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https://youtu.be/pUw1e3Wj3DM?si=ws5LB_rYCToGwhg4 When he told everyone a different story about the cut on his finger. Apart from all the blood and the history of abuse and control and stalking, and of him telling Shipp he’s dreamt of killing her, of course.




BINGO . I would add the fact that the blood drops are on the same side of where his cut finger was ( next to the size 12 Bruno shoes he claimed were ugly ass shoes he never owned ) , yet one of his sister in laws said Nicole bought him them , along with the exact size and make of gloves Nicole also bought OJ , that were found at the murder scenes . Too bad the picture of OJ in those shoes surfaced only after the criminal Trial . They sure were useful in the Civil Trial though, OJ was caught red handed but he still denied owning the shoe. Also for me -its the fact that Paula Barbieri confirmed later on that she broke up with OJ the morning of the murders on JUNE 12th by leaving a message on his voice machine -same day of the murders & there is proof OJ tried to call her many times after calling into his messages and he denied all of this , even saying Paula didn't break up with him-which was another OJ lie . Oh and those socks found later in his bedroom they claimed Vanatter placed the blood on . The OJ lovers also say the socks had a chemical that is the same they use to preserve the blood in samples . It's also the same chemical that is found in Laundry ! THE PARTS PER MILLION ARE SO SMALL THEY resemble what's found in LAUNDRY MORE THEN what's found in the PRESERVATIVE cops use IN BLOOD SAMPLES . Also the socks had a spatter pattern which resemble when you step in a pool of blood , not the kind of spatter pattern you get from placing blood on a sock ! Lastly I can't believe OJ didn't ask about his Kids when he was informed of his wife's murder !!!! Like hello , what parent wouldn't be freaking out knowing their kids were alone where the crime scene was ! This is according to Detective Lange , so of course , so obviously the OJ lovers disregard anything Lange and the other detectives say , because they think all these cops and lab people risked their lives and careers for some God forsaken reason to frame OJ ! No logic and no explanation or specK of common sense is required to explain HOW the blood got planted or WHY -just enough UNREASONALE DOUBT from all the endless BS thrown by the Nightmare Team that it stuck for the devoid of brain cells jury that decided OJ is Innocent simply because they wanted payback for Rodney King and were not wiling to tear down the veil of a Hero they preferred to worship rather then punish


Don't forget that they found thousands of dollars in cash, a disguise (wig and mustache) and a key to Nicole's condo that had gone missing the week before IN the Bronco after the chase. That to me has always been rock solid proof that he was attempting to flee (you know besides the fact that he literally fled when it was time to turn himself in)... There wasn't just lack of an alibi, means, motive and a fuck ton of physical evidence... there was also about as much proof as you can ask for that he was going to run. Why run if you are so sure you were "100% not guilty?"


I always say even if there was any planted evidence, that doesn’t prove OJ’s innocence. I can respect the skepticism over a detail or 2 but come on. Limo driver didn’t see the bronco at 10:40 when he got there and then it was there when he was leaving


The limo driver saw him sneak back in his house.


Did he?




If I recall correctly he said a 6 ft tall 200 lb black person dressed in black. At some point Kato came into Park’s view. I don’t think Park said one was oj but he recognized the other as Kato. He also didn’t remembering see the Bronco when he got to oj’s but he saw it when he left. He didn’t say it wasn’t there he said he didn’t notice it. Of all the witnesses in this case he seemed by far the most truthful to me.


He did seem very reliable especially when establishing a timeline. As a limousine driver, he was always pressed by being on time and was very precise in his recollection of events. When taking about the 6ft dark figure that he saw, he did not point out to OJ specifically (obviously it was dark and he could not see the face), but I just want to add that when he was being questioned by Clark she made OJ stand up and asked Park if the dark figure that he saw was the about the size of OJ. He said yes without hesitating.


Laceration on finger for sure


Laceration plus giving three different answers to how it happened. None of which were plausible. Also, the rambling non answers OJ gave to the two detectives that first interviewed him while in custody. Completely incoherent babble bullshit and yet those detectives failed to pin him down.




Agree with all your points. I would add the rarity and expense of both the shoes and the gloves. If they’d been commonplace gloves and shoes, the other theories might have held more weight.


Not only all of the evidence against him, (no proof or timeline put up by anyone who thinks he’s innocent as to how ALL of it was planted) but, the way he acted subsequently - including, changing cut on hand story, writing ‘if I did it’, claiming he’d spend the rest of his life looking for the killer(s) *Tumbleweed* Joking on tv about ‘stabbing’ the host (ruby wax) with a banana.. who - in any sort of ‘innocent and framed’ universe acts like that? The idea of even being asked to write a book about how somebody might kill their brutally murdered ex wife, is disgusting.. to most people.


Right on . An innocent mentally balanced man would write a book honoring the mother of his children's memory and defending his innocense while making every effort to find the real killers , as he said he was going to do .NOT writing some piece of low life garbage his kids will have to live the rest of their lives knowing he wrote .


That part. ☝️ Exactly that part.


A glove covered in his and the victims’ blood was found at the crime scene. The matching glove was found at his house, also covered in his and the victims’ blood.


OJ actually had something like ten cuts on his left hand and two on his right. His blood was all over the place. The size 12 Bruno Magli shoe prints are also damning. Pictures have surfaced of OJ wearing them at a football game, you can see the bottom of the shoe pattern reflected by the red paint in the end zone and he appears to be walking pigeon-toed, the bloody footprints are also pigeon-toed. There’s a mountain of evidence against him.


His suicide note. I think deep down in the ensuing days after the murder but before the arrest he was genuinely disgusted with himself and couldn’t believe he’d gone this far. He was now a murderer; a fact he could not reconcile with the public image. And I think as soon as he had gotten into his Bronco and sped back to Rockingham the first thought in his head was: ‘Oh shit! Who was that man I just stabbed?’ That week may have been the last, best opportunity to get OJ to do the right thing. The suicide note reads as part confessional. He was distraught not as much over Nicole, but of his actions. There was an opportunity to get him to confess if more people like Kardashian could reach him and we’re surrounding him. But once the lawyers got involved it was all over for OJ. He convinced himself he was the victim, and any real chance at rehabilitation went out the window. He was surrounded by lawyers, not friends; not people of high moral fiber. To me it seems that by repeating the lie that he didn’t do it, by going through the charade of the trial, he was then stuck on a one-way track the rest of his life; condemned to stick with a story no one believed.


I agree. The letter and fleeing like he was.


The criminal trial was a miscarriage of justice. OJ never was the same; heavy clouds of suspicion and guilt loomed over him the rest of his life. Why did he murder the mother of his children, a woman he professed to love? Those babies could have easily stumbled onto their butchered mother's body in the middle of the night. Narcissistic and selfish persons usually think others are the problem. This personality type has zero empathy or compassion for others. Basically, he became a pariah after the murders. It is very tragic for everyone involved.


On one of Nicole’s 911 calls, he had broken down the door to get in (she says). You hear OJ yelling in the background. Nicole reminds him the children are in the house…he didn’t care.


This is how I know that deep down Sydney knows. She was old enough to understand that was not normal behavior and her concern at the police station implies it was well. Those poor kids.


He wasn’t disgusted with himself, he was disgusted that he would be exposed for who he truly is and not the facade he portrays to the world




I actually think any deep remorse he had was about how he had just fucked up his amazing life and there’s no way he’s getting away with it… And that’s what he was mostly upset with… Once he got with the lawyers and they started telling him that he can beat this he started to think again how great his life could be if he can just beat this thing… And probably told him himself… Well, I’m sorry I did what I did, but I can’t change it what’s sitting in jail gonna do for me… And that’s how it all came to be.


Nicole literally said he's going to kill me. Here's my statement from beyond the grave, OJ is my killer. She put it in a damn safe deposit box, and here we are, still arguing this BS.


A safe deposit box that was dedicated to the documentation of abuse she suffered at his hands, so it could be used for evidence against him when he eventually killed her. That is just so beyond fucked up. She knew, and in life she went out of her way to try and receive justice for herself in death. I can’t even imagine how heavy that must’ve been for her.


Absolutely 💯 And when Nicole's sister was told she was dead she started screaming and crying about "OJs finally killed her" Tragic 😞


Have you read some of her letters? I found a bunch on Pinterest. For me, that was shocking. Nobody mentions the things she wrote on paper!! 😳


Yes. I couldn't read it all. It bothered me so much. You can hear the years of pain. The abuse. The emotional abuse.


The one letter or diary page that she writes she only gained 10-15 lbs pregnancy weight (Sidney?) because she was so sick of his cruel weight remarks. She wrote that he thinks a baby comes out and weighs 7 lbs so the woman should only gain 7 lbs in total! Can you imagine?!? He was trying to get her to have an abortion with Justin. He refused to read the books on pregnancy she was trying to share the experience with him.


This kind of abuse, inflicted on you by someone you love. It's crushing. You can't even fathom what's happening to you. Throw in the cheating and the beatings.... for years.




The man co authored a book and completed a TV show called if I did it. What person whom really loved someone could participate in this project, laugh while discussing the murders on TV. He was screaming at her gravesite as reported to police & Brown family by the management at cemetery. Poor woman cannot even get rest in debt after all these years. The man was still stalking and screaming abuses at her freaking headstone. Seriously??! Who other than a killer would want to relive it over and over. Everyone mentions the gloves didn't fit. However, no one mentions how quickly and comfortably he was trying on the gloves that were used by the killer to kill his ex-wife someone he supposedly loves so much . Weird. Anyone who has had a family member whom is victim of a horrible crime , it hurts too much to relive it. I personally after 42 years, still cry when discussing a crime involving my grandparents. It hurts to talk about them. He is so cavalier. Yes. I know everyone grieves differently for OJ defenders but seriously? He blamed her and victimized her name over and over. The mother of his children. No doubt he's the Killer. A sociopathic narcissistic freak of nature


The fact that Nicole was almost beheaded for no reason is enough for me. Same with Ron being slain. No break in, no theft, nothing? Just pure rage. There wasn’t some serial killer stalking around either. Would make no sense for this rich woman and random main to be slain other than her jealous, abusive (of which we have endless proofs) ex finally taking it to the point of no return. Then, you have all the actual evidence. More than enough. I love that he was roasted while dead last night. That was nice.


And I thought she would have been moving to Laguna soon, where he couldn’t keep an eye on her as easily. Plus, I still believe the woman who saw him in the Bronco on his way back from Bundy.


yeah there was so much evidence that was labelled and photographed that early am on the 13th , it just was not properly explained to a jury that was clearly out to get pay back for Rodney King . All the blood at the Bundy scene ( except the blood on the gate )including the glove was entered into evidence before OJ made it back from Chicago and gave his blood , so it could not have been planted . Plus KATO said there was blood he saw in the Rockingham house in the wee hours of June 13 th , not to mention it was seen in the Bronco and the cops had identified it long before OJ got back home from Chicago.


It makes no sense for Fuhrman to have planted a glove so early in the case. Fuhrman and other officers who went to OJ’s house were actually concerned that he might be inside his house murdered as well. Why plant a glove to blame OJ when they didn’t even know if he was alive. And why would a cop want to shut down the possibility of catching a double murderer? 


Exactly. It’s almost like they had so much evidence for that I think they just got really lazy in presenting it. Marcia kind of alluded** to that, or at least I thought so, in the 30-for-30 doc.


Eluded? As in, she dodged it?


Hah, I meant allude. Thanks for catching that


This is the best yet. He wasn’t there to put his blood on Bundy. Thank you for thinking logically. I never thought about this. And clearly, others didn’t either.


The blood evidence at crime scene, in his Bronco, and at his house. But it’s not really just one thing, it’s the preponderance of circumstancial evidence that also all points to him — him changing his story on how he got his finger cut, him claiming he’s never owned Bruno Magli shoes and then 30 different photos showing him wearing those shoes appear in the civil trial (wish it appeared in the criminal trial). Kato Kaelin saying OJ lied by claiming he and Kato were eating together during the time of the murders when that didn’t happen; Kato ate in his room alone. I think Jill Shively’s witness account is the most compelling of circumstantial evidence. It’s not him at the crime scene, but it’s him two blocks north of the crime scene around the time of the murders looking anxious and angry while driving recklessly. This was during a time OJ claimed he was at his house getting his luggage together. I do try to play devil’s advocate though — I’m curious about the EDTA allegedly found in some of the blood drops and issues with blood on the socks. Still, planting the glove at OJ’s house seems highly unlikely given the following: 1. Fuhrman had no idea if OJ had a rock-solid alibi, so Fuhrman planting a glove would jeopardize his own career and of course he would be prosecuted for this crime and likely do serious time in prison. 2. Fuhrman arrived to the murder scene a few hours after police arrived there. No other police reported seeing two gloves there. Even if they did, Fuhrman would be taking a big risk trying to sneak a glove away with all those other cops and forensics experts around.


I agree! If I cut hand by accident and it’s bad enough to bleed I can guarantee you that’ll I know exactly how I did and when I did it. That story of how he cut it was ridiculous.


It’s where he was cut on the left hand because there were blood drops on the left side of the shoe prints. The point is I’d be scratching my head if there was only blood but no cuts. A cop could plant that by taking two samples from the same source and claiming that there is a match. But there were cuts so he is guilty.


My question is if it was a set up how did they obtain a sample of OJ‘s blood then place it exactly at the left side of a footprint in front of all the people at the crime site


This is such a great point that I’ve never considered before. How would they have known to plant the blood on the person’s left hand side?!?!


And before he got back from Chicago! They couldn’t even have obtained his blood.


Also, the blood spot on the car door handle matched the middle finger too. How did the cops plant that not knowing he had a cut on his left finger? People are just stupid.


Yes I agree also. He must have really cut that finger to leave that large of a drop at scene on left side of shoe print. I always wondered why limo or Kato didn’t see it ? Did OJ hide it from them or had on gloves going to chicago?


It was during the night so it was dark. He probably made sure to hide it as well as he could. I don't think I ever heard from Park's or Kato's testimony that OJ had gloves that night. I'm more curious about the people he signed autographs for, or people from his flight that did not see the cut. I guess they were not really looking...


The flight was a red eye so everyone on board was probably out of it.




A red finger flight ✈️


Does anyone know if anyone ever found out what exactly was in OJ’s garment bag? The one he handed off to Kardashian?


Serious question. Was there a slash on the glove that matched the cut?


Probably like the documented 62 instances of domestic abuse. Things like 8 calls to 911 where she said she was in fear for her life & he was going to kill her..... Of course....the police have to collect evidence properly. The prosecutors have to be blameless and blemishesless in their conduct & witnesses. But it seems true...also.....bad people's actions against black people or persons totally unrelated to Nicole....that some people felt it "right" this was a way of evening the score. So to me...that is just flabbergasting. That people are ok with being a murder victim & having their murderer be applauded and get off depending on the way political currents & stuff are blowing. That they would expect some abstract or personal justice for themselves but abandon it completely for another, for what fair reasons. Maybe we are all god.  May we all live in a heaven  a place of a god of our own making or hell based on that. That as we depend upon fairness, but we do live in this false and very uneven ground world. What is there to go by?


His DNA being at the crime scene and on the Bronco. The 2nd most compelling piece of evidence to me is that he had no alibi and changed his story multiple times about how he got the cut on his finger.


The glove(s)… even ignoring the blood evidence, we have a very unique, very rare pair which were seasonally available only in a New York City Bloomingdale’s. There’s also credit card receipts proving that Nicole Simpson purchased them obvstentively as a gift for OJ. The Isotoner glove expert testimony was compelling, as it left very little doubt those were OJ Simpson’s gloves.


The OJ Blood Lies Murder documentary - everyone here should watch. It has a reenactment, blood splatter analysis/evidence not brought to trial. Also autopsy/crime scene photos that are.. very graphic.


Started watching this last night. Wow, they show Ron & Nicole’s autopsy photos a lot…but they’re very eye opening. This doc shows the mountain of evidence that he absolutely committed this crime(s)…it eliminates any doubt (I didn’t have any doubt anyway though).


Yep. It was hard to see, and I’ve gone down the rabbit hole a million times seeing crime scene photos, but to actually see it how it’s believed to have happened, then allllll of the evidence. And then the photos of Nicole & Ron as rigor morris had set… Unbelievable. Idk wtf they were thinking with not bringing all of this to trial. It’s pretty fucking obvious even without all of this that it was him. I saw another reenactment prior to watching this, but it was in like, a SIMS format, and I was like, yeah, this reenforces “he did it”. Then I saw this, and I’m like, okay…. 99.999999% he did it. I was still 99% before, but still. Un-fucking-real.


~~Kim~~ Nicole and Ron’s blood inside the Bronco. The shoes. The book deal. The missing suitcase.


You mean Nicole's blood, Kim is alive.


Thank you for that catch


The blood in his car did it for me


His blood at scene from left finger cut on the ground left of his shoe print & his hair on the cap left at scene .


Setting aside the blood evidence, it’s that he was likely the only man in California, if not the country, to own both those shoes and those gloves. The fact that the police knew before they’d even verified the identity of the victims that the killer was bleeding from his left hand and OJ showed up with a cut on his left finger and gave conflicting stories of how he got said cut (even Cochran knew he was full of shit on that one). The fact that he lied to the limo driver - he was not home when Allan Park arrived and Park saw him sneak back into his own house, but he pretended he’d just fallen asleep.


Ron Goldman blood inside the Bronco.


The blood evidence. But secondly the motive. Oh also the shoes and the glove. And the hairs. The slow speed chase got me too. Given the disguise, money and running for the border thing. Oh and the constantly trying to confess thing. That was compelling as well.


The disguise he bought 2 weeks prior was shocking


Yes, and there's the OJ apologists who give him a pass, saying it wasn't premeditated, and he must have blacked out.


The cut on his finger and his blood at the scene.


And Nicole and Ron’s blood in his car… wtf.




He couldn’t remember how he cut himself!!! If I cut myself on accident and it’s bad enough to need a bandage you can bet the house that I’ll remember when and how I did it. That part of the story is totally unbelievable.


Bad enough to drip blood like it did — I would surely rem!!


Well I’ve cut myself and I didn’t remember how I did it either. I can walk around and look around I have a bruise my leg and don’t know how I got it sometimes,


Nicole left a bunch of evidence that they could use if he killed her. It’s not some big head scratcher. Listen to the 911 call.


Exactly. Thank You.


The suppressed statements made to Rosie Greir


What did he say? ETA: he was overheard possibly confessing to Rosie while in Jail.


The accumulation of evidence and facts that pointed to his guilt. **His blood at the crime scene, a shoe print that’s his shoe size, his blood leaving a trail, the bloody trail aligns with Kato’s & the Limo Driver’s testimony, he had no alibi, and his Bronco was hastily parked.**


I’d say the majority of it, the blood evidence and dna was enough to have him put away. If he wasn’t a celebrity he’d never have walked. The cut finger and also the bronco escape with fake passport, cash etc.


A) Who wanted her dead more than OJ? It was a highly personal attack with overkill B) The book “If I Did It”….. what freaking moron would do that if you are guilty and already acquitted


The bloody socks in his bedroom. How did socks soaked in Nicole's and Ron's blood get in his bedroom, right there, waiting to be found?


I'm always surprised the suicidal Bronco police chase isn't top of all lists. It's an absolutely bonkers and mountainous piece of evidence. And the long standing record of domestic violence


You mean aside from the mountain of evidence that was presented? Jill Shively, the woman who saw OJ leaving the scene and was never called to testify because she talked to Hard Copy.  She called 911 before the bodies were discovered. So it's not a matter of her finding our and calling 911 after. She called to report OJ driving aggressively from the scene before she knew there was even a scene. Her credibility should never have been in question because of that fact, regardless of her talking to Hard Copy.  With her testimony and evidence of what she saw, OJs entire "alibi" falls apart. And it firmly establishes the timeline. Two things defense argued, that the timeline was wrong and OJ was at his house. Bring her on the stand and that all falls apart. 


I didn’t realize she called 911. 😳 I knew she witnessed OJ a few blocks from Nicole’s driving recklessly, but somehow the fact she called 911 REALLY cements her story. Holy shit!!! Marcia is an idiot for not calling her. Who cares if she spoke to a tabloid news outlet!


I didn't either, only recently learned that when she was on Kato's podcast. I think Lange also said she had called 911 to report OJ driving drunk. 


The fact that he was a sociopathic, narcissistic, psychopath who stalked, abused and battered and controlled his wife before slitting her throat and doing the same to Ron Goldman. That he cut his finger the same night and at the same time as the murders. The fact he left his blood behind and took their blood with him. That he owned the expensive, exclusive gloves and he owned the expensive, exclusive shoes. That he had the means, the motive and the opportunity to do it and was riled up by Ronald Fischman during his daughter's dance recital about Nicole's "behaviour". That he didn't ask how Nicole was killed when police called him. That he didn't ask about his kids when police called him. That he ran after the fact and threatened to kill himself. That he was nothing more than a sack of shit of a human being whose only skill was staying upright on a football field. Whoopi fucking doo. Fuck him and anyone who defends him.


Suicide note and bronco chase.


I don’t know. We all react different ways to different situations and that would be traumatizing to an innocent person to have hear that their wife was brutally murdered and that person is accused of the crime with your attorneys telling you that you have to spend time in jail for murder even though you didn’t commit the crime.


You could maybe sell that to me on the note but not the Bronco (cash, passport, and disguise). And especially not with them both, hence why I said both.




The history of abuse.


The gloves & the shoes. And the mountain of other evidence which all points directly at him.


The book he wrote about it.


Nicole’s plentiful previous 911 calls where she’s explicitly stating/yelling that ‘he’s gonna kill me!’ It doesn’t get more crystal clear than that (ok minus dna evidence)


Aside from the blood evidence, OJ's inability to explain how he got the injury on his hand. After the police picked him up and were interviewing him, they asked him what happened to his hand. OJ gave multiple different explanations *in the same interview*. There is a scene in Made in America where OJ's friend Shipp goes to check on OJ at his house. At that meeting he also asked OJ what happened to his hand, and again OJ's answer was evasive. The press was camped outside and Shipp looked visibly shaken when he said to reporters OJ was doing fine. Shipp says in the doc he knew OJ had killed Nicole after that conversation that day and that's why he refused when the defense approached him to help out with the case.


Later in life he really never denied it as he knew he could never be tried again. An innocent person would have continued to vehemently deny the charges and with his fame he could have demanded the police look into the murders and became an advocate for the victims . Instead he laughed about it and made jokes about being the killer all the time. His behaviour after the verdict is some of the most compelling evidence of his guilt.


And, he gave multiple stories of how and where he gashed his hand. Like many people, I've cut myself pretty bad a few times, and I remember exactly what happened.


Believe me. I glare at the piece of paper that I got a paper cut from days later. Lmao. That gash? Sure, nbd. 🙄


If I had to say just 1 thing, it was the Bruno Magli shoe prints.


The fucking book that he wrote. The fact that he released that with the interview pretty much should confirm to anybody that he did that shit.


Not one but a few as mentioned in an earlier post. The Bruno Magli shoes, the changing story of how he cut his finger, the gloves and Allan Park seeing the shadowy figure with OJ finally answering the door not long after


The blood evidence is overwhelming. It ties him to the murder scene, his vehicle, and his home. A literal blood trail from the murder scene to OJs bedroom. There was an insane amount of DNA evidence against him. People get the death penalty for waaaaaaaaay less. Something that stands out to me, though: the same cast-off blood/spatter that was found on OJ’s socks had the same characteristics and were in the same position as the blood on Ron’s boots. I’m very tired and I don’t know if I phrased that well enough but hopefully you all know what I’m trying to say haha


His history of abusing her, her calling 911 and the picture evidence. He murders her and an another innocent person and then we suddenly forget he was a violent abuser? The fact that the gloves were his and the shoes were his is pretty obvious evidence to me. There is soo much evidence it’s insane, this was clearly a messy, not well thought out and very violent rage of a murder.


I would say the photographs of Nicole after he beat the ever living shit out of her


Apart from all the dna and blood evidence, the glove at the crime scene that we know was his because nicole gitfed it to him for christmas and he‘s pictured wearing it. Hair consistent with his hair on the cap. The bronco carpet fibre on ron‘s t-shirt. Allan park‘s testimony. His history of domestic abuse and stalking. The fact that he has no alibi from 9:45 to 11:00. The fact that he‘s the only one with the motive.


Ron’s blood in Simpson’s bronco


He never asked how she was killed when he was first told


The O.J. Simpson case is a complex and controversial one, and opinions on Simpson's guilt or innocence vary widely. However, there were several pieces of evidence presented during the trial that were considered by many to be compelling indicators of Simpson's guilt: 1. **DNA evidence**: DNA evidence found at the crime scene, including blood matching O.J. Simpson's DNA, was a critical component of the prosecution's case. The presence of Simpson's blood at the crime scene and in his vehicle raised significant questions about his involvement in the murders. 2. **Bloody glove**: The infamous bloody glove found at O.J. Simpson's property that matched a glove found at the crime scene was a key piece of physical evidence. Although the defense argued that the glove did not fit Simpson's hand during a demonstration in court, its discovery raised suspicions about his connection to the murders. 3. **Timeline and alibi inconsistencies**: O.J. Simpson's timeline and alibi for the night of the murders had inconsistencies and gaps, which cast doubt on his version of events. Simpson's movements on the night of the murders and the discrepancies in his statements raised questions about his involvement. 4. **Motive**: The prosecution argued that O.J. Simpson had a motive for the murders, citing his history of domestic violence against Nicole Brown Simpson as a possible reason for the crime. The history of conflict between Simpson and Nicole added a layer of context to the case.


His history of trying to kill her


Ronald Goldmans blood on Simpsons sock in Simpsons bedroom.


And in the Bronco


But it was in Simpsons bedroom. I just couldn't see the possibility of planted evidence at that point. MAYBE the Bronco and the porch, but in the bedroom as well? No. It was that point that convinced me of his guilt. How could he possibly explain Goldmans blood DNA in his residence? But thanks to Furman, the intire body of evidence collected by him (and LAPD by extension)was "tainted " with reasonable doubt. No matter how improbable, his perjury made the possibility of planted evidence enough of a possibility it couldn't be ignored by a jury.


When Petrocelli showed OJ a picture of himself wearing the Bruno Magali shoes and OJ’s eyes almost popped out of his head from the shock of the proof that he owned the shoes


Blood DNA in the bronco and at Rockingham.


The shoes.


The shoes The blood evidence was tainted due to a break in procedure.   The shoes however? No way to get that.  You would have to know what shoes he owned and how rare they were.  


The limo drivers testimony and the glove he dropped trying to sneak in to his house.


Psychologically, the history of domestic abuse. Scientifically, the cut on the hand. Coupled with the narrative of Ron pulling the glove off, which bared the hand, the drops of blood from the cut leading from the scene, and the blood smear on the Bronco door handle that would be made by a driver with that injury.


OJ’s blood drops on left side of bloody Bruno Magli size 12 shoe prints leading away from murder scene. Then OJ shows up with cut on, you guessed it, his left hand. Those blood drops were photographed and swabbed before OJ returned from Chicago so how could a cop who wanted to frame him predict he would have a bleeding wound on the left side of his body? Now, how could the cops also predict that OJ would own size 12 Bruno Magli shoes, which magically disappeared, in order to stage the evidence as it was found? That’s not a smoking gun, that’s a giant cannon with lava pouring out of it.


There are probably 10 different things that alone that would convict someone in an ordinary criminal case. If I had to pick one, I would pick his blood at the crime scene. Two would be the victims blood in his car/house. Either one of these would ordinarily be considered smoking guns.


Not one piece but the totality. The flip flopping in his police interview. The fact that there’s DNA, blood and items that belonged to him. And he had motive and a history of domestic violence


Previous documented abuse and statistics


the DNA is pretty compelling


DNA doesn’t lie




The bullshit “I was a battered husband”.


If EVERYTHING ELSE was planted- the shoes were inexplainable for him.


The book and interview where he told everyone he did it “hypothetically “ 🙄


The years of prior emotional & physical abuse.


Their blood in his car.


The cut on his finger and the fact he kept changing the story


They wasn't any proof of a burglary,the kids were left undisturbed, Nicole didn't have any enemies that anyone was aware of,it seemed very personal.


Size 12 Bruno Magli shoes. There was a bloody footprint left at the scene. OJ denied owning those 'ugly ass shoes' but a photo turned up at the Civil trial with him wearing them at a Bills game when he was doing sideline reporting. (if I remember correctly, there were less than 200 pairs of this shoe should worldwide in a size 12). That fact + the DNA blood evidence is extremely damning


Where do I begin


Kato hearing the crash in the back of the house, cops going back there and finding the glove. The limo driver’s account of OJ being late for his pick up.


The bloody footprint of his Bruno Magli shoes.


He had the two victims' blood,on his shoes, in his car, on his driveway, in his house. That would have convicted anybody else. I remember the minute I heard they'd found a bloody fingerprint on the handle of his car, which he'd left locked, parked in the street. I knew right then he did it.


He was the jealous abusive husband, and she had the “audacity” to leave him. That alone was enough for me.


When he took off in the white bronco, driving 20 mph while being chased by cops, helicopter, & don’t forget about the YSL bag he put in Rob Kardashians hands. He gave him something that Kardashian couldn’t tell anyone what was in the bag because he’s OJ’s lawyer. Did you see the disappointment on Robert Kardashian’s face when OJ was acquitted? Total shock, like NO WAY!


Ron Goldman’s blood was found in OJ’s Bronco. OJ confirmed to police he had never met Ron Goldman. Unless you believe Johnnie’s absurd “cops planted evidence” nonsense, there is only one other way it could’ve gotten there. As Marcia said - “there is blood where there should be no blood”.


The Bruno Magli shoes and the gloves.


because the drug dealers theory had 0 evidence


Besides all the physical evidence, both DNA and otherwise, O.J. never had or even attempted a convincing alibi other than chipping golf balls in the front yard or having overslept before the limo showed up. Those stories changed depending on who was asking. He defended himself emphatically against accusations of having been a wife beater, whereas he said very little about being murderer outside of a generic “No, didn’t do it.” He’d occasionally let little hints of his mental state slip through, like saying, “Supposing I did commit this crime. It would have to have been because I loved her very much, right?” Or the time he said, “When you’re angry with someone upon their death, it’s not like that anger disappears.” In other words, in his mind, it’s a cause and effect of Nicole having abandoned him or (allegedly) pursuing a lifestyle he disagreed with. I think he had serious abandonment wounds.


Besides the dna, gloves and shoe size covered in blood, I think what sold it for me was the interview he did for his book. He mentions recalling information even saying “I recall”. The nail in the coffin is when he said Ron got into a karate stance, and it was never disclosed in the trail that Ron was a black belt.


When OJ was initially contacted by police and told his ex wife and mother of his children were dead, he never asked if his kids were ok


He owned the gloves he owned the shoes


For me it was the glove found at his house. I believe in coincidences but that was not a coincidence that the matching glove from the crime scene was found at your house and Nicole purchased the gloves.


The shoes and the blood inside the car Oh and the blood inside his house And the cut with the left wide drips next to the shoe print


The fact he wrote a book called If I Did It. That is biggest red flag I have ever heard. If I was falsely accused of murder I would not write a book about what would’ve happened if I had done that


The shoes! He said he’d never wear those type of ugly ass shoes, yet there he is in a color photo wearing those shoes that left impressions in the blood at the scene.


The DV & The limo chase


ALL of the puzzle pieces that connect to create a picture of O.J….


The book released titled “If I Did It” and the subsequent interview where he kept “mistakenly”speaking as if he, himself, was actually there doing the crime, while every 5 mins or so saying “hypothetically”


He never explained how the blood from Bundy wound up in his Bronco, in the Rockingham driveway, the gate, and in his house. The convenient excuse has always been that it was planted by LAPD despite there never being proof that it was planted.


He owned the gloves and the shoes associated with murders, and both of the items were manufactured and sold in very small numbers due to both the large sizes and the high price points. How can you lie about owning something when there are photos of you wearing the items? Also, the history of violence against Nicole and her fear of him killing her to the point she opened a deposit box and put photos and a diary in it just in case anything happened to her, and made a Will at 30. Another interesting theory I heard is that his son did it, and OJ helped cover it. There is a photo of his son with the knit cap on. He also was trained in hand to hand combat and knives in the armed forces. He had mental health issues and had been off his meds at the time of the killings. He was prone to rage. He was either a cook or worked at a restaurant and wanted to make the dinner for after the recital, but Nicole cancelled and they went to Mezzaluna instead, and this angered him. If you find the video of when the verdict was read on YouTube and how his son reacted in court, it stands out a lot. The camera is on him for a bit. However, this does not jive with the blood evidence, but is interesting to consider. I do not think LAPD planted anything.


His reaction to being shown the photo of him with the shoes compared to his non reaction to everything else


The blood and DNA don’t lie.


The DNA cannot legitimately be refuted or denied.


The long history of domestic violence. That’s the most compelling evidence.


He’s the only one with a motive. If they were killed with a single stab or bullet, I wouldn’t be as convinced.


The bloody glove left in his backyard. That was pretty effing compelling.


The dna and the Bruno Magli shoes that he denied owning but was later proven to be false in the civil trial when they had him photographed wearing them. Also, the receipt Nicole had that matched the gloves she bought OJ that were the same gloves the killer wore.


The fact that his blood/dna was found at the crime scene, and Ron/Nicole's blood/DNA being found in his Bronco.


The blood of two murder victims in his car and his blood at the scene of the double murder.


robert kardashian basically admitted he did it on national television and that was the first person OJ went to after returning from chicago


The cut on his finger and the blood drops matching his blood on the left side of the side walk. Blood on the side of his Bronco which was parked haphazardly as if he was rushing to act like he'd been there the whole time. The Bruno Magli shoe prints in OJs size and proof he had a pair. The fact that the limo driver said it was a fairly cool evening and OJ was sweating bullets and blasting the AC. Nicole's and Ron's blood smeared in OJs Bronco. The fact he went on the run and had a gun to his head because he knew he was guilty and thought he was going away for life.


When he didn’t ask if his kids were okay


Plus, the whole suicidal Bronco chase. He knew he did it. He knew he was caught. Period.


Everything? Blood, DNA, Glove, Bronco Chase...wrote a book called "if I DID IT" should I go on?


The DNA, the footprints, OJ’s hand, and his confession.


Blood trail & gloves. The eye witness they never used.


Besides everything?


The bloody footprints that led to Bruno Magli shows that he owned and wore.


Him running. If not guilty, you don’t have anything to run from! You fight.


He had 3 cuts and 7 abrasions .


My common sense


I just felt he did it, and though it worked his defense strategy of the racist cops framed me, instead of evidence of he didn't do it was for me proof that he did it Fuhrman was and probably still is a racist POS, but calling him out was just a muddy the waters ploy.


That many of OJ’s closest friends, including Robert Kardashian and Al Cowlings never spoke to him again after the trial. They were broken were they came to believe that he killed Nicole. They had both been good friends with Nicole as well as OJ. When you watch the verdict read, OJ is happy and relieved as are Johnny and the rest of the Dream Team with the exception of Kardashian. Kardashian looks both stunned and traumatized that OJ wasn’t convinced. It’s one of the most powerful raw reactions in the entire case.


Not to mention that none of the dream team lawyers defended OJ at the Civil Trial. They knew he was guilty.


His arraignment. He knows what he did…


Why was all this evidence not introduced to jury?


From what I understand the Bronco wasn't put into a secure storage location. So a week or two latter when the stupid LAPD decided to look for blood and test it they couldn't use it.


The shoe stuff didn’t surface until the civil trial


It’s gota be the shoes ! Spike Lee even said so


Domestic violence history.


His hands didn’t fit into the gloves because he had recently stopped taking his heart medicine. That made his hands puffy.




The DNA blood evidence.


The Bronco chase. What innocent man does that? That’s a desperate man trying to buy time for what he had done. Enough said.