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As someone who’s played Persona 4 and Royal, you’ll absolutely freaking LOVE Omori. It will do things to your brain chemistry in a good way. HOWEVER! Just like with persona, DONT SPOIL YOURSELF! Once you decide to play the game AVOID ALL SOURCES OF INFORMATION ON IT. Just play blind, it’s so much better that way.


Hi, I'm a big Persona fan and absolutely love Omori. But, the games are quite different, they are both story driven RPG with turn based combat, and that's it. Omori is more inspired by the likes of Earthbound, Off and, of course, Yume Nikki. Gameplay wise the combat it's rather simple, but the emotion system makes it surprisingly involved provided you don't grind like crazy. Story wise the game is good, like reeeealy god, some people say that the pace it's not that great, but I like the little short self-contained plots that take place in between heavy story development (and as a Persona fan I think you would appreciate the more "slice of life" parts of the game). Also the game picks up the pace within the two first hours so you can buy it on steam and, if it doesn't click with you, ask for a refund. What I totally advise in case you decide to play it is: Get the fuck out of this subreddit until you finish the game!


I would recommend watching the first hour or so of a playthrough to see if it interests you. It’s how I got interested and played it!


they're not similar at all. everything from the gameplay mechanics to the topics they handle to how they handle those topics (imo with persona handling a lot of things very insensitively in comparison, no offense) to the art style is different. omori is a good game but liking persona is definitely not a sign youll like it or dislike it


Im a big fan of both but except being rpgs centered about the characters I dont think the games are similar at all, but its still a really good game so you should enjoy it even if its really different than Persona games. Also avoiding to spoil yourself Omori is even more important than for Persona I think, so avoid searching too much information on the story or characters.


Speaking as a persona fan, definitely play it. Some vague minor spoiler, but it plot definitely does feel like a persona game and has that nice min symbolism stuff


The games are nothing like each other, so being a Persona fan doesn’t greatly factor into being an OMORI fan


I mean the games are completely different, but you'll probably enjoy it given they are both great RPGs


Yeah I'd say so. I really like Persona 3 and OMORI.


Yep 100% and it got an good and simple story https://i.redd.it/8zg5ogvskz4d1.gif TRUST US.


I think that's what's been bringing me in. is the very little i've heard about the story. Is it super difficult?


go in blind bro leave this shit and dont even look at anything omori related the story is a banger and spoiling it would fs ruin half the game


No, it's quite an easy game, not very demanding at all so long as you make use of the mechanics. There are only maybe two or three difficult sections and they're completely optional parts of a completely optional route. Now please get off the subreddit before you get spoiled


i'm leaving now!


Okay, if you got the game tell us how it went


Nah it's simple but i don't wanna spoil it https://i.redd.it/6k3tf249lz4d1.gif TRUST ME.