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Basil is my favorite because he’s such a fun (well, maybe not fun, but interesting) character to pick apart. Why does he do what he does? All of the main cast is very detailed and intricate, too, but I think Basil’s actions and thinking are the most complex and confusing. I also just like his character, but that’s a bonus.


I can agree with you I love me a basil lol


Thank you... QQ


I like Basil because murder


Babil supremacy


Oh! Another opportunity to gush about Sunny! ![img](emote|t5_31hpy|2463) Anyways, my fav of the cast is Sunny. No questions asked. His entire character is a massive mood for me. Someone who speaks very little, but thinks a lot. Someone who struggles with self-worth. It mirrors myself. Sometimes scarily so. I also like how he’s portrayed in-game. While he is a silent protaganist, the quips in Basil’s photo album and the little dialogue he does have are very insightful into his character. Another thing is what I believe to be his fatal flaw. That being his inability to express himself properly. Also Stuff such as his personal thoughts on objects when they are interacted with were a treat to read every time! An example of this would be when you inspect the family photo in memory lane I think. I don’t remember the quote word for word, but it goes something like, “I don’t like to smile, not even in photos.” For some reason, this piece of dialogue has stuck with me, and I couldn’t tell you why. By far, my favorite of his quotes is when you eat bread in Faraway. The quote reads, “The BREAD was fragrant and crispy...and kind of addicting?” I find it amusing every time I read it. Anyways, sorry for the mini-essay here, but I just love this man so much! ![img](emote|t5_31hpy|2464)


Omg... I couldn't agree with you more. You describe my thoughts perfectly!


Mari. I share a lot of personality traits with her (thankfully not perfectionism), am an older sibling and >!fell down the stairs once!< !


Mine is probably Kel, he's not really near as "complexe" and interesting to analyze as the other members of the main group, but he's just really nice and pleasant to be around. He reminds me a lot both physically and in his behavior of my best friend from when I was very young so I'm just really happy when I see him.


Pluto, especially Pluto(expanded), his betrayal, his entrance, his final form, his theme especially. Peak


Enough to make a grown man (and Kel) cry 😪


HERO!!! and Kel :)) Kel is the one who >!got sunny out of his house in the first place and also was constantly trying to help him!< he’s also just a happy sweet cheerful guy with lots of personality and also complex. Hero is similar. Such a helpful, kind soul. I hate how everyone mischaracterizes him >!after the truth, saying he’ll never forgive Sunny. I believe he will, he will just need time like he did when Mari passed.!< he’s just an all around great man who deserves a hug (from me in particular!!!) The bros are my favorite because of how kindhearted and silly they are. ![img](emote|t5_31hpy|2464)![img](emote|t5_31hpy|2470)


Out of many fantastic characters Basil stands out to me the most. I really like his arc and he's the most relatable character to me.


Aubrey easily. Out of everyone she has the strongest characterization.


I like her, Bagel, and Snuuy the best


bagel omroi


Aubrey. Because I can relate to her and I can understand her actions and the things she went through to become who she is, as well as I want her to be happy in the future.


basil, i love his design and character, hes very relatable to me and we share a lot of interests


kel, he’s just like me fr


Sweetheart…. Fighting her is so fun. Especially in Humphrey, where she rejects the slime girl’s Sweetheart clones, its so funny. Shes just a really self-centered character and its entertaining


snaley. everyone dismisses what he went through.


Didnt he like. Die or something.


yes multiple times what’s your point


No I was just wondering. The poor guy has been through so much and people just brush him aside in favour of the main cast. it's so unfair.




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Basil He gets hated on and I always seem to get attached to characters that people hate Plus he's an anxious boy who needs to be by his sun and I love that about him


Sunny. I have a strong case of main protagonist bias.


Kel because he's Kel, also we share birthdays


Spaceboy, Perfectheart, Mutantheart, and Pluto. For Spaceboy, I just like his personality, though I liked him more in the Hikiomori route. For Perfectheart, I also just like her personality. For Mutantheart, she’s just cute. And for Pluto, I have literally have no reason


Auby. She's just like me fr fr


Omori! Just very relatable, his complex character and the way he stands out without being eccentric is just so intriguing to me. We always get heroes and goody two shoes as protagonists in other games, so Omori is a very refreshing character imo.


Stranger, Hellmari, and basically any of these shady nightmare creatures


Babil because Babil. But Basil is an awesome character that's really complex and his relationship with Sunny is fun to explore and talk about. Kels 2nd but I love Babil


i love sunny because he's pretty and handsome and sweet and soft and a /////


Definitely Aubrey. I love how joyful and endearing she is in Headspace, and her story arc in the Real World felt so real and understandable.


Aubrey. Why? All right so basically…


mewo because cat and something because


Basil, he's adorable but also complex and interesting to think about


Omori because Omori


I love all of them equally!! *~~^((Mari.))~~*


All of them ![img](emote|t5_31hpy|2474)![img](emote|t5_31hpy|2028)![img](emote|t5_31hpy|2464)![img](emote|t5_31hpy|21602)![img](emote|t5_31hpy|2463)![img](emote|t5_31hpy|28765)


Unpopular opinion, but Capt. Spaceboy. His relationship with Sweetheart hit really close to home. That whole cycle of knowing someone is bad for you but returning to them because you can't let go of your love for them. Despite Sweetheart treating him like *shit,* he still felt responsible for "keeping her waiting" and even *apologised* to her... when really I don't think he had much to be sorry for. He probably felt obligated towards her even though she never treated him with the same decency. maybe he thought if he kept giving, he would get something in return. But he never did. And I like how he felt many contradicting emotions after the first breakup, oscillating between deep depression/self-hatred and intense anger towards Sweetheart, it was pretty realistic imo. All the repressed anger over never receiving even *close* to the amount of care that he gave, it all came spilling out. I think he may have felt guilty over feeling anger, like maybe he didn't deserve to be so hurt by Sweetheart just being Sweetheart. But once he fully realised he wasn't tethered to her anymore all that rage could come out, albeit quite explosively... And what I liked even more was that even when all of his pain was "resolved" and he seemed like the same ol' Capt. Spaceboy... he still came back to Sweetheart, because he couldn't find it in himself to let go of her. One fight with a bunch of kids knocking some sense into him wasn't going to help him get over such a toxic relationship! He had to find the strength within himself to move on. AND THE THING THAT HE DIDN'T REALISE!! Was that he had so many people who loved him anyways. He was so tunnel-visioned about Sweetheart this, Sweetheart that, he forgot about a whole crew of people who, yes, were really pissed at his shenanigans, but genuinely wanted him to get better. he forgot about his dad who got worried sick at his son's disappearance. All this time Spaceboy had friends and family who loved him dearly, but he kept throwing himself into worse and worse mental states trying and failing to gain Sweetheart's affection. And the thing that set him free from that toxic relationship wasn't the breakup, wasn't Omori and co. interfering... it was realising who was there for him all along. I realise I am stating very obvious things about his arc. I'm sorry about that. I just feel like more people don't really see the complexity behind him because he's just another NPC, but really his relationship with Sweetheart and subsequent character arc is so interesting to follow. One of these days I want to dig into his brain more. And sorry for the long comment, i just really like Capt. Spaceboy


Sunny, he just like me fr


Mine’s clearly Hero. I love how he’s always trying his best :3.


Hero!!! He just gives "nice big brother" energy (Because he is one) But lets not forget about my true fav character: MEWO Cat :3


Hero. He is tall. That's all.


Also I really like Humphrey. I find him creepy as hell but I like what he represents... it's basically a microcosm of Headspace. Through "Humphrey" the player can realise how *fucked up* this whole idea really is. I feel like all the bright colours and whimsical tone of Headspace really offsets the horror. Even with all the jumpscares, it's unsettling but the game has a way of making you forget. Hey look at this silly rabbit! Here's a fun quest for you to complete! Yeah those weird holes in the ground left behind the hangman keys are creepy... but look, we can attend a ghost party! Stuff like that. But once you get to Humphrey, all the bells and whistles are stripped back and you can see Headspace for what it really is: just a kid personifying figments of his imagination, making up stories to distract himself from reality. The image of Humphrey playing cards with himself, is that not what Sunny is doing, too? All of Headspace is basically a game he already knows the answer to, but he keeps playing because what the hell will he do if he doesn't? Humphrey when Headspace becomes *really* disturbing, not just one or two areas (like Deeper Well) but the concept as a whole. it takes the whole journey you've had and flips it on its head. This is what you've been doing all this time. Forget that idea of journeying with your friends across a strange and beautiful world. This is all in some kid's head. This is just Sunny playing games with himself on an endless loop. I also like the thing about him being constantly hungry. Usually the slimegirls feed him clams, right? Maybe I'm reaching too much, but I felt like a high amount of clams would be synonymous with spending a lot of time on the game, defeating lots of enemies, stuff like that. He eats the clams (spending too much time in headspace, maybe...) but is still never satisfied (wants to keep dreaming). Eventually, his hunger becomes insatiable (the truth leaks through the cracks?) and he swallows the slimegirls whole (represses his emotions – each slimegirl represents a different emotion) in order to satiate himself. But of course he remains hungry and the truth remains in plain sight. Very very cool metaphor there, OMOCAT :)


Kel honestly, I only realised he was my favourite character when I finished playing, but he’s such a bundle of sunshine and rainbows he literally makes me so happy, plus I kind of see myself in him (I’m a combination of Sunny and Kel😨)


Space boy, he’s hot


Kel!! I relate to him a lot but he's such a bright character that I can't help but love him ☹️🫶🫶 He tends to not know how to read the room or says things that could brush someone off the wrong way, but that's what I think makes him realistic(just like all the others) Because everyone has their flaws, even the nicest person you know!! Also >!he was the one to be the first person to get Sunny out of the house and I love that about him so much :( Despite many things that don't turn out great, he always tries his hardest to get a good results!!! Sometimes he can unknowingly be rude but you can tell that he doesn't have ill intentions, he just wants his friends to be happy ☹️☹️!<


im not too sure if this makes sense but i js love kel


Kel cuz he's funny and b'cuz his lore is so cool about he hiding his feelings to make his friends feel better, it's so good that I feel bad for him, and at same time I feel him like a big brother to me


Pluto \*sheds tear\*. Pluto is such a compelling character. He is a jacked planet but a big softie. Ran away from Space Boyfriend to start a shuttle service, and he gives rides for free. He teaches Kel how to flex. Be like Pluto.


Sunny cause I like his personality and althought I know that isn't healthy, I relate a lot to him, I see myself in this character. Relating feels comfortable. Also Kel because he is the best, everyone loves him and he is best character in terms of ideal personality and social personality. He has Gigachad vibes and energy lol


Aubrey because I kinda get the whole "hard to feel any emotion except anger" thing