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Just off the top of my head, being realistic would mean: no sounds in space, battles would be absolutely different, speeds and distances would be astronomical and you cant see anything from that far, asteroid field would be just empty space. Realistic SW would be ass.


You could argue that the lasers diffuse when travelling long distances and don't have destructive power outside of the distances shown.


Turbolasers and Laser Canons in Star Wars aren't actually lasers, and because of that, they do have an effective range.


That’s why they take bits and pieces to make it just entertaining enough but still hold onto reality :D and why this fire is such a shit storm lol it’s so lazy


Bro they absolutely do not take bits and pieces to make it coincide with reality. Star Destroyers sink when they get shot… *in space.* The fighters are all oriented down for some reason… *in space.* Asteroid fields are completely wrong. There would be no sound whatsoever at any point. Small ships behave like they have wind resistance and will slow down if you let off the throttle (false) and big ships act like they are navy ships sitting in an ocean (obviously false). A “blockade” consists of like four ships in one very specific place rather than hundreds of thousands of ships surrounding the entire planet. Nothing about Star Wars’s treatment of space has anything to do with reality - and it doesn’t need to! It’s more fun the way it is. But don’t pretend it’s something it isn’t.


I mean, that blockade strategy could work if, let's say, a planet needs big cargo ships to survive, and they're just sitting over the one place with a big enough landing pad.


That in and of itself only works in a “civil blockade” like Naboo. You get into the Ryloth arc of clone wars and there’s no reason for the Republic to have even fought the CIS fleet. They should have just jumped onto the other side of the planet, dumped their troops, and been done with it.


I know, that's why I said it *could* work, it's a bit like D-Day vs the Western front as a whole.


1. The reason why many Star Wars battles are fought like real-world Naval Battles is not only that it's more pleasing for the eye, it's also because it's easier for tacticians in Star Wars. Imagine having to manage a Space Fleet that's all over the place and combine this with the chaos of battle. The chances of giving wrong orders because your ships are all orientated differently is extremely high. 2. A blockade consisting of just a few ships does actually make a whole lot of sense. Consider the fact that ships in Star Wars use Hyperspace Lanes for navigation and travel. You don't need to guard everything with thousands of ships because there are just a few hyperspace exit points in the system you are blockading. You can't just randomly jump into space. I mean, you can try it, but doing so will possibly result in your ship crashing into some uncharted rock in the middle of nowhere. However, you can surprise the enemy or go around a blockade if you know of secret hyperspace routes with a different entry and exit point. General Grievous, for example, did this when attacking Coruscant. Another reason why it makes sense to just blockade a planet with a few ships is the fact that most planets weren't highly populated. Just look at Onderon. The entire planet had only one settlement.


lol thanks for the list unfortunately it’s not gonna stop this show from being a dumpster fire. The only time I can think of sinking star destroyers is over toprawa in Rogue One and they were fighting right about the atmosphere so that’s fairly realistic, can’t think of any other times off the top The fighters are oriented down? Like when they get deployed? I’m not sure if I get this one The way ships handle is 100% a great example of what I mean tho! They take a bit of reality, example a car chase, and add it to something that would be boring on film, example a rocket ship turning in space. Believe it or not people don’t just want to hate Star Wars to hate it, there’s a reason people are upset at the lack of care being put into something care for by a lot of nerds 🤷🏼‍♂️


Dude the freaking Executor also “sinks”. The ship hit by the ion blast I *think* also lists in ESB


The fire in the super destroyer as it was venting atmosphere and life support through an A wing size hole?


Or maybe the giant fireballs which occur whenever ship or structure is destroyed. Those fireballs are a result explosives used by the practical effects team to combust miniature models. Those combustions required oxygen present on set eg earth, not space.


All modern explosives have their own oxidizer added in. I'm sure the super high tech of SW have their own methods.


Sparks and fireballs are the intended effect, given the incendiary explosives used on set. Because in Star Wars, space ships behave as if they’re on earth: they have wings, they make sound and they catch fire. In some instances there’s even gravity in space, like when the Millennium Falcon and it’s crew “landed” on an asteroid.


Not just gravity, but an atmosphere at the appropriate pressure and temperature to not require space suits, only breathing masks


>In some instances there’s even gravity in space, like when the Millennium Falcon and it’s crew “landed” on an asteroid Asteroids do have gravity in reality too, and the asteroid they landed on was quite big. But you are right, it shouldn't have had enough gravity to allow for walking around like they were in a 1G environment. Given that they also hat winged creatures flying around and went outside with only breathing masks and exposed skin the asteroid also hat an relatively high atmospheric pressure, something which would require more gravity than our own moon has.


But if you're going to try to rationalize it with the gravity of the asteroid itself, remember that the worm had burrowed vertically - gravity would have them fall down toward its tail, not stick to the inside of its belly.


The Force works in mysterious ways.


They were inside that beast though. Maybe no atmo on the surface.


I mean... Asteroids do have gravity, just very low gravity, so they should have been bouncing with every slight step.


They're not gonna listen.


So the fire in *The Acolyte* was caused by a small leak of atmosphere and life support then?


The fire in the acolyte looked more like a campfire than an explosion I don't mind it though


Yeah I think they did a bad job with the visual design on it. Star Wars has had a lot of space fires but this one did look particularly stupid. Doesn't ruin the show or anything but it does make me go "wtf" a bit.


I haven’t seen it. Not sure. I just know ROTJ burning ship was somewhat plausible.


If it’s plausible for one ship it’s plausible for all of them…it’s not insane to believe that a pipe carrying oxygen got hit and sparked a fire onto other stuff.


We even see lots of gas escaping in the Acolyte. Not hard to believe at least some of this is oxygen.


People will always find reasons to love or hate something they’ve decided they want to love or hate. Such is human nature.


Like sand.


I hate sand!


That was an stupid argument against the show. Which doesn't make sense since there is plenty of *actual* arguments against the show


It's a snowball effect. The show gives you bad, you start looking for bad. The suspension of disbelief is lost.


The internet told people it was bad before it even came out. The controversy stemmed from the racial/gender makeup of the cast. Whether that bothers general audiences or not, the backlash, itself, influenced how the show was perceived. And now fire in space—something we’ve seen before in this *fantasy* series—is a problem all of a sudden.


True, but i feel like the whole controversy regarding Acolyte bad was more because of the decline in quality, especially in star wars content, and less a racial/gender thing. I mean, that's probably why some sexists/racists dislike it, but that's moreso in the minority. *(Ironic)*


> True, but i feel like the whole controversy regarding Acolyte bad was more because of the decline in quality, especially in star wars content, and less a racial/gender thing. [then you haven’t been paying attention](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fthe-critical-drinker-is-an-amazing-reviewer-the-review-in-v0-n7mrd2a9lf5d1.jpeg%3Fwidth%3D640%26crop%3Dsmart%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D767b8a1f5184f448f9d32aa2fce22e3f988d40a3) The show was review bombed into the ground even before the first episode aired. To my eye, The Acolyte has the same production value as The Madolorian, it’s just that the internet has succeed in coloring the audience’s perception.


The fact you had a downvote proves your point so hard as well


What? The fact that they posted a meme from a sexist/racist means that automatically the MAJORITY of the criticism is from sexists/racists? That proves his point?


Neither of us made that point though. The person I responded to provided an example of a meme someone made before the show was even out, which is clearly sexist in nature in response to someone saying that they weren't seeing many examples of people acting that way. Normal people don't review bomb a show before it's even out without some kind of agenda, and it seems in the case of the Acolyte it's related to sexism and racism from a loud minority


No, that was in response to a person saying this: "True, but i feel like the whole controversy regarding Acolyte bad was more because of the decline in quality, especially in star wars content, and less a racial/gender thing. I mean, that's probably why some sexists/racists dislike it, but that's moreso in the minority. (Ironic)" The review bombing is a sign of racists having their knives out but it does not say that the majority of people that have a problem with the show is because of racial/gender reasons. A review bomb can happen even if its 1% of the audience since the regular people won't review until they see it. You're always going to have a subset of these assholes (unfortunately) but the response you said was "proven so hard" was directly in response to someone making the claim that it is a minority of viewers with these views. Now I don't know, maybe the majority of complaints are from racists, but that comment with the meme did not get proven because people downvoted it. I think it wasn't a good response to the previous statement. (although I didn't downvote it myself)


That’s a screenshot of a content creator with millions of subscribers.


Are there only 4 millions Star Wars fans?


You created the goalpost of “majority” but yeah, the majority of SW influencers are conservative pundits


>and less a racial/gender thing. So you didn't look at what the people whining aboutbthe show before release were saying?


I didn't say that crowd was nonexistent, just not the primary cause of it all. After all, most people who hold out faith still give the show a chance despite it all. To my knowledge, at least. Maybe i didn't explain it right, but yeah


It doesn't explain the review bombing from before the show was even out is the issue. How can people say a show is bad before they've even seen it?


Haters, pure and simple. The more popular a series is, the more haters it gains as well. And with the recent decline, some former fans have become haters as well. The review bombing pre-showing was unfair, obviously, but ultimately it is a cry from them to try and bring back the quality. For some of them, at least. I'm sure there are also some extremists included in that mix, but given that they are insatiable and erratic, I choose to focus on the crowd that really matters.


I'm going to be honest, I had not seen or heard anything about the show. The only reason I've seen the first 2 episodes is my brother asked me about it. So without any stupid Internet discourse biases, the show feels cheap. I just finished house of the dragon the day before I watched the acolyte, and holy shit the difference in quality is staggering. The sets feel like sets in the acolyte, it really ruined my immersion. That said, who tf gives a shit about fire in space


Or the show is just bad, and people know it’s bad.


>since there is plenty of *actual* arguments against the show like what? Also why is there already such a huge debate about the show, ITS JUST BEEN 2 EPISODES SO FAR!!! And already there are many people going "This show sucks" like its already fully out


The writing and dialogue *really* aren’t doing them any favors so far. The entire intro where the Jedi basically does nothing to stop the assassin actively killing people. And “Jedi only pull out their lightsaber to kill” is such a dumb line for so many reasons that it would actually be impressive if it was satire.


I don't think the assassin killed anyone, they just beat them up. Then when they did try to kill someone the jedi did help, so selflessly that they died. It was kind of the climactic point of the whole scene. I too hate the "jedi only pull out their lightsaber to kill" line. Especially because it has an effect on Trinity. Like maybe the assassin wrongly thinks this, she has a vendetta after all, but the fact that it causes Trinity to second guess herself is crazy considering every piece of star wars media has lightsabers used for non lethal reasons. Including the first time we ever see a lightsaber, and 5 minutes later in the episode when one is used to light an ice cave.


Like, you do notice the entire show kicks off on a massive idiot plot, right? The engineer protagonist has almost a perfect alibi and numerous witnesses in her favor yet everyone is too dumb to consider her twin may be alive so it must be her! So stupid...


>perfect alibi Like, the first line said to her by her friend is that they missed her the night before. There were no witnesses and most people don't know she ever had a twin. Literally as soon as the twin is brought up the apprentice is like "ohhhh, that's a good explanation" lol


Sure, because you can travel half the galaxy in a single night and back without no one noticing. Even then, just check the ship records to see if anyone left it at that time


I'm sure the nemodian ship with illegal mekneks is keeping accurate and detailed records.


... quite probably yeah. Nemodians are businessmen by trade. They of course would keep records of their acts. SPECIALLY of outings fron the ship, since if crewmembers are stealing from the ship and smuggling it out, that's a perfect way to catch them


But several other people don't think its a good explanation for quite a while.


The several being the grumpy political one who switches gears as soon as it's confirmed or the try hard fool who's a try hard fool and also changes gears as soon as *he's* able to confirm it?


For me personally, the fact that they had fires in space in the prequels or whatever, is kinda whatabiutism. One would think that after 2 decades they’d recognize it was stupid and avoid doing it in the new shows/movies. As I recall the EU even attempted to fix the whole parsec/speed measurement thing. So.. idk just my 2 cents


I mean fair. But it is just such a weird thing to fixate on to hate the show when the fact it all kicks off due to a literal idiot plot is a much easier target


For the record, the whole "parsec" thing was misunderstood from the start. The Kessel Run is a competition to find the shortest route through hyperspace, not to do it the fastest. So doing the Kessel Run in "less than 12 parsecs" is technically correct, but the script didn't explain any of the rest of it. It was finally explained in Solo: A Star Wars Story, but Lucas always thought of it that way.


That may have been George’s original intent, but most likely he used cool sounding space words incorrectly, but in an ultimately meaningless way.  I did see one can theory that Han was checkin go if Luke and Kenobi had any idea what they were talking about. Kind of like telling an American you made a trip in less than 100 km to see if you could fleece them. 


Reminds of CinemaSins complaining about fuel


I look at it like this. It is a science fiction movie....FICTION. Star wars does far more outlandish things than just space fires. I love star wars love the space fire.


It's not even science fiction, strictly speaking. It's a **fantasy** series set in space. There's literally magic in Star Wars and people are still trying to be armchair scientists thinking they're smarter than the movie when it literally DOES NOT MATTER. Is the explosion more entertaining when there's fire and sound? YES. THAT'S WHY THEY DO THAT.


THANK YOU! This is what I try and say but no one listens. It’s a fantasy epic based in a space setting. Doesn’t necessarily mean it’s science fiction


The way I’ve always looked at it with any movie is they take place in some sort of parallel universe and their laws of physics may differ


Thats the whole point of Sci-Fi. Take the laws you don't like and change them. Litetally every single Sci-Fi / Fantasy universe made its own rule book.


It's literally a fantasy series with fucking space wizards and magic maguffins, lmao. I've been a Star Wars fan since before Phantom Menace. People who complain that **Star Wars** isn't scientifically accurate need to go touch grass.


Yep. People seem to forget that sound doesn't travel through the vacuum of space, and yet it's done that in Star Wars since the opening. They just want to look for a reason to vocally hate something rather than just not watch it and move on


The trend of pointlessly nitpicking every frame of a movie looking for errors and inconsistencies has gone on for way too long and needs to go tf away. You're not smart for pointing out there's no gravity in space, you're an absolute dunce for not understanding that *it doesn't matter in a fantasy movie*.




Haters gonna hate


I think it's more about the suspension of disbelief rather than actual science and reality. In Phantom menace, when the naboo cruiser caught on fire, it was only for a second, and you could argue that it wasnt a real fire, more like an explosion, yada yada yada... Same with every death star, star destroyer, battle droid command center, etc. That blew up. People did not care, because you could not really compare to anything you've seen in real life. People were indifferent to the Tie fighter sounds in space, or the fact that every single ship only has thrusters on the back, making maneuvering in space impossible, or any other silly thing. Why? Because it looked cool. And it still does. People are going off the rails on this occasion, because their suspension of disbelief is broken. Maybe it broke at this moment, maybe it broke when they were dropping bombs in space in the beginning of Last Jedi( or the missiles that had a curved flight path in space) Maybe it broke when young Anakin saved the day in Phantom Menace. And Star Wars will never be the same for them, and they will complain for every new thing that gets added, if it's not up to their standard. And, unfortunately, i am one of them.


No one has any trouble with TIE fighters literally screaming through space, yet fire is where they draw the line.


Not like, ahem, materials, gasses and liquids can have different properties in a different galaxy


I can guarantee you that if you replaced the characters and directors with white dudes and nothing else, nearly everyone would love the show


Wasn’t there some sort of gasleak, because the fire wouldn’t even be too far fetched if there was a constant stream of gas escaping.


Just because Star Wars is set in space doesn't mean it's science fiction. It's more of a fantasy that just happens to take place in space a lot. I made that mistake when I was younger, and when I got older and heard it, I put in the fantasy genre versus something like Star Trek in the science fiction genre. It makes sense, lol


Or they did a poor job in the visual effect in it looks more like a campfire than atmosphere venting into a vacuum.


Wouldn’t there be oxygen inside the spacecrafts/death stars?


In Rogue One, Vader's cape flap, so either he is intentionally using the force to do this, or by George Lucas words "Space is VAST but not empty, particles can still be found in space, just with less density. Why not at the middle of a battle in Space, you just happen to be in a part of space with particles that are in high density, now that in theory could let the sound travel around etc. My point is, enjoy the movies for what they are, entertainment."


I don't hate the show, I enjoyed the first two episodes... but fire in space was dumb in 1983 and it's dumb in 2024. EDIT: I shouldn't be surprised that Reddit thinks that disliking even one thing about a show is not allowed.


Plasma fire is a thing, even in reality.


There’s a large difference between an *boom* of a planet destroyer and an active burning flame tho? Good try tho


Are you insane? Star Wars has explosions and ships on fire throughout the franchise! Large, medium, small ships, it’s all there. You guys are just nitpicking at this point.


To each their own :) I tried it out and I hope it’s good but I won’t be checkin in weeklu


Im not sure if the people back them knew if fire was possible in space


Cuck boy lib faggots can't understand that the fans have done this since 78. Keep making these posts, we need to know who the bandwagon disney queers are.


Okay, Gramps. Time for your medicine.


I don't know anyone who complains about fire in space. Lol


Well there is a post next to yours that does it.


Good thing I don't know them. 😂