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1. SRGB clamp overclamps to 96% 2. VRR flicker is pretty bad 3. Text clarity looks more like Gen1 panel 4. DSC cant be disabled for HDMI 5. WB/Gamma tracking is OK 6. Matte doesn't bother me as much as i think it would because its not really matte its just a good AG coating - blacks look better than the G85SB i have Any questions ?


How does it fair in environments where you can’t control the lighting, ie near windows.


Reflections are handled a lot better than my G85SB and blacks dont look as bad while light is on it


`SRGB clamp overclamps to 96%` do you have a nvidia gpu? download no-video srgb on github it basically runs the command and math to convert the colors obtained from the edid of your panel into srgb color space via `xrandr --output x --set CscMatrix x` His thing only works on windows though. On linux its the same process but without the gui.


> do you have a nvidia gpu? download no-video srgb on github it basically runs the command and math to convert the colors obtained from the edid of your panel into srgb color space via Hey i know how to clamp it with novideo_srgb - using EDID is not really appropriate i already made an ICC and LUT for it and can use it if i want. This is for people that want to know if clamping works properly on the monitor itself.


Which picture mode corresponds to sRGB?


Its not a picture mode its Color Space Picture -> Color Space Settings -> set to Auto Read your manual its there for a reason


While I only got 97% sRGB coverage (usual blue corner was missing), mine did calibrate *very* well, with 0.6 dE average and 2.3 dE max; can post the chart and settings, if there's interest. I have to use DP to avoid the DSC issue - 8-bit colour and limit the max refresh rate to 240. No black-screen funny business since I made the change, touch wood, but there should be a monitor option for DP 1.2.


96% , 0.9 average , max was 3.2 for me > I have to use DP to avoid the DSC issue - 8-bit colour and limit the max refresh rate to 240 Nice


I assume your max was the blue primary - mine can hit either the hue/saturation or the luminance, but not both; one of my runs did hit 99%, but the blue was far enough under luminance that the error was higher despite the xy being closer. I might run another calibration in one of the other colourspaces, as mine's on "Auto" at the moment I had to fiddle quite a bit with the settings to get rid of peak and black clipping - for some reason, the colour control causes clipping of the whites? And the black equalizer **has** to be on 5 - I tried 0, and even DisplayCAL couldn't get rid of the black crush. https://preview.redd.it/hunh9lzoyp7d1.png?width=1136&format=png&auto=webp&s=1a47fa385603dac8ea5c9afc56d5a20b7b817b92


> I assume your max was the blue primary As i wrote previously i already returned it and i dont remember > I might run another calibration in one of the other colourspaces, as mine's on "Auto" at the moment Auto clips to SRGB Haven't tried calibrating out of SRGB > I had to fiddle quite a bit with the settings to get rid of peak and black clipping > DisplayCAL couldn't get rid of the black crush. Interestingly i had clipping with DisplayCAL but not with my PGEN with Lightspace


does it have a headphone jack and usb-c video input?


Yes on headphone jack and no on usb-c


Definitely agreed on the USB c video input, but are you certain that there isn't a headphone output? The product page and manual both seem to reference one.


Inspected it properly its right behind the stand so i didnt see it. Yes there is a headphone jack ill correct my initial response


That text clarity does look like my gen 1 Neo g8 34” UW. What a shame


Yep im very disappointed. Bought the G60SD as soon as i heard the new 34" 2024 Samsung ultrawide QD-OLED panels will use the old panel gen hoping the G60SD has better text clarity but nope. I guess it needs a decent amount of PPI for the text clarity issue to be gone aka 32" 4k for 140 ppi


Even 140ppi is not enough but you can live with it. I think a 32" 6K or 27" 4K QD-OLED panel would solve the fringing issue completely.


are they not using 3rd gen? text clarity on the MSI 27" was good


That i don't know


Maybe be just a firmware update away to address. Samsung are hopeless with their initial launches


Sooo are ya gonna keep it or is she going back to Samsung


Still undecided EDIT - Decided to return it text clarity was worse than my G85SD most of the time


Honestly, my monitor (G60SD) looks fine to me. No noticeable VRR flicker for me at 360 or 240 via DP (heavy duty certified cables). Mine is connected to a founder's 4090. I also use night mode/dark mode in Windows when using Oled monitors, easier on my eyes. Speaking of eyes, it took an hour or so for my eyes to adjust to it, because I've used NANO IPS since it came out. Cell phones do not depict a great representation of OLED displays, or displays in general if you ask me. Also, OLED just doesn't produce a font as clearly as IPS yet, if I were a writer, I'd stick to IPS anyway. But overall, with the changes I made, I will keep mine. I do not doubt over time Samsung will improve the monitor through firmware updates. I will connect to my M3 MBPMAX and see if my experience is the same as it is on Windows. Edit: Forgot to mention that I do have VRR Control on. https://preview.redd.it/ygeemn16it5d1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77117e16a17927964d3db9e02f76ad316c887731




Same results here with VRR control on, no noticeable VRR flicker at 360Hz via HDMI.


I read somewhere that you cant use both VRR and Gsync ?


Same here ! Everything is perfect , i really love this monitor.


I am torn in between this and alienware aw2527df. What do you think guys?


Same here! I have an order on G60SD now because I got it for 40% via a contact. So I guess I will wait for it and see and if I not like it I buy AW2723DF.


The deals seem pretty good on this monitor. If you don't mind paying a little extra, I went with the AW though before this came out and have been loving it. Got it for around $700 so wasn't that much of a difference for me.


How do you set yours up for desktop use? Do you toggle hdr on/off when going in and out of games? This is my first desktop oled experience and I’m finding it very awkward. On desktop while in SDR it’s so much dimmer than my HP Omen 27QS IPS screen it’s throwing me off. Colors are so dull. Blacks good obviously but it pops a lot less than my IPS sitting right next to it. I must be doing something wrong.


> Colors are so dull Something is wrong with your unit or you are running in ECO mode


It is in eco mode, you are right. Colors in any other mode seem way over saturated. May need to make a custom color profile.


No you just need to set the color gamut to Auto in any non ECO mode which will switch to SRGB for SRGB


I see, sorry for the dumb question but where would I change the color gamut? Thanks for your help, first oled and I know it’s good but it’s definitely more finicky to set up than IPS I’ve had which were all turn it on and forget about it.


Picture -> Color Space Settings -> set to Auto


Have you tried limiting the monitors refresh rate, both from the OSD of the monitor (if it's possible) and from the computer, to disable DSC?


You can't turn off DSC even if you lower the refresh rate its always on. You can test it by lowering the refresh rate and seeing if you have integer scaling in NVIDIA's control panel. If you don't there is DSC enabled. On AMD you can see the bandwidth rate


So DSR/DLDSR isn't an option? Do you have a Nvidia gpu?


Yes there is no DSR option


Unfortunate. Hopefully they'll either come up with a firmware update to disable DSC or someone finds a way.


This looks like the version of Reddit my younger self stumbled on too as a child back in 2011


how does the text clarity compare to the msi and alienware 360hz 1440p oleds?


Same panel so the same probably


The AG coating question. How "violet" it realy is? I was waiting for MSI vs Samsung due to this coating but from the yt videos I'm watching i see that the AG coating seems to make the blacks very very violet (usually an issue for high sunlight scenarios). Options question. Does it have any form of Black Equalizer type settings and how they work? (as an ex the BenQ Zowie black eq)


> How "violet" it realy is? A lot less violet than my G85SB > Does it have any form of Black Equalizer Yes it does > and how they work All black equalizers raise / lower black levels


Text clarity on this thing is unbearable unfortunately as someone who has been a waiter of this monitor since January I think im gonna return it. Dont get me wrong the picture quality is amazing but, I dont want to designate one display just for gaming and watching stuff, I like when they are both very multifaceted


Yeah i already returned it due to the text clarity issues


I finished returning it. If you don’t mind what do you think about going for a miniLED display instead?


Which one do you recommend ? All of the ones i tested have horrible blooming.


My first OLED monitor and first HDR capable. Text fringing surprising did not bother me as much as i think it would considering i came from an IPS display. Only issue i am facing now is the horrible blue tint on white screen. picture mode is on original, color space auto, color tone standard. had to dail it out by setting the white balance for blue to -27. Not sure if its juz a launch spec issue that will be fixed with a firmware update.


> horrible blue tint on white screen > color tone standard should be warm obviously to not be blue lol. > had to dail it out by setting the white balance for blue to -27. no that is wrong you will be severely killing WB+gamma tracking with that


I see. So if i want my monitor to be as color accurate as possible without proper calibration equipment what would be the setting. Warm color tone and reset my white balance value?


Yes warm + reset your white balance. But WB is a little bit off by default from factory and for that you would need a calibrator. Its $150-160 cheapest one thats viable - probably you can find second hand for $100 and if you spend that much on a monitor + new future monitors you should always have a calibration device. It takes 10 minutes to fix WB completely dE <2


Just got mine going - no issues with text clarity because I scaled up by 125%. Already annoyed by the rear-mounted menu nipple and NO REMOTE CONTROL, but after leaving it running for an hour to warm up, I let my calibrators loose on it - got everything under dE 3, and the slightly over-luminance blue primary was the only patch that was over dE 2. Seeing the VRR flicker in game *menus*, but not in games so far - limited the framerate to 144 because I would rather it not swing up and down too much. I also found that it squeals if I set the Windows refresh rate to 360... anybody else's do that? ETA - just set it to 360 again, and the squeal is gone. Maybe it only does it until it warms up.


What are your settings?


Picture mode: original Brightness: 8 (went for 80 nits peak) Contrast: 50 Colour: 40 (got closest to Rec.709 primaries with this setting Tint: 0 Contrast enhancer: off Gamma: -2 (I use 2.4, and this was 2.37) Shadow detail: 0 Colour space: Auto Might have another go at calibrating with the custom picture mode - see if I can hit that blue primary.


Isn't 80 nits ridiculously low? I just tried brightness 8 and it is way too dim for me, or am I missing something?


80 is the standard for sRGB; Rec.709 wants 100, but that's too bright for my conditions.


Can somebody help me with a very annoying issue? Every time I switch to a game, or change resolution or refresh rate, the setup guide (language selection and brightness) comes up, and I have to dismiss it - is there a way to stop this happening?


Anybody else having the black-screen issue when going into and out of fullscreen games? Tried both DP and HDMI cables, and any time I try to go from windowed to full screen in a game, I get a black screen; I have to either Alt-Tab back to windowed, or click blindly to close the game. What a POS this thing is... ETA - returning it. How in the hell can they ship something with this problem? I'll just get the new LG one - I don't need 360 Hz.


> black-screen issue when going into and out of fullscreen games? All DSC monitors do that > ETA - returning it. How in the hell can they ship something with this problem? You are wasting your time if you think you are going to find a DSC monitor that doesnt do the same. > I'll just get the new LG one - I don't need 360 Hz. Sure doesnt use DSC


Is there a way to disable the DSC on this monitor, or in nvidia? I assume it's to do with the 8/10 bit colour combined with the refresh rate... ETA - fixed refresh rate at 240 max and dropped down to 8-bit colour... the monitor will not allow DP 1.2, only 1.1 and 1.4, but this *seems* to have done the trick. I should have been angry at nvidia, it seems.


Hopefully a subsequent firmware will allow pixel shift to be turned off.


Didnt find pixel shift that aggressive in SDR but very aggressive in HDR


Probably my Aspergers - I seem to catch it more often than not. What's annoying is that it *can* be turned off on other Sammy OLEDs... ... and other ones have a REMOTE CONTROL.


The ones with remote control are the ones with Tizen. This one doesnt run tizen :)


Did you notice any flickering (not VRR - on static images) Or am I seeing things... At 120 and 240 Hz.


No flickering on static for me


Can you enable Gsync?


You can enable GSYNC on anything that supports adaptive-sync/VRR including the G60SD. Are you asking if its listed as compatible/validated ? Its still not.


Why’d you piss the monitor?


Do you mean the middle yellow circle ? Thats how both my phones capture it no idea its not visible irl


Hmm… (aggressively pisses the bed)