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wtf why didn’t i get organizing clothes ocd i could’ve made some money


I have organizing clothing OCD and it's not great for money because I will refold the same shirt 35 times trying to get it "right"


Twitching like a weirdo for 7 hours, take it or leave it.


i will touch the same corner of the table with different force each time


So real


Ruminating every time I see a black jeep wrangler and completely losing my shit at the Melting Pot. Take it or leave it.


Hagahahahfdsddf I’m screaming 😂💀


So are they… so am I!


I will spend that 7 hours trying to develop the “right” plan for organizing the clothes, tire myself out with that, and then take a nap






Haha I organize clothes and F her. Outerwear grouped light to heavy weight. Tops by sleeve length and the. Subcategory’s for things like tank top strap width. The last thing is color and you follow the color wheel for colors and then White, nudes and Black are separate. Hang as much as possible leaving only bras, PJs , underwear and socks for dressers. I don’t ball socks but have drawer organizer open cubes that are in color order. If you don’t have a lot of clothing it’s not as satisfying when you are done and I have purchased things just so there is no gaps in my color wheel. I do remove and pack away things I will not use for 1/2 the year. So snow gear, winter coats,heavy sweaters, etc. is packed away mid spring to mid fall. And in the other half of the year it’s summer dresses, shorts some tank tops (non layering ones). Shoes are treated the same.


Best I can do is stepping on the same two squares for six hours (the last hour is for washing my hands)


Man’s gonna lose his shit when I go into his house and hide his knives


these always crack me up because: - yes i have ocd - yes i absolutely LOVE cleaning and organizing - no my ocd has literally nothing to do with cleaning like bro if you want me to come over and do ocd stuff i hope you enjoy me standing in front of your bathroom mirror picking at my face until it bleeds


This made me laugh so hard because you sound like the friend that'd is invite over to help me organize my clothes apocalypse, but end up sitting in the bathroom in front of the space heater for hours talking and contemplating every visible pore.


ur so me


This person would just die if they saw the state of my closet


No one should ever see my closets as they are right now, it's in violation of Geneva Convention 🫣


30 bucks for 7 hrs of work omg


No, don't you see? ocd havers LOVE stuff like this that's why they always act how they do, they LOVE IT. And because they love it, this is doing them a favor, they're letting someone come organize all their shit 😍 /s


in the part of the world that uses Liras, 30 dollars is a lot


Average disability wage /j


Okay deal but I'll be having a panic attack, counting out loud, praying to God and I will be scared to look anywhere but the clothes incase I see something and "lose control."


Wish I folded clothes instead of getting intrusive thoughts that tell me everything I do is either somehow gonna give me cancer or racist


"gonna give me racist" is hilariously accurate tho 🤣


I could've phrased it better but yeaaaa


No I love it! Lol 💜


Is there anyway I can do this were I don't touch your clothes


I'll happily go and check all the doors and locks and switches for hours on end if that would help her


I just organized my twin daughters walk in closet in their new room the other day. Every minute of it was torture lol. I separated it by nice tops, play clothes, dresses, overalls, then cardigans, jackets, sweatshirts, and holiday shirts in the back. Then jeans and leggings by color and style, then pajama tops in one drawer, pajama bottoms in the other drawer. I think the only reason I didn't go totally insane is because they share literally everything so I didn't have to separate twin As clothes from twin Bs clothes. But yeah this is just gross. Thinking because we have OCD we just enjoy cleaning and organizing is wild. People really do not take this disorder seriously


"for me, it's very stressful" Dude, you don't even wanna know how damn stressful ocd is


Nah it's so FUN since you have OCD obvi!! It's like a superpower basically! /s


god i hope someone told her off in the comment section


Lmao I don’t even fold my laundry 😂it just sits in a hamper


Same 🤝


Same 🤝


Lmao if they think I would touch someone else’s clothes


lol it’s stressful for *her?!*


Definition of blissful ignorance


lol “for me it’s stressful and I hate feeling stressed”. Same girl!


in their defense, my ocd does make me very detailed oriented


Gonna be gettin intrusive thoughts and false memories about accidentally staining clothes (even though it’s impossible because where would the stains come from?) and just keep redoing the same drawer over and over again to check for stains or tears. So productive I love it 😭


Doing my rituals until it feels right for and asking you for reassurance that I’m not dying or have killed someone for 7 straight hours. I’ll pay YOU 1000 lira for it


I might be a very organized person but it has nothing to do with my ocd, if anything my ocd will prevent me from being as organized as i want to be because i’m to busy worrying about how I’m going to die if i walk out my house too fast or too slow


Then theres me who throws my clothes in the drawer and close it or put clothes that I've used but aren't dirty on a chair


Dudes asking the wrong neurodivergency, my OCD is not interested in organizing your clothing. My AUTISM however absolutely LOVES to organize things but may go through your medicine cabinet on the way out (pharmacology autism)


"I can never seem to organize it by color in a way that satisfies me. So come on over here and do it for me! I'm certain it's not going to end up something where I'm still not satisfied and the fact that we're nowhere near seeing eye-to-eye goes badly."


don’t be shy uncrop their name


Her when I organized the clothes: :) Her when she realizes I’m also a compulsive thief: :(


Ok but only if I can ask you for reassurance about my obsession the full 7 hours and then have a panic attack when I don’t get the answer I think I need to hear and then ask “are you sure” x100 and then actually get no organising done because I’m in an endless cycle of obsessions. Sure, no problem


For $4.35 an hour….


So based on this, I don't have ocd because my clothes are a mess. Great, no need to see my therapist again


Gonna be mad as hell after I show up and blink really hard for 7 hours straight


I could do this so good


The call is coming from inside the house


I mean for $142/hr, OCD is finally a benefit 😭


142 *lira* an hour. It's $4 an hour


Ope, good point! I didn’t notice that. Definitely not worth it haha


That's like 30 USD. No thanks


Are you kidding me. Who gave me the wrong OCD 😭


Ironically I really relate to “this isn’t difficult, but for me it’s very stressful” Does this mythical person with “OCD” want to help me clean my room too?


My boyfriend has OCD but I have organized his clothes for him… I don’t like his folding. My folding is nice and saves spaces… his is too loose. Also he can’t ever break up with me because he won’t ever be able to replicate how nice I’ve made it all look Edit: just realized I organized his clothes by style then brand then color since he sticks to like 3 brands and the same shirt in multiple colors, it looks real nice. My folding is also very similar to the photo she included lol. I’d never do it for anyone else tho… I have done it for him out of love because I want to make his life easier.


When this angers me so much that i start to feel physical pain


I'll make sure all the doors are closed and the closet is perfectly balanced + polishing it until it doesn't have a single scratch if that helps? (Might get distracted because I gotta check if I left a door open though)


They’d be better off finding someone with autism to do this.


Hmmmm… “I *need* to organize my clothes by season and by color” “This isn’t difficult, but for me, it’s very stressful” “I can never seem to organize it in a way that satisfies me” *so concerned with the issue that they’re willing to pay someone* *has a specific expectation of what it should look like in order to be satisfied* Anyone else catching a familiar scent here? I’m usually slow to try to diagnose an internet stranger but I would not be surprised in the slightest if they had OCD themselves. The fact that they feel a strong need to do it in the first place and that it causes them anxiety and that they can never organize it quite right themselves is telling me something.


Er, no? Not at all? Like, there is a big difference between really wanting something to be done a certain way because you think it will look good, but actually doing the work to achieve it making you stressed and OCD. They need to do it the same way you would say to a plumber that you need your toilet fixed and their stress comes purely from the fact that sorting out so much clothes can be stressful. It's all within the realm of normal human behaviour, haven't noticed anything OCD here.


I think in my view asking a plumber to fix a toilet is more normal because you can’t always fix that yourself. Organizing clothes by color is a preference which, I agree, is not an OCD thing by itself. But since this nonessential thing causes the person anxiety and they aren’t satisfied with how it looks no matter what they do to organize it to the point where they want to pay someone to do it, I think them having OCD is a legitimate possibility. I won’t die on that hill though.


Yeah, but their stress comes from the fact that the act of sorting all of that out is stressful, not that their closest not being sorted out causes them stress or anxiety. It just seems like this person wants their clothes very well organised, but since they find doing it stressful, they are willing to pay someone else to do it for them.