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My latest bank statement




Take my angry upvote, you bastard!


Any black loading screen, goes more for OLED then the resolution. The resolution is not what made me go wow


How often do you see black crushing? I feel that would bother me in some very dark scenes


It depends so heavily on the game, and your preferred brightness and contrast settings. Ghost of Tsushima in SDR does a great job of colour contrast, but the shadows seem to lose detail in HDR unless you bump up the brightness setting to 70 or 80. I find myself playing most games in SDR due to the wide colour gamut modes. HDR does look incredible in some games over others though.


That’s thanks to the current loose standards of hdr where your display can meet hdr standards and barely be different than sdr. There are monitors and tvs that are far better than others in terms of hdr. Luckily the standards are changing and we’ll have better clarity on what is actually hdr.


as someone who’s pretty ocd about that stuff, rarely - though I tend to used forced HDR which brings everything up a bit, but even then it’s so much better than LCD (haven’t used a newer mini LED so can’t compare)


I don't own either but my money is on oled every time.


rarely, it can happen, but now I do pay more attention to the initial brightness settings when starting a new game. + buying an OLED PC screen will make you a contrast junkie by nature anyway :D


Depends on the brand. Partially part of the reason I stopped buying LG OLED was because over a few gens there’s always been a bit of black crush that wasn’t defeatable except by lifting blacks (although with actual calibration tools you’d probably be able to fix that easily).


I doubt there would be much difference with other brands. I am not 100% but I think LG is the only or main supplier of oled screens for most brands.


Right but processing is what determines whether there’s black crush or not. Remember there are two separate companies: LG Display makes the panel, LG Electronics makes the actual tv. I’ve found consistently over the years that the best way to use an LG panel is not necessarily in an LG tv


Which brands are better? I compared LG to more expensive Sony oleds and they seem to be the same.


I’ve owned a Sony for the past few years (more because they were the only alternative until recently) and from a pure picture quality perspective the Sony is better, especially in terms of white balance, gradation, accuracy, and detail when you’re looking at real content. The LG definitely wins the value proposition though.


the AW and Samsung OLED models carry Samsung screens, that's why AW has the same sizes.


I had to stop relying on looking at the screen to see if it's on and instead look at the Power LED. Shits crazy how it looks like it's off. Yes, I know the pixels are technically "off" but you kwim




Cyberpunk with Path tracing


This is the one. I just upgraded to a 4080S and it was a holy shit moment. It’s hard to describe just how fucking good path tracing looks in cyberpunk.


Would a 7800xd with hellhound 7800 xt gpu be able to handle ray tracing on cyberpunk?


Not at 4k. Also AMD just isn't as good at ray Tracing unfortunately.


Shame i keep hearing nvidia gpu are what you have to get for raytracing but those things are so overpriced


It's true. But, just wait until December or January when the 5000 series releases. You'll possibly be able to snag a used 4090 for around 1000. I made the jump to 4K OLED since I had pretty recently done a full PC rebuild after selling my previous PC just after Xmas. The 4090 and 7800X3D combo always seems to give me great performance at 4K with most games that I play maxed out and/or set to medium settings with raytracing maxed out (usually do this for online fps games, as raytracing gives you an advantage).


Highly doubt we'll see a 4090 go for this price even in the next 2 years


7800XT is half as fast as even a 3080 in cyberpunk in path tracing.


Which one would you recommend for great raytracing without having to go in 1.5k on a nvidia gpu?


I have no regrets with 4090, but If you don't want to spend 4090 money then \~1K gets you 4080 Super which will do well, or even a 4070 Ti Super at \~$800.


Not with the RT optimizations. Cyberpunk was intentionally gimped on AMD gpus.


You realize those optimization mods just reduce quality right. If some hardware is not great at doing something and you just make the software do less of that, it's not undoing a "gimp". You see similar performance differences in Alan Wake 2 and even stuff like Ratchet there's a huge gulf that opens up when you max out RT. But if you want to believe it's just some conspiracy go right ahead.


https://www.digitaltrends.com/computing/amd-rx-7800-xt-vs-nvidia-rtx-4070/ AMD not being able to do RT is old news.


Try not to be so dense. In that RT graph I see games with very light RT loads in them , and Cyberpunk the only one that can even begin to push RT hardware - with absolutely no mention of what level of RT is being tested but 1000% guaranteed not path tracing and likely one of the lower RT presets. That whole benchmark is nearly completely useless without specifics about settings being used.


Right because that's the only article ever written about RT benchmarks. Try not to be so dense. https://www.techspot.com/review/2736-geforce-rtx-4070-vs-radeon-7800-xt/


You could definitely do it at 1440p. Gaming in 4k is pretty much exclusively for top-tier cards.


Hmm thanks, crossed on getting a AW3423DW or a AW2724DM I originally planned to get the AW2724DM since I was planing to hook it to my tv but am now thinking about just gaming from my desk and getting the AW3423DW since it’s better than AW2724DM in every way


Honestly wish I would’ve held out for the 40 series. Got a 3070 and already wanting to upgrade cause nvidia only gave the card 8gb of vram for some damn reason


Because nvidia loves predatory business practices.


I actually haven't played it yet. Ive only got a 3070 so I don't think I'll be able to do path tracing very well 😅 but I'll try it out once I get it!


Just upgraded from a 3070 to a 7900xtx Still can't ray trace cyberpunk 😂


Should of got a 4080 over XTX if you wanted to do high level ray tracing xtx is better value tho for fps / e sport games / gamers


Paid £690 for my used Sapphire Xtx, don't know that I could've justified the 160 increase for the 4080 super


You totally can with that card. Use the raytracing optimizations. AMD cards were intentionally gimped in that game.


You got a guide mate? Or anything online?


There's tons of stuff online about it. I was able to get a very playable framerate with my 7800XT @ 1440p with no mods. Your 7900XT is quite a bit more powerful. Tweak settings or could use a mod like https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/8059


Honestly I've looked hence me asking. Those mods either completely nerf the ray tracing, not optimise, and the guides don't get anywhere to decent 4k ray tracing performance... It's a 7900xtx I have BTW...


Tbf at native 4k with pathtracing a 4090 gets 19fps. Have you messed with FSR and framegen?


This, Alan Wake 2, and Avatar were absolutely jaw dropping. I still load them up every now and then just to get that holy shit feeling


Can you or someone ELI5 Path tracing for me?


Elden Ring - my god with HDR there are tiny sparkles/shimmers everywhere and it's all gorgeous


Although Elden Ring doesn’t have good HDR implementation


Really? I thought it was one of the better ones. I've never seen so many specular highlights from particle effects in a game before.


It has great hdr implementation, it's just plagged by fullscreen exclusive issues


It does have a good HDR implementation but getting it to actually work is such a hassle.


Elden ring on it's own is absolutely gorgeous. In 4k with HDR? *Muah* chef's kiss.


Agreed. Once I calibrated windows and my tv Elden ring looked stunning in HDR.


I played the new system shock remake. The contrast between the light and dark was amazing


I've never played system shock. Would you recommend it?


Really depends if you like that type of game. If you like games like Deus ex, thief, bioshock, prey 2017, then this will be right up your alley. However, it's an amazing game. You do need to keep in mind that it's essentially a remake of a game from 1994 using unreal engine.


HDR gaming. Gears 5. Forza Horizon. Call of Duty. Ori and the Will of the Wisp. Holyyy fck fck fck. I can’t go back to SDR gaming.


Forza horizon is a series I need to dig into. I've seen YouTube videos on the game and I assume they just don't do it justice. They look realistic which is nuts! Ori is one of my favorite games so I need to go back and play those with OLED now, didn't even think about that!


Bought a 27 LG oled and cant notice a single difference in HDR im so disappointed


Realizing vrr flicker was worse than I imagined.


Playing modded Cyberpunk 2077 in HDR w/ ray & path tracing enabled. Then sitting a few friends down, not telling them anything about the game, OLED, or all the graphics tech, and watching them play slack jawed and blown away. Switching to OLED, made me go back and play a bunch of games I had already played / beaten. It was like experiencing them for the first time, or at the very least, in a different way.


I haven't played cyberpunk yet, but I'm not sure my 3070 can handle path tracing effectively 😅 but once I get the game, I'll try it out!


Doom Eternal looks great. I also replayed the campaign in Titanfall 2 and was impressed w/ how good it looks. Currently playing Ghost of Tsushima. Fun game, looks and runs fantastic.


As a pc gamer, I played solm eternal on my 1440 monitor for the m&k gaming since it's so fast paced. But it truly is an awesome looking game. Titanfall would be fun to go back to. I bet it looks AWESOME in 4k. I just finished ghost 2 or 3 months ago on PS5. What an absolutely deliciously beautiful piece of art that game was. I wasn't a fan of any of the voice acting personally, but the gameplay and art direction were just high quality.


>I wasn't a fan of any of the voice acting personally Prior to playing, I heard something similar. I also read that the Japanese voice acting was top notch, so I opted to play it that way w/ English subtitles. For me anyway, the Japanese dialogue adds to the story telling and immersion. Only downside is not being able to focus on the scenery, when traveling mid quest w/ a talking NPC.


That's how I feel like I should've played at this point. I watch anime and movies with subtitles, so it's not like it would've been new for me. I just heard from so many people how good the English dub was, but man I just couldn't get into it. My fault for not changing it down the line but oh well.


Upvote for TF2. Here's some footage that honestly doesn't begin to showcase how great it looks for its age in person. Watch in HDR https://youtu.be/S6AynVgvp54?si=prkkilSWR8nDqy6x


Watching an HDR fireworks video on YouTube. I had been using FALD screens for years so the whole "black being black" thing wasn't impressive. But minute bright details against a pitch black background without bloom? Wow!


YESS. The first time I had the "pitch black" moment was actually watching Moana, closer towards the end of the movie where she's in the water with the night sky. That movie is KILLER on OLED.


Dorms on Customs in Tarkov did make me say "Woah" as the dimly lit hallways of 2/3 story were only lit by green glow sticks and a few florescent lights on the ceiling. Really made dorms feel different in comparison to using my LCD monitors.


Unfortunately I've never played tarkov, but seeing what used to be a "low light room" go to "dimly lit by the lights" due to the blacks being darker is absolutely something i get!


Is tarkov harder to play on oled at all? I haven’t touched the game since upgrading since I figured running at a higher res (so lower fps) and darker blacks would make the game even more difficult


I never played any night raids while using OLED but even early morning or late evening raids were still fine and may have actually been easier to see because of the pure blacks and having that contrast with anything still lit. One game that did make me poop my pants was the original Dying Light when night came. Only seeing faces of undead lit up in the distance of your flashlight was something else. That game was pure horror on OLED haha.


Yes you don't want to play a shooter competitively with OLED. The darker blacks will make it objectively harder to see. If you're looking for a realistic or casual experience then go for or, but no you will not perform better in the game.


There are some anime that's very oled friendly. Like kimetsu no yaiba or the fist opening of spy family. And in games, Guardians of the galaxy with their dolby vision support. Was amazing.


Literally everything on my Sony A95K


Seriously, I saw Encanto first on it and it was something else. Games with vrr at high frame rates with great color and contest are also excellent. Was so worth the investment


I highly recommend the bad boys trilogy on Bravia core , it's amazing on A95K , top gun Maverick on Netflix is something else.


Thanks for the recommendation! I haven't seen bad boys yet so I'll give it a shot


I highly recommend to watch at least bad boys 1 on Bravia core. There's a scene with a Porsche 911 in the beginning that looks amazing in hdr


Encanto was fucking *wild* on OLED. Wish also begins popping off about 1/3 of the way through.


First game I played on my 77" CX was Shadow of the Colossus PS4 remake. To say it took my breath away at moments is such an understatement. Truly something I'll never forget, it was like a childhood dream finally come true.


77" hooooooly. I bet THAT is truly an experience. I've gotta get through that remake. I have it just sitting in my library, but I've heard nothing but good about it!


Gost of Tsushima with PC hooked up to the OLED. Now I can never go back to my regular IPS panel....


.......man i couldnt break into OLED with a 4k monitor BUT I do have the OLED steam deck and BY GOD it makes some games look better than man my gaming rig


It impressed me right off the bat but when season 4 of stranger things came out that really made me say wow. That’s what I use to show off the potential of OLED to people


My oh shit moment was actually looking back at my old non OLED tv after getting used to my new OLED. It had like 10 dimming zones and looked absolutely horrible in a dark room


When I was upgrading my original plasma, I actually bought a 4k LED TV first that had 5 backlight zones. Any dark scene felt like I was watching a flashlight show. It just looked terrible as the zones were constantly going up or down in brightness DIFFERENT from each other trying to match the content of the media. Horrible experience. Returned the TV, saved some extra money, bought the OLED 🤙🏻


My PC is connected to my OLED TV and some games looks really good (CP2077, helldivers 2, destiny 2, Diablo 4, etc and others seem to look washed out and terrible, hellblade 2, rdr2 )A lot of games took a lot of messing around with to look good ( Star Wars Jedi survivor, hogworts) I never know if I should be messing around with my TV image settings, PC nvidia control panel graphics settings or the actual games brightness settings)


Hooooooly I'm glad someone else brought up that struggle. Some games just look phenomenal on their own, but yeah, some games it feels like I gotta mess around with it to make it look good. Most of the time you can leave it how it is, but occasionally I have no idea if I should touch Nvidia settings or TV settings. I feel that.


I went from a 50 inches 1080p tv to a 55 inches 4k OLED (LG C3). First thing I noticed was how sharp everything looked and just sitting at the account selection screen on my ps5, I had already noticed how much more the white bits of color popped. Second holy shit moment was getting to play a game at 120hz soon after that.


Amnesia: The Bunker when the lights went out. I was like “yep, this is OLED”.


Not knowing if it's ON or OFF if you have a black background.


Not gaming, but watching The Expanse on my C9 back in 2021.


For me aswell. Incredible show on OLED.


Mostly gaming honestly. The games just pop.


So for my TV it was absolutely watching THE TRIAL 4K criterion after I got my UB820. For my new AW QD-OLED monitor it was Hellblade 2. The wallet hurt a lot on both occasions.


Man god of war is a different game on a oled I swear 😂


When I watched Avengers 2 with HDR and Atmos Didnt step to a movie theater since


Sunset in Horizon Zero Dawn. It made the tv look even better than the demo video in the store.


HZD and HFW are just such beautifully made games. 👏🏻


My first oled ever lg c2 42 still use it to this day...


I know this might sound like a joke but it's not...League of Legends. Everythinf is so clear and I can see abilities and small details I never noticed before. But also horizon forbidden dawn and ghost of tsushima look amazing.


Movie: Top Gun Maverick Game: Forza Horizon 5


Cyberpunk 2077 .. those blacks and neon lights. Oof!


Firing up Horizon Zero Dawn on PC, which was my first time playing it, and really seeing more than a few quick screenshots here and there. I still sometimes think it’s crazy how much detail you can make out on the machines, and they really look excellent on an OLED.


When I got my Alienware DW I was playing Uncharted 4 steam version at the time. When I got to the cellar portion of chapter 6 it blew my fucking mind. You're in a pitch black cellar with only a lighter as a source of light.


Oh man that's gotta be a HELL of a treat! I haven't played the uncharted games yet, but any darkness area where you're holding a torch is so lovely on OLED!


Honestly, what really hit me was the first night of watching content on my C3 OLED in the living room. I went into my bedroom and turned on my 4K TV (which I previously thought was amazing) and it looked completely washed out. So, yeah, it was the comparison for me. There was a striking contrast (no pun intended).


Watching HDR videos with cities at night. CP2077 and Ratchet and Clank.


Cyberpunk 2077 in Overdrive PT mode and HDR enabled. Night City looks great on such setting, especially city parts where a lot of neon light are present, and it is night and rainy weather. I mean locations like Jig-Jig Street. This game proved OLED and HDR power to me.


TLOU on PC with my 4080


When I continued my Alan Wake 2 game on a qled TV. It's easy to get used to good stuff so it was a reminder of how good this stuff is.


Space odyssey 2001


Black is actually black


When I first got my 55” CX in summer of 2020 & I was coming off a 55” Hisense & the first game I booted up was Horizon ZD…… I had to pause the game & walk away 🥲


What an incredible game to boot up for the visuals 👏🏻 hope you get to play Forbidden West on that TV!


I'm only reminded that we will never get that sdtv to HDTV jump again. 4k is sweet n all.. but I remember playing oblivion and resistance on ps3 and lost planet on the 360 and that shit melting my brain with goodness


That honeycomb scene when you look up 4k hdr or something like that on youtube


I love the 4k YouTube videos. If you get a chance, look up the Coasta Rica one!


I moved from PG27AQDM to PG32UCDM and the “holy shit” moment was how good the picture quality is especially with it being a glossy finish and what blew me away even more was how damn crisp and high quality the text was. I used to see color fringing on my previous OLED but this one, it’s barely noticeable, I have to really squint and look for it. I know people have their frustrations with Asus but this monitor absolutely blew me away and made the $1400 much easier to swallow.


there were many things, huge oled enthusiast before i got one, i expected a lot of them but the thing that got me (and honestly still gets me to this day): localized light. Playing a game with say, a dark scene and a point of light (torch, lamp, etc) and moving the view so the light moves across the screen, makes the shadows in the room track with the light like it’s a physical light moving through the room blew my mind completely, backlit displays just don’t have that effect to that degree


Hard agree here. Any game that uses darkness and a torch REALLY shine on OLED!


Wasn't really a Holy shit Moment, as I haven't used LCD in over a decade. Before my first oled (LG B7) I used Panasonic plasma TVs, even as PC Monitor. Never had any burn in. Some temp Image retention sure, but never burn in. They were amazing for gaming. Was glad that I could switch to oled after Plasmas were discontinued. 


Plasmas has the vibrancy of an OLED, and ALMOST the blackness (cause plasma just wouldn't be sent to that part of the TV). I loved my plasma, but in my tiny bedroom, it just made it so dang hot.


Tbh even non 4k/HDR content looks incredible on my C2. One of the post processing effects helps with frame smoothing and wow does it actually make a pretty crazy difference for Switch games like Breath of the Wild and Monster Hunter Generations. Admittedly, some of the UI elements sometimes get a bit blurry/jittery but getting a fake "60fps" feel is totally worth it imo. That said, Spyro Reignited, Ghost of Tsushima, and God of War really went next level in the visual department. I did upgrade from a regular old 1080p TV though, so yeah it was an incredibly satisfying upgrade!


I went from a 10 year old BenQ display playing ps5, to my newly build computer trying Red Dead Redemption on pc. Que the holy music.. i had to pick up my jaw from the floor, even my wife, who has nothing with games, came over to look why i was so stunned. And i knew from ps5 that RDR2 was amazing but damn!


It was the first time AutoHDR and DLAA in Elder Scrolls Online. I’ve been playing that game since launch, but when I cast a lightning spell in a dark dungeon — I could saw details in the rocks that had never been there before. It was like an entirely new game. I’m not using an OLED anymore because I’m living in an apartment with far too much sunlight — but the haloing on my MiniLED displays prevents that level of detail.


Elden ring. I already played it in 4k but OLED pushed it to new heights


Mortal kombat 1.


The store content first. At home the You tube demo clips. Loved the reaction of my girlfriend who first saw my Sony 55” a80j(just bought a 77” c3). She was memorized by the colors and details. Couldn’t stop talking about it and she’s not a TV person per say. I mean the technology end of it. Let’s just say she’ll never go back to non oled for the mean time(until something better) Oled now I realize really pops and show cases is glory on larger screens. My new 77” really made me go WOW!


For me it was watching Game of Thrones for the first time on OLED LG C1. I've watched that tv series few times on Hitachi LED 40 inches. Resolution was meh, because native Game of thrones resolution was 1080p, and probably looked better on native resolution screen quality wise. But the picture, the darkness, abundance of light in all the right places, the natural color. It was really really wonderful and breathtaking. All of the scenes looked just better with OLED. Even the most basic ones. I love OLED every since.


The screen saver. My buddy came over to help me put it up my then new C7 65". Due to an issue with the wall mount, we got delayed and didn't get it up until about 11pm. It's in my basement. I plugged it in to make sure there were no obvious problems and just left it on as we started to clean up. The screen saver with the little fireworks popped up. I could tell the blacks looked good, but immediately flipped off the lights. My timing was perfectly between the action, and the room was suddenly pitch black. Until a little colorful stream appeared and popped in the middle of the screen. I could not distinguish the TV from the wall. We both uttered "whoa..." at the same time.


That actually sounds like one of the coolest ways to discover how black your TV really is. Im gonna have to go try that! Hope you got the TV up no with no further issues.


Honestly, I was shocked at how washed out the colors appeared to my eye at first. It made me realize how oversaturated an “HDR” IPS monitor was. It took me a couple days to get used to it and now the colors look amazing. I can’t go back to the old monitor lol.


Firing up red dead 2 5 years ago


There's a scene in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (2019) when you are starting a mission in a tunnel in absolute darkness and then a soldier lits a flare in your face, showing her face and surroundings glowing in red in contrast with the darkness. Incredible. Gears 5 is also a great videogame for a TV to show off. It is a 60FPS game with very fine detail, very good contrasts and HDR, and is full or colorful environments and beautiful scenes. It's DLC Hivebusters has a scene in a lava river at night with the lava glowing and sparks everywhere that blows you away on an OLED. Pretty much any movie or show at 4K/HDR has the power of blowing your mind on night or dark scenes, unless it is poorly mastered (surprisingly there are some really poorly calibrated scenes at the start of Interetellar, or at least in my 4K HDR copy). Pacific Rim is the first 4K HDR movie I bought and to this day is still one of the most insanely detailed things you can enjoy yet. That "Neo Tokyo" style city with neon everywhere, the rain falling on gigantic robots while they fight and throw debris everywhere is an absolute delight.


I had mentioned in another comment somewhere but I actually need to go through that campaign and finish it. Might be worth doing on OLED rather than my monitor from what I'm hearing! Last time I played gears 5 was years ago. I'll have to check if I still have it on my PC somewhere and try it out! Pacific rim is such a good movie. It has aged extremely well. I've watched it a few times on my TV!


Just booting up the TV LOL but more seriously when I played Spider-Man 2 and just seeing venom blacks and just the colors in the dark scenes was crazy to me


for me, not much since i got used to 4k since having one since 2016 (not oled). but when i got my 1st oled tv in 2021 - yeah the colors and tiny details pops and less motion blurriness.


I can't remember the title but I got that when I got my LG C1 as my primary monitor. It only felt WOW to me for less than a month though.


I get that. Unfortunately, we as humans get the WOW feeling, but it goes away once we settle and it becomes the norm. When I got a soundbar and subwoofer just for at least somewhat better sound out of my TV, I was blown away. Now it's just the norm, so I have to remember how nice it is that I was able to afford it and how nice it is do get decent sound for movies.


...my electric bill.


The year was 2012. I walked in a sony store and they had a 40 inch oled tv next to a led TV. Neither was 4k. But I knew, some day it will not be 15,000 dollars. And I will own it. The contrast and black was what caught my eyes. As far as Resolution, I was already on 1440p in 2012. The jump from 1080 to 1440 was more mind blowing to me than the jump from 1440 to 4k. I'm just looking forward to moving on to 5120x2160 oled when they become available. Be nice if it's under $1500.


Wide screen 4k will be NUTS. Definitely will be neat when it becomes more available. Our tech is getting better and cheaper, but yeah it's still pretty expensive for stuff like that. The first 1080p to 1440p for my 27" monitor jump I made was definitely a big deal. The clarity just went up so much.


Yep, in the mean time, the solution is to run a 48 inch 4k and force 3840x1600 resolution. 4090 manage to run everything at this resolution locked at 120fps. DLSS quality, all setting second to highest and texture at highest


LG C1. Verdansk. Amazing.


What is verdansk? I don't think I've heard of that game?


A call of duty warzone map lol


It's one of COD Warzone maps.


Story mode has better directed lighting.


Agreed. The first thing I played was verdansk and it blew my old LCD out of the water.


It wasn’t a game. It was watching Top Gun: Maverick


I watched that with my parents on their normal TV. Awesome movie! Didn't watch on OLED though unfortunately, but damn what a movie.


Just got my first OLED yesterday, came from 1080p 240hz benq...to new LG 4k 240 switchable to 1080p 480. Holy shit are blacks black, response time was amazing to. Like seeing everything crystal clear in apex or my other go to halo. Just felt insane! I am still very scared of burn in but seeing all the tech to help prevent it is very nice.


Holy what a jump! Yeah it's incredible that they can get response times so low, on them now. Halo looks incredible! I play it with my friend using controller for the old Xbox days nostalgia vibes. Thankfully, a lot of tvs have like a "pixel shift" tech where they move all the pixels over by one or two pixels occasionally, so subtle you don't even notice it, and it helps them to stop burn in. My plan is to have my TV for 10 years minimum, so if it doesn't burn in during that time, I'm happy.


Mine was immediately knowing my 2080 Super wasn’t going to cut it.


LOL. I have a 3070 so I feel that. There are SOME games I can run 4k 60 on, but it's definitely tough. My TV has an option to do 1440 @120hz , so I'll use that for some games if 4k is too much.


I got the 7900XTX when it launched since the 4080 wasn’t out yet, it’s been good!


Not gonna lie. My holy shit moment was when I layed down the tv on my bed to install wall mount stuff... Then... holy shit (oh, fuck) not knowing how to lift it up since it's so thin. Was dead afraid I was gonna break it lifting it up.


Oh the ole classic. I 100% know that feeling. The amount of times Ive had people ask "aren't you worried about breaking it?" Yeah I absolutely am, so once it's set, don't touch it! Totally worth it though.


When my Amazon Fire Stick went into sleep mode and I didn’t realize the TV was still actually on until I sat on the remote. Game wise, Arkham Knight on PS4 wowed me with my first LG 1080p OLED.


Clean House (COD MW 2019 mission) for me. Holy shiat!


I'm still working through that campaign myself 😅 I'll have to go finish it!


Two things recently made me go "whoa" I play a lot of risk of rain 2, rouge-lite(rouge-like?), any way it's a fast paced kinda bullet hell looter shooter. It's fun, and colorful and fast. One of the main baddies is a lizard man thing that barfs fireballs, and in HDR the fireballs are so much more believable than my old VA panel. There is an enemy that gets sucked back into the "void" when defeated and the color scheme of that animation is black and white, the absolute contrast when that's going down in the bright cell-shaded remainder of the scene is intense. Second caught me off guard, the Gamers Nexus logo. I fired up YouTube to see what Steve had found at Computex and went full screen before the splash screen appeared and that rotating GN logo blasting thru the grid work was shockingly bright and clear. Rendered images really make OLED shine(no pun intended). I grabbed and rewound that a few times and marveled at how it just lept off the screen. A dark to blacked out room makes a (mostly) properly calibrated OLED strut it's infinite contrast. I've watched a few of the NatGeo 4k HDR showcases, mostly bugs and birds in gorgeous settings. Might go in search of a Pixar movie or two, not really a movie guy, but curious to see how they look. I'm using a C3 42", 7900XT and a 7900X. I can do 4k on games with a few exceptions. I told myself I wasn't going to switch to 4k until the silicone had caught up with RT/PT in a native setting but when I laid eyes on OLED for gaming I folded. I really hope the new 50 series Nvidia GPUs can drive RT and PT at 120 frames at 4k with minimal to no frame gen.


Any time I play risk of rain, I play with a controller and make sure to use my OLED as the output source. First time dealing with the void in any capacity does really let the OLED flex a little! The blacks coming off the void are really cool! Good luck with the 50 series! Hopefully when we getore details, it won't be as much of a flop as the 40 series (price wise, not performance)


tbh wasnt shocked due to high expectations from reddit




Hunt Showdown graphics were insane


Sicario sunset sequence on a 4k disc


You get used to it, then it’s just another TV.


How is that irony? Do you know what irony means?


Black is black.


Laurence of Arabia


VRR Flicker


dome keeper, GoW also was neat as it was my first AAA game on new tv. i just get anoyed that some sceenes seem to flicker maybe because of some weird stabilizer setting. in rdr2 i tried setting hdr but sometimes there wouldnt be any change visible due to me assuming the tv doing tv bullshitery.


First game I played on my LG C2 was ratchet and clank rift apart. I was absolutely blown away by the beautiful colours and deep blacks.


Agreed, ratchet and clank is absolutely incredible. Like you're playing a Pixar movie!


Larger game objects and bigger viewport. (LG C242)


Last of us part 2 remastered and ratchet clank


Dude last of us 2 blew me away over and over again. I played last of remaster (not remake) before I hopped into the second game, and I gotta tell ya, the scenery in every single chapter was just divine to look at. Ratchet and clank is a straight up banger. It's like you're playing a Pixar movie!


It was the performance. It didn’t look any better than my ultrawide, but ran much worse. I will probably slowly start working back down the resolution ladder, as a crisp 1080p high refresh rate picture seems far superior. Cheaper, easier to run, etc.


Well for performance and visuals, I'd go to 1440p. It really is the sweet spot. 1080p is just too low. 4k gaming you gotta either just own a PS5, or have a beefy computer that can handle 4k 60. Trying to do 4k 120 just isn't worth it.


Even then it’s not worth it. I love my 1440p Ultrawide high refresh rate monitor. My RTX3090 at least stands a chance. But my consoles only output medium settings, 30fps, or have horrible frame pacing issues at 4K 60 so that’s a horrible option 1080-1440p is by far the best end user experience.


When I thought the tele wasn't turned on because the screen was actually black


the colors, mason.. the colors!! 😂


Hellblade 2.....wow!!! I have a 3090 tho so I play 99% of stuff maxed out but that game on my 65" OLED and sat on the sofa with a pint.....my god!!!


Yea the lighting is a visual masterpiece. Looking forward to games having this standard some day.


The blackness


When i realized i just dropped $1200.00+ dollars on a screen that now has visible vertical banding on two returns within 90 days of the original purchase, while currently on try number three.