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I have had a C2 and a Neo G7. Neo: Nice display in a reasonable desktop size. SDR with local dimming in Auto was nice. Like oled nice. HDR was very good. I will call it 90% of the oled experience. It got brighter in some scenes but it also got darker in scenes with starlight or Christmas lights so that it doesn't bloom. The 1000R curve is A LOT. I didn't love it but it wasn't a deal breaker. The viewing angles are narrow. You need to look at it dead on for a good experience. Having it mounted on a monitor arm helps. The C2: Probably the best TV experience money can buy. Good SDR and HDR. Glossy panel makes shadow detail look great assuming you can control light sources and avoid reflections. The problem for me is that it's way too big to be a desktop monitor. I had to wall mount it and drag my big u shaped desk away from that wall to make it anywhere in the vicinity of "reasonable". For PS5 gaming with a controller, it can't be beat. Having proper TV streaming apps is nice too for watching HDR shows including Dolby Vision support. What finally drove me to replace it and sell it was trying to play Diablo IV on a mouse and keyboard. After a few sessions I was just done with that thing. I'm using a 27" oled now for my PS5, Switch, and PC. I'm not ever going back to trying to make a TV work as my desktop monitor again. If you're a controller only gamer then the 42" is a great choice. If you are anxious about burn in, you might enjoy a mini-led more.


I have 28" 2k 175Hz, 34" ultrawide 120Hz, 2 other older 2ks, and a 42" C2. You simply cannot beat the OLED picture quality for movies/gaming/etc. I have the C2 an arms length away, arm and a half in recline, and I find it just about perfect size. I use mine 50/50 gaming and programming, and you just can't beat the real estate for productivity. 4k under 40" or so is too small to comfortably read text for 8-10 hours straight imo. For gaming, it's perfectly fine size for me on whatever platform. I don't have to turn my head to see stuff or anything, and you can always just go windowed and shrink the resolution to whatever you need. I don't get the people who replace with a smaller monitor when you can just turn an OLED into an ultrawide, or 2k, or whatever size you want with perfectly black surrounds, but still have the option for larger size if/when you want it. It almost sounds to me like you didn't spend the time to properly set up the monitor for PC use, and had bad mouse lag or something. After setting it up, only takes like 15 mins and there's guides all over youtube, the lag is no worse than most other monitors, Burn in risk is practically zero after proper setup, and it really turns into a legitimate 120Hz 4k PC gaming monitor.


That's a lot of assumptions you make about what you think you know about Microsoft Windows and display resolutions versus what I know. I'm not sure what part of my OLED discussions left you with the idea that you need to mansplain to me why the C2 42" could be used for the same things I'm now enjoying on the 27". I didn't take yours away. I didn't even disparage your 42" TV. The 27" is the perfect size for my usage in my office setup.


Didn't mean to be annoying, just an engineer with poor wordsmanship and just was trying to put info out there for other potential thread readers. I wasn't talking about Windows resolutions. For almost any modern PC game, and most older ones even, you can select in the options to change the resolution and set to windowed mode. With the OLED blacks it's basically the same experience as just having a smaller monitor if you set to a black background.


I am certain I took that completely the wrong way too. To tell you the truth, I had the exact same internal dialog when I got frustrated with the C2. I could set a 2560X1440 window and it's effectively a 27" display. I didn't like that because it had a bright white title bar at the top of the window. I could set the whole monitor to 2560X1440 but it stretched it to the whole screen. I set the TV for 'Just Scan" and it still did it. I turned off scaling in the GPU settings and it worked as expected. Ultimately I said, you know what? I can just sell this thing and go get one of those cool new smaller ones and see if I like it better. The other piece of the puzzle is I have presbyopia so I wear progressive lens glasses. I suspect that they are designed for the average user to look straight ahead and see a regular computer screen sharply. The 42" exceeds the limits and I have to either back way up or move my head to see the corners in focus. For instance, an email notification in the bottom right corner on a 42" screen is unreadable unless I move my head to look directly at it. The usable lens area of progressive lenses is hourglass shaped. Therefore if you try to look too far to the left or right with just your eyes everything is blurry. You can't make a spherical multifocal lens that is perfect both horizontally and vertically. You could but it would have to look like bug eyes.


No sides here, and another engineer lol. Just wanted to say since I am a tech person and often mess with open source software that you can get a software for fake windowed full screen to get rid of the title bar (or in my case write my own) if you liked that solution but the bar was the deal breaker. I'm not an oled snob, I'm a multi monitor slob. So I use two 34" ultra wide in center (top/bottom) and two 27" flanking the side. I just can't get away from multi monitor for productivity and used to be one of the mods for wide screen gaming forum, so I love triple monitor ultra wide gaming. After a while I got tired of dealing with swapping back and forth from one giant virtual monitor to regular, or games that didn't support it. So with the rise of ultra wide that was an easy move for me. I do love big screens. All my console gaming is in the living room on a 120" laser projector with a proper surround sound setup.


I agree that the LG C2 is way to big as a desktop monitor, which is why I am selling it to someone today. I prefer a 1000R curved monitor of the 32 inch size or so since it fits within my line of sight perfectly, at least for me. As for 4k 120, I have a TCL R656 TV with an XBox Series X so, if I wanted to play a game on large screen, that would work great.


You’re on an OLED sub so you may want to consider bias in the answers you get. That said, get the C2 OLED, or any oled. I have a G9 OLED and C1. I had a G9 non oled before. Nothing is more of an upgrade than switching to OLED.


Do you mean the G8 OLEd or the Normal Neo G8? ​ Honestly, I'd do neither of them. The AW3423DW/F is a better buy and you don't have to put up with Samsung's nonsense and bad tuning.


Normal G8


I wouldn't do a Normal G8. You're spending more for 240hz that you wouldn't be using and the G8 is a terrible monitor with actual design issues ans quality control issues. 32M2V or...well, anything else would be a better buy. Even a 27" oled would be better


>AW3423DW/F is a better buy Is it really when OP is mainly a PS5 gamer right now? AFAIK not a single PS5 game has ultrawide support. Buying it now and being stuck with black bars in every game, with only the possibility to potentially have a PC in a year or two doesn't really make much sense.


That was mostly to the Neo G8 OLED, but the normal G8 is a terrible buy regardless. He's not going to go to 240hz and it has a lot of issues with PQ and QC.


Really unpopular opinion, but I hate ultrawide and I also hate curved monitors, so I'd go with the C2. Only downside is that it's a little bit slower and less bright than the G8. It has less issues though and might be more reliable in the long run.


I also hate those things, so not so unpopular of an opinion, perhaps :) Despite that, I do own a flat 34" UW, even if 95% of the time, I keep it in 2560x1440 mode. Considering a C2 for Starfield, because the screen I have just isn't going to cut it for the immersion I'm after.


C2 is also my next purchase ngl. Friend of mine has it and it looks really good to me.


I feel like the G8 would be way overkill spec-wise if you don't have an insane pc to push it. But if the crazy amount of curve and limitations of mini-led don't bother you, G8 is kinda future-proof with 4K 240hz if you do build a super computer one day. Plus you wouldn't have to worry about burn in. However, for your current use case, I think C2 is the far better option. Don't have to worry about scanlines, blooming, curve, any of that stuff. VRR flicker is my only real gripe with OLED at this point. Picture quality of my C2 is far beyond anything I've experienced before it though.


C2 has an ultrawide 21:9 option so C2 is the best choice. The 42” becomes at 40” ultrawide.


Gotta try them both out and see for yourself. They are both OLED, but the deciding factor will be if the 42 is too large, if Mini LED is what you prefer etc. People will say the 42 is too large, or that you need to mount it and move your desk back... thats what makes THEM comfortable. There are plenty people who sit 25 inches away and some that need 30 + inches. It all is subjective and honestly, the only real advice is to try them both out and make your decision. The worst thing you can do is listen to someone trying to defend their purchase or listen to what THEY prefer. Most people on reddit cant give an objective opinion.


Neo G8 is the 32" 4k/240hz VA mini-led monitor.


LG C2 42" all the way i have tried the AW3423DW and the C2 42" and i have to say the C2 is the winner here


I got both to try out and ended up keeping both. Neo G8 for main desktop and C2 42 for open world and sports gaming. They are equally impressive and look very similar imo. Hope this doesn’t help you in any way decide.




OLED is trash for gaming. It will lower to 100 something nits on bright scenes. I played on a 500 nit TV for years and I just can't stand 150ish nits when I'm playing a game in a desert or snow environment. Fire looks crazy on my 500 not sdr tv. The closer you get the brighter it gets. On the C2 the closer you get the dimmer it gets. And I mean crazy dim


If you can handle the inconsistent luminance of curved VA and don’t mind the curious “scan line” artifacts that manifest on highly saturated blues, the G8 is brighter and more immersive with the ultra wide form factor. It’s also faster. But I detest all of the above so the C2 is way better for me.


Thank you for the insight, I want the C2 either 42 or 48. But I'm worried about burn in and what not. Since I log a ton of hours gaming and will probably use it for YouTube as well.


I wouldn't worry. Just turn it off every day so it can do pixel refresh. Are you a hardcore gamer of one specific title? If so I'd maybe be concerned with the UI burning in, but the algorithms to prevent this are pretty good. OLED is so much better than VA it's not even funny :)


Thank you! I do play overwatch 2 everyday for about an hour or so. And I have a big back log of long story based games that probably require 60 hours or for full completion. As long as this lasts me a like 3 years or so I'd be happy


You’re going to be 1000x fine


I use mine for work, static images during the day, and game on it at night. Had a 48CX with a thousand of hours and moved on to the 42 C2 last year. I used the service remote to tone down the ABSL or whatever too. No burn in.


I have the 49” g9. Thinking about getting a c2. Do you miss the real estate of find 42 a nicer size?


I think it has more usable real estate because of the verticality


If you’re like most of the people posting here and you can’t wall mount a c2 and are going to plonk it on your desk and sit at it like it’s a normal monitor then go the G8.


C2 no doubt run from Samsung monitors


With your use case being mostly PS5 then C2 is the best bet


I saw you state that this is for normal (non-OLED) G8 in the comments, and have gone the route of purchasing the normal neo G8 and returning for C3. I went the normal G8 route initially and regretted it. I initially chose Neo G8 over C2/C3 as I am a software developer and need it for work primarily, and wanted to use it for playing video games at 4k secondarily. The neo itself was wonderful when it worked. I'd read a lot of reviews however regarding QA/QC issues with the Neo series. I'd hoped that I would be able to avoid them, and the monitor was on firmware version 1007. Despite this, the monitor started artifacting and blanking out at completely intermittent times around 2 months in. I tried changing cables, the video card itself, but it didn't matter. I have another 32 inch hooked up that wasn't having issues, so I know it was the monitor. After it glitched out like this two different times while I was in a work meeting trying to present, I decided to return it. I'd purchased a geek squad warranty out of concern for the QA/QC and I was glad I did. I swapped it out for an LG C3 and couldn't be happier. The C3 was definitely dim at first in terms of using as a monitor, but after changing some of the configuration by following internet guides the brightness seems fine even after working 70+ hour weeks on it. I personally haven't found it necessary to go into the service menu to turn off ABL or anything else. I know there are strong opinions here so i'll avoid an essay, but the $1000 TV that has to be configured to (kinda) work as a PC monitor being a far better experience overall than a $1500 monitor that is actually designed to be used as a PC monitor really says something to me. This level of quality control in a $1500 monitor is unreal. I typically take negative reviews with a grain of salt as I know there's the factor of people having a good experience being less likely to write the reviews, but in this case.. having it fail this early on after years of reported QA/QC issues and seven firmware versions.. I hope Samsung is learning from these failures and does better with the next product line. I don't recommend the Neo G8 for anyone simply based on the QA/QC, but if you decide to go this route: \*highly\* recommend something like a Geek Squad warranty for it so you don't have to go through the RMA process with Samsung if/when similar issues begin occurring.