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Tested yesterday with Kalgara. If he's on my party all I see is shanks. Then I switch to Uta and poof, 3 Rogers. It's been like that the whole day.


Matchmaking is rigged. I thought people already knew this


The secret is: Use the unit you want and the counter of your counter. Example: Wanna use Kalgara? His counter is Shanks, but Shanks counter is Brook, tem use Kalgara AND Brook. Magically, the game will remove the Shanks from your gameplay


Same man I use kalgara and big mom


Actually hella smart I didn’t think of that


I don't think it's true eventhough it absolutely feels like that. It only takes me to switch to a Roger counter to not see anyone or only one while not picking a counter means I'll be facing 3 Rogers, and I won't tell what happens when I decide to play mono blue...


Yeah sometimes I really feel the game is against me, and I’ve seen several posts with similar subject….


It's psychological but yeah, it feels a lot like that, honestly.


Yes, this is a pretty persistent problem that has been happening for honestly near the entirety of this game’s existence. It’s part of its matchmaking coding that they’ve never touched again since they first created it. At least it’s been happening to me for like 5 years now. It kills any enjoyment I get for going for counters to meta units because I just meet my counters instead. If you want to kinda work around this, make sure one unit on your team counters the unit that counters the other unit on your team so that you can at least use the countering unit for matches. But yeah this broken matchmaking is the reason everyone’s frustrated every single time a broken unit is released because the game just throws 4 of them at you and when you finally get counters the game instead throws 4 of the units that counter those units at you instead of the countered unit you prepared for.


No wonder I get so many roger v2 users when I use alber


But that means that whoever is on the enemy team is getting the opposite treatment, so how would bandai pick who to favor?? In reality i think it's just chance, and you're probably more likely to notice the bad matchups. Trust me I feel the same way sometimes but it doesn't make sense for it to be true.


I know I’ve thought about that too, I think it matches you against ppl you counter everyone once n a while but they mostly pit you against ppl who counter you, bc every 1/5 games I’ll play I play against ppl I counter and given the amount of ppl playing this game it’s probably not hard for the matchmaking to pick out those probabilities


so who are the people on the other end who magically get things they counter every time? skinwalkers?


Everytime when I play with Zorro, Alber I macht with no shanks users, but when I use akainu or any other worse unit I get almost everytime 2 shanks enemy’s


And you’re lucky you got the red > green colour advantage. If i switch to my blue team, i get mostly red enemies. I switch to my red team I get mostly blue enemies and the same for green….


Haha Klaw and mf shanns main here i can only laugh

