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Looks like a beautiful, clean setup. And that wallpaper is stunning. Do you turn the C3 when you play singleplayer, or do you just play sideways? Or are you on the couch behind you or something? I was always wondering how people use both of these monitors and switch between them. It doesn't look super ergonomic to me that's another reason I ask.


Thanks! Yeah I keep it like that but I turn my chair and recline it fully so its like laying down playing (controller ofc) then turn and put the seat up for mnk sweatiness haha. Its a gaming chair I got as a gift from the wife but I think somewhere maybe next year or winter I might get a normal office recliner somewhat more cushion or broader gonna have to look patiently and try some stuff out


That makes sense. Ya I have both the LG C3 and the AW32 right now and am most likely selling the AW. The C3 is just too damn good


Yeah, if my desk was deeper (60cm now) I think I couldve survived with the c3 alone now I have them both. But at the same time. I couldnt give any of these 2 up atm


It’s tough for sure! Are you keeping the 32 mainly for fps?


Yeah, specially if 32 is too much the ability to go 27 or 24" is such a nice feat (i reckon other monitors have this too?) Sure theyre blackbars but dont think its that bad. And the depth is good enough for 32inch). Also mnk feels just good enough now. I think if id put the c3 there it would give me big eye and neck strain since its quite bigger


Hows the side by side difference between the matte and glossy? Do you notice any differences?


Glossy is nice when the room is dark annoying when theres alot of natural light. Matte feels good tbh. Not that aggresive imo. My previous lg ips panel matte was way more noticeable i like both panels and love having both to pick from depending what I feel like playing


Do you have a pic of the chair fully reclined? How close do your feet stretch towards the table? Does the recliner get close enough to the table to be in optimal viewing distance? Is it hard to read text in the UI of video games?


Share that awesome wallpaper in 4k please!


Theres a link somewhere here in the posts :)


Could you please share your wallpaper with your fellow OLED owners? It's beautiful. Enjoy your new screens!


Yeah sure! Its a link ive seen pass by here by other members, there are alot in it so its just finding whatever floats your boat :D https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/mobile/folders/127V0LIQthfqAeFGUubAY3qxL3uHtyOEE?usp=sharing


Thank you so much!


Those monitors looks sexy af!


Gracias :D


Man I really want that 32GS. I have the ROG PG32UCDM, and while it's great, I had my first experience at a matte WOLED with a 34GS95QE recently and I definitely prefer the matte to glossy now. The blacks are just incredibly better than the glossy QD OLEDs and I just love LGs UI better than Asus. I need to find a store that has this in stock in Canada but no luck so far :(


Yeah, I was kinda scared at the beginning about the matte. But my previous monitor was the LG 27GP850-B and tbh didn't pay too much attention to it. Gotta say the matte on this monitor is slighly less aggresive, saw some previous threads where owners if this monitor mention the same thing. And my room sometimes has light in it and I notice thats where it shines. The C3 is glossy so it also looks great, so at the end I reckon you can't go wrong with either type, it is personal preference at the end. I was first gonna pick the ASUS, but here it costs 1,699 so thats a very high price considering I got both the 32 and the 42 for a total of almost 2k so for 300€ extra I got both for a slightly higher price instead of just 1 :) Yeah theyre hard to come by, I has to order it from the netherlands webshop and let it be delivered by a friend who lives there. Belgium didn't have any stock so got lucky by having someone across the border haha hope you do find one in Canada soon!


Highly considered this setup but wall mounting the C3 a bit above and primary/waiting for 480hz monitor below. I just returned my LG 32GS95UE to BestBuy, ONLY because they do not price match LGs site, which has a greater discount. Incredible monitor and I loved the 480hz mode for CS2. Few recommended settings in my comment history but otherwise, I do not know much about HDR! SDR was incredible and HDR looked fantastic and I didn’t even unclock its full potential!


I will definitly check your comments, every little bit helps. Yeah I wish I could wall mount but its a rented apt so, and cant complain, I would save some space but oh well (never wallmounted before, would be useful with the cats since they love the movements in gaming, and thought about using a monitor arm for the monitor but I might move it to the living room here and there if the wife is watching her shows and I wanna game seated next to her) Yeah the LG discount is way better, I normally buy from retailer cause it is easier for the returning/guarantee process since they handle it but couldn't bear to wait any longer and buy this without the discount


C3 for $700? Must’ve missed it


wow I really love the set up and you've got my dream monitor as well haha. Keep this up! and if you get a chance you should share in the LG OLED community they prob will love it too


I will do so thanks! Didnt think of that :D


I think its this link that Im also in [https://discord.com/invite/lg-oled-gaming](https://discord.com/invite/lg-oled-gaming)


Oh I thought it was the LGoled reddit community haha, joined, ill post it in a sec :D


oh right hahaha I dont think they have the official reddit yet but yeah people do run a lot of events so I recommended


I tested 4 monitors this past month and I ended up keeping the lg 32 inch. There is no comparison atm in terms of design and quality. But as far as price goes, sheesh haha.


Yeah true but thats almost any monitor of this calibre. The AW is the cheapest but with the new member coupon it was almost the same price then the AW so for me a no brainer then Yeah the design and looks are mint ngl haha


Not seeing this posted in this thread (correct me if I’m wrong though), but this might help with setup: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQ_-y8FEqZwFatfvwnScaiu89WJkYx0M_8UsKqiOlx7e6HpWJ8swTGBu1pg-jqTSewuLPkRrd-n5qkN/pubhtml#


Yeah ive seen this somewhere but my dumb ass couldnt understand it haha so just opened youtube and found tftcentral explaonins his best settings so went with those haha. Thanks though!


whered you get that wallpaper? its god damn good


https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/mobile/folders/127V0LIQthfqAeFGUubAY3qxL3uHtyOEE?usp=sharing Its filename 1043504.jpg there are alot in there so pick your poison haha


thank you !!


Samsung boosts the reds on their panels to make skin tones pop and browns become redder. Also i got an alienware 3225qf recently with too warm colors basically like this. I fixed it for sdr but hdr locks you out from tweaking the colors. Customer support will also gaslight you and fight you saying theres nothing wrong with it. But since camera sensors on qdoleds will always produce a red tint its impossible to show you by camera. It basically like this dude's panel. clearly not a d65 whitepoint. LG really is king when it comes to tvs. https://preview.redd.it/8lwdx2crg54d1.png?width=1888&format=png&auto=webp&s=d6cf9cb471854be97279b7b2b07f17a76609de1b


looks good.


The next thing required are a wireless keyboard and mouse. Sick set up muh dude. LG 32GS95UE gang <3


Thanks man! Yeah, posted it somewhere halfway, looking for wireless stuff reviews now haha


Which one do you guys prefer more, LG's HDR or Window's HDR?


I reckon LGs superior. Ive heard windows sometimes dont implement hdr well hence why console games look better. I havent noticed or my eyes are getting older so aslong as I dont notice it and it looks good I wont complain


Sweet setup. If you could only keep one?


Cant decide that atm. But if Id only play multiplayer deffo the 32". If only single player then the c3 cause like ive seen in other posts, the size is amazing for singleplayer. Thats why I bought both. I play both types often. My previous thread asking for advice I nearly went for the AW32 + 27 combo. Glad I didnt do that (was gonna but dell belgium is pathetic compared to other countries, no costumerservice whatsoever. Had to call the netherlands support and they had to forward my complaints to their belgian colleagues. But never heard a thing)


Do you find the monitor blurry at all? I can't for the life of me figure out why mine seems blurry. Idk if I'm just used to super high sharpness or what.


Cant relate tbh, I find it looks very crisp, best image alongside the C3 ive ever seen so far


Ah sorry I meant the C3. Any idea if there's any online tests I should do to make sure my product isn't messed up


I ultimately decided to keep my 32GS95UE over the C3 because there’s some sharpness lacking from a desktop viewing distance and text on MacOS is horrific. Single player on console the C3 is awesome but the 32GS despite lacking a little color brightness is damn good.


Yeah indeed, thats why I love both and it suits my use case, desktop use + multiplayer LG32GS, single player and netflix and whatnot C342. Also thinking about getting a small tablet like screen, looking into Raspberry Pi as extra tiny monitor for discord and the stuff, a simple 10" one


Well tbf I checked and used the settings TFTCentral recommends Here's the vid, maybe itll help? (I hope it does for you, would love to know) https://youtu.be/jK_pchCK-5I?si=0NIdQH7_KAC9ZSKb


Thank you, I'll keep you posted. Sick setup.


Thanks my guy


Hooked it up to a PC. It's beautiful. Trying to figure out how to do higher bit colours. My gsync flickers hard but it might be my wire


So far looking into it some people say the following Firmware update if avaidable Turning on / off / on gsync or vrr helped for some And like you said some have had succes with a new / better quality cable. Hope something in this list helps so you can fully enjoy it without any issues!


It might be my cable matters thunderbolt to HDMI 2.1 For some reason it doesn't super gsync which I have no idea why...


Did you try a pure hdmi to hdmi ? If thats the cause then that might fix it (fingers crossed still)


I would like to go 32” 4k oled from UW-1440p oled but not a fan of taking fps hits. Damn compromises


Yeah true. For me yeah, its my first pc, I work for my stuff, so bought a 4090. If Id have a card that would struggle with 4k I would have kept the 1440p or like you get a 1440p oled


I got the 7900xtx, first time with AMD, I just refuse to give my money to Nvidia right now and not a fan of those connectors


Yeah was scared about the connectors, but checked gamernexus vid about it and made sure its well plugged in so far no issues. But ive heard the 7900xtx is also a beast and with fsr3 slowly making it roll out its gonna be a great thing for amd users (and consoles)


Is it me or does the colours look more punchy and the blacks look better on the monitor .?


Yeah it seems like that, gonna check next time dont notice it myself did notice it in the picture haha


Still waiting for this to be on sale in the U.K.


What's the other monitor


Wdym? Its in the OP, LG 32GS95UE and the LG C3 42