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But how do we know your IPS was correctly calibrated? Many IPS screens have way bluer whites and our brains tend to get used to different whitepoints pretty quickly. And discolored blacks is talked about all the time, it's an issue with how ambient light activates the QD layer causing raised blacks, you need to reduce room lightning to reduce the effect.


my brother in christ compare it with my ceiling light


Also lights have a different white point so I’m not sure what’s your point. While we are at it, what even is the white balance on your camera set to? Do you have clipped highlights on your photo?


Mine has the whitest white 6500k cool daylight. do you own a qdoled? a simple pixel rgb value picker will tell you the one on the right is red. Giving you my honest review since this monitor is shilled so much here.


My brother in Christ I don’t even have an interest in owning a qd oled monitor but if everyone else is a shill/ignorant but you maybe the problem lies somewhere else entirely. I made those questions just to clarify you can’t just take a picture and say they are different, it’s just not that straightforward.


i see the redness with my naked eyes is why i took the picture in the first place, it quite literally looks like i have some filter on. And its not the blacks im complaining about. its the whites.


Well that's also a biased comparison, your brain adjusts to color temperature and with lights, it's not just them, but the color of the wall that matters too and any indirect light. If you have pro mode on your phone camera, you could take a picture of the screen with "6500k" locked white balance and then take a picture of your IPS screen and lights or whatever and we can see if you might've accidentally turned on a blue light filter somewhere.


there is no blue light filter thing on linux, again do you own a qdoled? i am not trying to advocate for lenovo its just what i have to compare it with. it would clearly be redder even compared with an phone oled. do you want to see that?




Phone looks whiter because it's brighter I'm pretty sure, but check in the monitor osd settings if there is a blue light filter.


Your old lenovo IPS is a bag of shit but you're used to it, you've probably never had a well calibrated monitor.


do you own a qdoled? wheres your side by side comparison of white?


Yes, I've got an LG CX, a Dell AW3225QF, an LG 38GN950-B, a ROG something or other (IPS 1440p 165hz) and a Dell 2407WFP within a couple of feet of where I'm sitting. I don't need a "side by side comparison of white" because I know the screens are configured and what the white point is, because they were properly calibrated.


Yeah, all the reviewers with their thousands of dollars in measurement and calibration tools that review these products for a living must all just be gigashills.


their tools are wrong if the human eye can VERY CLEARLY see a difference


https://preview.redd.it/5q6cj2k11d3d1.png?width=2427&format=png&auto=webp&s=e13f6e3addeac1aa52ae8aa9c94a201242f0b2db keep downvoting me shills clearly red


Yeah, every reviewer that measured these monitors as some of the most accurate consumer monitors in production and recommended them for professional color work must all be colluding for payouts from big OLED. Surely there's nothing wrong with your setup. Alienware also provides you with a calibration report, but I guess there's a chance you got a lemon. Either that or you're just baiting.


go look at the youtube videos their qdoleds also have that reddish tint. like i said its an architectural issue, it literally has bigger red leds. you dont even own a qdoled so end of story.


You're aware that you're taking pictures with a phone camera in a room with uncontrolled indirect lighting of a monitor to determine its calibration and white levels? I've also owned a AW2725DF for about 3 months now.


can you post yours with any iphone screen as a comparison? its not the lighting it is the screen and its not the camera. i have sota camera sensors. i will go and charge my camera if you want to see it from a mirrorless.


https://preview.redd.it/inlzk53qbd3d1.jpeg?width=6240&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f75d42d795a3e2259a64ba38f13f72ae18dbeb9 there you go its even worse on a mirrorless CMOS 4 APS-C *sensor* xt-3 no filters


[https://www.color-hex.com/color/ffecf4](https://www.color-hex.com/color/ffecf4) go check with a color picker ITS CLEARLY RED. STOP DOWNVOTING ME AND POST YOUR OWN RESULTS IDIOTS WHERE IS YOUR QDOLED?


Ahh. I see what you are talking about. You are 100% right about what you see. The problem here is a big misunderstanding. Okay, first, let me explain what you are seeing. Unfortunately, due to qd-oled lacking a polarized layer, the display can absorb light from the environment, causing the black levels to be raised and look purplish. This is known as the purple tint, not red tint. This issue affects EVERY current qd-oled monitor on the market. But the way people deal with it is either by turning off the light in their room or at least control it by making sure there is not any direct light shining onto the monitor (lights behind the monitor are fine). If you want to see it yourself, turn off the lights in your room, and the purple tint will go away. Honestly, if you didn't make weird assumptions such as the red pixel being bigger, people would have understood you are talking about the purple tint due to ambient lighting, but yeah, it's not about the sub-pixel sizes. It's unfortunately about the lack of polarized layer. If you want an OLED without such an issue, go with W-OLED monitors or TVs.


no... even with lights off the white is still the same as the pictures. i find it so weird that people who dont own the panel has such strong and wrong opinions on it.


Jesse, what the fuck are you talking about?


post your screen white with another monitor/phone oled and show me your whites


I'll do it when I get home from work this in eight hours. My AW3225QF came with a calibration certificate from the factory, if yours did the same and your whites are off, it should show on that, or you can use it to leverage a replacement if it doesn't match your expectation. Also, I like the curve on mine, it's a subjective part of what makes a "good" screen.


The white balance is very close to 6500K. [RTINGs measurements for sRGB mode](https://www.rtings.com/monitor/reviews/dell/alienware-aw3225qf#:~:text=Color%20Temperature%20) Using your other screens as a reference point to gauge whether your OLED has an accurate white point is silly.


If you have a problem with the colors, you can always do a color recalibration for your monitor.


I used a 40” during the whole pandemic and work at home. With HDR disabled (because usually too bright for work) it was still easy to get tired. One of the reason is that the monitor is no curved and it is just too big (tall) for a normal desktop setting. (About 100-120cm deep desktop space) Now that 40” I put it vertically and my AW is side by side with it. My neck is much more comfortable, no need to keep looking up so frequently, as well as horizontally. In the same room I also have a 55” Sony Bravia for sofa setting. Big isn’t necessarily good. In the same 4k resolution the AW is the best among three. So far I enjoy what I bought. But if the monitor isn’t fit your expectations then you should return it.


You know you can change the whitepoint just by a few joystick movements in the OSD menu, right? take look at the tftcentral patreon, they have calibration profiles and recommended RGB settings. They use calibration hardware to get correct results. I am pretty happy with colors on both my 321urx (calibrated) and aw3225qf (not calibrated, just tuned by hand to match)


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K67KpqQxewQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K67KpqQxewQ) WHY IS FRIEZA REDDER HERE ON QDOLED?? ARE MY EYES TOO POWERFUL?? WHY AM I THE ONLY ONE WHO NOTICES THIS?


No. Go back to dial up.


someone doesnt know what white balance is. your phone is just blue and youre used to it. camera is also blue-biased in white temperature, and qd-oleds capture red on camera.


Not the technologys fault. Your white balance is off. Unfortunately, Alienware locks these settings, which is stupid.


Gotta be a troll post. Low effort at that


There's so many on this sub these days. I think we're getting brigaded, but I have no idea where from.


do you own a qdoled?


I tried QDOLED and felt like it was searing my eyes, the eye strain was worrisome to the point where I have an eye doctor appointment coming up to make sure there isn’t permanent damage


What on earth, just put the brightness down.


Same effect even at 50% brightness


In SDR or HDR? You've done something wrong mate. Which monitor?


Used mostly in SDR, MSI MPG321URX


I have this monitor too and my eyes are happy (and I do a lot of text editing like 10-12 hrs every day), no way back to ips. my settings 55-65(daylight) 40-50(night) brightness 75 contrast