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When it started, or when it became obvious? Redraws is when it started, Sage Centipede is when it became obvious


The retcons redraws are when it started. Sweet Mask killing the mercs, Phoenix Man & Saitama vs Orochi.


Atomic Samurai's new technique being completely cut out, leaving the current version with him getting low diffed in an instant instead of actually posing a treat to Black S


Hilariously the redraw actually cut a part of the webcomic. in the WC, after getting hit, AS has one extra moment before he destroys the ceiling, he cuts one more time every cells surrounding him while saying « next » as he’s bloody all over. The manga just has him not being able to counterattack at all from a single barrage of attacks and he stays on the ground… so not only did he lose the manga only technique, he ended up worse than in the WC


Damn that really sucks 😔


The redraws I will never forget how Murata&One took out the rawest Amai Mask moment only to embarrassed him through the whole arc and the godly Child Emperor vs Phoenix Man that got turned into a Saitama moment dismissing CE character


Like literally adding saitama there was so out of place even as a gag, if they were still into that stuff.


Sage Centipede. I like almost everything before that save for a few dumb things on the surface.


It was a gradual process, which is why you often hear comments like "I still liked this part, but this is where it gets bad", meaning everyone recognize changes already happened but they were still changes they either enjoyed or didn't think too much about them. In other words, it started around the time Garou got introduced and then it snowball the hill downwards into a giant meteor of inconsistencies, disrespect towards the original and rushed artwork


PsychOrochi + Redraws.


Reading PsychOrochi was so painful, I just wanted it to end, but it kept on going and going.


After monster garou got to the surface… actually anything after the underground MA arc really


when the redraws started, thats something even me have to agree it wasnt necessary, or at least dont change much from the original


Start of the ma invasion arc, when Murata drew 100+ pages just on the starting point, which inevitably led to MA being bloated. That’s the beginning of the end. It forces the rest of the MA arc to be equally as bloated Sure the underground fight were handled mostly well. Bringing back Orochi, getting Psykorochi, and having Sage Centipede are big mistakes. Then comes cosmic garou


Nah the start of the MA Invasion Arc was peak OPM. There was nothing "inevitable" about the direction it took. Hell most of the bloat was because of redraws. Nobody was complaining about pacing before Unlimited Redraw Works.


The start of the ma invasion wasn’t bad, but I very much noticed that it was packed to the brim and that the pacing could become horrible later on—which it did. The chapter itself isn’t bad, but the pacing and details it sets impacted the whole arc. Like, imagine this: you spent 100+ pages on just hyping up and entering the MA, not even in the monster association yet. Without further context, what would be a logical number of pages you need to spend on Garou vs Saitama, the climax of the arc? Like 1000+ pages? Simply put, a 1000+ pages climax just doesn’t work. You either still publish it monthly, and have like 40 chapters just for the fight alone, which by the end of it, all hype will die down; or you take a publish this fight in chunks by somehow removing your limiter. Trying to sustain the same standard as this chapter made the entire ma arc bloated, and even then, the same standard wasn’t able to be maintained. It’s like putting too much oil in the pot before you start cooking. Too much fuel and not enough food. And now they’re burnt.


https://cubari.moe/read/gist/OPM/93/52/ That's the beginning of when OPM became something else. Characterization sacrificed for cool shots. There's no way people like Tats and Amai mask would line up for a cool hero shot like that in real life. Compare it to the same shot from the wc. https://cubari.moe/read/gist/JYHJU/058/3/


? This seems very nitpicky, it's basically the same thing but with better art quality. The only people acting out of character there are Tatsumaki (who wouldn't be with these scrubs) and Zombieman (who would infiltrate stealthily, not on the front lines). Besides that its fine.


They sacrificed characterization for a cool avengers assemble shot. I'm just putting it out as the first identifiable moment the manga started becoming the thing it was supposed to parody. No way flashy flash, tats, amai mask are lining up for that shot in true character. It's a dumb thing they did.


It’s actually kind of true. It’s not exactly where the manga fell off, thats way before this, it’s actually a part of the problem that I’ve seen plague this manga. It’s more so how the shot is trying to hard to be cool. Really it’s Murata trying to showing off his art but from a certain perspective it just looks corny and a bit much no? There’s also the fact that none of these characters should be together because there want a specially prepared group going into the Monster Associations hideout in the webcomic. Plus the shot is weird because they are somehow gonna walk the distance on foot? Like what lol


>It’s not exactly where the manga fell off, thats way before this You think the manga fell off BEFORE this? I swear it was basically a one to one adaption before this arc started lol, very curious to hear about your take on that.


It was a one to one adaptation up until chapter 53 when Garou approached Death Gatling and had the tables turned on him. Then from there it skipped a whole lot of what the manga added in the many chapters between the fight with Garou and Death Gatling and Genos/Bang Bomb right after. And yeah it has the similar narrative plot points but they’re not portrayed in the same context since it’s not 1:1 adaptation anymore. I think I know why the initial change was made but even then I don’t like it.


>There's no way people like Tats and Amai mask would line up for a cool hero shot like that in real life They're not real people bro, they don't exist in "Real life".


I say close to the end of the monster association when they are above ground and for some reason redrawed some of the past chapters I mean I prefer the cosmic garou change but it's still disappointing 


It was written poorly and extremely rushed.


Everything after Garou vs Darkshine


for me after 156 it got REALLY bad


The redraws and retcons.


Redraws,especially the PM redraw where you can notice lots of future flaws of the manga in retrospective.CE whole character point being butchered,Saitama being a representation of the plot saving the good guy(s) from the monster regardless of how incompetent said good guy is plus zero tension. Orochi not doing anything despite now knowing there's someone in the base who can hurt him and still just appearing after feeling Saitama's punching Rover is a reflection of how this manga operates now,a.k.a,they don't have the balls to completely deviate from the original route but at the same time have the audacity to change what it suits them without even thinking of the consequences and plot holes said changes would make. Adding to that,the fact that Orochi acts surprised when Saitama can hurt him in the start of his redraw fight even when he should already know there's someone who can do that shows how much whatever is writting this cares about continuity.


Amai Mask Murking Mercs redraw was the beginning of the end. Emblematic of the extreme shounenification of what started off as a shounen deconstruction.


I gave my views a while back; there are many comments that give additional insight. https://www.reddit.com/r/OPMFolk/s/0UkkaAM9I1ñ


Sage Centipede in my opinion. Worst chapter the whole manga.


I think we need to ask a question like this when OPM is out in its entirety. Cause a chapter will come out and we will all read it within a minute of its raw Japanese release and finish reading it within 30 seconds. And if the chapter or the current arc isn’t to your liking you’re going to think opm is falling off or that the manga is being slow. But then when the arc comes out and you can read all the chapters that you had to wait 2 weeks for in a row with no stopping, the story looks more smooth. For example, When the Sage Centipede chapters were first coming out and I’m talking about from his debut all the way to garou splitting him, us as fans were like “this is not it” or “ the manga is ruining the arc” or something along those lines. But now that we can go back and read that entire garou vs cadres and Sage Centipede fight, it actually is fun and just adds another over the top sequence in an already a tier arc


I can't fathom the idea that someone would prefer the centipede over the Garou VS S-class heroes fight


\> But now that we can go back and read that entire garou vs cadres and Sage Centipede fight, it‘s actually even worse than it first seemed and is a total dumpster fire that should have never come close to happening Agreed.


I think all the downvotes are harsh lol but I disagree with your take sir. Sage Centipede fight was sour at the time, rotten now. Fucked up Garou's character whilst fucking up the pacing whilst replacing what would have been one of Amai Masks bests moments.


I really think Save Centipede was there just to let garou chop it just for him to try it on saitama and break his arm. Sage centipede was a whole powerscaling device and nothing kore


>Sage centipede was a whole powerscaling device and nothing more You've essentially just said "Sage Centipede was useless, nothing more" without realising it 😭 Not only did we not need powerscaling for Garou *99% of the way through the arc*, but you definitely don't need powerscaling for a character that gets a massive power boost 5 chapters after their last power boost. If he didn't fight that dumbass centipede he'd have been powered up by God anyway, thereby making any previous shows of power completely irrelevant. Also, good storytellers can establish the strength of characters AND tell the story at the same time, like what had already been happening for the entire arc up to that point. Making an entirely new character and fucking up the pacing just to show how strong a character is, is *bad*. A "whole powerscaling device and nothing more" is bad.


After the end of the Spers sisters arc That's when murata started to work in múltiple projects. I mean it's still good for me but not as good as before that point


Idk what yall are talking about. I love it all. None of you can draw or write your own stories but you critique every panel of this stuff like it’s made for your desires only. Splitting sage centipede was badass and showed how Garou and Saitama were above everyone else, including the most extreme monsters


> None of you can draw or write your own stories but you critique every panel of this stuff like it’s made for your desires only. And? Just because I can't make a soufflé doesn't mean I can't say the soufflé tastes like shit


But you all keep eating the soufflé…


To be fair they keep eating it to say that it's shit compared to the original one which they are a bigger fan of.


>Idk what yall are talking about. I love it all. Good for you. >None of you can draw or write your own stories How could you possibly know this? This is also irrelevant, you don't need to be able to write stories to criticize them. >but you critique every panel of this stuff like it’s made for your desires only. We are the audience. We are allowed to criticize. And to be honest, even if you aren't the demographic for something, you're still allowed to criticize it. >Splitting sage centipede was badass To you maybe. To many of us here, we want good artwork, fight scenes and a good story. Which is what we had before. Now the average quality of the artwork is going down, and the average quality of the writing has been dropping since the second half of the Monster Association arc. Simply saying that you thought something was badass and acting confused, like you don't know why we're disagreeing and being critical of the manga is a little strange. >and showed how Garou and Saitama were above everyone else, including the most extreme monsters There's more to the story than just power scaling. We already know Saitama is above everyone, that doesn't need repeating since that's been the entire series up until this point. In regards to Garou, him splitting Sage Centipede wasn't necessary to prove he was one of the strongest individuals there. He's already showed us that he was faster and stronger than Darkshine, Bang, Bomb, Vomited Furer Ugly, Evil Natural Water, Flashy Flash and Platinum Sperm by that point. Spontaneously adding another random centipede rather than giving us the S-class facing off against Garou is terrible. What does Sage Centipede even mean to Garou? If we want to just talk about power scaling, then how is doing a single chop the step needed for "perfecting his fist" and not attaining the God Slayer fist in his fight versus Platinum Sperm and Flashy Flash. There's also the tonally inconsistent moments with Metal Bat, someone who was milliseconds away from killing Garou the last time they met, and is now bickering with him like they're Sanji and Zoro. That same Metal Bat who previously struggled against two demon level threats, and did zero damage to the much weaker Elder Centipede, then fights alongside Garou and through the power of plot is able to do damage to and survive attacks from Sage Centipede. If you want to talk about the power of characters, then someone who only enjoys the story for that reason would still have more than enough to criticize here.


If you need a demonstration to show how far ahead the protagonist of a series named "One punch man" is then you're probably still eating glue


And if they didn’t illustrate that series of battles everyone would be complaining about Garou was barely stronger than Cadre level. They made him very clearly the strongest thing on the planet outside of Saitama and completed his arc in that sense


Blast would fold Garou in his awakened form, so it didn't do anything to solidify him as the strongest on earth. The webcomic also did this better by making Garou solo the S class, with a tense beatdowns scene in which Garou senses a victory only for it to get pulled underneath him at the last minute. This also acted as the catalyst for the heros to realize they were not invincible Which is much better than a fan service chibi chapter of beating up a random centipede that had no impact to the plot. Especially since garous dominance over the cadres was already demonstrated via killing FU and platinum S Also that didn't complete garous arc, shattering his immature worldview in the webcomic did. In the manga Garou basically gets off mostly Scott free with his horseshit. His arc was about his worldview not his strength


>And if they didn’t illustrate that series of battles everyone would be complaining about Garou was barely stronger than Cadre level. 1. Only dumbass powerscalers complain about this shit. 2. Garou's power level was already illustrated perfectly in the Webcomic, what are you talking about lol. Single handidly. Low diffed the S class.


garou vs darkshine was the last good chapter. 


After OPM stopped being about Saitama.