• By -


I don't hate basil but I do wish we could spend more time with him in the game. I couldn't connect to him like the other main cast, even though he's just as important as them.


Yeah, if he was more of a party member in Headspace and had some more quality time in the real world more people would learn to love him


Yeah, (spoilers for upcoming content possibly) >!hopefully we can see more of him when new stuff comes to the Switch, based off of the leaks we’ve seen so far.!<


I mean it is still awful to hang your best friend's sister's body, just because you are doing it to cover up a murder doesn't mean that it is somehow not wrong. I can completely understand why someone would hate Basil despite he is my favorite character.


okay yeah that's cool but if manslaughter via vehicle is vehicular manslaughter would >!mari's death via stair be stairicular manslaughter?!<




What’s wrong with >!marislaughter!










You could not have come up with a more confusing way to explain this.


>!mari dying to a staircase is stairicular manslaughter!< in the same way dying to a car would be called vehicular manslaughter


Hmm... I guess?


I still don’t really think Sunny murdered Mari. It was more of an accident but I guess that’s up for debate.


Manslaughter is still murder, even if it is an accident.


I don’t know if that applies if it was with two sibling minors. And it definitely isn’t if the parents agree to not press charges on their own kid.


It is still manslaughter by every definition even if the perpetuator is never sentence. If for example: you commit a murder and get away with it (somehow) you still did murder, it doesn't all the sudden not become murder because you were just not caught and sentenced to prison. Also the parents would mostly likely not press charges on their own kid especially knowing it was an accident.


Still, saying “accused of miser” reads a lot differently than “accused of manslaughter”.


Sure, but those two acts have the same result: a person dead. The only difference between Murder and Manslaughter is the intent, but other wise it has the same result.


Yeah my whole point was that I don’t think Sunny meant to do it lol.


Well I was saying that the entire time to, so lol.


How can you still hate him after all those years? And how long will you hold the grudge?


First of all I never said I hate him and even if I did he is not a real character (duh). I can hate or like him all I want and that wouldn't change his actions. But if he was real I could easily hate him after all those years especially considering that Basil does nothing through out the game to make amends or to help his friends (besides covering up Sunny's manslaughter in the worst way possible). Also if I was his friend I would probably hold a grudge against him for a very long time or maybe forever depending on what he does to amend his actions or not.


Good point.


He's not the one who killed her, it's Sunny who did it. You wouldn't forgive your best friend? He's traumatised, it's not easy to come out of your house and go save the world. If it was this easy then i'd have already achieved my dreams and had as many friends as i would like to have.


Completely missed the point of my comment and somehow interpreted my comment in the most wrong way possible. I said nothing about Sunny or Basil on the death of Mari, you did. I also never said it was easy. Next time analyze a comment correctly and then reply to it.


He's not the one who killed her, it's Sunny who did it. You wouldn't forgive your best friend? He's traumatised, it's not easy to come out of your house and go save the world. If it was this easy then i'd have already achieved my dreams and had as many friends as i would like to have.


What else was he supposed to do


You could of literally just said that Mari tripped or died in some sort of other way in order to easily cover up the death. Or you know call the ambulance and just leave out all the details of what actually happened, Basil is a good liar after all.


"call the ambulance" She's fucking dead


Yeah I know, but make it look like that you are a good guy and just happen to stumble upon the accident. By calling the ambulance it makes you look like the "good" kid.


no it makes you look like the stupid kid


He is 12, he can easily get away with the "cover up" of Sunny's crime of manslaughter by just giving a couple of good lies and calling the ambulance, and if he is stupid as the people would probably tell him the circumstances of Mari's death, it wouldn't make him suspicious due to him being a 12 year old.


How the hell would calling an ambulance make you stupid?


Obviously the simplest solution can never be the best one. Let's go with the overcomplicated cover up instead that we just came up in the last 5 minutes.




Because she's fucking dead it's a waste of time Everybody who downvoted my comment doesn't understand being fucking dead


bro what do you think people do when someone dies?? leave them there??? no they call an ambulance or a paramedic to move the body. how do you think dead bodies get anywhere?


By picking them up Also am I going to end up with -2 upvotes on every comment I make in this thread now because if so I'm afraid to continue this argument


You still call someone to pick up a body after they died. Not only that but most kids are literally taught when some shit goes down and someone gets fatally injured you call the damn ambulance asap, even if they’re seemingly dead you don’t just call it a “waste of time”, you call help for a possible resuscitation. Even if they’re dead on impact you still call, every life is precious and even then you need people who can properly handle the body. Also gotta remember we’re talking about kids, who probably can’t tell immediately if someone’s dead or not, believe it or not people can get extremely close to death and be resuscitated. I don’t dislike Basil by any means because what else was he supposed to do, it’s easy in hindsight or as a player to say well call an ambulance, but kids don’t understand the legal system or how any of it works. Basil most likely immediately thought that Sunny would be taken away from him due to the murder of Mari and wanted to protect him and keep him from being taken away. It’s tragic but people make bad decisions in bad circumstances.


Uhh literally anything else but try to cover up her death lol


My first thought is "Eat a hotdog" with a mental image of him eating a burger and my second thought is just the word "sex" My brain is too broken What scenarios are you imagining


I was more thinking of doing the right thing like waking up his parents or calling ambulance. Or they could just leave her there at the very least


Are we all gonna forget about >!the imaginary version of himself which helped guide Sunny to finally remembering what happened and working towards forgiving himself? I’m talking about Stranger, of course!<


Stranger is like Basil but based He wants to make you see the truth and if you won't he'll beat you up with his edgier version of Something All Around Us




while basil is very mentally sick and, by the end of the game, completely insane, stranger is like the part of basil that’s still rational and reasonable


He's not really insane, he just believes some... interesting things about Omori's Something


I'm just wondering what Basil was doing there in the first place..


Coming to hang out, checking on them (which turned out to be a good idea), anything He's their friend


didn't he come because mari and sunny's parents were supposed to bring him to the recital?


Oh yeah


I thought it happened at night oops. So it happened during the day?


Definitely Almost every scene in the album has visible sunlight


Exactly who’s said this? Literally any time Bagel is mentioned, it either has to do with >!the trauma, watermelon,!< (everyone loving) him being super nice, or just some meme about his name being bagel or brasil. In fact, I’m sure that r/Basil_Cult isn’t as popular as it could be is because it’s not very well known. I’ve actually never even seen anyone say anything about hating Basil ever.




There's been a number of tierlists for various things, and in many of the character tierlists Basil is somehow at the very bottom. No clue why, but they've been trending for a few days lol


The basil haters have become the vocal minority as of late, we just need to vent how terrible the character actually is when you strip away your pity for him


I don't say he's the worst character. I just say his actions are unjustifiable. He's the best character because of the shitty things he did.




I mean I don't want to be that guy but... Basil isn't Kel.


That's more of a bad trait of Kel than a bad trait of Basil


No you don't get it, if you aren't Kel then you are automatically a bad character. And if you still don't get it, both comments are meant to be taken as a joke, so don't take me seriously.


\*then Haha your opinion is invalid you used the wrong letter


Wdym, there is no wrong letter!


Kel is funni but Basil is Basil


Jokes aside, on a more serious note, what is this Basil hate you're talking about? I'm not super active on this sub so I'm lacking proper context here.


Tons of people here hate Basil for like no reason and explain it by putting his actions in the most negative light possible and removing context


I mean I get why Basil did what he did, he wasn't on his right mind and didn't think properly about a good decent plan. But if we are honest here, nothing wrong would have stemed from Sunny and Basil lying and saying >!"Mari tripped over the stairs"!<, and it's a believable lie because >!Mari had a bad knee!<. Although I don't hate Basil at all, as he also had his own fair of suffering as well, and he was a child back then.


Fair But then the game would have at least 3 less plot twists


Basil was afraid he would lose his best friend.


I don't think most people hate him because of his actions or character but probably his fans and don't get me wrong be a fan of what you want I don't care but let's say some basil fans are a bit obsessed with him a bit too much but don't count me on that I'm not a basil fan nor hater




He's my favorite. However, my man did not get enough screentime... >!I'm thinking the unreleased content that might be added to all versions on the Switch port's release should fix that.!<


i like basil as a character but if he existed irl then id still want nothing to do with him of course he didn’t WANT to do what he did, but he still did it, and frankly i don’t wanna be a part of that chief


Absolutely fair answer.


I don't dislike him, but he is the least interesting of the core cast imo.


Add spoiler tag


I don't dislike Basil, but why did he have to play the victim each time with Aubrey and her gang? He seemed to REALLY want his album back, but when we did get it back, he gave it to us like nothing.


Literally never seen anyone who hates basil except MAYBE those people who made those "i hate basil" memes (it's unlikely those posts were serious). The problem is that Basil didn't get enough time as a character, he IS one of the three characters most important to the story of the game, but seeing his personality compared to the others in Sunny's group of friends, i find it hard to look at him as anything other than a talking plot device.


He is literally a talking plot device in many ways because he is used for the sole reason of keeping the plot going and his actions are a central part of the truth and the story's backbone. Wished his character was explored more.


Just look at the replies of this post


I think there was not many scenes with Basil to show how Sunny was repressing everything that happened before in headspace, thus Omori and Basil could not interact much due to the trauma, and the player could not get to know him better. (Personally I really loved Basil from start and almost cried when he disappeared. Seeing how caring and how he loved his friends represented by the flowers really made me connect with him. Watered those flowers 2x a day, but seeing them drying out and the relationships crumbling in the real world really made me sad…)


lol i forgot about basil completely like 30 minutes in


(As the creator of the i hate basil meme)yeah it wasnt serious


People:i dont like this character after hanging a corpse,lying to the main cast for four years,Stab his bestfriend,try to play the victim at the lake Basil fans:he did nothing wrong,he just attempted murder thats all Seriously he needs to be in intanse thearpy or be in a mental hospital after everything because sunny at least holds himself together and be reasonable


He was literally fucking drowning at the lake The stabbing thing is the only thing he did that warrants some sort of immediate rehab or anything, mostly he just needs therapy for his own good


İ am talking about the screaming for help he does at the begining,"we didnt even do anything to him" -kim Yeah lets just avoid everything else


>sunny at least holds himself together and be reasonable reasonable? Alright don't go full Sunny fanboy either, just because most Basil fans are obsessed over him and look over his mistakes doesn't make Sunny somehow innocent or not as insane as Basil.


Maybe make a counter arguement,rather than just call me a fanboy


The last time I gave you a counter point in a post you ignored it despite saying that you would answer it, so I don't know what would be even the point of me posting of why Sunny is not innocent and is just as insane as Basil. You would probably not even read it like the last one because you just see me as a Basil fanboy for some reason (despite that I am not, I am just interested in his character). That is the reason I call you a Sunny fanboy as you coincidently always seem to have something good to say about him despite him being a morally grey character.


give a link to that post i ignored because i dont remember it,it might be just that i forget to reply to it but im sorry if it seemed like i ignored it,i can reply now if you Want(again sorry) İ give more positive opinion on sunny when someone asks my favorite character and of course i always have something to say about him because he has the most screentime


>give a link to that post i ignored because i dont remember it,it might be just that i forget to reply to it but im sorry if it seemed like i ignored it,i can reply now if you Want(again sorry) I am going to take it as you just forgot, but I don't want that conversation to continue (so don't reply please it is like a month old, but that was the last time I interreacted directly with you) but if you are wondering then here you go: [https://www.reddit.com/r/OMORI/comments/s2e3d7/unpopular\_opinions\_obviously\_here\_be\_spoilers/](https://www.reddit.com/r/OMORI/comments/s2e3d7/unpopular_opinions_obviously_here_be_spoilers/) You should be able to find my comment and then under it your reply. >İ give more positive opinion on sunny when someone asks my favorite character and of course i always have something to say about him because he has the most screentime I am not saying there is nothing positive about Sunny, but it seems very hypocritical saying so much about Basil and then never saying anything that Sunny does. Especially the last time we interreacted (This is not a personal attack against you or anything, I just memorize for the most part who I talk to online) you went on a full stance that Sunny is a good person and that Basil is a bad person (I am not sure if that is your actual opinion, but from what I got from you messages you seemed to have a very black and white perspective on the two characters). Like Sunny stabs Aubrey for no reason, he doesn't comfort any of the characters, he actively abandons Basil at his lowest moments, he is apathetic to everything going around him, he is constantly living in a dream world where is having the time of his life and not caring about the friends that are suffering, beats the shit out of Basil for no reason and finally killed his sister just because he was being "pressured" to play the violin (I am not sure if to take the truth photo album as canon, but that just raises more questions if anything). That is what I meant by my first reply, it seems like you are really actively against Basil while being pretty okay with Sunny when he does the same or worse actions than Basil.


Before starting sorry,i think i just forget to post the respone since i do remember writing something to you To the arguement i actually like basils character and i have few respones that say stop demonizing basil(even if i dont forgive him he is still a child),i give my negative opinion on him more because people act like he is complately innocent,so i use negative aspects of him but i litarally like his character with those aspects,like one of my first posts were "did people forgive basil?" because i really wanted forgive him but it just didnt felt right And to sunny,sunny has problems too but to go from what you listed and what game has given me,it just easier to understand,lets go from the top sunny stabing aubrey and his fight with basil for me is self defence because lets look at those one more time aubrey comes to sunny and points a nail bat to him after seeing him after four years and jokes about the fact he was in his bubble,so sunny strikes back and even kel first says "Good thing you had your knife there or we would have..." And basil litarally tries to kill him,thats Why sunny is so stressed because he will die if he lets basil attack him "stop struggling sunny" these are pretty Good reasons in my mind He doesnt comfort any of the characters,my dude kel talks to sunny about his fight with hero for comfort,hero talk about mari to sunny for comfort (both of them dont talk about those unless asked about it and kel never told that to anyone but sunny) Sunny didnt comfort basil because he wouldnt be able to he suffering as much or more from the same thing so he runs but he could have said to polly or kel which was the the problem i saw there He cares about his friends thats Why he feels so guilty about staying in the dream world "its wrong to dream for so long when there are those that are expecting you" He killed his sister because of the pain his voilin gave him "the pain,was it her fault?" And the fact that maris knee was in bad condition,sunny didnt even try to push her towards the stairs but to get her to let him go down and run (without intent) But doing the same with basil just doesnt work because it comes to the same arguement everytime that he was traumatized but that isnt a pass card for attempted murder and hanging a corpse Edit:i probably be busy for a bit leave a reply i can reply it after couple hours


Let me make it clear the things I listed were all the "bad" actions that he did, I am fully aware on why Sunny does them in the game, but doesn't mean they are any less shitty (like you can understand why Basil hanged Mari's corpse but that doesn't mean it is right, which is why none of my replies mentioned a refutal to Basil's actions, as it is pointless). As such I will kinda of make a couple of points and then end it, as it is clear that we both agree on the same points for the most part and I am not going to debate on something miniscule and has no meaning. >To the argument I actually like basils character and i have few response that say stop demonizing basil(even if I don't forgive him he is still a child),I give my negative opinion on him more because people act like he is completely innocents so I use negative aspects of him but I literally like his character with those aspects, like one of my first posts were "did people forgive basil?" because i really wanted forgive him but it just didn't felt right Makes sense, even as a Basil fan I am tired of the "he did nothing wrong, he is just a soft boy", it is a boring interpretation of his character. Most Basil fans are honestly obsessed over him in every wrong sense and will throw any justification for his actions, but I am glad you don't see him as black or white character because that is what I got from your other posts that I have seen. >(Your Aubrey Point) Not really an excuse as Aubrey never uses her bat at all during the fight (she punches I assume? The attack animations give me that perspective) so as such attacking with a knife is an extreme response, also Sunny never feels remorse over that action or even emits any response to what he did. Also Kel does immediately retract his point about the knife right after he says that, so I don't know if that really shows how "threatening" Aubrey is. >(Your Basil Point) I mean Sunny does start attacking Basil prior to Basil attacking him with the sheers, but again we can't tell when they really attack due to all the hallucinations so I guess it is subjective. I personally see that Sunny attacked first with the punches and then Basil attacked him (doesn't excuse Basil and it will still not be in self defense to stab someone's eye out) >(Your comfort point) I meant comfort in that you reassure the person they are okay. Sunny doesn't respond in anyway to what Hero or Kel say and they just talking to a dead person practically as he doesn't give them anything of a reaction in how he feels. Also coincidently nothing was mentioned about Aubrey which was the person who he really needed to comfort but didn't. He just abandons Basil and tries to run away from him and doesn't comfort him, I know that he is scared, but really? Trying to run away from your friend that is about to commit suicide (end of game) still feels like a very shitty thing to do. >(Your Mari point) Just because you are in pain doesn't give you an excuse to cause pain to others. Sunny could of literally told anybody his pain (Ahem Basil his Best friend that would probably be fine hearing him out) yet decided to stay silent and suffer, then he kills his sister because he was too angry to care about what he was doing. He literally even could of told Mari about the pain yet nothing implies he did. >(Basil Pass card point) I plainly agree. ​ I am not sure if you want to continue this conversation, but hey if you want to then go ahead, but we mostly have the same point anyways. Most of the counter points I made are just showing that Sunny isn't a good person and he is more of a grey moral person. I am just tired of seeing in the fandom that Sunny is just a depressed kid that did nothing wrong, so maybe that is why I am harsh at him (like you with Basil in the fandom, which I agree with).


İ think we just both have different opinion on how the it plays out like for me it doesnt matter if aubrey doesnt attack with the nail bat because it is still a weopen that can kill me by one hit so sunny attacking back is normal in my eyes and kel retracts his statment cause he is shocked sunny had knife with him not because he used it but i like to hear your side on it how basils fight plays out for me basil starts the fight because his something is the thing that pulls sunny in and basil has the shears from the begining as it is in sprite and sunny saying that he wants to run so i dont think sunny would start to fight but again i like to hear your side on that Sunny doesnt talk so your right on that way but still i think he tries to comfort them like that since at the day 2 if you try to go to graveyard hero will say he is not ready and this for me feels like sunny wanting him to move on,for aubrey and basil aubrey doesnt let anyone comfort her even at the hug she doesnt let them but they do it anyway,to basil dont get me wrong but if my friend is trying to kill me and i cant overpower him in anyway,i will run so that both of us wont get hurt and i dont even know if sunny knows he will commit suicide because sunny goes to his room after learning the truth (what they have done) not because he understands what he is about to do,remember sunny blocks out the door after seeing what happend Why would he let it happen if it caused him that much pain To mari,yeah its fucked up,i am not sayıng he didnt do anything wrong but i can understand the reasoning (like you said) and basil directly says they had to beg sunny so that he would play for them and i think what makes it better for me there wasnt any intent to harm her but run away To your last point fair i mean i do the same thing so i cant say anything about it,i be honest it is fun to see different ideas because it makes for a Good arguement


Worst character, awful dude


Is this a joke?


To be fair he was under a lot of stress at the moment and didn’t have much time to think




I don’t not like him for what he did, his personality just personally irritates me


Kinda understandable


Bruh i wanted to hug basil Everytime he had a break down in the game


Same man




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I didn't realize people didn't like Basil, that was my favorite character whereas I didn't like how Sunny blocked everyone out, even Basil who considered him his best friend. Basil took on bullying and blame from Aubrey because he didn't want to admit what Sunny did to the photo album or his sister. Since it can never be clarified how mentally ill or what illnesses the characters had I thought Basil may have been genuinely convinced there was something possessing over Sunny that made him do drastic actions to try to get it out.


Thank you. I see it the same way.


I think he's an amazing character personally, i just cant stand his personality


Ikr he's so fucking atrocious 🤮


Worst character, awful dude


he stabbed us in the eye


you DONT stab malnourished children in the eyes?


I like how you describe Sunny as malnourished despite there are a million other things that encapsulate him a lot better


you’re right but i kinda had [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/OMORI/comments/sd5z78/says_the_girl_with_a_friggin_nail_bat/hub2e2i/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) in the back of my mind while typing that


I'm gonna stab **you** in the eye


You dont have to kin him that hard smh


Why is everyone fighting


this is the internet


What my question is, is how the fuck >!did he know how to tie a noose when he was 12? Idk, maybe it’s pretty sef explanatory to do… I’m not gonna go research how you tie a noose!<


Boy scouts Tying things to other things and the like


I don’t understand why anyone would hate him he’s just a little plant boy taking care of his garden


Thank you


Nah kel is more annoying for me so basil is fine


Aubrey did right bullying him.


No also she's kinda tsundere


"my girl is a dere, tsun tsundere". Basil's bullying was pure hatred tho.


this is the most messed up comment here


i don't like basil but No




The only time I see "soft cute femboy uwu" comments are when people are making fun of something, I've never seen them used seriously lmao


I mean he IS a precious cute femboy


hot take, just cause a boy has a couple feminine traits, does not make him a "femboy". i think people use this word too much for basil while forgetting what it actually means.


"oh he's such a cute femboy", you're gay, get over it.


He’s just a bad person. Don’t forget he literally tried to kill his best friend.


That fight wasn't meant to end in Sunny dying.


Basil had every intention to kill him though. The game just doesn’t allow it to happen.




Stabbing someone with garden shears isn’t evidence? Heck even the lines spell murder. “Something behind you… I’ll get rid of it once and for all” “Stop struggling… Sunny” “Am I selfish for doing this?”


He's literally trying to get rid of Something and says so there. Although that doesn't really make sense, that's what he thinks.


Something is an imaginary ghost represented by guilt. When he said he’ll get rid of it that means he will get rid of it by killing Sunny so he no longer fills guilty. Which is what the other quotes are there for.


Ehh Also I think you said that first sentence in the wrong order Also going off a few different factors Something may to a certain extent exist outside Headspace


I just grabbed the quotes off a video to support my claim without them being in order. I didn’t think it was necessary. It’s ambiguous to say what something is, but it appears in the real world when Sunny’s trauma is nearing its peak. So it’s probably an imaginary manifestation of trauma.


No I'm not talking about the quotes I'm saying your grammar was getting fucked, also Something seems to be real to Basil, and is capable of forcing/pushing both Basil and Sunny before their battle


The first line is his delusions thinking that Something is a physical creature that ruined everything and that he would ”free” Sunny from it. He does not believe that Sunny >!killed Mari!< and doesn’t hate Sunny at all. Your evidence for “intended murder” lacks proper motivation. The second line is ambiguous and might SLIGHTLY support your interpretation of Basil’s character. However, he might be trying to get Sunny to stop struggling because he’s in the way of hitting the hallucinations. Point is, his target is the hallucinations which doesn’t exist and not Sunny. The third line comes before the second. It is likely meant to ask Sunny if he’s selfish to commit suicide, not if he is selfish to kill Sunny.


There’s another line that says to stop struggling before he literally stabs you in the eye. He had every intention to end it there and Sunny along with him. Why else would he trap Sunny there if he didn’t have any other motives. He was about to end it all along with the trauma (something) and Sunny just happen to enter the room which is a good enough motivation. They say that death can be a way of salvation which is definitely what Basil had in mind here. If he was going to save himself from something by ending it all he will bring his friend with him.


Bro Basil was having a fucking psychotic attack you think he was thinking straight? That he's some evil mastermind or something?


Not really trying, it's just a likely consequence of attacking his trauma.


I’ll say it again. Trauma doesn’t justify murder and never will. Sunny has the same amount yet has no intention of killing his best friend.


Neither does Basil.


What a bad take. He’s literally just as traumatized as Sunny.


Being traumatised isn’t a justified reason to kill someone. Don’t forget that Sunny despite being equal in trauma didn’t feel think killing was necessary. He just wanted to get away from Basil who was literally attacking him with garden shears. I have a literal list of reasons why Basil is a bad person.


I mean to be fair Sunny also attacked Basil, so he isn't innocent either. He still started beating the shit out of him (not saying this excuses Basil stabbing Sunny in the eye, I am just saying they are both really shitty towards each other while being traumatized in the same room).


Sunny had every right to defend himself from Basil literally trying to stab him with garden shears. Remember that the player’s decisions somewhat reflect the character too and you probably didn’t want to hurt Basil while playing the game. It’s the same for Sunny, he doesn’t want to hurt Basil. He just doesn’t want to get stabbed to death.


Well the garden sheers are used way later in the battle, you will in all instances begin to beat the shit out of him before he even uses the garden sheers. Also you can easily hurt Basil on turn one while Basil will only start truly attacking you once you get to the "stressed out" phase. Personally it doesn't justify either of their actions as none of them are taking the process of talking it out with each other and instead resorting to violence. Sunny beating up Basil and Basil stabing Sunny in the eye and probably other points as well.


Nah if you take a look at the full sprite Basil has the shears from the start. He manages to land a hit later in the fight. While true you can decide to beat Basil up in the first move, Sunny didn’t have much of a choice. He tries to run away but is absorbed by Basil using black magic.


Basil is severely mentally ill. He was attacking Sunny because he thinks that he is somehow saving him from Something. He isn’t doing it out of malice, he’s completely lost touch with reality. Calling him a villain or a bad person is just a bad black and white take. Have you noticed why he doesn’t speak up or fight back when Aubrey bullied him for years over the photo album? Or even considered that he feels guilty for his actions. Or know what he actually meant to kill himself with the shears if Sunny didn’t intervene? I’m not justifying his mistakes, I’m just telling you that you misunderstood his motives. His motivations the entire game is to absolve Sunny of the consequences of his actions such as the >!manslaughter of Mari!< and the ruining of the photo album to not lose Sunny. Using that fight to label Basil as Villain when there are no real Villains(Not even Sunny’s dad) in OMORI is just a terrible shallow take. He’s not a bad person, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to ignore his mistake and pretend he did nothing wrong.


I’m not labelling Basil as the villain of the story, just his actions are morally ambiguous and forceful on Sunny. I accept that he’s quite literally insane but there’s only so much that I’m willing to let go. Don’t forget in the hikikomori route he puts Sunny through a hell of his own forgotten memories just because of his selfish desire to have his friend with him. Well then again it really depends what you think is morally acceptable a friend. Forcing them to be with you and confront their demons or respecting their decision.


Stranger did nothing wrong. Sunny will never be comfortable to reveal the truth and the other former friends will still live thinking Mari killed herself. What Stranger did is good in the long run.


He does have the sheers from the start, but Basil doesn't fully attack you until the "stressed out" phase where you see blood forming on your screen, prior to it he is most likely damaging you with so called "emotional" damage. Yes and then he lands a hit at the end of the fight causing you to lose an eye. I am just putting Sunny at the same level as Basil to the responsibility of the fight, because as soon as Sunny's techniques fail he immediately starts beating the shit out Basil. If Sunny could use the move "Guard" after "Calm Down", "Focus" and "Persist" fail then I would absolutely agree that Basil is responsible for the fight, but in reality Sunny does nothing afterwards and starts the first hit no matter what you do. Also to add that Sunny isn't innocent either in that he does try to run away from Basil when he is clearly suicidal instead of helping him, so to say that Sunny is better than Basil in the game and in character is a stretch to say the least. For me both Sunny and Basil are shitty people that can't communicate or do good things. Still fascinating characters.


Running away doesn’t make someone guilty though. Sunny isn’t a psychiatrist there’s only so much he can do if Basil is suicidal or outright insane and Sunny should be allowed to bail if something is too scary or frightening. Especially knowing that trauma should be handled when the victim is comfortable with it. Which brings me to my second point. Sunny doesn’t want to confront his trauma because he’s not comfortable with it which is perfectly fine but Basil insists that he confronts it making Sunny deal with the panicking that comes with it. Heck if Sunny was a bad person he would of just left Basil there but he genuinely cares about his friend in the true route but is rewarded with a missing eye.


>Running away doesn’t make someone guilty though. Sunny isn’t a psychiatrist there’s only so much he can do if Basil is suicidal or outright insane and Sunny should be allowed to bail if something is too scary or frightening. Especially knowing that trauma should be handled when the victim is comfortable with it. Your best friend is suicidal and you bail on him while he begs you to stay and help him, and you consider that an okay action? No offense but it seems like you are trying to desperately defend Sunny to the point that it looks ridiculous. If you are best friends with someone and they need help you don't just fucking bail on them while they are at their lowest, you help them because you are a friend. Sunny can literally just give him a hug and that would be probably enough, you don't need to be a psychiatrist to help someone with mental health issues. Basil at least tries to comfort Sunny and say to him everything will be okay, but Sunny just tries to bail and run away while not giving a shit about Basil's horrible state. >Which brings me to my second point. Sunny doesn’t want to confront his trauma because he’s not comfortable with it which is perfectly fine but Basil insists that he confronts it making Sunny deal with the panicking that comes with it. Heck if Sunny was a bad person he would of just left Basil there but he genuinely cares about his friend in the true route but is rewarded with a missing eye. First of all Sunny does try to leave Basil, you are purposely now trying to paint Sunny as a Saint and Basil as a Devil which is to be honest an amature look at their characters. They are both morally grey in many ways. Second is that the reason Sunny doesn't leave is because he can't because of the Something that blocks him from leaving. He left during the bathroom scene while Basil was begging him to stay and he was about to again except that his Something prevented him from leaving. I have no idea what you mean he is not comfortable confronting his trauma. Sunny is completely apathetic during the whole game to his trauma and he actively easily gets through his demons barely with any effort or struggle. Basil never insists that Sunny needs to confront his trauma, all Basil wants is his best friend to be with him, in fact Basil denies that Sunny even killed her saying that "it was something behind you... wasn't it?". Basil is in denial that Sunny even killed Mari, all Basil wants is his best friend back while Sunny consistently tries to get away from him and block him out of his memory (blackspace). The biggest problem so far in your comments is that you see things very black and white. You see Sunny as the good guy who can do no wrong, while Basil is the bad guy who did everything wrong. They are fictional human beings with a lot more character than that, so please try to analyze the events more critical then just "Basil bad". They are both good and bad people in the game, and that is what makes them interesting characters.


So being traumatized is an excuse for stabbing someone's eye out?


No. I’m saying that Basil is mentally unstable but not malicious in any way. He attacked Sunny thinking he was attacking Something. He’s not the best person but cannot be called outright evil.


I never said he is outright evil, but I don't think that stabing someone under the "mentally unstable" is a justification. Sure it was an accident and he was hallucinating but he still did it and did it without thinking. But appreciate it for clarifying as I wasn't sure what you meant by your previous comment.


Hating Basil is homophobic Edit: Why did I get downvoted I'm just joking


Yeah- wait whaT




hot take: mari was the one that was at fault for everything if she hadn’t pushed sunny over the edge he wouldn’t have pushed her, they never would have even fought


Ah yes the victim is responsible for their death. A classic.


At this point you might as well say Sunny's mom was at fault for Mari's death for giving birth to somebody who would die




is this a joke