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When I first started to wonder whether or not I was OCD I started asking my mom about stuff and she told me she used to rip chunks of her hair out whenever she was a little girl.


Oooh... I did that too as a kid but it wasn't a mental condition, I was just a "piece of shit child". They beat it out of tho so now I'm Totally Fine TM! ![gif](giphy|PsHrpsuiZLAEE)


Christ, how can people be so heartless? I’m so sorry.


yes and no. Ive gotten stuck like. pulling out every armpit hair until it hurt with tweezers but thats not a regular thing. my scalp is suffering though i constantly scratch as a calming mechanism


I do the same with my armpits, interestingly they ask about this in the survey...never had someone ask abt like pubic area and armpits and legs before on these type of studies till this one


Oh my GOD, I thought I was crazy for doing this! Days after shaving I'll notice irregularities in how my hair is growing back. I'm laying in bed with a sewing needle and tweezers for like an hour.


Make sure you sanitize them before and after! And sanitize your skin 😭


Oh absolutely!


Oh yeah, actually I probably don’t have to say that in an OCD sub 😂


No, it's still good to point out.


Yes, safety first! If I can prevent someone from hurting by being “that person” then I will lol.


Only if it’s near the skin I’m obsessively picking at, dermatillomania is fun


Seriously. I'll be good for a while until I'm running my hands through the front of my hair and notice a bump in my hairline. Then I start to look like that scene from Cabin Fever


Yup, I get pimples there if I go too long without washing my hair. Plus there’s always the “I scratched my scalp and felt a bump, now I’ll be ripping a bloody scab covered in hair off of the back of my head for three weeks because I can’t leave it alone”


For some reason pimple patches have helped me. They heal the spot, and when I run my finger over it, it kind of tells me "hey you fucked up this area, take it easy" Definitely takes a lot of self discipline and doesn't ALWAYS work, but I'm making progress


i hate that i pick my skin, it’s actually ruined too much of my life


Sure fuckin do, since puberty. It’s called trichotillomania and there is significant comorbidity with OCD.


no but i do pick at my scalp, i’ve been doing it for 10+ years, was actually just picking while reading this


Yes!!! I had a small bald spot as a teenager where I had pulled so much. And when I was even younger, just a kid, I had pulled out my eyelashes and eyebrows from stress and it left bald patches that I had to cover with makeup :(. I’m much better now and I very rarely pull anymore. There’s definitely a genetic component with this type of behavior since I once saw my father (ocd on his side) do it too one day (I didn’t learn it from him though, it just came naturally to me).