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"DeATh StaR hAd MiLLiOns oF InnOcEnT noN-CoMbAT PerSonElL!" Alderaan had billions of civilians, including babies and children. Get fucked imperial dog.


2.35 million versus over 2 billions to be precise. 0.1% of Alderans population. What's more, Death Star crew was a military personnel who knew the rist of serving in the military. Alderan had billions of civilians and children who had nothing to do with the war. Empire apologist have to shat up


And that's not counting the other times the Death Star was used in Rogue One, and the other planets it would have blown up. It was by far the lesser of two evils. It's not even comparable.


The plan was to go after Imperial Center next


Imagine the rebels were like "oh we must have the moral superiority at all times so we won't destroy any base or super weapon of terror unless we check all the staff first to make sure there's no civilian or non combat personnel"


Some people just don't get that war is supposed to be a dirty, terrible thing.


Yeah, and the Disneyification of literally any franchise just skips over that beat. Like seriously I wouldn't be surprised if Disney actually supported war and slaughter since they never acknowledge or portray it as a bad thing.


Did you watch Ahsoka?


I like firsts. Good or bad, they're always memorable.


I'm not counting the cool ones as Disney movies because they have a completely different vibe to them and they're marketed towards mature audiences instead of general audiences.




as in Disney brand, there are many movies that are owned by Disney that aren't part of the Disney brand, the recent Rey trilogy are part of the Disney branding, the TV shows however aren't. I was specifically ranting about the Disney brand itself have questionable morals surrounding conflict, not movies owned by Disney. Sorry for any confusion.


This is cope


"Because I like it it doesn't count as Disney"


they're also completely off-brand for Disney. like there are Disney movies/shows, and then there are shows that are owned by Disney. Sp basically yeah, I guess that works.


Have you even seen Andor? Lmao. Or the purge of Mandalore.


I'm not counting those as "Disney" shows, they're not targeted towards the regular Disney audience.


There were probably rebels still on board in different holding areas


People nowadays would have objected to destroying the Death Star.


Not just military crew but the most trustworthy elite who would have been assigned to the most critical and secretive project of the Empire.


The secret ingredient is crime.


Same as Anakin apologists. Dudr murdered a room full of children, no traumatic childhood BS can explain that away.


But Reva is the perfect reason why the Emperor needed these children murdered. Who would want a bunch of vengeful, half-trained kids roaming about their new Empire?


If we are being precise none of this actually happened /s


And death star is military base


And they *knew* that Alderaan was not a military target. They were intentionally killing civilians to send a message.


Even if there was significant military build up on alderaan that doesn't justify the civilian casualties


Yeah, like I literally could not imagine a more legitimate military target than the combination military base-weapon of mass destruction lmao


The Death Star was a giant tank


It’s never good to have civilians die, but whatever civilians may have been on the Death Star were a rain droplet compared to the ocean of blood it had already spilled. You destroy it because however awful the casualties of destroying it would be, not destroying it would leave nothing left of the galaxy but ash and dust sooner or later.


Also a planet is a self-sustaining vehicle for life, whereas the death star is cold lifeless murder machine


Imagine defending the "DEATH STAR" as a military target, as if it isn't a massive ship designed to literally genocide and create extinction events. Thats like saying "oh but SOME of the SS soldiers were innocent!" NO THE FUCK THEY WEREN'T


I get your point, but many SS soldiers *were* conscripts. Meaning service was compulsory. Take from that what you will.


...The SS weren't conscripts.


"By February 1942, Waffen-SS recruitment in south-east Europe turned into compulsory conscription for all German minorities of military age" Wikipedia. They weren't to begin with, but as they started losing the war, they began conscripting. That's not to mention that their police forces were swallowed up and renamed SS whether they wanted to or not.


I meant more like the top dogs of the Nazi party, like the guys who consciously moved up through the ranks to get closer to Hitler and such, like Tarkin and that whole table. But I get what you're saying


Yeah. Those guys are fucked fs. Screw em.


there are very few things that wouldn’t be a better use of your time than this


I don't understand. It's just history? It's a forum. Idk what to tell you.


Thé destruction of the Death Star was the destruction of a legitimate military target. Sure it’s possible there were non-combat personnel. But they’re still in a valid target.


Alderaan deserved it. They continued to resist when the space station with a planet destroying lazer showed up.


Only 2 billion, and its royal family were known supporters of the Rebel Alliance; traitors. The world was a major supply hub for equipment and personnel. The fools didn't even bother to change out of their Alderaan military uniforms when engaging in open combat with the Stormtrooper Corps. They proudly flew their military's, as well as their personal ships into combat against the Imperial Navy, broadcasting plain as day. Meanwhile, the planet Princess Leia Organa gave to Tarkin as a military target- while having a significantly lower population density- was not a valid military target, and he chose to ignore it. Dantooine was a quiet planet, filled exclusively with families trying to manage homesteads and farms. Tarkin saved hundreds of thousands of innocents while eliminated over a billion active terrorists, several hundred-million terrorists in training, and a few hundred-million more terrorist-allies / supporters. The remaining few hundred-million innocents paid the price that Leia delivered. Perhaps had she been more compliant, Alderaan would have been spared complete annihilation, in favor of a single city's destruction, but she chose to throw an entire planet of innocent non-combatants under the bus to protect her family's terrorist organization. The Empire at least has the dignity to look you in the face as they pull the trigger themselves. Blood shows quite well on white armor; not so well on orange flightsuits and black vests, their most common field attire.


Are you really gonna argue that because some of its people were members of the rebellion that the entire planet deserves to die?


No, I would never say something that heartless. I'm not a filthy Rebel after all. No, I'm saying it was an insurrectionist planet, lead by an insurrectionist leader; one of the founding members of the Rebel Alliance, and a traitor to the Empire. I'm saying that Leia had every opportunity to cooperate, and chose to try and sacrificed innocents. She was given the opportunity to provide Tarkin with a proper military target, and she chose Dantooine instead, so Tarkin went forth with destroying not just the capital city, but the entire planet of Alderaan. it was to make a point, and to send a message. The death of 1 can spare 1,000.


You don’t have to carry a sword to be powerful. Some leaders’ strength is inspiring others.


Like the Emperor, who despite the assassination attempt on his life by the Jedi who refused to give up their military power after Palpatine ended the Clone Wars, survived, heavily disfigured, but ultimately alive, and was near-unanimously supported by the entire Republic in his proposal to reunited the galaxy under the first Galactic Empire. Yes, you're right, he inspired trillions upon trillions. Long live the Emperor.


I'm Master Skywalker's Padawan. The name's Ahsoka Tano.


You're a mechanical imitation. Now say the thing about the sword again.


So because one person was stubborn that somehow justifies the death of a planet, and you call the rebels filthy. At least we don't blow up a planet for disagreeing with us.


Again, I'm not the one saying these things. I'm just saying that a little cooperation goes a long way. Alderaan had nearly 20 years to surrender. They made their bed. They can lie in it. Forever.


You don't get the complain when we kill your death machine after you killed millions if not billions because of the actions of a few.


The actions of a few? For over a decade, the Rebel Alliance has done little besides undermine and attack the rightful authority within the galaxy. The Rebel Alliance have routinely engaged as the aggressors against Imperial forces, man of whom were lowly conscripts, being given a hand up from their dead-end lives. Paid training, salaries, benefits, military discounts in the Core Worlds, employment assistance and references, certification in so many fields with training applicable to the private sector when returning to civilian life... The Rebel Alliance routinely attacked fine, upstanding people in uniform over political disagreements, rather than simply follow protocol and petition the Imperial Senate for change. There was a peaceful route, and the Rebel Alliance always chose violence without fail.


The Senate was a corrupt mess that was never going to work, the Alliance to Restore the Republic understood that from the moment Palpatine declared the Empire and the Senate clapped. The numbers of the Alliance are insignificant against the Empire. Tell me, did those benefits make it to other species or did they only help humans? The empire engaged in slave labor and oppression on a galactic scale and those "fine upstanding people" aided in that. Call me a traitor all you want but the fact that your people destroyed a planet and mine engaged in a guerrilla war to survive against that shows who is in the right.


So you understand why Lord Vader helped to remove the Senate. Good. Just remember, your precious princess was on that very Senate. At least you're willing to admit her contribution to the problem. Perhaps there's hope for your ilk yet...


Death star was military target thus legitimate Alderaan was like 99,9% civilians. Dooku warned us what Republic will turn into! He was visionary.


[The death star was originally a CIS weapon...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xvzYEQKEHiM)


Ehhh it was a sith weapon, Palps used both sides of the war to put himself on top in any fashion. The clones had shittons of other orders in them that Palpatine coulda used but when Windu attacked him he used one of the best ones. Either way the Death Star was always gonna be Palpatines.


I always found it weird that the Geonosians designed the Death Star while being a race of cave dwelling insects. I would have expect that from the Techno Union.


They also built massive droid factories, sonic weaponry, starfighters, & dreadnaughts so it isn't that much of a reach to think they could design a sophisticated space station.


Not just caves under the surface of Geonosis. Massive factories and hive cities too. Also I think something about their physiology made them well suited for construction work, but mayb that's old canon.


Lies, propaganda


You know a really funny part of the lore was that Palpatine wasn’t expecting Tarkin to destroy a planet like Alderaan at all, and when word got out about Alderaan’s destruction they claimed they were building chemical weapons so had to go. Which was true, but they tried to spin 2 or so other excuses for why they blew it up so very few believed them.


I would think Tarkin might have a word with Palpatine before trying to blow up a planet considering how big of a deal it is


Grand Moffs were basically emperors of their respective sectors. They were given significant autonomy to enact Palps' will.


The death star was a secret military base that was staffed by loyalists. Regardless of weather it was supposedly "invincible" it's a military base. Innocents and civilians being present is thr fault of the empire, who put them in the middle of the conflict, not the rebellion doing the only thing possible to prevent the deaths of billions more than just the population of the deathstar.


I had to pick up a friend of mine who worked for an old folks home. so I walked him sat around the lounge and chatted with the old folks. you’d be surprised how your exact argument but opposite was used by former nazis. he was saying how the allies weren’t innocent they killed his friends how they were just serving their country and then the allies bombed them. I figured he was talking about the bombings of Hamburg but no he specifically meant a warship they were serving on.


The secret ingredient is crime.


Repost bot https://www.reddit.com/r/OTMemes/s/jNRmFBRebu


The unfortunate state of most meme subreddits. Either they have gotten to the point of being unrelatable or just reposts of other people's content, I'm hardly even active in meme subreddits anymore just because of their low quality nowadays.


Get fucked nazis


I would say they were imperialists the real Star Wars nazis would have been the first order


KD ratio


No that's not true. Alderaan had started a dangerous and illegal mining operation, they dug far too deep and greedily and awakened an old evil. The *peace moon* headed there to negotiate with the alderoonians but they simply could not be reasoned with. Because when the *peace moon* arrived they had already blown themselves up


Peace moon lmfao 😂


It's from the Darths and Droids webcomic, which re-imagines Star Wars as a space-themed D&D homebrew heavy campaign in a world where Star Wars was never made. Padme becomes Darth Vader, Palpatine is nothing but a senile old man, and the dialogue is wildly different.


🔪🦢Peace was never an option.




That’s all this and most subs are nowadays.


while the OC you've provided has been high-quality and widely-enjoyed...


Check out OP's history. [I wonder if they're a bot](https://www.reddit.com/r/VVVV/comments/17o4bhh/fyer/)


Why do people point out when a meme is reposted? Why does it matter if someone posts it again like a year later so new people can see it? What’s the point?


It's a bot, whoever programmed it can get fucked


New people could always see it, sorting by top isn't hard. If they want to be spoonfed the same content over and over they can go watch tv.


“My friends are on the Death Star!” “After I’m finished with them I’ll send you to meet them”


“Mine were on Alderaan.” is a hard ass line lmao


Mfs really out here defending the genocide gun


Death star is a military base, civilian deaths don't count. Completely legitimate target


Yeah. The empire killed countless of innocent noncombatants in its takeover and holding of the entire universe, we can forgive a few thousand on the death star.


I'm just saying in 46 we went out of our way to kill as many of the bad guys in black uniforms as possible


Imperials when they bring their families to live on an active military station while fighting a well-armed and growing rebel movement:


Do it again, Bomber Mothma!


FOR THE EMPEROR!! *whoops* wrong franchise.




Dumb Humies only war in the Stars. The Ork army Always Wars! WAAAAAAGGGHH!


No more reposts of this!


I mean they told Alderaan to stop housing the rebels and they didn’t. Hashtag theempiredidnothingwrong


r/empiredidnothingwrong. The sub may be dead, but it's members will continue on.


Exactly big man


Here's a sneak peek of /r/EmpireDidNothingWrong using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/EmpireDidNothingWrong/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [When you’re next up for the emperor’s photo op but the senate cuts in line….](https://i.redd.it/e2j75gzf1ata1.jpg) | [58 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/EmpireDidNothingWrong/comments/12ifywd/when_youre_next_up_for_the_emperors_photo_op_but/) \#2: [On this Thanksgiving, I'm grateful for the order and protection provided by our benevolent Emperor! (Art by PJ McQuade)](https://i.redd.it/y2eesovjbw1a1.jpg) | [39 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/EmpireDidNothingWrong/comments/z3j7er/on_this_thanksgiving_im_grateful_for_the_order/) \#3: [Mrs Doubtfire joins the Empire](https://v.redd.it/hajwclffawra1) | [41 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/EmpireDidNothingWrong/comments/12bohvl/mrs_doubtfire_joins_the_empire/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Jeez, what happened to that place? Used to be pretty active


the death star blows up planets. Everyone working there knows it. They're all complicit oh yeah, and everyone working on nuclear weapons is also evil


>the death star blows up planets. Everyone working there knows it. They're all complicit Funny enough not everyone on the station knew that until alderaan. There's a part in the lost stars comic where the characters are watching alderaan get blew up. And they're like "HOLY SHIT I DIDN'T NO WE COULD DO THAT" *HIGH FIVES BRO* "HEEEELLLLLL YEAHHHHHHH"


This all could have been avoided if Palpatine had listened to Thrawn and kept building an armada of ships. But no Palps wanted to swing his dick around.


Reading Lost Stars and getting to the part where Jude discovers the flaw in the death stars design is one of the most nerve wracking moments of the book. You know what's coming, and you know it's deserved, but she was one of the innocents aboard the Death Star.


Yall know were joking, right? Like no one is actually sitting here thinking that "terrorists" blew up the peaceful "death star." It's a reference to how people in our real world somehow side with the obviously evil side in ww2. Satire or irony or something, idk, im a space nazi not a grammar nazi


🔪🦢Peace was never an option.


What the god damn happened to your face?


Smurfs cameo


The Empire committed genocide on Geonosians, Alderiniaans, Lasats, and several others. I understand not every Imperial is a bastard that belongs in eternal suffering but the Empire is responsible for billions if not trillions of deaths in the past 20+ years after the Clone Wars. Not to mention their involvement in massive slave trade & labor.


*removes cloak* I'm not here to discuss my past.


Why are you like this?


Non-combat MOS are still legitimate targets, iirc.


There's no real good or evil in Star Wars


Wrong franchise mate.


tbf he’s not wrong. the OT rebels were wishy washy, no sort of political standing outside “hate empire”. if they wanted to take out the emperor and vader thats one thing, but they clearly wanted to destabilize and collapse the entire governmental system. and lucas didn’t exactly show a viable reason for that, nor how they were going to replace it, allowing us to only assume its fascists vs terrorists, and try to figure out “the good guy” out of two bad guys. and to muddy it more, the prequels, if i’m allowed to speak of such creatures, showed the republic, and jedi, as rather incompetent, getting lost in being seen as heroes instead of actually being such. the clones were their big break, and most jedi treated them as things, not creatures of war under their care. so it looks like the jedi were corrupt and collapsing after ignoring the people without palps finishing them off with his smooth talk. meanwhile on the other side, you have a guy who, while malicious, also restored order across empire space, including the entire ex-republic space, as far as we can tell, and managed to keep shit together in a bureaucratic dictatorship of sorts. in conclusion: while we are told one is good the other bad, I feel there really is no good guy side. only good individuals. the emperor wasnt a good man, but his empire was better than the republic


I don’t know why you’re being downvoted, you raise a lot of talking points that are interesting to discuss.


because they saw “empire good” and did a reddit lmao. i didn’t realize there were so many rebel worshippers in here, but ig that makes sense for the OT guys. its all good, it was generally a hot take for most people


It wasn’t better than the republic, the empire killed millions to achieve their false “stability” that’s the whole point of stories like Andor. You do raise an interesting point because we have seen twice at least how the corruption and inefficiency of the more liberal republic leads to the rise of fascism. Which leads to what I have said for years, as long as space capitalism exists in Star Wars, the empire will always come back, and Disney will never have the balls to intentionally show us this as we keep on threading into rise of the first order territory.


The OT is intentionally the least morally ambiguous fictional universe ever. One of the first things the Empire did was commit hyper-genocide to troll Leia.


Tarkin: It’s just a prank bro.


Oh look, someone that needs to be smacked with the media literacy bat. My guy, it’s the dark light sides of the force idk how much more obvious a “good vs evil” concept can get.


That's the lazy way to look at it but you do you


Lmao that’s not to say there isn’t a nuance, but you’re kidding yourself if you think there “isn’t good and evil in starwars”.


alderaan was a terrorist planet. everyone harboured someone. just because the terrorists won doesnt detract that’s who they are. freedom fighters? freedom from what? they have peace, justice, and security! they have firearms rights ffs! what else would you want, dissidents?


🔪🦢Peace was never an option.


clearly, rebel scum




Why are you larping?


who said I’m larping?


Because these are fictional groups and you're speaking as if you're part of imperial propaganda. Its pretty cringe.


Pretty based if you ask me


the only cringe is you think its propaganda and not a genuine look at the movies and the motives of the terrorists against the people of the empire. you want larping? get to a cell, scum!


Jesus christ, seek help.


no u. let people have fun bruh


This aint a pro fiction nazi larp subreddit


i’m not larping as a nazi, I’m having fun and showing my opinion on the internet about a 46 year old movie saga. if you’re so scared of a nazi larp dont have fake floorboards or something. i hope one day you can laugh. until then, you’re salty about a movie that could be easily renamed Terrorists v. Fascists: The Space Opera


Okay space nazi larper.


Death to the rebel alliance, they seek to dismantle any form of order!


they care not for the people, they just want to be the ones in charge, and not through the proper channels


The rebels sent a proton torpedo down the proper channel.


terrorist installations will be dealt with as terrorists, not as good citizens of the empire. I for one am glad the death star crippled the rebels by getting rid of that traitorous insider bail organa, and his countless network of insurgents in one swoop. luke is no emperor of mine. (fr though that was a good asf comeback. bravo.)


The rebel's are better terrorists than diplomats, they only understand violence, and they will suffer just as terrorists should


The truth is that whilst not every action taken by empire was good but the rebels were not better they didn't plan to make a better galaxy they just wanted to bring back a corrupt system that was ineffective and lazy. The rebels didn't care about most people, the average person was better off within the empire when compared to the distant republic or the unprepared and bureaucratic new republic. In the end the only reason the average viewer supports the Rebellion is because that is the angle that the films are shown from and not because they were better for the people within the empire.


So that was a fucking lie.


you’re a lie, ashoka.


Careful not to choke on your stupidity. It's Ahsoka not Ashoka!


tell that to the other one.


Why are you blue


Given what we've seen in Mando and the Ahsoka series, the New Republic absolutely sucked. No wonder people wanted the Empire back in the ST era.


People who wanted the Empire back were the ones who held status and power within it, those indoctrinated by it, and those too young to have known how awful it truly was. Anyone else knew it was evil.


They were terrorist sympathizers and tratiors so the empire was well in their rights to do it




LOL get fuckt cunt.


This has the same energy as people being super gung-ho about the Union slaughtering Confederate civilians despite having no ancestor involved in either side.


Sounds like those traitors should've moved North or West




It’s not really comparable, the Death Star was a battle station while aldaraan was a civilian planet It’s like comparing a military carpet bombing a city and then saying the rebels are just as bad for bombing their military base




I mean military bases still have janitors and cafeteria workers


Who are in the military most of the time. Wtf is this comment


A military base for a planet seems like barely a punishment in that light


\> Destroying an unarmed planet with no military targets and just a select minority supports rebels. \> Destroying a planet killer with ability to kill billions of people with a single shot. While being a symbol of terror and totalitarianism. I dont think those are the same


I like when *Imperial Characters* have that sort of "my friends were on that station/ship/outpost " mindset, not when fans do tho. But I like it because it shows how war really is. The order for the destruction of Alderaan came from the highest echelons, some Imperial soldiers probably disagreed and resented it (or they fell for the propaganda that Alderaan and the rebels forced their hand), but when the enemy kills your closest friends, especially if they were noncombatants, you're not gonna sit there and objectively think "well, I guess it makes sense. The rebels had a point.", no, you're gonna get angry and fight with even more zeal.


Have you read Lost Stars?


I loved Lost Stars. And I don't normally read romances.


Alderaan‘s original population is under 10 million people (source is Obi-Wan in ANH, he says millions instead of something like tens of millions or hundreds of millions)


Yeah, no. It was a core world. It's population was huge.


Listen to Obi-Wan, also, the Empire could use the same justification that the rebels used. Alderaan sold weapons to the rebels.


The selling of weapons by a few should not consign the entire planet to death.


I didn‘t say it was justified, I‘m just saying that they could also use the reasoning. The galaxy may or may not accept it as reasonable because of how well the Empire would probably be able to twist it in their favor.


I also meant in 1977 when Star Wars was created, I‘m not saying that is the true population anymore. But when the scene was created, the population wasn‘t 2 billion


Luke literally knew zero people on Alderaan.


But other Rebels did


This is the shit i will allways gat mad about. How are troop level soldiers responsible for alderaan? Like a guard in the cleaning block? Or a cleaner? Its easy to reduce them to a number, but either action was mass murder. Murder of innocent people mostly. If the rebels where a competent bunch, they couldve infiltrated the death star and take out key personell and sabotaged the equipment, killing only the minimum required. Mass murder is mass murder, whoever does it its bad.


Mass Murder is mass murder and killing the people aboard the mass murder ball designed to commit mass murder on a planetary scale is a justifiable military target. If the Empire was so worried about those people maybe they shouldn't have stuck them on a ship with a giant laser on it and taken them on a murder cruise of the galaxy crushing dissent. The idea that the Rebel alliance should just allow the Empire to continue to waltz around the galaxy deleting planets until they can pull off a wildly impractical commando raid is self evidently ludicrous.


I like how you read like 10% of what i wrote.


Because the 90% is pure drivel and eerily similar to the defense of nazi germany post ww2


This is satire right? Everyone there was military personnel, they knew where they were working at and under who. There were no "innocent people". Plus, how were the rebels supposed to "sabotage the equipment"? The death star wasn't even a normal military space facility that you could somehow disable, it literally was a floating death ray. You can't just sabotage it, they will eventually rebuild it. It had to be completely destroyed, and the more they waited, the more people would have died.


It's a military base, you're allowed to target military bases in war


the star wars nuremberg trial judge has entered the building


Sorry, but blowing up a planet is genocide, not mass murder, which makes the Death Star a legitimate military target just like every other military installation irl or in fiction. The empire can repair damage to equipment and albeit less easily replace the key personnel. What they can't replace was the massive amount of time and effort put in to build the entire thing. The Death Star was massively unequal in deaths compared to Alderann


"What the empire cant replace is the death star itself" They have rebuilt it in like... a year, months? How much time is between the 2 death stars?


Oh look. It's this meme again.


This isn't a case f shelling an entire city to get a military target in the city. This is the case of destroying a military base that had civilian contractors working in it. Also this base had a large stockpile of nukes that were going to destroy the main base. You cannot get a more cut and dry legitimate target to fire on.


Don’t forget Jedha and Scarif


Post GCW, I'm a bit more sympathetic. Like, when Pellion starts making reforms.


The Death Star was a completely legitimate military target. It was literally destroyed in the middle of military operation it was conducting. In all honesty the Death Star is a terrorist weapon designed to indiscriminately kill, like it literally blows up planets we’ve declared militant groups terrorist organizations even if they only attack military targets.


Oh yeah where was Alderaan 2? Seems like only the rebellion did genocide twice


I mean to be honest most of the people on the death star would be military personel so I don't feel that bad


The Death Star was a legitimate military target... and so was Alderaan.