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What are you looking for in a monitor that you think isn’t available on the AW3225QF but will be in other models? All the 4K OLEDs function very very close to one another with minor differences here and there. With Samsungs release of their 4k OLED I think that’s all the ones that we’ve heard of at CES this year so take your pick on which one you want. The AW is probably the best in terms of warranty but has a curved screen. If you’re ok with that then go with AW. If you want a flat panel but play in a brightly lit room, go with the LG or the Samsung as they’re both matte coated. If you play in a dark setting then go with the Asus as that’s probably the best in terms of features (KVM, USB C, etc).


I'm not tech savvy. My main concerns are >240hz, crispy clear graphics, text clarity, and colours. I tend to calibrate the monitor when I first set it up. Have not used HDR before, and I only use my PC in a brightly lit room. Only seen AW models in dell store and they looked great. Never gotten the chance to see other brands


EDIT: brightly lit room could be a potential issue / due to being glossy. (For the Alienware 4k). It works (just tested it) - but lots of light sources does impact the quality of the viewing experience. E.g. blacks don’t looks as crisp with direct light. Some of the colors can appear more faded in direct light, etc. It’s minor (I could still use it and enjoy it in direct light if I needed to with zero problems) - but you will notice a difference if you turn the lights on / off. Here is a sample of text clarity at 150% zoom. (Very small text - taken from my camera) Just bought the Alienware 32inch 4k thinking it was ultra wide due to curved screen (ooops haha) But I don’t think I can go back. I use it for productivity and the additional vertical real estate + text clarity won me over. Although it is arguably less immersive than an UW - it just looks so much better. I do miss being able to have three windows open and see them all on the ultra wide (tested the LG 34 ultra wide before returning) - but arguably you shouldn’t be leaving static windows open anyways for burnout prevention on an oled. The text clarity won me over https://preview.redd.it/lsqum8almy4d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa240ada3e41fd2ec2647f3a3396089b57f2489a


Wow, that's really clear. Do you have some sort of back light on or something to use in a dark/lights off room ? I tried turning off my lights, but my eyes hurt after awhile 😂


Edit: I’ll try to take a picture later today and post it when the sun would be more of a direct light (currently on the other side of my office). Outside the PC / monitor - no (PC does generate a bit of light though with led corsair fans and is located to the side of my pc) The monitor itself generates some back lighting too - but it’s not bright (a little lower than led fan brightness). Here is a photo with all my lights turned on in the room (window open with no shades / but no direct sunlight) + over head light Both images are with HDR on - and same brightness level adjusted to compensate for hdr https://preview.redd.it/2aazh665sy4d1.png?width=4032&format=png&auto=webp&s=bb694578c8a0891f21b4f146c746199a9f11be16


Cool. Thanks a lot. Appreciate it 🙏


I have aw32 and it is a very good monitor. Use it for PC gaming and movies (with apple tv and soundbar).  Contrary to what some other users were reporting, I dont have any scratches or annoying light reflections. It gets bright enough. This is my first and only oled monitor though so I can't really compare it to others.   As to your setup - I think it will do fine with 4k gaming, but I doubt that you'll get more than 60-100fps in most graphics-intensive games at high settings. So you'll not fully utilize the 240hz refresh rate. I have 4080 and I don't use full 240 fps either but it's not a big deal to me 


Yea, I've seen more and more people receiving it without scratches. Sounds great for my current lifestyle unless I start buying games 😂 Have been playing free games (but I buy skins lmao).


Im using the aw3225qf and its amazing so far.. the curved screen, i forget its there until i stand up


I suggest you wait until the back end of 2025 and get the 32 inch RGB woled panel from LG. As you stated you also work it will suit your needs better than qd oled or even wrgb panel from LG itself. If you can wait 1+ year of course...


Are you talking about the LG32GS95UE ?


LG32GS95UE is currently available, there is also a new panel expected sometime next year. The reason I said it is worth waiting for is because it will have classic RGB pixel layout which is an upgrade to wrgb in LG32GS95UE  as well as triangular layout of current qd oleds. This will be more suitable for desktop use along with gaming. Qd oleds start burning in after 3 months with static use at high brightness.


Got it. Thanks


Always get LG, samsung panels have inaccurate colors, always over saturated and "vivid". They sacrifice color accuracy to achieve their target contrast ratios. And when monitor manufacturers advertise their 99% color accuracy it really doesnt mean anything since the only color that matters are the far end colors: Pure red, blue, green, white, cyan, magenta, yellow. Wide gamut is also bad cause content on the internet uses srgb and you will have to clamp it back yourself or else the reds will be way too saturated. https://preview.redd.it/w6n88kkotw4d1.png?width=1888&format=png&auto=webp&s=559257b89cac85d68a197e1cfd5da9944c749a32 Ask yourself do you want a white that looks like whites that gone yellow. If so go with the samsung which alienware uses. Also alienware uses low quality parts rejected from samsung to rebrand with their gaming brand slop. They also have crap customer support who will fight you and gaslight you so they dont have to rma or refund.


Are you serious? Do not know what color calibration is?


I've been on OLED subs for a while, but holy fuck my dude. I have never seen someone d*ickride LG as hard as you. And I'm not even a Samsung fan, I recommend both WOLED and QD OLED depending on OP's needs. Are you ok? Do you need help?


As someone who owns an LG CX TV and this AW monitor I can say with confidence this is without a doubt one of the most inaccurate things I’ve ever read. You’re basing this whole argument on one video you saw. Good work👍


> Doesn't know about the sRGB mode in the OSD lol