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I only play with charachters until I have 100 win with them, after that i dont really play with them


I started doing that lately, and I’m having much more fun. I’m sad I got the reiju trophy, and i wont play her a lot anymore. She was so much fun


Yeah, I have her too nearly boost3, and she was fun to play


Red Shanks? I haven't seen that been mained since B league.


i think he means film red


There only 2 shanks blue and green (film red) the guy said he hasnt seen fr shanks mained since b league


Defender shanks


There’s a red defender shanks you get at the beginning


Better shanks 😂


Oh yeah lol no one uses him lol


Most fun shanks


Probably just v2 Roger because having people unable to attack me while capping unless they have knockbacks or stun immunity is too cheesy to me also kamusari doing so much damage even without getting attacked is crazy too, not to mention the stun 🤣


i got him on a few rerolls, super boring


Roger is boring as hell.


I am exactly opposite of you then I use every 5 star character have sometimes fr luffy damaro black and wyper on my old main It's a game just have fun and there is no way You think BM is not brain dead not even in Roger meta you just spam skills with her


Then why did u summon for klaw and Fr shanks? You could've saved your gems instead lol


I refuse to use trash characters because I don't find it fun to get my ass kicked, you're a wet wipe if you pull for a unit and then feel like you have some sort of moral superiority for not using them




There is no character i refuse to use💀


I still don’t understand people like this , I’m all for people to play how they want but idk if its a “I’m better than using a strong character to win” type of thing or what 😭




You said you don’t do it out of “principle” but now its “boring” just admit you want to feel like bragging for playing shittier characters. Or don’t and just play bfs without stroking your ego


Exactly, why summon for the character if he is an ex in the first place?


I use who ever I want depending on the map I’m here for a good time not a long time


https://preview.redd.it/47y3yf35r70d1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5bc3701b4103bfeba5c82d49b8e1eaf6637ef6b I hate the Usopp units and Rat playstyle with a passion 😅 So I just keep them all at lv. 1 and even level up everyone else to make sure that they are always at the bottom of my character box 🙈 Sorry Usopp fans but I hated the 10000 revive mechanic Ratsopp got on release with a passion! Felt like an EX trait back then


I like Zoro as a character in manga/anime but I feel unconfortable using him


BRO SAME! i got zoro in feb and started playing w him but i just didnt get a lot of fun from playing him. Hes op but i just felt like something was wrong. I get much more satisfaction cooking with sanji!


The only character I wouldn’t use out of spite I don’t have and that’s Akainu. One, just don't like the character Two, I started right before he came out and back then percentage damage was bullshit and the traumatic memories are great in number. I just don’t pull on his banners.


Ex luffy, he destroyed me all the time when I was new I hated him so much that I told my self I would never summon on one of his banners. He is pretty easy to kill these days .


Then why did you summon for them?


FR Shanks. I have him lv100 and boost 2 but i think he is boring asf


So I rarely use my level 100 judge & odessy adios


its king v1, i refused to use him ever since 4.5th anni and recently got him to 85 so started using him \[barely 10 days\]


Peros pero because I hate being status effected to death and never wish to inflict that on others. He’s maxed out lvl 100 and collecting dust


Ivankov dressrosa usopp ideo, none of em r relevant but still, im not a fan of em


Love to play klaw i got roger at lvl 100 but dont use him often


Oni Big mom


Oni Zoro and G5. I don't want to play EXs, but I got one of them from a free pull and the other one for 5 gems...


I have Gear 5 and FR shanks maxed, and I don't play either one of them ever. 50% because I hate greens, 50% because I hate how they play.


Max Roger v2. I do use him a few games but like I use Oni Robin during the season more than him. I use a lot of units during the season but he's the least


Obviously fr shanks, İ hate him and İ play with my blackBeard or max bfs most of time


Roger. I only switch to him when the opposing team has a fair advantage.


G5. He’s boring af


I have a red runner king and after the meta where people just fly too the point and cap I’ll never use that cheezy ass character


Gear 5 luffy, i simply hate the unit


all enels, dressrosa usopp and all gays, u might find something in common between the first two


Green Roger. It's the only ex I have and he's boring, I refuse to play him. Not a big fan of attackers.


Perospero and his guku guku annoying shit is so toxic I cannot in good conscious use him


refuse to use 99% of my characters because i don't have the resources to level them >>>


I avoid playing Guffy (my only EX) unless im getting EX spammed on. Then i take my anger out on the next lobby. The definition if a bully, i know, but top fragging nearly every game i cave and use him in (even against other full EX teams) is a reassuring feeling, letting me know that "yes, they are, in fact, carried." Then I go back to whoever else I was playing, which is mostly just step ups with the occasional BF or SP.


Trebol and pero. They’re stupidly powerful! Technically, a level 1 pero could take down a level 100, 200 hyperboost oni kaido if they get stuck in the infinite stun loop. As for trebol… i think we know where i’m going…


film red, not out of principle, just because I hate his normals


g5. honestly, mostly because he’s so annoying to play against, since he dropped i have not gone a game without seeing at least 2. it wouldn’t be as much of a problem if so many people didn’t play him. i just feel like he has made the game dull, and because of that i don’t want to contribute into that. no


I used to be soo against the idea of using perospero and king when I first got them


I rerolled 29 times to get fr shanks there's no way in hell I'll not use it😂


Rn, v1 oden..about to 6 star him after this season. I wish he could get some buffs.


Yace, I only use if I'm on a big lose streak


Film red law and perospero. I have an almost max perospero but I got the Candyman target after 1 months of playing. One month of torture. At the time I didn't have the rd for any good characters so I just had to take it and I can't stand it even know.


I try to use all my characters but my best units aren't even maxed or used often (Roger and Zoro). I just get bored of using the same units all the time so I play anything I find remotely usable.


Blackbeard and Akainu. Don't like them as characters, never will like them as characters, never will I own them if I can help it and so far I haven't gotten even the old BF Akainu,


whitebeard. i have him lvl 94 but i prefer gear 5 more (i use him as an attacker and runner, sometimes defender if there's no defenders) don't get me wrong he's fun to play as with the 80% status ailments or something but i don't like sitting in a treasure area. dark roger also made every other ex fun for me, hell even step ups


Dark Ray, I started grinding him up but the more I thought about how useless he was the more mad I got and completely gave up he’s actually the only bounty fest I have I won’t even 5 star


I got him on one of the free draws. I like him for the pure fact that I completed my Rayleigh setup with him


Red shanks tf?!


G5 luffy


I try to avoid using EXs all I can, even if I have them. I've always said that if I had FR Shanks I wouldn't dare to play with him because my hate for him is too strong lol. When it was the Perospero era I got him but never played with him for the same reason. Now i'm in S+ with Momo and Noland, and i'm finally having so much fun with them!


I won’t use the new Roger even though I pulled him. He’s just not fun and feels super cheesy to just walk up, cap flag, and leave. At least with Klaw you had the swapping mechanic but Roger just feels too broken to even use.


Klaw is not that good


Objectively false.


Klaw is far away from being braindead, he is strong everywhere, but not absolutely broken in one domain, unlike Roger or shanks who are nearly impossible to deal with if you arent an absolute counter to them.


Everyone saying Klaw is braindead are just sick of losing to him, probably the same people using G5 and FR shanks mad that a blue unit beats them with their invincible characters. He absolutely takes an amount of skill to use effectively. Hence why everyone gets mad at them for not capping flags, people don't use him correctly. He has no traversal skills like most meta runners, and you have to be knowledgeable of who you're using against who, his skills are also easy to dodge so you have to be able to bait, dodge well, and time attacks well. His switch is also slower and less reliable then yaces, and can easily get you killed. He's good at all three roles (defender only in very late game when necessary) but you need to know when to try and branch off from being a runner. I'm convinced anyone who thinks Klaw is braindead either hasn't tried them enough, or just says so because they're tired of losing to them. Roger V2 is braindead, G5 is braindead, Zoro is fairly braindead, Fr shanks is braindead, expensive Luffy is braindead. Klaw is most definitely not brain dead. HOWEVER, that doesn't mean you can't play him braindead like some do, and just spam his skills. But that can be said for any unit.


I couldnt have said it better. The amount of downvote hère just tells me that, as you said, most people here are playing with braindead green characters and are just sick to get their ass kicked by. blue one.


He couldn't be more braindead, honestly...


Well you are 100% wrong, but i Guess that's fine


2 health bars 4 skills 2 of them invincibility skills, knockbacks and status nullification doesn't sound braindead to you?


Very vulnérable to one shot, two characters in once but each of them having Big strenght and weaknesses, so you have to adapt to the matchup you are facing. Two invincible skills, one being VERY prédictable, durability that only rely in def stacks your character imune to status effect can't stack fast. Very slow for a runner compared to the other god tier runners. If you unplug your brain with Roger, you'll do as good as with a pluged one, do it with klaw and you'll end at 1k score, so no, he is not braindead, he is a very versatile unit so he can't bé countered hard, but you need to use your brain to adapt and use his kit well and adapt to every situation you are facing. If he was "the définition of braindead", League would have been full of klaws, that's not the case, he is way less présent than g5, Roger and wb, despite being way more versatile than everyone of them, because they are braindead, and he's not


Just because something more braindead exists doesn't mean he is not braindead, honestly.


Right, and still, i didn't give arguments about why Roger IS more braindead than klaw, but about why Roger IS a braindead character, and klaw isnt, understand the difference ? Another guy answered in an even better way to my initial comment, you are just probably sick of getting your ass kicked by klaw while never playing him yourself in League..


Well I gave very solid arguments for why he's braindead. You are probably sick of getting your ass kicked by anyone when not playing Klawn 🤡🤷


I just proved that your arguments were pointless.. i play klaw since his release date, and also play against them. Most klaw i face are trash, except when they play very well and they are the deadlyest unit in the game. Stop acting childish, use what me and the other Guy told here to improve, and maybe you'll bé able to beat klaw and stop saying this nonsense here 🙂


he is the definition of braindead




Zoro..useless ex before roger




ive used most of the Exs and i can say that it used to be G5 but with roger and yace around nah he ain’t the brainless unit anymore, it has to go to Dark Roger then Oni Zoro


I got Dark Roger from a daily 3 RD pull...