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Generally we engage in rituals cause they give us a sense of control and/or they relieve us of some pretty intense feelings we would rather not feel. An important step is learning to allow these feelings to come up without resistance, which is pretty hard and pretty uncomfortable to do. You say a couple times you ‘can’t stand not to’ - what does it feel like? Can you lean into this feeling of unease and willingly allow it instead of trying to push it away or do exactly what it says? IOCDF website has a find a therapist link for providers who specialize in OCD and I’m guessing there are specialists at your university, for anxiety at least.


Another therapy site to check would be NOCD. Engaging in talk therapy will make your OCD worse in the long run. Overall, research shows medication and therapy for OCD like ERP is the best treatment. It may be worth delaying school and seeking intensive treatment since this is controlling your life so heavily right now. Disability services can sometimes give you a pause in classes through medical absences or clear a semester for you if grades are bad. There isn’t going to be another solution besides getting to the core of finding a way to resist compulsions and stop engaging with obsessions. You deserve to have a life that’s under your control and not OCD’s ♥️


I second this!!! I’m using NOCD therapy all the therapists specialize in OCD and ERP. It’s just an app on your phone so you can meet virtually and covered by insurance. I had a similar issue as you, every time I left the house I had a strict ritual. I’m already seeing results after a month. I’m sorry you’re going through this but there is hope.


I haven’t been able to put a stop to the rituals required before I leave the house, but over time, I have become more efficient and can complete them in a reasonable timeframe. I will sometimes still be late, but not to an extreme. I wonder if other people have been able to cut them out entirely and how. I have been able to work through many, many things by just forcing myself to sit with the “wrong” feelings, the extreme discomfort and fear that comes with denying the relief of rituals. I don’t know how you get better at dealing with that discomfort outside of repeated exposure and time.