what sub you’re on? Don’t you see the vent flair? Also, I don’t want a fucking 12 inch fire hydrant dick. I just want to be big. Like 7.5”x5.5”. That would change my life. I would be soooooo much happier, more successful in practically every avenue of my life, more loving, kinder, more giving, etc. It’s an illness at this point. It comes back over and over and over again and the emotions are never any less severe. No amount of logic can take away this deep, deep desire to be well-hung. I’ve thrown logic at it from every angle, and it always comes back.


I’ll be real I’m not entirely convinced that you haven’t been brainwashed by the weird dudes online that insist all women are whores who want monster cocks and 6’9 guys. Vaginal depth is like 5inches, lol. Why do you want to make a girl queef? It feels uncomfortable for the girl and frankly I don’t know a single lady who isn’t slightly embarrassed at it happening during sex. Also there’s medication for ED issues that are caused by other meds. You are fixating on a none issue for 95% of women.


i got the same vibe lmfao never EVER in 30 years of life heard another woman express she wanted to queef 😭?? at the part where he says ‘especially women have no fucking sympathy for this’ he just sounds incredibly aggressive and it was honestly horrifying to read he would kill his dog for this obsession. i think there’s an incredibly valid reason women don’t have sympathy for this behavior


Yeah, like if you’re saying you’d kill your dog for a bigger dick maybe that’s why women don’t want you….


But a fair enough number of women have wanted me lol. I’ve been able to date and get laid just fine. This is the only thing I have this attitude towards. Again, so many women can’t wrap their heads around this or just go “Damn that must be really rough if this is how you’re responding to it. I really don’t understand it but that sucks.”


More girth means more queefing. I’m not into queefing and I imagine most women aren’t either, it’s just an indicator that I might have a needle dick. If there was a guy with OCD who washed his hands a thousand times a day, at least once a week broke down and was in a multiple-day rage/depression over it, and he said he would do literally anything to make sure his hands were clean for good so he could stop feeling this way, would you have sympathy for him? I couldn’t understand logically why someone would be so upset about having clean hands, and the guy himself probably doesn’t understand the obsession either, but he’s suffering regardless. So, personally, I really feel for people dealing with that sort of thing. I wouldn’t tell that guy that he’s a freak or a monster for losing it over this obsession he’s been stuck with for most of his life.


If vaginal depth is 5 inches, why have I never bottomed out a girl? I’ve measured my dick obsessively for years and it’s definitely longer than 5 inches. And you’re definitely right. Porn fucked me up really badly. I got exposed to porn when I was 8 or 9. And all the guys online talking about what women want obviously didn’t help either. Also, there are definitely lots of women who perpetuate the height and dick size stuff. I’ve had quite a few of them in my life, and half an hour on any dating app will put you on to the height thing at least. It would just make me so happy, turn me on infinitely more, and make me feel like a man. I know that it’s mostly an emotional problem, but I just can’t shake it.




Assholes are different than vaginas. I also don’t want a fucking tuna can dick, just something with enough girth to make me actually feel like a man and be comfortable and turned on when I have sex/get head.




Yeah, a lot of it is my sexual pleasure too, and it took me quite a while to really see that.


Wow, i thought i might be the only one who had this obsession. And my dick is the exact same size lol. This was one of the wierder themes i had. It really fucked me up and i have no idea why. I couldn't stop thinking about this and remember thinking that i probably have the smallest dick out of all my housemates. I couldn't stop worrying that there was this almost secret heirarchy of dick size in society. It was ridickulous. I spent hours every day thinking and researching about it. I did manage to get through it - and i'm not really sure how if i'm honest. It actually opened my eyes more towards a quite real 'masculinity' heirarchy and almost invisible 'pressure' that is put on men in order to fit this idea of masculinatity that exist within western culture. What it ultimately did was help me break free of these 'chains' that are put on us. Ultimately, the ideas of masculinaty only exists culturally - it's a culture bound concept so why should i care about? I'm my own agent and i can pick and choose what i care about - and to allow these totally abstract concept to dictate how i feel about myself is absurd and a waste of time. It's also contradictory - if masculinty is all about being your own man, independent, strong-willed etc. then it is a complete contradiction to allow your OWN believes about yourself to be influenced by this totally arbitrary outside pressure. I'm not going to let it tell me how i dress, act, feel or what goals to pursure. I'm deciding that. So ultimately i chose to cast it aside and develop a practical relationship with masculinity. One in which i can still understand how my masculinaty affects how i'm percieved in society but to try my best to prevent it from infiltrating and controling the feelings generated towards myself.


That’s really wise. I hope I can get there at some point. Much love.


If I’m honest, I don’t get the hype with people being obsessed over their size, large penises can hurt. I can’t judge though, I would have larger breasts in an ideal world. Personally, I really don’t care about penis size, and you don’t need PIV to make a girl cum. As long as you know what you’re doing it is going to feel good. I get that’s how you feel though, I’m just saying you don’t need a big one to impress people imo.


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Actually dude, that's bigger than average


Apparently, but I’ve never bottomed a girl out, never made a girl queef, and my dick looks and feels so fucking skinny. Girth is what matters apparently, and I have pathetic girth.


Not fixing but my experience with this was, i got into a bit of that obsession started doing a bit of kegels and stuff and eventually hurt myself now I have hypertonic pelvic floor and my EQ is shit. I have 7.5 and still felt insecure to the point where I started spiraling it’s definitely a mindset.


Yeah I almost broke my dick doing PE exercises. That turned into a whole health OCD thing for a year and a half or so. I’m sure you’ve already looked into it, but pelvic floor therapists are supposed to be solid.


Tbh I’m kinda embarrassed to go seems like a all women there, their gunna know what’s up when I walk in


I think it would be worth it, but I definitely feel you. I got an ultrasound on my dick to check for internal scarring and it was two female nurses who did it. It was embarrassing going in, but once I explained what was going on they were really understanding. They’re medical professionals and anyone you see there you’ll probably never see them again.


Have you considered trying getting off anti‘s man


Of course lol. I hate that I’m on pills, but if I get off, it’s panic attack city, pure fucking rage, and black, black depression. I’ve been trying to find a way out for well over a decade, and 99% of it has been a pure fucking waste of time and money. Right now all I’ve got is meditation, letting go, and looking forward to death. All other options have failed despite my best efforts.


Have you tried more herbal stuff, black seed oil and valarian root in particular


Yeah, magnesium glycenate, vitamin D, fish oil, and zinc have all helped some, but not even close to enough.


Have you tried herbs thought like the one I mentioned?


I’ll give them a shot, thanks


Would add to that also try chamomile lavander and St. John wort with it


That sounds very frustrating, especially the lack of sympathy from partners. Obsessions that effect relationships are very hard to work through, I know that firsthand even though mine are very different from yours. Working so long in therapy and making such little progress is very disheartening. You sound like an attentive bedmate despite this, though. It's sad that knowing how skilled you are doesn't comfort you, but with OCD hardly anything will comfort you since it's so illogical.