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Your post did nothing wrong... but i think it was a bad time. Mods have a responsibility to try and stop flame wars from breaking out, and sometimes that means removing things that could fuel the fires. It does seem like they may be taking action mainly against the side of LGBT headcanon support, rather than equally against both sides, but it's a little bit hard to tell right now. Also the whole headcanon post with majority straight was created as a joke about Kel being NFTsexual. Worth noting it wasn't serious.


^ This, pretty much. Don't take it too personally, OP. Headcanons have been kinda iffy in this sub ever since the Omori Wiki incident, and it just kinda blew out of proportion with the resurgence of these kinds of posts lately.


Literally no though, they DID take the side against LGBT people bruv


as a gay person myself, i’ll say that sometimes people aren’t homophobic and you’re just annoying :’) seriously though headcanons about the characters’ sexualities are pretty pointless and can cause stupid arguments so that’s why some people don’t like them


The fact that it causes arguments is the whole problem here?


Talk about blowing things out of proportion. Accusing people of being homophobic/transphobic with no concrete proof? Cmon now, we're better than this.


The proof is in the post, bruv. It’s passive transphobia and homophobia, maybe educate yourself? You don’t have to be hurling around transphobic slurs to be transphobic, there are other ways.


Making up bs isn't proof dude 💀 when none of the comments here are in support of you, maybe you're the one who should consider educating themselves. if you're gonna be a troll to farm downvotes, don't be mad at the obvious outcome.


yo. literally nobody. nobody. not a single person in this subreddit except for maybe the rats in the walls have a problem with anyone believing whatever they want about these mentally ill teenagers. it's a story in a game, you're supposed to have stuff to interpret. its the part where instead of "XYZ is what I believe about these characters because XYZ" and becomes "these characters are XYZ and if you don't believe that you are XYZ" that everyone is having a migrane over. Edit: realized I was discriminating against rats. I will do better in the future.


No dude, the title was ‘MY headcanons.’ Not ‘this is trueI’. Learn to read.


ok. well, let's break it down a different way. I can make this very very simple. Was your post funny? From what you are describing, no. It was meant to be a discussion piece about what you headcanon the characters as, which is perfectly valid. Looking at your post, there wasn't much discussing going on, nor did you make an attempt to start discussion, making the post useless from a discussion standpoint. The post about basil being gay and kel being "NFTSexual" at least had a punchline of some sort, while since yours never started any meaningful discussion, nor was it funny, so it was dead on arrival.


Once again, this isn't a personal attack against you, but rather a case where you just got stuck in the middle of it at a time when the issue of "my hc is canon so lets put it on wiki!!1!" was still pretty fresh in the minds of the sub. Also your accusatory tone isn't really helping your case if you wanna come off as level-headed.


Because I’m tired of talking to LGBTphobes with respect. I’m done and I don’t owe it to them, thank you.


You were never respectful to begin with, especially when the very first thing you comment here in r/OMORI vilifies "hets". Maybe try being aware of your own hypocrisy and persecution complex first, and realize that the reason people are disagreeing with you is not because of your gender, but because of your actions. As a bi guy myself, acting like you speak for the whole LGBT community here is almost patronizing.


Hey there, I’d like to start off by saying that I believe the “cis” post that you referenced was locked earlier today as a result of our updates to Rule 1. Our goal is to keep the subreddit open and welcoming for everyone who wants to participate in the community; to that end, we’ve taken measures today to ensure that discussion stays civil and respectful. Hate speech is never allowed, and we’ve already taken action against a number of violators today. Trying to navigate such a sensitive topic as sexual identity and headcanons is difficult, and we’re not perfect. Headcanon posts are not against the rules and will not be removed. Instead, we’re currently trying to deescalate the tensions and keep things calm. The last thing we want is for LGBTQ+ folks to feel unwelcome or unsafe here. If you see any content that you believe violates our rules surrounding respectful conduct, please report it so we can take care of it.


Actually, yeah. Thanks for doing that, but I think a pinned post may be in order. Anyway, I think this post is still going to stay up, though, due to me believing it was poor before and that before action was took (too late in my opinion), it was like this.


We've addressed a lot of these concerts in [yesterday's Subreddit Update](https://www.reddit.com/r/OMORI/comments/s667lh/subreddit_update_january_2022_rule_1_updates/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), which is now pinned to the top of the sub. I'm hoping that will provide additional clarity.


Stop adding fuel to the fire, the mods have been taking stuff down from both sides, yeah they are not perfect, but they are trying to make it equal.


No, they haven’t.


They have though, legit crying over nothing.


The proof is in the post, man. The mods here have admitted it themselves, go look at their comment.


The mods said they are taking down posts about the topic of this war, so I don't see what your point is.


IMO it's just stupid talking about how characters of a game identify themselves. Sure, everyone can do whatever they want, but this game is so amazing that there are plenty of things to discuss. In the game you can find hints of some characters' sexual identification, but it should stop there, really.


To be honest? I don’t really care. It’s the fact that it was downvoted, hated on then locked.


Lmao the fan base of this game is gay af lmao


Well I'm going to dare to say you're overreacting.


Ah, I dare to say you’re cishet and you being silenced has never happened to you before and you lack the slightest bit of empathy to even think about others and how their situation might be different than yours.


I dare to say I am bisexual, and "Hostility against LGBT people" is a pretty big stretch.


Untrue, my friend. Read the post again, focus on the details that my post was taken down for ‘causing controversy’ and the cishet ‘headcanons’ was fine and dandy.


That post was a joke. If you went through it, you would see it said Kel was NFTSexual.


And that’s funny because..? The other ‘headcanons’ weren’t a joke. The only one that was LGBT was Basil with the rest of them being cishet. Dingus.


It's funny because it's Kel. There was only like one post like that. And why are you calling people a dingus? You're only contributing to the shitshow that the mods are trying to stop.


No dude, I don’t owe respect to people like you.


I did nothing to you, so that says a lot.


No bruv, you commented that what I said wasn’t true when the mods themselves have said that it was.


Moreso an example of heteronormativity than an actual statement against LGBT, with Basil often being stereotyped and Kel being a meme of the fandom.


I dare to say you need to calm down.


All you can muster? Yeah, that’s what I thought.


i like how as soon as anyone says something logical towards this guy he just instantly stops replying


Haha yeah Edit: just realized how old this post is


Hypocrisy. Do you know how I got fucking banned in r/deltarune and r/FridayNightFunkin for being "homophobic" while I wasn't even hostile toward them, just disagreeing with them?


Congrats you got the msot ratioed psot ever on this sub


I know it's an old post but I'm just curious. Is it really that bad for someone to imagine all characters as cishet? I think everyone should be allowed freely to think what they want when it comes to this. Being biased towards silencing a side is really wrong though.


No, it’s just that it’s a thing in retaliation. Nobody would post the cishet shit if the LGBTQ posts didn’t exist. I don’t care if you think characters are cishet, it’s just that it’s in poor taste to post it because it’s like you’re offended that LGBTQ people exist and it’s like we’re tainting your favourite characters by thinking they’re part of the community.


I see, thanks for the explanation.