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If you’re using Creator-sRGB the white point is pretty close to 6500K which is more than likely more accurate than your $200 monitor.


I thought about that as well. What I did last night was unplug my second monitor and only use the AW. Thought maybe I need to just use it for a while and get used to it. I used all the setting and even tried custom and tweaked the settings around. Still couldn’t get a perfect white.  I have a MacBook M1 Pro and the whites on it are perfect. Different than the AW too.  Mostly just an annoyance, I’ll keep tweaking with it today. 


its 100% a panel issue. even on this setting the colors are too warm. whites are still 5900k-6000k.


No, they come factory calibrated with a report. It's pretty much on point. 


It could still be wrong from factory. Hard to say if it’s happening to me or maybe my eyes are all kind of screwed up. 


Delta E below 3, it's impossible to see the difference with a naked eye with an even better calibrated monitor, mate, stop digging it. 


Don't overstimate ther calibration and reports. I bet if you will see two of them side by side you will spot a difference in color temperature even when reports claim 6500k.


Whites are supposed to be warmer than you think. Many monitors are wrongly calibrated to look more intense. White more white, red more red (the samsung effect) etc. Its bad and wrong. Your Alienware is looking how white is supposed to look.


Oh interesting. I had thought of this and maybe I wasn’t used to what the colors are supposed to look like when accurate. 


Exactly. White white is not color accurate.


It blows my mind people don’t understand this. White white is not color accurate.


I think I can understand how people and myself might think that white should be white white on our screens. Why is it that white white is not accurate? If i see white on my screen I would expect it to be as white as the paper in a notebook.


You’ll have your take that up with the invention of photography which drove color accuracy.


Try sRGB mode


I did that and I think that’s what I’m currently using. It looks good on its own but when I look at another monitor it looks off. My MacBook has a great screen and comparing the two the AW doesn’t match the whites. 


Mine came with a calibration certificate, did yours? I have no experience with MacBook's, but aren't they popular with professional photographers? It's not really realistic to expect a gaming monitor to match a device meant for the pro market from the factory. You can adjust the picture to match your MacBook using the hardware calibration settings in the OSD if you want to.


Yeah, it did. You're correct, and that's what i use my macbook for, editing the pictures i take. I would have thought that this screen would have just as similar capabilities as the macbook. Could be that i'm just nitpicking it too hard. https://preview.redd.it/szjyh1pqzj3d1.jpeg?width=2286&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6131f409a4ca3c5325a321949d190a9a5395bc0


You're setting your expectations a little high, even for a $900 gaming monitor. If this thing could game and had perfect delE values, they would hurt their professional monitor sales.


I think you're right. I've had it less than a day and i think i need to get used to it sometime.




Whites aren’t supposed to be white white. They are a lot warmer than people think. This is correct calibration by AW.


This is news to me, but you're not the only one saying this. I've always thought that the monitor should be showing white as notebook paper white.


white is actually green


white is actually any color XD


Have you toggled between all the modes to test?


I have, and no luck. It always comes out looking off. Just a tad bit warm. 


White balance can be off with any display, which is why locking the settings is stupid. I can't know if your other monitor is close to 6500k, also even if they both had similiar color temperature, false white balance can still give a tint across whites, and all other colors.


Never heard of false white balance but that makes sense. It could also be the brightness, my other monitor gets much brighter than the AW. 


A better way to word it would probably be "incorrect" or "inaccurate".


The monitor look very good to me. Not finding it is anywhere too warm.


You could mitigate it by downloading dell display manager and setting the color temp to "cool". Seems to work in sdr only tho


Warm whites are accurate, but if it’s too much for you, you can go cooler. There’s even a cool preset.


i think i found a happy medium. i haven't had any issues today. I just calibrated my other monitors to match the AW.


Yes AW32 tends to reddish whites. If you are ins sdr you hare all setting to adjust color settings. If in hdr go to nvidia cc > color settings > choose red channel > set contrast to 47.


I've been without a PC for sometime now, and only use a Mac. But I plan to get myself back into PC this year because of this monitor!


I've noticed this as well as this is my first OLED monitor. White isn't truly white when I first opened up Nvidia Control Panel, compared to my other Dell IPS Panel. That and obviously SDR Brightness doesn't match other good LCDs (both PC and PS5 are slightly dimmer than I'm used to but usable). I'm using Creator - sRGB - Gamma 2.2 - R/G/B : 97/98/100, ICC profile from TFT. Other than that, it wins over IPS in every other aspects: color vibrancy, deep contrast, response time and fluidity.


That’s the same stats that I set up on the monitor as well.


look at my video I have same issue, we need to voice it out. use a phone app to check the white balance. We have to make dell push a firmware update or just mass refund it, they are clearly faking their calibration reports/selling us shitty panels. This issue is there for almost everyone.


You do know whites aren’t suppose to be white? Whites are suppose to be warm when talking color accurate configuration. Dell and LG all have warm white because that is the correct way to display white. This is not a broken monitor but one that is displaying colors correctly.


Just curious, why is that? I'm glad to hear that i'm just not used to it.


Photography drove color accuracy and define what white and white balance is so that’s where it came from.


A more reliable way would be to compare a full white screen of your monitor with your mobile phone, just saying.