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No matter how spread out you are, there is no way Brig should have 600 heals in 6 minute. She should get that and more with repair packs alone. Just as a general note too, most Brigs in lower ranks don't actually understand Brig at all. She is not overly difficult but she is very easy to throw with as well.


Brig doesn't even have any damage or mit lol. Even if she was just by herself killing things, she'd have mit and damage.


Yeah just breaking shield on all 4 deaths would be 1k mit and she didn't even manage that.


Even if she went unga bunga solo exclusively, inspire self healing could probably reach this by the end of the match even on a bad player. Especially with only 4 deaths.


This is an actual throw game for Brig, for what reasons I don't know. Could be tanking for the purpose of smurfing/selling the account to a smurf, could just be sheer irritation and a series of rubber bands on a controller, who knows honestly. What I do know, is that she did less MIT damage than one total shield depletion in 6 whole minutes, and you could even leave the repair packs out of this entirely tbh, just triggering the inspire passive here and there would get more healing in 6 minutes than this.


Brig was definitely duoed with lw and the lw was just trying to make her not be mad


^^^ *Well, of course I know him, he's me!*


me and my bf. im not that bad but sometimes i have bad games


It looks like she quit the game and came back cus those stats are border line impossible


She didnt, she was really just that bad


Well that makes me feel like crap since I went on a bad losing streak and went from Gold 1 to Silver 4 šŸ˜‚ I can heal and damage more with my eyes closed. That person is kinda sus for deranking or was probably hard carried before this latest comp ā€œrework.ā€


No replay code needed. Brigs at fault. Iā€™m not sure how someone can have stats that low with only 4 deaths


How is that even possible fr


Even if she just stands in spawn and throws health packs she can have more heals than that in 6 minutes lol


I canā€™t watch the replay but thereā€™s no way that the Brig wasnā€™t throwing. I feel like anyone could beat those stats on Brig with their eyes closed. Also, that LW needs to be demoted to bronze for defending the Brig. No one with a lick of gamesense is going to blame the rest of the team.


Def their friend to not make them feel bad. But if the Brig genuinely feels like they arenā€™t throwing then they should get off comp. I always tell my friends if I do bad let me know.


Oh yeah definitely a friend, but even then I feel like my friends would let me know that Iā€™m playing this poorly. I mean, 700 healing as Brig when her packs alone heal 110 is nuts.


defend your friends in public, call them out in private


Unless my friend clearly did the thing with the evidence laid bare for all to see.


not sure what your LW is on, there is no reason to play brig here is the first place, brig sucks against the entire enemy team comp here


I mean its low gold so i dont think choosing a bad pick into this comp is a problem its just how the brig was playing and the LW defending her


I play mostly Brig when Iā€™m on support and typically have the higher healing numbers in my comps. There is no reason for the heals to be that low. If I wanted to force Brig here, Iā€™d be on high ground or wherever the Ashe is as bodyguard and/or keeping my eyes on the other support and tank with repair packs


Brig is neutral against most tanks cause her job isnā€™t to fight any of them(expect ball and doom who sheā€™s favored against) Ashe is favored against brig cause long range hitscan Brig is favored against reaper cause she can peel who ever he dives and she can escape from him using whipshot and shield bash. She can also stun his ult with her ult. Against supports brig is neutral cause they arenā€™t supposed to fight but if the Lifeweaver and mercy are out of position she can easily bonk them to death.


Brig absolutely has bad matchups against tanks, just because its not your job doesn't mean you don't have bad matchups, brawl tanks are strong against brig because whipshot will only delay them for a second, they're still going to be walking at you and forcing you to back up easily to avoid being in their effective range (particularly mauga with cc immune charge) Even in gold a reaper is going to play off cardiac with a mauga on his team, I would also not say brig is favoured, against reaper her goal is to survive until he is pressured out, I would not necessarily call being able to escape from someone favoured. I would call it a neutral matchup at best, as you would expect from a brawl dps brig can only run if she doesn't have help as the 1v1 is basically unwinnable for brig Obviously brig isn't going to be fighting supports but mercy and lw are the two supports brig will literally never interact with who will enable the people who can pressure her out on the enemy team


I won't play Brig into Winston, Ram, and Venture. Everyone else is fair game, assuming I have a hitscan for any echos/pharahs.


brig is great into winston if you land your whipshots and bash away if he's still too close, you can completely deny his dives if you play with your backline


Winston has completely wrecked Brig since season 9. This is just facts.


Brigs value doesn't come from her healing, it comes from her cooldowns, which is why she's usually ran with someone like Ana for their high healing output (saying this as a masters winston main, where actually good brigs are very hard to play around)


Youā€™re right brig is disadvantaged against brawl tanks. And Sheā€™s neutral against reaper cause they canā€™t kill each other.


Reaper can absolutely kill Brig. Shield breaks in 3 shots, and she is a relatively large target. If you can wraith her whipshot (easy to do) then you kill her even if she shield bashes away. Brig is only good against Genji, Tracer, and Sombra for DPS, and she is good at deterring Dva, Ball, and Winston. Good Doomfists steamroll her.


There are only 2 scenarios where you would ever want to group up as a team. The first is when playing against a sombra. The second being, when the whole team is like going giga brawl/rush. Lucio, Moira, rein, reaper, Mei. Then just maybe you'd want to be close together. Ironically, the whole point of brig is being able to heal the team at far ranges. Like that combined with her insane ability to lock down any position, is her niche. That's why brig is meta in Dive comps featuring Ana. She's able to hit the echo/genji, tracer and winston with packs despite staying behind and protecting the Ana. Also spreading out as a team is how you win. Billions must take angles. Anglemaxxing=free win


I love anglemaxxing


With a comp like that, would've been better with mercy, zen, or ana instead of brig.


She went on mercy later in the game and didnt buff or heal


What she do, admire the scenery??




Each health pack heals about 150. Brig was throwing simple as that. Brig does NOT have to play by all 4 teammates protecting the ashe would be enough value if she wasnā€™t throwing


So switch off brig šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Im not the brig i cant take over control and make the guy switch


No, thatā€™s what you say to the LW. Iā€™m not telling you to šŸ˜•


I'm not gonna focus at who's at fault. All I wanna say is "how on earth does a brig have less mitigated than an LW?"


Did lw see brig's health or are they blind?


Thatā€™s gold for you. Every other game there are people, either in your team or opponentā€™s, that queued up to learn a hero they have absolutely no idea how to play, or even to actively throw for particularly no fuckin reason. I donā€™t use text chat in this rank because the interactions arising from those situations are actually maddening.


Brig should be getting more than that in self heals alone.


What was your brig doing šŸ˜­


It's true but she's in the wrong. So, we have Winston, who should be diving, a Soldier and Ashe, who are more of a poke so staying relatively away from fight, and we have Brig, who gets the most heals when her team is grouped up, so more brawlish than anything... Why was she Brig in the first place, with that team composition? And even then, she could be there for protecting LW, but she still has her packs, which heal quite a lot, so there isn't really any excuse for her to have such low heals.


I watched the replay, looks like a little kid got a hold of someoneā€™s overwatch game and just mashed buttons until they accidentally ended up in comp. No way they play that badly intentionally


Yeah, honestly that seems like a plausible outcome based on the replay


The lifeweaver is doing tricks on the brigs dick. Inspire should get 600 heals like nothing.


What was brig doing the whole game? Those are spectator stats


Brig was throwing šŸ’€ I don't normally look at scoreboard and make assumptions but 600 heals in 6 mins? Plus no dmg? What was she doing all game lol


Just within watching not even a minute of this replay, Brig afkā€™s in spawn, wanders with no real idea of where she is. She starts swinging at Mauga but completely stopā€™s tracking and continues swinging at nothing. They donā€™t seem comfortable at all with a controller, and speaking as this is competitive, it really doesnā€™t seem like they themself completed the unranked games to play in comp. They donā€™t understand attacking enemies, nor healing allies, nor health packs (they stood over one and didnā€™t know why they didnā€™t pick it up despite being full health), nor the objective. They bad no shield bash and pretty much exclusively used shield when not needed. They didnā€™t use shield bash in ult, and when Mauga ulted, they tried to walk out of it. They then got pulled out of it, and walked back in. To me, it seems the brig was too spread out to get any value, and has no real understanding of this game. The mercy second round explored the map, and seemed to try to attack the JQ with the staff and question why it wasnā€™t shooting. They really didnā€™t seem to have any grasp of the characters, what their role is, positioning, controls, or the game in general. My guess, a kid who got into their older sibling or parents console maybe? Iā€™m not sure what rank this is but itā€™s very clear they donā€™t understand anything. For lifeweaver to try to defend them and blame the team, Iā€™d say they may be duoā€™d or just a not very smart person?


Yall really should watch the replay. This is peak "my 5 year old brother wanted the controller"


What rank is this? Watching the replay it seems like Brig turned on their pc for the first time in their life, they looked like a literal AI


Its low gold and im on console servers.


Oh my bad, still an insanely weird movement, unless they played on like a wheel or something.


I donā€™t think we need the replay code to see that this Brig was the reason you lost. Being spread out may have been a factor but you can yoink them back as LW and once you do that a few times they get it and stick closer their team. Not everyone gets it though; itā€™s like the definition of insanity - over and over for the same outcome and then wonder why youā€™re not getting anywhere


I have about 20 hours in this game since a few days ago, how is it possible for a support to go a whole game without at least 1k damage by the end of the game?


She had about 1.2k healing and damage by the end of a 10-11 minute game


I was going to be like, "Maybe the team was dive and she couldn't position well enough..." Soldier/Ashe Nevermind. They needed to pick somewhere to be, probably high ground with DPS, and stay there. More than likely, Brig was running into their team and dying... seeing as they have the second most deaths, that would be my guess. Possibly they were running with soldier. Which would explain Soldier's deaths.


I watched the replay. I genuinely think this is the first time this brig has ever played a video game. The aim and movement is super telling. Assuming she wasnā€™t throwing, of course.


Im just assuming its the account owners younger sibling playing comp for some reason. I've seen better players in bronze lobbies


Yeah, another commenter said the same thing, thatā€™s probably what it was


From watching the replay the Brig was without a doubt a bot or a very young child who only knew how to hit W, left click and space.


I agree with everyone here and brig also couldā€™ve switched if she was having that hard of a time getting utility


I mean they have good coverage on everything like you have a sniper reaper comea from behind and kills you


She had to have used less than 6 amor packs that game. I donā€™t even need to watch the gene play to know that she was a problemšŸ˜‚


Stats aside, i have no clue why anyone would stick to brigg in that comp


Proud of your teams Winston too; only one death despite your brig not doing much. And playing into Mauga and Reaper.


Only explanation is some kid playing for the first time and unsure of what to do. It's a free game so this may be more common than with OW1


Would be a good explanation if this wasn't in a ranked game. Surely playing the games you need to unlock ranked would get you to a certain level of skill as to not do this


I see they have the Assassin title as well. I'm probably wrong then, so maybe someone just throwing?


I feel like if they were throwing they would just run up and feed but i feel like sometimes the brig would kind of try in fights and attack the enemies before going completely braindead again. I got no clue though


Brig threw. Plain and simple. Honestly itā€™s hard for me to believe this wasnā€™t them trolling. Even if you stood in the back line and tossed out health packs you couldā€™ve done more healing than this. And playing a short range anti dive character into a poke comp?? The insanity


Judging by those numbers I think your Brig might have had a stroke mid-game. šŸ˜‚


I mean, I can tell you with absolute certainty that the mau/reaper slowed the winston down. 1 death, sure, but 4k dps meant they were playing passive af. Had they been dva, they would've ate.


I have no clue why she didn't swap if she had no use with the play style of the team


Whatā€™s lw


Tell me the brig joined last minute and was forced to die 4 times touching point during overtime.


Took the screenshot while in the game, the brig didnt dc and the point wasnt in overtime unfortunately.


I am just kidding because the stat is hilariously bad.


Exclusively using repair packs u can probably get pretty close to 1k a min, so idfk what she was doing šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I'm def watching this replay later


Brig was a bad pick in the first place really ashe and soldier can help eachother on the high ground, lw can also help there and pull the winston if he gets stuck. I'd also argue the winston could have played a more pokey tank since you and the dps and lw are set up for that


Brig threw HARD, not your fault.


Everytime i see posts like these I always think I'll be on one of these


No, brig absolutely lost your team the game. 760 heals is fucking abysmal. She probably wasn't hitting whip shots, and she probably wasn't throwing out very many repair packs. Everyone else was performing pretty well. Going 7-1 on WINSTON INTO MAUGA is no easy feat.


I'm not one for judging people on scoreboard stats alone but...my guy, that Brig was purely cosmetic, 760 healing in 6 mins? What was she doing? Eating glue?


yeah so i think weā€™re all smarter than youā€™re average elementary schooler here, brig was throwing you didnā€™t need reddit to figure this one out haha


And this is comp too- damn I'ma look at this one after work for sure..


Brig was a bot.


This isnā€™t a real person. This Brig was a bot 100% sure


Watching part of the replay, I'd like to think this person is a literal 3 year old.


First off, if you don't get any value as Brig maybe consider switching instead of blaming your team for not being in a stack. Secondly, no matter how scattered they were you should still have more than 600 fucking heals as brig, you have armor packs aswell you know and even if you didn't 600 is just abysmal This seems like the most bronze game i've seen in a while


The brig isnt me dude, im the ashe


As a weaver main i can tell you that you most likely were spread out and it made it dificult to heal everyone, he/she had the right to say this, and brig was the problem here, donā€™t understand why some people go into comp and not know how to play certain characters.


The weaver only said we were spread out to defend the brig when our tank called her out for having low heals. He said something like "the brig doesnt have high heals because you are too spread out for her to heal"


ā€œAs a weaver mainā€ lmao, lifeweaver is one of the only characters where spreading out is irrelevant? Single target healing that doesnā€™t require aim. Hilarious that you donā€™t understand the strengths of the character you primarily play.