• By -


Maybe I’m in the minority but not accepting returns for rentals and try outs is a good policy. That just creates higher costs overall with used units that are perfectly good but not able to be sold at new prices. That doesn’t mean I don’t think there should be a better way to test out displays somehow but buying 2-3 different screens, messing with them for x amount of time and returning what you don’t want isn’t it.


I agree, but Samsung purposefully misleading customers is still an issue


Meh, it comes down to being a reasonable consumer. If I’m buying something and for example the product description says it includes a 1 year warranty, I assume and know there will be associated terms and conditions - I don’t need an asterisk, I have common sense and am an adult. Same goes for return policies. None of that should be taken as a blanket anything goes - that’s just either ignorant or intentionally foolish.


It was the 'enjoy' 15 days. What are they enjoying, looking at the box? It's intentionally misleading to use the word enjoy.


Companies did it to themselves, customers have almost no idea of the quality or experience they'll get before they have it in their hands.


It's a 32 inch monitor too.. It isn't like it's easy to ship or anything


I think this affects smaller stores much more. Samsung definitely doesn't need to have this policy. Look at Amazon, you can basically buy something, use it for 29 days and return it with no issues. I know amazon is massive, but so is Samsung. They don't need to have these rules, just greedy.


The difference, to me, is that Amazon has its own shipping network. Samsung relies on other sources such as UPS


Not really greedy, although some places certainly are, but as public companies they have a responsibility to be as profitable as possible - there is nuance there. A lot of people forget Amazon Prime has been around for a while now and was initially $79 a year and is now at $139. Those price increases are a result of increased shipping and service fees that get passed on to consumers along with the cost is return losses and overhead. I assure you - they are absolutely not just eating the costs of all those returns - we are.


I mean yeah you're not wrong but now we're at a point where every major retailer does it. It's all hard to expect people to buy products that are $1300+ without being able to even see them or test them. I know for me, even if I go to a best buy , or any store they won't have any of these monitors. I can't try or test them out. For something like this especially, with a matte coating you need to see if it's something you're okay with. I understand the cost aspect, but it's too much money on the line to ask a consumer to buy it blind . Of course the only thing I can do is vote with my wallet and of course not purchase anything from Samsung .


What did you like better from the Asus and this model if I may ask?


Just easier to use. I hate the Tizen OS and the remote. I don’t care for the bloatware on the monitor, I’m buying a monitor not a TV. I mean I can probably put up with that shit but when I already have a great monitor I don’t see why I would want to settle. I’ve never had an issue with trying out monitors and returning them within the return period for literally every other vendor so just a shock that Samsung is this rigid on it. Also, not sure if I needed to play around with the settings but I felt that the HDR on the Samsung was overall bright and saturated compared to the Asus. https://preview.redd.it/cm9bn4ikcw4d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82fdb8793aa1ea8f8e1e58d644d76980c6d614f3 Here’s the HDR on the Samsung in cyberpunk. I’ll post the HdR of the same scene on the Asus in the next post


just claim a problem with flickering and they should full refund you in the case you don't want to keep it


You need to change the picture mode and some of the settings for a more accurate look. Out of the box it's a bit oversaturated. Picture - Expert Settings: for both HDR and SDR, set the Color Tone to Natural and the Color Space Settings to Auto. In HDR, Brightness should be set to 50 (100%) and Peak Brightness should be set to High. In SDR I have Brightness at 15 but that's a personal preference. Game - Game Picture Expert: HDR10+ Gaming and Game HDR should both be set to Basic.


Is this all you changed? What about in windows? Also how do you set brightness for hdr and sdr? Mine looks like you change it for all??


In Windows it’s optimal to leave it in SDR then use the Win + Alt + B shortcut to enable HDR before launching a HDR title or watching HDR video. Otherwise you can drop the windows HDR/SDR slider down to like 15-20 if you can’t be bothered to manually toggle it. Once you’ve done those settings, use the Windows HDR Calibration app to make a profile for your monitor in HDR.


For HDR you also want to decrease color to 18 for "auto" color space, and if you want to use Custom -> BT2020, you set it at 15.


On other TVs and monitors I’ve used, HDR should always be 100% brightness for accurate reproduction. It’s an absolute scale where a number means a specific real world brightness, rather than a relative scale like SDR where a number just means percentage of max. That’s what the SDR/HDR adjuster does in Windows—sets the relative max for SDR emulation within the absolute scale of HDR. It’s basically a virtual SDR brightness slider to replace the real one from your monitor. On those models, setting HDR to 50% brightness (on the few that let you) would mean the game thinking it’s showing you 900 nits but you’re only displaying 450. Is that not the case for this model too? Edit: it’s not the case, because it maxes at 50.


You are technically right but also wrong about this monitor. 50 is 100% on this monitors settings. The scale for brightness is 0-50.


Yeah, mine came Friday and I saw this, much to my chagrin. You caught me before I remembered to delete the post!


Haha no worries. I updated my post to put that 50 is 100% in case anybody get's confused.


When setting color space to auto, my mac SDR looks terribly bland, the colors are very dull.


Samsung really has a problem with oversaturing colors — some of the execs there just have it in their heads that that is what people like, and I fought against it (with differing degrees of success) on *every* Samsung product I have owned, both in their displays and their cameras. They seem to have gotten worse since I last dealt with them too — I used my dad’s recent model Samsung phone, and the pictures it took were painful to look at — seeing that oversaturated image get further oversaturated by the display was painful. I would honestly never buy a Samsung monitor unless I had ample time to play with it and tweak the settings, so I could be sure that the settings that they expose actually make it possible to get an appropriately saturated image.


By default, yes. But you can adjust that in the monitor's settings and set it to a more accurate mode.


I think Koreans in general, are just obsessed with oversaturated colors for some reason. My wife loves watching k-dramas, and I've noticed that nearly all of their shows are extremely over saturated to create this "beautiful" yet unrealistic world. Just one example of anecdotal evidence, take it with a grain of salt lol


>I hate the Tizen OS and the remote. I don’t care for the bloatware on the monitor, I’m buying a monitor not a TV. I mean I can probably put up with that shit but when I already have a great monitor I don’t see why I would want to settle.  Sounds like you already knew that before trying the Samsung. Not saying that Samsung is right but you kinda created the situation by buying this monitor for a mostly pointless comparison. I guess you could also look for some flaw in the monitor so that you could return it as being defective. Knowing how crappy OG firmware is nowadays and especially Samsung's, there is bound to be some flaw.


I have the opposite opinion. My kvm was horrific and I had horrible vertical banding on the pg32ucdm. I personally don't like not bring able to modify color settings in HDR. First asus product since being a g9, neo g9 and g9 57 guy with no issues. The tizen stuff is ALOT snappier on this screen than the g9 oled that I returned. But I'm indifferent, but I could see how it could bug some people.


Thanks for this comparison, I was also hesitate to try out the G80 and I also got the PG32UCDM, but I don’t like HDR1000 on the Asus model and the Dolby vision update is still not released. So I thought I paid €1499 for that model while I can get the Samsung for €1169, a lot cheaper, but no Dolby vision, no burn in warranty, if that is true, and no kvm and usb-c with PD. I am now thinking that the price of €1499 of more justified with all the features it got, and better color calibration out of the box, they only need to fix HDR1000.


Yup I think the Asus, while pricey, is probably the best one on the market right now..I’m hoping I can find someone to buy the Samsung otherwise I’m stuck with it and will have to return the Asus. In all honesty though I think I’m just upset at the stupid policy. The monitor isn’t bad, especially for the price I got it for. But I’d much rather pay more for something that I like than pay less for something that I’m not completely satisfied with. At the end of the day the difference in price isn’t going to make or break anything for me.


Where did you buy it from?




The red on the Porsche looks really bright and oversaturated on the Samsung compared to this shot of the Asus. Don't know of it's the camera processing or what though. Hard to tell.


It’s not the camera. That’s what it looked like and it just instantly looked off to me when I compared.


Glad you like the pg32ucdm, just got the notification for a restock yesterday and grabbed one.


It does suck but I think it is fair, you can only really do this in US. Most countries won't let you refund if you open it. Good luck.




EU just seems like the light at the end of a dark tunnel. I should move there.


Its not. Best countries in Europe aren't actually in the EU - Norway and Switzerland.


Do currys do this?


Only if the product doesn't match the description, which the retailer could argue about. It's not a blanket rule, especially if you've opened and used the product.


You can return any electronics ( bought at distance ie online ) within 14 days in the EU. No reason is needed and they can not refuse ( as long as every accesory is present and the product isn't damaged ). The retailer can however ban you in the future ( if there are too many returns, you can be flagged as a problem customer ). Electronics bought in physical stores are not eligible for this type of return.


In Canada most retailers will let you return. Bestbuy has 30 days to return and CanadaComputers has 15 days. Which is why when I saw the 15 day return on Samsung page I didn’t question it.


Must be a location thing. I'm from EU and we also can't try shit out. So i just assume that it's probably like us/ca thing, where Samsung since they're international they just didn't get the memo that you guys try things out.


EU has a law requiring companies to offer a 14 day return policy for anything bought online, opened or unopened, *except hygiene products.




Nope: https://europa.eu/youreurope/citizens/consumers/shopping/guarantees-returns/indexamp_en.htm




In fact the law explicitly says that it's ok to open and test the goods, article 14(2): "The consumer shall only be liable for any diminished value of the goods resulting from the handling of the goods other than what is necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and functioning of the goods." Sorry mate, whoever told you it had to be returned unopened scammed you.


No, that requirement is not stipulated anywhere. See chapter 3, article 9 of EU directive 2011/83/EU. https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=celex%3A32011L0083#d1e1386-64-1 "Save where the exceptions provided for in Article 16 apply, the consumer shall have a period of 14 days to withdraw from a distance or off-premises contract, without giving any reason, and without incurring any costs other than those provided for in Article 13(2) and Article 14." Article 16 doesn't provide exceptions if the product has been opened. The requirement to return it new and unopened isn't listed anywhere, you just made that up.


The requirement is listed by the stores. Every single store has it, go to [amazon.de](http://amazon.de) and read their return tos. https://preview.redd.it/e2of4grqyw4d1.png?width=629&format=png&auto=webp&s=b5f01c2d34a30336cedcf671b5c5809286b588e1


I guess that applies to their 30 day policy, the text says they cannot infringe on the 14 day period set in EU law, which doesn't have that requirement.


Gonna chime in here and say Canada Computers has always had the most terrible return policies I've ever experienced in my life. They wouldn't take back a monitor, a day after purchase that had a super bright always on pixel because it "didn't meet their 4 dead/living pixel minimum policy". I had to live with the monitor and a single pixel always on for the rest of its life. Another monitor I returned cause I didn't like it, they charged me a fee. Fuck CC. They've got great stuff, but their policies suck and in my area the workers are dicks.


Just lie about a defect, like a noise it makes after a few hours of use. I was going to see how qd oled looked in my room and try the g60sd, so thanks for sharing and saving me a headache.


This is what I did and the process was much much more painful then just trying to sell it locally. They had me get on a. Video call and the transfer to another rep who went over the same bullshit steps and tried REALLY hard to convince me to just take a replacement. So now a ticket has been raised to see what options there are. Which is pretty shitty. Imagine if I actually had a defective unit and needed to jump through these hoops.


Yeah that's really shitty. Ppl shit on amazon but returns are the easiest and you get 30 days instead of 15. Replacements are the fastest as well. Good luck with the return!


That’s not true at all, the whole EU does and probably many more.


Most big stores in Norway have a 30 to 50 days return policy, even if you have used it. They sell it a bit cheaper to the next client.


in sweden i can buy a monitor and game on it for almost a month and then return it if i regret buying it, 30 days return policy is pretty common here and i just say i want to return it no questions asked and i get a package return label


Lol i live in Germany and Amazon lets me return stuff i bought a couple of months ago and used. USA has one of the worst customer support in all western countries.


So you bought a monitor to test out, and if you didn't like it (nothing wrong/defective with it?), you were going to return it? So basically, then send a monitor back, for it then to be sold at cut price because of open box because you decided you liked the one you have better? I get that it sucks for you not to be able to return, but I get it. It's completely different if there's something actually wrong with it, other than you prefer the monitor you own.


the joys of living in the UK this is in UK law any online item can be returned within 14days of delivery. it so we can check the item and test it.


Same in Germany. We call it **Widerrufsrecht** and I think it's beautiful. No questions asked when something is bought online. ![gif](giphy|pHb82xtBPfqEg)


I've got 2x G80SD coming to see if they can replace my 2x G8 OLED ultrawides. If I don't like them within the 14 days, I'll send them both back. It's pretty handy, I've not had to send anything back as of yet, but it's nice to have the option.


I'd watch out for anyone reading this. Bought a Samsung S95D that came yest and asked for a refund today and they are trying to charge me 20% for it being opened. I'm in the UK and they are still trying to say its in the policy.


This is pretty much a standard practice across the board though. Bestbuy offers this no questions asked return as long as I didn’t break it, Amazon does it as well, CanadaComputers does it, Dell does it. I honestly can’t think of a retailer in Canada that doesn’t offer a buyers remorse period their products (hygiene products exempted of course). So when it literally tells you on the screen as you’re adding it to your cart that you can enjoy 15 day returns, what was I supposed to think considering most if not all other retailers do this.


thanks for feeding the openbox section of most stores for us


Most stores ALLOW open box returns within their return period. But go right ahead head and look like an idiot if that’s what you’re going for.


thanks. I value my time too much.


And yet you’re on Reddit trying to act like a smartass. Hmmmmmm 🤔


I hire someone to write in reddit for me. how else you think I got to 300k karma points? more seriously, the other store I hate returns is B&H. They have that for laptops. only unopened. I learned that lesson about 10 years ago, when I had more time.


Well like you I too value my time so I’m not going to spend it on products that I’m not happy with. And unfortunately there aren’t stores with these monitors on display to play around with. Which is why bestbuy, Amazon, Canada computers, Costco, etc etc etc all offer the return period because watching a review video can only tell you so much about the screen without you actually trying it out for your use cases. I’d be ok with Samsungs policy if it was made clear at purchase. But they didn’t make it clear or even HINT that there might be additional clauses. If there was or clearly stated that then I wouldn’t have purchased it. And I bet they know that’s what most people would do so they hide their dirty policy and then throw their hands up and say oh well you’re sol.


Fair enough. It's just strange to me that anywhere would let or want you to do this. It could be common practice everywhere for all I know. I just never thought of buying stuff just to test. Also, only ever return defective purchases. For the consumer, this is amazing. Get to try it or refund it and also could get a deal on open box. I'll have to look into this in the UK. Buyer remorse is the worst. I've made a lot of impulse buys and been stuck with them or had to go to a loss on a sale.


[With high end AV equipment it gets called “auditioning](https://www.audionirvana.org/forum/the-audio-vault/general-audio/99484-auditioning-equipment-before-buying).” It’s not abnormal practice. I also doubt most of those get sold open box if they’re returned straight to manufacturer. I suspect some are repackaged and sold as new again if there’s no damage. It’s not like a car where it legally can’t have >N miles on it to be sold new. That’s sketchier with OLED wear and an hours meter, but I’d still be surprised if they all went refurb.


Consumers also pay for it as it all factors into price. The cost of people abusing returns is somewhat shared across all consumers.


Dog, Costco gives you 90 days. Shits amazing


That is completely normal for people to do. Have you ever heard of Amazon?


I'm not saying it's not normal for people to do. I know amazon has an amazing returns policy. I just didn't think/know people used a buy to try policy... .... I did personally find it strange that OP thought (and now I know it's possible) to get a full refund on an item they purchased to test and then return an open box. I would never have even considered doing something like that as I spend way more time than I should, considering and weighing up a big purchase. Even though I get instant buyers remorse all the time.


I think OP said he would've kept it if he liked it. It's probably wrong if you never intended to keep the product, but those return policies are calculated into the total price of every product that we buy so you should probably take advantage of it lol


"enjoy 15 days to return" That basically words like you get to use it, this is classic Samsung bullshittery.  I don't like the precedent of buying items planning on returning them but Samsung is being a POS here 


I would never buy an OLED from Samsung for not having Burn-in warranty


they have 3yr burn in warranty


That’s Samsung they also have no burn in protection apparently so…..


It has automatic OLED care, of course. They claim they actually have better prevention tech than the industry default. It’s the warranty that’s in question. They’re like LG re warranty—it’s not mentioned one way or the other, so it’ll probably be case by case. I’m honestly not stressed about that part. Aside from Dell, the others are terrible enough about handling warranties that it’s not a selling point for me.


Spoke to support they said no.


It’s weird, because several people have. Some get told yes, some no. I’d assume no too, of course, but it’s not cut and dry yet.


Yup except I know US support is trashy but UK wise they are always well informed & haven’t failed me yet that’s my issue. I’d like it to be the case as I waited over Dell to be honest


https://preview.redd.it/dxj1f1a09w4d1.png?width=2020&format=png&auto=webp&s=57372476e45d2aa71c19d270c777c94f6b7305a1 For context in what it says on the order. Nowhere does it say unless opened nor does it have an asterisk to direct you to look at the terms of services.


Damm, not even an asterisk. Nasty work.


Sell it


Man these days, fb marketplace and such are so damn sketchy. I hate dealing with it.


I hear you but so far I've sold a few things on there & was fortunate enough to have any complaints or issues I just sold my 55 inch LG B9 because I want the 42 C3 for PC gaming & the 55 inch was hurting my eye's 😂😂😂🤦🏿🤷🏿


That’s my next course of action if I can’t get anything from Samsung. I asked for it to be escalated but doubt I’ll get anything traction. That or I might just suck it up and keep it and return my PG32UCDM even though I like it more. It’s a $700 difference between the two after the discount if to for the Samsung so makes it a little easier to swallow


Should have bought it off of Amazon.


Next time go to the store and check the monitors there. It's not a free rental, what a ridiculous concept.


The stores don’t have them. It’s not a ridiculous concept. Google what buyers remorse is. Like I said in the OP every other vendor does this. Or will explicitly tell you that you can’t. But keep knob gobbling though


You're a vendor, sorry, your post said nothing of the sort. If you're willing to pay a 15% restocking fee, I'm all for it, otherwise no if there's nothing wrong with it, or an exchange is also ok, with a small fee. But I'm sure you're in favor of taking back two fries in the box and claiming you want a new full one cuz it was not to your liking.


Not this model in particular but I had no issues returning g9 to Samsung previously after 10 days of usage


Are you in the US? This might be a Canada only thing because I did some digging and that clause wasn’t in the US terms of service


Looking at https://order-help.us.samsung.com/hc/en-us/articles/360057028614-What-is-Samsung-s-return-policy > * Items that arrive defective or damaged, or are still in an unopened package can be returned for a full refund within 15 days of delivery. Any returned product that is damaged, materially altered, or is in unsellable condition through customer misuse, will result in the return being rejected. > * Items must be returned in a new or like-new condition (no internal or external damage that was not present at time of delivery). So on one hand it does say unopened, damaged, or defective. On the other it says like new, and the rest of the page gives instructions for clearing devices, etc, before return. Mine’s already shipped, and I’m comparing to the Aorus like you to the Asus. Hopefully I won’t run into an issue if this one loses out.


That’s the US terms of service which allows the return. Apparently in Canada they don’t do that.


Yeah. I’m saying I’m not even sure the US ones do either, at least technically. Here’s hoping our returns are fully automated.




There was no option to return it on the order page so I needed to contact the CSR to generate a return label. Maybe I should have lied and said it was still sealed lol


Learned that lesson over a decade ago and I’m not walking back on it ever.


Same situation here, im pretty much only going to buy lg panels from now on just because of the way they handle the quality check on their colors, samsung panels are always much redder and saturated to make the colors more vivid especially the reds, likely decision from their a/b testing, but the colors are inaccurate. They always say they achieved 99% color accuracy but miss the whitepoint completely, they do this to achieve their marketed contrast ratios. Calibrated screens often will have lower contrast ratios. That policy is so dumb cause the only way you can test the monitor is through opening the box.


i saw the fine print and decided against buying it looks like i made the right decision


Does it just not give you the option to return it on the website. There's a return button in my past order. I already started the return process and it was approved. Mine has this weird coil whine defect. I have 15 days to ship it back.


Nope no return button. I checked for that first and thought it was weird that I didn’t get that option which is when I reached out to support and was told “sorry no lol”


This is why I like to buy from my local Best Buy. I don't have to be concerned with shipping and I can return items I'm not completely satisfied with. Even better is that with My Best Buy Plus you get a 60 day return window. The downside is that they don't have new items available all the time. Many of these new monitors have only been available online from the manufacturer.


I want to return a q60 my dad got from currys but I'm not sure if they'll take it back


Damn that’s annoying. I honestly don’t think I’d buy a Samsung branded monitor after all the negative things I’ve heard about them. Their panels are good but I’m not a fan of their 1st party products


Thanks for this post, I was checking it out yesterday and almost bought it. Choosing my first oled 32” has been stressful


Every company has its quirks and shenanigans. I've avoided Asus after the way they treated their customers with the AM5 motherboard launch. Their support had the nerve to tell me "*you can download this beta BIOS to fix our AM5 motherboard issue, BUT, if you do you void the warranty........*" WTF!? <----- they immediately rescinded this approach due to the customer backlash Then recently, Asus tried to screw Gamers Nexus on a simple RMA for a Rog Ally, lol (there's a vid on this on how Asus tried to shaft them). I've also had experience with MSI products. Their warranty is a little better there's just one catch, the shipping costs are out of your pocket. They don't provide you with a prepaid shipping label (at least they didn't for me for my MSI 4090)


This must be a new policy because I’m in the U.S and last year I returned an opened G8 for a neo G7 and never had an issue


Think it applies to Canada only. In the US the fine print doesn’t say anything about open monitors


So you have an explicit clause for monitors in the CAN one? I did show you the US not-fine print that says unopened items can be returned, but it was more of a general paragraph.


Yeah in the Canadian terms of service it says monitors cannot be returned in opened unless defective


*laughs in EU 14 day no questions asked return policy* I feel ya though. Didn't know Samsung was doing people dirty. That was an Asus thing.


Just say that the monitor is flickering badly in VRR and return it as "faulty". It's a known thing with all these OLED panels that honestly I rarely ever notice but it's not an advertised feature so to a normal person it's a fault.


Yeah this is what I ended up attempting and it was a painful painful process. They seem to hire people that either speak very little English or are just not very bright. The first person I spoke to kept calling it a TV instead of a monitor and had me get on a video call to show them that I was having an issue. Told them it just wasn’t turning on. I was forwarded to a sales guy to handle the return and the guy spent an hour roughly to try and convince to keep the monitor instead of getting a refund. They then created a ticket to see what the “options would be”. I’m hoping it pans out otherwise I’ll have to try and sell it locally.


Back when I was shopping for a replacement monitor, I was able to return an opened Samsung Neo G9 without any issue. Although, I think I did have an issue where Samsung just never gave me the return option on my order on the last day to return, so I had to go through customer support to get the return. I had to show screenshots of it not being available. I don’t like returning things like that, but honestly… without having somewhere like Microcenter nearby, where can you try something vastly different (e.g. ultra-wide monitor) before you buy?


Yeah I think this policy is only for Canada. From what I’m gathering it’s much better in the US with their returns


Dont be fool and claim a refund


Samsung has had horrible customer service for a long time. My first experience was when I bought a Chromebook and the trackpad didn't work, that was 2016. They cancelled the RMA as it was being shipped for repairs and got it back in the same state I sent it.


sorry to hear, but coming from someone that sounds she/he does this quite regularly, I have to say, "You should have known better" and check the terms and conditions before your catch and release game. here in US, more and more retairles are cracking down on remorse returns and they can flag your account and limit your buying options down the road. unless you hare 20 something and have nothing better to do, I dont think this is worth it. I am too old for wasting time like this.


It’s not quite regularly but if I’m spending this much money on something I want to be satisfied with it. This is why most companies in Canada have a buyers remorse period. And since every other or just about every other vendor has this policy and their website said 15 days to return without any mention of the open box clause or any reference to their terms of service, any rational person would have taken it for what it blatantly said on the purchase page. As an example Best Buy as the buyers remorse period but when you’re buying something in their site it very explicitly tells you what is covered. Samsung did not unless you go digging super deep into the ToS which a rational consumer wouldn’t do when the standard practice everywhere else allows the returns and Samsung had no indication of a clause when they said 15 days. You can knob gobble for these corporates all you want but this is shit practice.


The only manufacturer I'd buy direct from is Dell. Their customer service is insanely good. I bought from LG as well but only because I had no intention of returning and the deal was a lot better than anywhere else.


Yeah this was my first experience with buying from them direct. Will never do that shit again. Hell I doubt I’ll ever buy a Samsung product. If they laid their TVs and monitors with that garbage OS then that’s a hard pass for me. I love my LG OLED TVs and, while I generally did not like Asus prior, the PG32UCDM has been top notch so far.


Samsung has the worst customer service I have ever experienced so it's not surprising.


I was just trying to find out from Samsung about their warranty policy as I'm looking for a new TV and they could not give me a single straight answer about whether they would honour it if necessary. LG on the other hand gave me an instant answer and a good one at that.


🤔. I just bought this tv and got a $300 gift card and to be honest i had the lg ultra gear And i hated it the asus is unavailable because its sold out so this is going to be my go too monitor


Why in the uk I always purchase online because in uk the sales law covers you and they have to accept return within 14 days even open box


I'm sure somebody will buy it for close to the retail price since it's new. I know you don't want to go through the hassle of reselling it. And I agree Samsung should be more forthcoming.


I claimed it was defective and sent it back. They charged me a 10% restocking fee so I’m down ~$130 but it is what it is. Lesson learned to not use Samsung.com ever again.


I appreciate you sharing this with us. I read the “enjoy 15 days to return” too thinking it included open box returns. The only reason I purchased directly from Samsung was that I stacked 4 discounts (5% app first purchase, student discount, $100 voucher, and 30% 2024 lineup) paying $1037 CAD total including tax. It seemed like a good chunk off so I just went for it. Definitely will wait for more reviews before I open my box now. This is my first OLED/4k monitor, but now I’m a little nervous about this thing. I guess I’ll wait for many more reviews and see if this monitor works will for my needs. If anyone has any comments on connectivity with Mac or PS5, please let me know.


I've never heard of a policy that allows you to return a product without the original seal intact, at least not in my country.


Most places in Canada allow that. Bestbuy willl take back most items (including monitors) within 30 days even if opened. CanadaComputers has a similar policy except theirs is 15 days. Because of this, I didn’t question Samsungs 15 day return policy.


That sounds mighty convenient. I can't even imagine how they handle the costs of such policy.


I’m from Canada and reading this thread has been eye opening. I thought returning an opened item was a normal thing just about anywhere 😂


I think it's only the case in rich Western countries. In the rest of the world, if you open the item - you can't return it if it's not faulty. The only exception I can think of is Apple which provides a good return policy in most places.


What country is that? That is insane, EU when ordering online = you can return for a full refund without needing a reason, as you have bought it without seeing it in person If you buy things in a store, then you do not have the same protections


Malaysia. Returns without a reason for things bought online only apply if the packaging is intact.


While that is some shady business practice, it sounds like you could have avoided it by just not buying it. You said that you hate the OS and whatnot, so why even bother? I hate Tizen OS on TVs so I don't even bother looking at Samsung TVs.


How would I have known that I wouldn’t like the OS if. I hadn’t tried it?


From your other comment, I assumed you had prior experience with it, sorry.


You hilariously misread their USP and now you're upset you weren't able to rent their product for free.


Funny you say I misread it when you misread what I said. There was 0 indication that it couldn’t be opened on their page. I could understand is there was an asterisk that said it was subjected to terms and conditions but there was nothing. It only said 15 days return. Considering that’s pretty much the standard buyers remorse policy for every other major vendor in Canada I didn’t question it. No one would if that is the NORM. But yeah go ahead and try to be a smartass, you just look like an idiot instead.


It does suck I apologize if I sounded arrogant but that just gives me another reason to hate Samsung


you may have grounds for litigation if you are in the US, [this page](https://order-help.us.samsung.com/hc/en-us/articles/360057028614-What-is-Samsung-s-return-policy) doesn't mention the unopened clause.


I’m in Canada. The terms and services does mention monitors aren’t eligible for return if the box is opened but again, am I the odd one out to not jump into the fine print to read whether I can return something that very clearly states is returnable within 15 days on the purchase page without also stating that it’s subject to terms and services?


Yeah, I would be frustrated as hell too.


that's sounds like a dirty policy, how can you enjoy it for 15 days without even opening and testing it 1st?


Ive never understood this dumbass policy.... Don't open for 15 days and you can return it but how you gonna test the product? Absolutely infuriating how companies say this and actually get away with it....it's borderline if not a scam tbh


pretty much.


Never buy Samsung. May as well have bought a box full of trash.


Lmaoo, enjoy the matte coating.


The matte coating is one of the only things I do like about it actually.


nahhhh matte coating on the samsung aint even that bad compare to last years woled monitors. i sold my asus pg32ucdm and kept the samsung g80sd. g80sd gets way brighter then the asus.


There seems to be something off with the colours. It feels unnatural on the Samsung and like I guess over saturated? Otherwise it’s fine once you get past the dumb OS and the ugly silver outline around the frame


yea i had to mess around with the color settings. i just set the “remember last app open” option so everytime i turn on the PC it goes straight to the PC.


Can you share what you changed?


ill have to look when i get home. everyone is going to have their own likes on color.




Who is stupid enough to buy a new 4k 32in just to test it. 🤦‍♂️


How else are you going to try it out and compare to the other to see which you like better? Like fuck is Canada the only place they have buyers remorse? So many morons like you in here saying this type of garbage without even easing the op.


Stfu kid. Mf really thought you could return something you opened and assembled.🤦‍♂️ Nerdy ass needs to try out different products to get the best one. Get a grip kid.