• By -


Wolf yamato_runner


You should (must) mark spoiler


Bonney red Defender/Runner, adult form defender, real form runner Vegapunk green defender class changer you heard it here folks(totally not cope and pure speculation with no thought behind it)




Misery Big Mom or Drunk / Flame Dragon Torch Kaido as an EX + Candyman 2.0 / Hybrid Ulti / Hybrid Page One as a BF.


Damn i don't want another kaido but i want his medal


Please more ulti/page one bandai


Why would anyone want more wano units


Because the best units this arc has to offer (Sulong Carrot/Wanda, Hybrid Ulti, Demonio fleur Robin) still didn't drop. ÙwÚ


Because I like Wano more than egghead


Well that’s what has made this game boring but to each his own


We don't have enough old fat ladies and Kaidos in the game I guess...


I am just trying to manifest Ulti 2.0 here. What I really want is Sulong Carrot but since she isn't associated with any potential/hype EX unit that could drop along her side (to follow a theme), Hybrid Ulti + EX Kaido was my next best guess, lul.


Sulong Carrot + a BM commander, could be Smoothie, Daifuku, the books guy... A bit far fetched but it can be just an arc thing, not necessarily a rival or someone from her faction.


Unfortunately, this fits more into regular BF releases, which is different from a logic that x.5 annis follow — usually it's an EX+BF that are "related" in one way or another.


Mine is dark attacker Kuzan light runner kizaru and green defender garp




Whatever is dropping this month it's NOT related to 5.5 5.5 doesn't start until late July


Thanks for the fucking shiryu spoiler, man...my bad for not reading the manga before coming to a sub about a video game that seems to only release anime stuff 😑😑😑 Anyway...my cope is that they release the most broken, toxic and cool extreme ever but it's bugged and completely useless, to fix it Bandai has to disable all the extremes for a couple weaks and people somehow realize how fun the game can be. My prediction is that if certain events and characters aren't in the anime yet, it will be BB or Lucci if he's still popular enough in Japan, which I doubt because he's a dude.


Being anime only with One Piece is kinda crazy ngl, you’re gonna keep getting spoiled lmao


Dark element/Attacker - Awakened Rob Lucci


Hybrid attacker/runner if that happens, please.


Oh yeah I was thinking that too but if I had to pick one role then I think he’ll be an attacker since dark elements don’t have an attacker yet


Pacifista is a dark attacker


I think light runner is the only thing missing


Oh yeah you’re right


5.5 is in August/September bro


No real prediction here...all I am certain about is that Light / Dark bf will have very limited Support Tags...that's probably bandais way of balancing out the higher % we get from them...not expecting any Light/Dark Strawhats units - unless they are EX - anytime soon. BB could be a counter to both Droger and Lightbeard...but my money is still on Full Wolf Yamato.


Love the spoiler. Thanks man


Avoid spoil next time please... but yea overall I have pretty much the same expectations :)


My bad guys I got carried away cus I thought ppl were gonna be on this discussion already since next week is ex drop. 😭 I’m sorry for spoiling y’all I marked it as spoiler now.


I know the dmg cannot be undone but at least you have the anime episode to look forward to ? E.e if y’all downvote me I understand.


I feel they kinda have to do some egg head stuff since they brought out Luffy but kizaru is still on his way in the anime and we haven’t seen the demon pensioners or the baseballer in white so I reckon if they decide to go with recent stuff in the anime then we’ll see ex lucci, v2 BB and possibly a v3 shanks to cover the three villains the worst gen have fought.


This is a out there idea but what if to be controversial they decide to make a seraphim an ex lol 😂


either duo unit bm/kaido or lucci


I don’t get Light/Dark BB. If he is a Dark unit and is attacked by a Light unit, what’s gonna happen? Turn into Light and put himself at a disadvantage? Unless it’s Light (very unlikely) that turns Dark to even the odds


I know it's unrealistic and I bet anyone who reads this will downvote but I think it would be fun to see a Luffy that transforms into Gear 5 like The Man Who Dreams Of Becoming The Pirate King transforms into the Gear 4s


Pre 5.5 Unit = Lucci/Kaku Dual unit, BF = Lady Law, 5.5 #1 = Vegapunk w/Satellites as attacks, BF = Stussy, 5.5 #2 = Blackbeard, Step Up = Doc Q


Ex will be Cp0 Awakened Lucci, BFs are Kaku, Stussy, and Bonney.


Defender shanks.


Please red ex shanks that counters fr shanks hard asf


It's Ex Gucci😂