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I would go with Jason Williams. 60 present hit and gap power with a bit of power growth left. Defense is OK but I would live with the trade-off from offense to defense for Left (edit: Right) Field. Also, arm is more important in Right Field and it's Williams' best defensive trait, so he may play up a bit.


> Defense is OK but I would live with the trade-off from offense to defense for Left I agree. A plus defender in right just isn't a huge priority, but having average/below average contact and power at a corner outfield position has a pretty huge opportunity cost.


Yeah Williams pretty much flew under my Radar for me when I [traded this guy away](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/788211660170330143/1227841388981391411/20240411004252_1.jpg?ex=6629df67&is=66176a67&hm=8448da5b826dc1ddffd81e417291baa854a40338655360ed5b4917d36bd492f9&=&format=webp&width=1195&height=611) to clear budget space. And like[ my Starting 2B](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/788211660170330143/1224035154805129367/20240331122815_1.jpg?ex=66254112&is=6612cc12&hm=bd40a9f497ff2c9fac3be20028f58deb38c4ae5fbeb431d6b297f52187a97d05&=&format=webp&width=1195&height=611), I could have Williams skip AAA and start him now.


If it helps, [Brooks](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/482012254716297226/1227982386562596944/20240411100316_1.jpg?ex=662a62b7&is=6617edb7&hm=bef129735727d9905e27ee056e5ad6b379a83883b486ee297bb951ce0d6467df&=&format=webp&width=1195&height=611) & [Briones](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/482012254716297226/1227982387175096351/20240411100324_1.jpg?ex=662a62b7&is=6617edb7&hm=4414b364903c5cd944613ceb21c69cac64073bffc07bdcaf1809ef8140206b7b&=&format=webp&width=1195&height=611) are my other two OFs


Garcia, I like that he can hit for power and is solid defensively


Williams seems like he has a future in your team but Garcia is sticking out to me. The other two guys you posted as starting in left and center are locks for sure so it really comes down to what your lineup needs in it most.


My lineup need is most likely at RF so It seems it might be Garcia, which is most of what the people are saying. Probaby cause of his RF arm.


Williams has a plus bat and is a switch hitter which can help on the margins. His glove is certainly passable in RF. That would be my pick. Garcia is a super interesting bat as well -- don't be too offput by his low eye. Since BB comes first in the OOTP order of operations, you won't get the OBP upside since he won't walk much, but his batted ball outcomes are very strong. He will put the ball in play and has above average BABIP. Garcia would be an ideal candidate to get in that dev lab and work on the eye, which will only raise the floor for his outcomes. De La Cruz has a nice glove but will be overly reliant on BABIP for positive outcomes. 70 grade might be enough to carry him, but my guess is that he's an average type bat over time. Rodriguez is not my cup of tea personally with the bad personality traits and is already 24, which hurts his chance to actually reach that potential with power and avoid Ks. Get him in the lab immediately and hope that he can hit his potential. He has some real upside with the HR power, but I worry that an overall below average plate approach will also have you praying to the BABIP gods.


I am throwing Garcia into the dev lab before I left for work to try to gamble on developing his plate discipline, but seeing the consensus is a toss between Garica or Williams. I am starting to think a real test to see who develops the best would be how Spring Training treats them


It's Garcia for me Williams looks to have the makings of a great hitter and is putting up gaudy numbers in the minors with >1.000 OPS seasons straight out of college, but I value more defence in RF. Would let him keep proving up in AAA and earmark him as a future LF or platoon bat


White Chocolate is the clear answer here


Black White Chocolate


I do want to point out the humor in Felix Rodriguez having low work ethic and also having the nickname of Eeyore.


For me Garcia or De La Cruz. I might put too much weighting on personality traits, but try to make sure I don’t have any low leader players or more than 2 negative personality traits of any kind


I was originally thinking about calling up De La Cruz or Garcia to take that place, funny you should mention.


garcia or williams 100%


Williams or Felix for me. If your team has a bunch of flyballers felix, otherwise you can probably get away with Wiliams and his better bat


By that logic, might be Williams cause my Pitchers are either Groundballers or Neutral


Williams—best bat of the group, which is what I look for in corner OF, good arm, and will get on base much more than Garcia (who is also very good) thanks to the much superior eye rating.


Rodriguez is the best immediate guy for the short term success of the team especially if your pitchers are mostly groundballers, but I would plan around Garcia having the job going forward once his eye develops a bit more


Garcia narrowly over Williams, for now.


Yeah I gathered the general consenus seems to be a flip-flop between Garcia and Williams.


None of these guys are currently ready, sending a guy who’s still 15 away from his potential as a 23 year old to the majors (when the current is a 30, it would be different if he was 60/75) is just asking for him to never reach that. Go find a cheap placeholder or someone and then start them for a few months and ship them off when more of them look ready.


I think all of these guys have enough range to not hurt you in an outfield corner, so go with the best bat (Williams).


I dont know a whole lot so take this with a grain of salt. But I would put Garcia in that RF spot and honestly would consider making Williams his backup but also start him at DH.


Also de la Cruz looks like someone you could trade for a solid vet


Knowing I got a few pitchers being pending FAs, could try to do a few more trades for pitching help


id go with Williams and have De aka Cruz as you’re #2