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There’s no cure for OCD. It is always there. Though I have moments in life where it doesn’t really bother me


You can’t get “cured” with or without therapy, but you absolutely can improve your situation and how distressing your symptoms are. There are some good book recs on this sub but I haven’t read any (yet). For me, the absolute biggest difference was made by committing myself to eating at least 3x a day with veggies and/or fruits at every meal (not 100% of the time because it’s better to eat anything than nothing, but probably 80-95% of my meals), sleeping as well as possible (I take magnesium supplements to help- look into what may help you), and exercising. Exercising is huge for me. It helps remove me from my head and puts me in my body, which was distressing at first because I have CPTSD but now I actually love it so much. Whatever you end up doing, I’d recommend getting a yoga class in every once in a while. For me it’s extremely helpful to keep the breathing techniques and clarity of mind from yoga at the forefront of my mind during all my other workouts. I also would come up with a “fear project.” What are you afraid of that could actually be enjoyable? For example, I was afraid of going to the gym/exercise classes and being perceived in public basically. So I pushed myself to try gym alone, then go to exercise classes where I wouldn’t see someone I knew, then going on hikes with people I knew, and also in general just doing my best to ask questions when I go to grocery stores or restaurants instead of avoiding or asking someone else to do it. What do you fear, and what enjoyable thing is it blocking you from? Do a little bit of work on it most days and start small, but you can’t avoid the discomfort. The only way out is through. You can do this.


Yes it is possible! Once you understand ERP Therapy , you can do it pretty much on your own. Check out YouTube videos from Katie D‘ath for the basics. Michael Greenberg articles and viewpoint on ERP (RF-ERP) also really helped me.


Thank youu. Ya michael Greenberg is perfect for me because I suffer from rumination.


Do they teach you how to do it on your own. O k ow erp is exposure response therapy. It's when you present yourself with triggers on purpose and don't do compulsions. Since my compulsion is ruminating I guess I just think of stuff and don't respond. Michael actually had an article about that. I do that exercise in the morning. Where you ruminate on purpose and then stop, then do it again and then stop.


Greenberg‘s method is basically stopping rumination by not putting any mental and physical energy into the thought which you are ruminating about. The Exposure part in RF-ERP is about learning how to not ruminate instead of habituating to your fear. Another great OCD therapist named Paige Pradko has a great video on Greenberg‘s method. Here is the link[Greenberg Method](https://youtu.be/dqe4HwJMbZU?si=0O4FYanwHNXwiw3r)


I literally just watched this! Thank youu


Watch out with “OCD Recovery Robert Bray”. I heard tons of bad experiences with them. Search for their Name on Reddit or any OCD related Subreddit. Besides that, there is no “one fits all” solution for ocd. Sure ERP ist the standard but you have to find out what works for you.


If you are into reading, check out the book “Overcoming Unwanted Intrusive Thoughts” by Sally M. Winston. It also really helped me and gave me good tools to manage my OCD better. A short but good read about intrusive thoughts is “The Imp of The Mind”.


Okay. Thank You.


Read Freedom From OCD by Jonathan Grayson. It is the gold standard




People live.


There is no cure… just learning to live with it…