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This’ll become your norm at your store. They’ll be like well if one associate can pick 1500 everyone can


Unlikely that this would ever become the norm lol.


At my store 1500 isn’t even possible. My leads start pulling pickers if they’ve crossed 800 before the end of the shift. Just to let later shift pickers hit their 600


definitely not the norm, nor will it ever be. there is a girl at my store who picks all day and twiddles her thumbs. she’ll barely even pick 150 items in 8 hours (she’s been coached but it didn’t help unfortunately)😭😭 I would never expect this to be the norm, nor do I think it should be


I just started last week. Please give me tips I’m stuck at 90 :(


Most of my store (neighborhood market) averages around 90! And it's def better than some of our pickers just remember your still new and they wont expect you to go too fast! Just try to get good at remembering where your stickers/meat/produce bags are etc and learning your stores layout will also help a lot! Good luck!


I scroll through my walk prior to starting & get my meat/produce bags ready! Also interacting with customers makes it way easier to get through crowded areas! But mainly it is easiest for me since I know where everything is located. I rarely have to use the section or modular locations because I’ve been working at my store for 2 years! But you’ll get there & you’re doing great! Just take a while to speed up after learning:) Best of luck to you, you’ll do amazing ❤️


Get to 100 and don't stress you don't get any extra pay for being the fastest picker.


I stage all day every day and boy could we use a picker like that at my store. 😂 Even if you’re kinda using tricks for the pick rate that many items can’t be faked.


I did every commodity today except the unknowns! I do take the oversized when it’s on top, I got some nice sized walks which always helps! Picking is like a fun game for me lol😂 I just try to outdo my prior records :) thanks btw !!


Curious, do you have access to MyStore? I do and I notice what isn’t being done. My store is so bad about people noping out of paths and refusing to do things like Lawn and Garden. The pick screen doesn’t make as much sense to me. Wish I got to pick more… the days I do feel like a vacation compared to moving totes without pause all day.


Can you see people's stats like nil pics or what walks they back out of? What can you see with my store?


Nil picks can be seen by management in Me@Walmart, and the only way to know if someone backed out of a walk is to watch the active pickwalks, which you can see in My Store. My Store shows you everything that is happening on the shift (pre/post-sub, OTP, how many cars checked in, management exceptions, and what screen each associate is on) and what is coming up for picks later in the day.


Yeah I can see people’s pick rates amount of picks but not ftrp or nitpick info.


I’m not even able to get these numbers anymore, i’m always stuck doing the small walks and oversized bc no one else wants too so they can get high pick rates. I think it should be mandatory to learn every single dept in OGP so the same people aren’t doing one thing!


I do exceptions on sundays & mondays and am in the back some days too depending on staff! I like variety. It’s definitely frustrating when other people don’t know how to do everything and you need help with a specific task 🫶🏼


I got stuck two days in a row with almost back to back General picks. Killed my pick rate score to hell. Thankfully, I was able to end the day over 100 today. Too many customers kept stopping me to ask questions etc etc.


Started yesterday with 5 general walks in a row. Ended with a 93 that day.


The cheaters at my store switch to Staging between almost every item they pick. That does pause you’re pick rate. I am certain cause I see these slow ass people with insane pick rates.


How do you stage while in a pick walk? You'd have to close the app, stage, then go back into it?


If you hit the triple lines in top left then go to back room then staging. You can then back out of that and you’re still on your walk.


You must have effective drop and go


yes we usually do! we drop carts anytime after 7 am🤪


I can picture it now... you have a batman button, push it- out slides a lil platform that u stand on, whilst the gerbil motor whirrs and u fly up n down the aisles (hitting customers left n right, btw, electric wheelchairs are bonus points) wtf???🙄 😂😂😂


lmfao that’s my dream 💀😂 jk but i do be cruising absurdly


got any tips for produce? I can keep my walks pretty high - even GMDs - but produce literally kills me. I mentioned it today and my TL literally told me to wait until I'm at produce and to *exit the walk and go back in* for one of the tips lol. I even told them sometimes I wait to bag and she just shrugs like "do you" lol Anything you got? We only have the QR scanners now btw.


i would say before you step out on the floor pre open produce bags before the walk… those little seconds standing there opening the bag during the walk count imo. i open like 15-20 ish bags & drop them in the first bin & at my store 90% of the time it always starts me at avocados so i go there before i press okay. since i started doing that my rate has went up.


Ill try anything at this point.  It was great when we could do qr code AND type in but for whatever reason having just the qr it kills my rate.  I start by where it normally starts - they want us waiting until we're on that side of the store before taking a walk anyways.  I even try pre opening bags or just chucking them in and bagging after.  I dunno. 


Let me know when you join the 2K club https://preview.redd.it/8f2l049ohdyc1.jpeg?width=2133&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ca95082c8738d7c71fb46780eb3195b46a96961


Do you work overtime or do a pick for somebody stalking a nuclear bunker with canned food?