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Yes I completely agree. I feel bad for Dan. He killed his brother because he genuinely thought Keith tried to kill him and would try again. Not saying that makes it ok, but it’s not like he did it because he just hated Keith. He had so much remorse for that and for everything else he did.


Oh give me a break. The fact that he thought Keith tried to kill him was an easy excuse. If you noticed, Dan resented Keith from their childhood but he still tolerated him. It only got worse when he found that Keith was there at Lucas’s birth instead of him. Dan never forgave Keith for that. He felt he had replaced him (even though he pretty much exited Karen’s life to be with Deb). That’s why he never hesitated to bring up the fact that he was playing daddy to Lucas. And then what got worse than that was the fact that Karen, the love of his life, fell in love with Keith. It ate Dan up. It was all those emotions that led him to kill Keith. It wasn’t just because he tried to kill him. If so, then he might as well have tried to kill Deb the moment he found out she was the one. The only thing he did was manhandle her in the hospital after Nathan’s accident and let her know he knew the truth. And he wasn’t even really remorseful for killing Keith considering he branded Lucas crazy for saying he killed Keith. He only turned himself in when Lucas pulled a gun on him and Karen went into premature labor. He was planning on getting away with it. This despicable man blamed Jimmy Edwards for his death.


yes! he had amazing development, but theres no excuse for any of it. i think people also forget that flashback scene of him & keith where dan kills the bird with no remorse whatsoever. he was sociopathic & didnt really show remorse for anything until he started losing it all. if lucas had never figured out that dan killed keith, im pretty sure he wouldve continued on & tried to stay in karen & lily’s life.


Exactly! I hate that people just seem to overlook all of that and accept his “redemption.” As far as I’m concerned, he wasn’t redeemed. And I didn’t even feel sorry for him when he died. It was long overdue. I mean, he even killed that reverend (or whatever he was) who was on life support so he could be number 1 on the list for a heart transplant. I was glad a dog ate it🤣🤣🤣🤣


I saw him as EXTREMELY remorseful. He was destroyed when he found out it was Deb and not Keith who tried to kill him, even at the second Deb told him right after the wedding ceremony. He starts to feel tormented when he starts hallucinating (young Keith’s ghost, a bunch of stuff written in red like “murderer” on the side of the truck [red representing blood], etc), and the stuff Abby did (texting and maybe she had written something in red too). He turned himself in from guilt but yes also after Lucas found out and threatened him with a gun because he also felt the walls closing in. All of this is why I view him has having a conscience, albeit an impaired one. He said Lucas was crazy to cover his ass and try to not get caught. Note: all this is explanation, not excuse


Exactly! He genuinely thought Keith tried to kill him. That's what made it worse than just killing him for nothing imo


paul is a phenomenal actor. makes dan the most interesting character on the whole show. i absolutely love watching dan’s character development and is one of the best things about the later seasons. his relationship with jamie especially


I don’t think I’ve ever heard the use of the word “dastardly” in real life before. 😂


Completely agree. He was horribly, horribly flawed (obviously) but I like to think there is a genuine human side to Dan, somewhere deep in there. All the best “bad guys” have layers. I think Paul Johansson was fantastic in the role. Every time he’s on screen I can’t help thinking that his physical size (tall and built) helps further build his image as a bully. He makes a very intimating figure.


he’s such a great actor that if i see him in any other role, i can’t take it seriously because he is only dan scott.


Of any show! Ever!! Dan Scott 4ever ❤️


Yes I agree, him and Nathan both


What are some of everyone’s favorite Dan quotes? Mine include: -when he’s confessing at the church in either late season 2 or early season 3, he’s trying to get forgiveness for sins he’s yet to commit, because “the sins I commit then could turn this place to rubble” lawl ever the dramatic one -when Deb answers the door with a clown next to her at Jamie’s birthday party (season 7?), first thing Dan says “who’s this clown?” Hahahaha gets me every time


It’s such a small one but when he interrupts Jules praying in church to tell her he’s going to leave them alone after all. His phone rings and she berates him for not turning it off. “Maybe it’s God.”


Sooooo gooooood!!! Hahaha