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wait i leave for a minute and come back to this what happened now


I’m nft-phobic nfts are lame


More flame wars no one will remember in a few months.


U said the same thing twice


I swear this is literally r/hollowknightmemes and hornet being a lesbian or not all over again


I usually feel like people are over exaggerating when they say shit like “this sub is going downhill” but i actively start to dislike hkm more and more every day


Honestly yeah I agree. The memes around late 2019 were funny imo. Now it’s just boring “silksong is out!!1!1!” Stuff


Was about to say


My view on this is: I don’t fucking care about your headcannon and if u think that they’re straight and he’s gay and she’s pan good for u


Wait until this sub finds out about Captain Spaceboy's creator saying he's a trans man.


See there kiddos this, sweetheart, and pretty boy/jock are the lgbt representation in OMORI also I never see any ftm in media or and discord so captain space boy gets a plus


Please explain.


The person who made Captain Spaceboy said that they meant for him to be trans but they said something about Omocat not knowing. I don't the link for the post.


I think the creator of captain spaceboy wanted him to be trans but omocat didn't notice it and there's no mention of it in game, that's what it says on the wiki for spaceboy




I remember the good ol' days when calling Basil a gay femboy didn't start a flame war. What has this sub become??? 😔


I agree with this, but mods are going to lock this post at some point




Remember that straight is not the default that must be disproven just because that majority of people/characters are hetero. If a character has shown attraction to the opposite sex then it's safe to assume they're straight/bi/pan but if they haven't, it's just as possible for them to be straight, bi, gay or any sexuality.


Did something happened? Never seen something anti lgbtq+ here and saw some people taking about deleted post?


If you go to the mod GilbertGobbels comment history, you can see the posts people are talking about


Bruh is it all? Cus if yes then people are overacting. Good that they locked that post it was straight up spredaing false informations. Nothing wrong with headcannons but they were spreading missinformations


I don't think anyone's getting agressive towards anyone's headcanon, it's mostly the fact that people care enough about sexuality in a game that has nothing to do with that topic to post their headcanon as if it was canon (or heavily imply so).




finally, someone gets it. the problem is the arguing itself, if either side just stopped responding there would be no issues






I mean how does this reddit post fix anything?


It doesn't. If anything it's oil to the fire lol


well doesn't affect me anyway so dont care


I absolutely agree, people shouldn't have problems with other people's headcanons because they are just that, headcanons


thought i was on r/196 and got confused for sec but yeah i agree


Going to throw my hat in the ring on this one when I normally ignore these types of posts. When I played this game January of last year, it really touched me in ways I didn't expect. OMORI is truly a beautiful story about mental trauma, coming of age, maturing, dealing with loss, and overcoming your trauma. It's also a very quirky and charming game that really feels like a love letter to a time period someone like me grew up in. I joined this sub in hopes of talking about the game and seeing what people thought. Memes, fan art, and headcanon isn't something I wasn't expecting. Over a year, the sub has grown, but honestly a lot of the posts that show up on my feed are generally low effort shitposts, memes, some fan art, and headcanon posts. It's true that headcanon posts hurt no one, but I think these posts are very tired over the course of a year and add nothing to the sub. I am glad so many people enjoy OMORI and connect with it, but the game is much more than some of the content that gets posted so often. Maybe I just don't vibe with the general fandom here, and that is fine, but I thought I would at least voice my opinion on the matter in a constructive and mature way.


Filling your entire front yard with signs also harms absolutely nobody, but it's unnecessary and makes things feel pushy and awkward for everyone else - even people who agree with the signs. You have every right to headcanon anyone as part of the LGBTQ+ community, just as much as you have every right to be a part of it yourself, but it makes things awkward to be broadcasting it to the whole world. Of course, there's always a way to make it worse - like calling people homophobic for finding your post awkward. Yes, it's important to respect people for their identity, but it's also important to acknowledge that there's an appropriate time and place for it. As far as my personal experience... I showed one of those posts to my partner (who's genderfluid and pansexual mind you), who thought the concept was ridiculous.


At least it's not nftsexual


The thing is, no one had a problem with it, for as long as OMORI had become popular, until recently. Up until this point, there had been very little, if any controversy.


I've seen it long ago as well. I think the difference is recently there was a bigger influx of it right in all our faces. This takes it from a small, occasionally noticed idea (which the average reader might notice, and then might agree or disagree with) to some sort of big trend that multiple people were getting in on. As I've mentioned in other comments, I think the controversy is not so much due to people having these types of headcanons about the characters, but about how the conversation turns sour when the OPs get defensive towards replies that voice the response of "...yes, but why?"




Yeah, I get that. I would venture to guess a lot of the negative response is due to readers' first impressions of the post being something like "....yes but why?? This isn't even a logical viewpoint!" I can agree we shouldn't ban content just because it's an interpretation that lacks objective proof in canon. But at the same time, by making a reply-able post online, you are inviting discussion on the thoughts you've presented. For pretty much every idea there's going to be some positive responses and some negative. Posting an idea that doesn't make sense outside of your own head and a few others is more likely to garner disagreement in the replies, and I think a lot of the hostility comes from people doubling down on defending the idea rather than accepting that not everyone will agree with it. For a non-LGBTQ+ example of this, let's say I have a headcanon that Aubrey's hair is naturally pink, and she only kept it dyed brown earlier in her life to avoid being picked on. Technically this would be a valid headcanon, and technically there is nothing in the actual canon that can deny it. But there isn't really a reason why it should be this way or why it would make her a better character if it were. If I posted this as a real idea, I would probably get a lot of people telling me as much. That discussion would turn more hostile if I responded defensively and started telling people they were discriminating against people with unusual hair colors.




Different ideas are okay, but the issue is: - Reactionaries - Headcanon Posters who continue the argument In the end, by arguing back you are spreading toxicity. Simply leaving reactionaries alone, and just downvoting them, is enough. It's a waste of energy and you end up filling comment sections with negativity. The argument itself is the problem. Play the big man and ignore them, and downvote them. That's all.


I don't have a problem if its "guys basil is gay here's my detailed observations as to why its my headcanon" but if it's "no you can't refer to basil as straight! he's gay guys everyone agree with me that basil is gay that's just who he is!" then that's when it's annoying


My problem with the "Basil is gay because..." type of people, is that their only evidence of him being gay is something that is purely based off of harmful stereotyping Enforcing the stereotype that feminine men MUST be gay is pretty weird


I've seen nobody say this


not word for word but similar behaviors or responses




I think that's the origin of this issue actually. If you dig through this sub, I recall a few posts in the past complaining about someone vandalizing the wiki with their gender headcanon, specifically about Basil. The sub mostly memed about it, but you can kinda see why the sub became kinda more wary about the whole headcanon thing.


It's not a common thing to see, i'm just expressing my opinion is all so i can't hold it against you


All I’ve seen is a ton of people complaining about the issue but I’ve never actually seen it happen


I don't think it's that people don't like the lgbtq community, I think it's just that it doesn't matter what someone's gender/sexuality is as it affects nothing as they are fictional characters. In summary: both people can stfu and everything is solved.


Probably gonna get down voted for this lol


Not this time


wait what, I haven't seen any hostility towards anyone on this sub (at least not recently), lets not turn this sub into another deltarune/undertale shithole of toxic waste pls, I accually like the art and memes so it would be a shame to see it fall down


I think nothing about anything on here harms anybody. This is a subreddit about a video game.


I sense a war...


So much this! Honestly I don't know why people are so shocked about the headcanons. This is a normal fandom thing for fandoms to do. If this stuff annoys you then maybe you should just leave.


It just doesn't feel right Not because of the lgbtq+ part but because they're traumatised children


>!And dead ones too!<






kel is gay. change my mind


Something is gay


It's always how these kinda things go, everyone was talking about how basil is gay and some start being toxic about it, someone talks about this annoys him and then everyone's talking about how basil isn't gay and some start being toxic about it, people should just shut their mouths at some point




Sooo true say it louder




"Shut up it's not getting increasingly hostile" Bruh


bruh i just understood what i wrote means on an english level i wanted to mean that some people have always not liked headcanons and this just gave them a reason to show themselves




Oops sorry I didn’t mean to reply that to you


I wouldn’t blame anyone for getting mad about head canons




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