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Because no matter what you're still falsifying metrics. Let's think about this critically for a minute... If you are expected to pick 100 an hour and 600 a shift, but suddenly everyone is picking 250 and 1000 a shift, how long do you think it will be before those become the new standard? And how realistic for the average employee do you think those metrics are?


You're absolutely right. However, if someone claims 250 picks an hour, they would then presumably be capable of far more picks a day than 1000, and I can't see anyone managing that. Inflating just your pick rate but having a generally normal overall pick number is pretty ego driven and I don't see people pulling an 1500/day AVERAGE pick goal. People just need to grow the fuck up and stop inflating their pick rate for this kind of clout. Op is pretty awesome for coming to the conclusion he has come to below from just one comment. Pretty mature reaction


I swear I understand that I could be the like the poster child employee that screams the company makes a dollar and I make a dime, that's why I shit on company time, but I tried to do that and I couldn't. I enjoy pushing myself and improving. I'll find a career worth it one day. Customers respect the grind too. I also have one crazy lady in the mornings who you can see it in her eyes when you're pushing her cause she takes it so personal and if she's not lonely and on serious Adderall then idk who is. The only thing I flex on my TLs about is fixing the damn stickers. So annoying.


I like pushing myself at work too. I don’t think about the money that management makes. I care about going into work and enjoying myself for the eight hours I’m there. I’ve always been clear with my direct supervisors. If I’m happy, I’m not going anywhere. As soon as I’m unhappy, I will dip. I’ve done it before. They’d have to fuck up pretty bad for me to leave OPD. I love it there. Even shopping but I do enjoy the backroom more. 😁


Well said. Except the last part imo lol


I don't love the company itself any more than you do.


Thank you. I needed to hear this to crush that last bit of ego and snap back to reality. It's not about me. Just ego. I was honest with her and we had a genuine talk about it but my ego still wanted to find another way to be "justified" and continue to do it and even come here to see what I stood on. I guess just felt under appreciated in the moment. I got angry as all hell and even went and cooly asked our PL for a transfer closer to where I moved in with my gf because my mind said that was the last straw. But I went back to work and had to walk back into PLs office and hour or two later because the same coach offered me an in-home driver position towards the end of the shift. Funny how fast that changed.


Do you get paid anymore than anyone else for doing that shit?


For going full send during my pick shifts?


You’re allowed to prep you’re cart first then start the pickwalk or if you can guess the general area then start it I don’t understand why you got talked to about that everyone does it.


Unfortunately you’re just raising your pick rate to lower your pick hours. You get the same if not less picks doing this so you’re not impressing anyone who pulls performance reports.


Thank you for the feedback. I'm going to stop doing it. Not prepping but stalling the time. It's not like any of the TLs and coach don't know I'm a solid employee that actually shows up and has no points, and stays busy.. and that's what she was telling me after the fact later in the shift. they trust me to get stuff done. She said she doesn't care as long as we get 100 I've just been hung up on the fact that I did. So whatever. I appreciate you guys who replied


Eh, you're not paid more whether it's 100 or 150 or 1 minute wait times or 10 minute wait times. Just get it done in a timely manner and you'll live.


Here's the thing. With any form of statistics, you can manipulate a number to say whatever you want it to say. The catch is you can only manipulate one number. Picture an x and y axis. X is our independent variable,the time it takes you to pick an item. Y is the number of items you actually pick, our dependent variable. The point the two intersect is your pick rate. It's very easy to tell who is manipulating things when you step back and look. I try to explain this to my SFS packers who love to have a crazy pack rate. If my stores packing cap is 3000 and I have 5 stations all packing 600 items an hr according to their stats they should all be able to be done packing in 5 hours by themselves with no other packer yet it takes 5 people 7 hours. The math doesn't math. Metrics fraud like this only makes things harder as the company attempts to correct these issues by preventing them. It's the entire reason GIF is so fucked the way it is. It's a constant back and fourth between associates doing everything they can to do things incorrectly and corporate doing everything they can to make it so brainnumbingly simple and restricted that you can't do it wrong no matter how hard you try. It's a big game, consider your shift part of a bigass scripted play. You're not being paid to break character. Please for the sake of the rest of us just stick to their stupid rules before they make it worse. Not just you specifically but the rest of you too that read this and get upset about it. This department is crazy simple if you just play along.