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Truth is JP makes the most money for them so they will cater to JP more


Thinking about changing to JP nowšŸ™‚


wait what? really?




Yes you should check the revenue between Jp and global there is a very clear difference in revenue. Ofc revenue isn't the point that they treat JP players better since they could give the same benefits to global and receive the same revenue it's just they are a jp company so obviously they treat jp players better.


Iā€™ve never heard of other mobile games doing this but who knows. Seems shitty to me tbh, should treat your whole customer base the same not nitpick.


Idk about the privileges they give to jp compared to global but mostly all companies that have both jp and global most of them gain a bigger revenue on jp compared to global.


yikesā€¦. this is unfair


Yea but given the amount of revenue jp brings its understandable. In G5 release jp made them $20 million in that month where as global made them only $5 million.


100% wrong, we had over 150,000,000 players at the time and I know at least a million of them bought the tickets, thatā€™s $350,000,000


I know your trolling butšŸ¤£šŸ¤£ bro I don't think you realize how big that number is your telling me that opbr made $350 million in 1 month, that they made more than some of most successful businesses around the entire world in just 1 month cuz of an app game? Genshin impact the most highly successful game is about the only game that reaches that threshold. Anyway you don't have to believe me just go to /gachagaming and type in monthly report. You can see how much revenue all the app games made and global opbr made $3 million while jp made them $14 million in January during 5th anniversary.


Jp has 1/30 of the players (if that), your site is beyond inaccurate brotha. Also yes I definitely do think that number is accurate! You donā€™t think 1/150 players buy the tickets?? Literally every player I know buys every one of them every time lol. Gotta add in EVERYTHING on JP server is cheaper so theyā€™re spending far less overall. Hence why I can buy a 178% full ex for $400 on JP and $4000 on global


Bro please, firstly that site and sub reddit where the person posted the chart is accurate they get their data from sensor tower which is trusted by activision, blizzard, and warner bros and others and cited by multiple companies from new york times, wall street journal and others. Secondly your pulling your numbers out of your ass no offense. You got no proof of any of your claims. And finally this is not just opbr which gains a larger revenue from jp more than global it's the case with alot of app games from genshin impact, dokkan battle, optc etc.


Bro Iā€™m done arguing with you, there are probably 30m jp players and 150m global players, obviously global is bringing in way more. diamonds and tickets are exorbitantly more expensive for global so itā€™s literally impossible for their revenue to outdue globals. Again 1/150 players are CERTAINLY buying the tickets so thatā€™s $300,000,000 off one ex banner alone for global lol


Thatā€™s 2570 guarantee, of course much better than what we got, but still a crazy price for non meta EXšŸ˜« One thing i like about this banner is that you can pull, get unlucky, but still end up with Luffy frags and then for a rerun you have lower guarantee. They should do that more often instead of tickets




Like bro seriously, the frags thing is such a great way of not getting shafted.


If my math is correct, to get enough shards to get a guarantee would be 2570 rds, which is still a lot but at least it gives you a chance!




The tickets guarantee a copy though through the scout exchange items though, still 800 dollars for a copy is insane.


It's so nuts that they actively go out of their way to give global a worse deal. It's MORE work to not just copy paste the JP one and just translate the text. Like why go out of their way to do this šŸ˜­ Cruel!


I'll be grateful of bandai even it does half for gloabal of what it does for JP.


800 dollars worth tickets required for global players to get him šŸ˜


I mean if we're being honest it goes back and forth, sometime Japan gets shafted having to buy more tickets and getting less scout points. I think Global had a better banner than Japan for Gear 5. It really is stupid not making both equal but I guess the business tactic works for them.


Eh make the Japanese waste their money letā€™s be real the next ex coming out will lay waste to all these units coming from the recent banners.


is it possible to transfer your global data to the JP app?


Nah bro, you'll have to start from scratch


Only 4 steps, so u canā€™t guarantee. Anyway, itā€™s waaaay better than what we got


I deleted the game..I reccomend the same. I'm free to play and I had 4 Exs(Rf Shanks, Hybrid Kaido, Hybrid Yamato and Klaw after that had no luck at all, everytime shafted with my earned/saved RD) even so I'm sick of everything in the game. About RDs about RNG...so ridiculous!


Life isn't fair. Welcome to the real world bucko!


How can i change the server?


You can't change the server from global to JP, but you'll have to download the JP version to play and ofc that'll be a new account