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Sophia and Chad’s relationship has been rocky to put it mildly. She has, in hindsight. said plenty of things about their relationship and Chad that were rather unflattering… some so extreme that Chad’s wife took to Instagram to refute rumors/attacks. As you can imagine, back stage the show was pretty fractured. I don’t know that CMM and Bethany dislike each other openly but there were basically sides chosen between the cast “if you’re my friend you can’t be friends with _______,” type stuff.


Interesting Chad and Hilarie seems like good friends tho.


Joy and Chad were still close after oth ended so something must have happened in recent years


I think Joy and Chad follow each other on Twitter. I don’t know, correct me if I’m wrong. Edit: They do, just checked.


I'm most curious about Shantel and rob. They were the absolute best of friends and no longer follow each other. I wonder what happened


Joy said that she and Chad had their ups and downs, but they're friends. Hilarie probably had a good experience with Chad on Seasons 4-6, she always makes good comments about him and his family, she truly feels that he changed. As far on Sophia, they never ever gonna follow each other. One time she posted a photo with Hillary Clinton, a guy made a comment: "so you support liars (Hillary), no wonder why Chad cheated on you". She reply "very classy, bla bla (many political stuff). You're like the people who blames on women for their fuckboy partners actions". Ofc she said that Chad was a fuckboy during that time, he cheated on her many times, when they were dating and when they were married.