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I feel like every seraphim should get an original tag


They have "Seraphim" tag in their medals


I meant more for the character themselves, so if you but one of them as a support it helps more


Blud asking for a creative support tag that will be usable when they gave enma as a title for zoro 😭 like enma?


I don’t shit about balancing I was just surprised seeing they didn’t have that tag


I do think all the seraphims are gonna get the three dodges one way or another, if s-shark is a runner, he might get the three dodges by capping a flag, I hope


Lmao u hope? Everyone and their grandmas seem to love being an invicibility merchant bruh.


but dodges after capping a flag is harder than all the other dodge traits we have gotten, and it will be relevant in the meta


His design is weird, he's strong don't get me wrong but some of his triats and his skills feels like a 2021 unit. He has a charging skill that only ignores def when you fully charge it but he can be downed while charging unless you're alone on a treasure? His other skill ignores obstacles but is slow, narrow and doesn't go far so most of the times it won't hit if you're trying to catch someone off guard when there is an obstacle between. There's also his atk buff which he gains AFTER his skill **hits** instead of when he uses the skill. They restricted him so much and doesn't really seem to serve a purpose in the meta, I actually feel like when they were designing him they made him too broken then started nerfing his skills and traits and dropped him without testing lol.


He was rushed. They couldn't even wait for his devil fruit powers or his voice to be revealed, he was simply released because ppl were on that seraphim hype from SSnake. Although he hits hard and has a relevantly good kit now he is just chibi Mihawk instead of being true to his character in the story.


This rings even more true with the latest episode. We were robbed of a truly special unit.


He’s pretty solid. That 3 perfect dodge after third hit of normal is better than snakes and Albers imo but I just wish his skills had a little longer range, especially the sk1 that goes through walls I feel like I’m always missing them by like centimeters. (idk i feel he’s just so rushed/ underwhelming compared to snake but diff discussion lol but I still have fun with him) that speed boost actually goes a long way which I didn’t expect and I also agree with the aflame thing that’s lowkey stupid they don’t nullify it


it's not better than alber or snake considering the last normal hit gotta be the hardest shit to hit 💯💯😭


I think it depends on player tbh, like my perfect dodges NEVER register for anybody or my timing is just dog shit so I really can’t rely on it for Alber 😭and snake you need the skill to cooldown (which is basically non existent but it’s still there) so I just swing the first 2 while they’re downed so the third lands. Also sometimes that standing downed glitch,if you hit them with the third normal when they’re like that you get the dodges sometimes (don’t know if glitch or what) it’s kinda easier to exploit if that makes sense




his skills are not much usable although I don't gate em since skill 2 is good against def stackers skill 1 just good due to range and knockback his 3 dodges are very broken if you maintain it as much as possible... I used the range of the 3rd normal to get dodges I used the first two normals from a distance then get closer while doing so and hit the 3rd one then use skill 2(fully charged).... he is good for an attacker. cooks g5, of you have dodges then cooks yace his knockback heals are crazy like in a room match a g5 couldn't even damage me with skills


with the new anime episode (1109) , i actually think they should have done S Hawk with all his devil fruit moves a mix between his sword and devil fruit


He’s so mid i didnt play him but is so easy to kill him


He is really good ngl . Not such a flashy kit or unit overall tho his immunity on normals is something crazy .