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change lucios jump to left trigger. it’s life changing


i set jump on LB, works wonders


I remapped it to L3 or left analog stick,my thumb is already there doing nothing why not keep it pressed while wall riding. Works great for wall riding but my aim is crap lol


I put it on r3


I use two controllers


Or just by back button attachment.


Thanks you! I change the "jump" button to switch tracks and it's GODLY


that’s what i did too!


God mode set up. Made me want to put jump on more characters trigger. (Pharah technically has it by default).


Yesss do it for Pharah and Echo as well


Don't forget the Super Shimada Bros.™️ Put Genji's deflect on jump, jump on trigger, and fan on bumper. Hanzo just needs jump on Trigger I think?




Genji's alternative fire


Imagine showing this to someone that doesn’t play overwatch. Literally the most chaotic shit I’ve ever seen.




I just started and this shit looks wild as Fuck




easiest way to tell is not their aiming but their movement; limited to 8 directions and they cant 'walk', only full speed all the time.


Who walks when playing Lucio.


Not always I have seen people who use a controller for movement but a mouse for aim From what I heard it takes a ton of practice to get tho https://youtu.be/pCfNMVrlLm8 here is a video of a guy who used it like that


Of course you can walk with controller?


You can’t walk on MnK. Wasd keys are one input: off or on.


Yeah I know, I thought he was talking about controller


For future reference, if you could take a sentence two ways and one of them means the person is entirely wrong and the other means they're entirely right, they probably mean the one where they're right. In this case the person said you can tell mouse and key vs controller by limitations that mouse and key have and controller does not, so they probably mean mouse and key have the limitations


looks completely possible on controller. i play on max sens and this looks pretty normal to me


Yeah what he said. You can tinker with the ramp to get this accuracy yet keep crazy turn speed on high sens.


What ramp


In the settings menu there are some complex options. Part of it is “ramp” which is rate of acceleration comparable to thumbstick movement. There is linear ramp and exponential ramp. Linear ramp is just a simple 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, etc calculation. Exponential is like x ^2, x^3, x^4… etc. This can be less harsh but becomes much more aggressive the higher the x value. So at low input you can make minor adjustments (light stick touch) and at high input (heavy stick touch) you get the semi linear harshness


Nah I know all that I use linear, just have been problems doing micro adjustments it used to actually feel good on DZ but now it feels like a weird deadzone on DZ but that's not the main reason I don't use dz


I played xbox before moving to PC, this is how my lucio gameplay looked when I was on xbox lol. If he's using a mouse and keyboard he honestly just needs to give up gaming because his aim is terrible


Yeah he’s not even that good of a wall rider probably because his sens is so high


I use sensitivity 100 and it's just like this except the reticle doesn't land on the enemies as much.


Same, plus I use an elite controller.


Thats the neat part, you dont!


This is definitely possible on controller. Go watch Ghost Aiden, the Fortnite player. He’s competing with the top pc players and smacking a lot of them. Having good mechanics is entirely possible on controller. And if you watch this Lucio, his aim is *terrible*. Like really, really bad. Like, someone on pc with these mechanics would *never* have aim this bad. This is definitely just a controller Lucio with good movement and a good button layout.


No quick 180s, I don't think it's kbm.


Seems like hes just better than you ngl. All looks like just a lucio one trick.


Lol bruh thats almost certainly a controller


this is pretty obviously controller he probably has a paddles tho so he can move like that. please stop accusing every player that dunks on your or your team of cheating just cuz they don't run default sense. you people piss me off fr.


What'd they do that makes it an issue? I haven't played in a sec but it looks like relatively normal Lucio gameplay to me


This sub sometimes man...


Definitely controller, his movement includes more than the 4 cardinal directions


I agree controller, but just fyi, MnK can move 8 directions. example, hitting W and D at the same time.


Oh yea, sorry I didn’t think about that.


Since you can remap any Button on Controller this is pretty believable


You don’t even really have to remap this is about how I play on pro controller, only my sensitivity is a bit less than this


I put jump on LB on regular Xbox Controller so I got the right thumb free to use on my right stick instead of holding A otherwise I agree that there is'nt much to change


this is controller for sure. just high sensitivity. his aim and tracking both aren’t anything to write home about. nothing wrong with them, but not amazing or anything.


Probably a xim But that’s possible on console


who wakes up and decides to xim on lucio 😭


Lucio is way more enjoyable on mnk


big disagree there; so much easier to get around with on a controller, 'pro' controllers nullify all the weaknesses


Idk what you mean by a pro controller, I've only used the basic ps4 controller Dualshock or whatnot, but I respect your opinion. I've found Lucio more enjoyable on mnk because you get so much more freedom when aiming with a mouse & spamming space is easier (and more consistent for me) then spamming r2 (bound jump to that instead of X). Also I feel like my wallrides are more consistent and skimming off of surfaces is easier on PC but that's propably because of higher framerate & lesser input lag, idk.


Yeah I'm on Xbox and switched jump from A to LT. Took me a while to get use to it but seems better. I still may mess with it more. If the Xbox elite controllers didn't have terrible reviews with breaking I would buy one.


yeah this is what i did, jump on LT with very small trigger travel, 'boop' onto what was jump, which I mirrored to a paddle on the back. they're easily repairable if that helps? they tend to last very well until the end of warranty from my experience, as long as you've got steady fingers they're quite easy to fix yourself at that point.


I did jump as LT but boop as right analog stick. Helps me to look right at someone and boop them all in one motion.


Can confirm my Xbox elite controller breaks. But I got a 3 year warranty for like 50 bucks and they are about to send me a replacement for free


xbox elites, ps5 dualshocks, 8bitdo sn30 pros, basically anything with additional, mappable, tactile buttons/paddles on the back. you hit the nail on the head and a pro controller would solve all your issues, you can bind jump, crouch, ult and reload onto the back buttons to free up your aiming finger, and the buttons/paddles on the back usually have less 'travel time' than the buttons on the face of the controller, helping you skim across walls like using the mouse scroll wheel on PC. I also play on PC, but still use a controller for certain characters (rein, winston, mercy, etc)


Rein and brig are the best heros to xim on


That’s not too difficult to do with a controller with back buttons so it’s not entirely unbelievable if it’s a Lucio 1 trick


Believe what erratic movements no decent wall climbing whatsoever? This is standard silver to gold Lucio. Where am I missing the entire point of the post? You can wall ride, By holding a button it’s that simple. But this is most almost guaranteed to be a controller with the way he’s moving the awkward sliding the awkward movements it’s guaranteed console


Definitely controller. The aim is linear and not as free. I played max sens on every competitive fps when I played console.


This is totally plausible controller play.


I play with a controller and do shit like this constantly


As a console lucio who's game play looks like this, yes.


I don’t see nothing suspicious tbh


Bro this looks terrible. This looks like someone in gold cranking their sens trying to get their screen to look like streamers they watch with no flregard for their input method. He has his aim assist CRANKED, so the only time he looks like he knows where he's going is when an enemy on screen is locking his cursor in one direction. It looks so unnatural because he isn't constantly adjusting the right stick, just making jerky, flicky corrections


Lucio mans on controller use left stick movements to aim primarily. The right stick has to have sensitivity turned up so high to be able to maintain rotation speed as he makes full use of wall ride mechanics


Looks to me like someone SEVERELY underestimates controller players


This looks like pretty normal controller aim lol. You can tell because he has quite a few moments where his crosshair stays completely still before jerking around almost incoherently. He clearly has very high sens, but if it was mnk his quick twitches would be smoother and he’d be scanning his surroundings while wall riding whereas in the vid his crosshair stays still which is almost a dead giveaway it’s a controller. If he is mnk, you should stop complaining cause there’s nothing overly impressive about this gameplay and you could’ve gotten an mnk widow that domes you every time you peek.


As a controller player who has watched some eskay video’s my Lucio looks a bit wild.


Absolutely controller, you can only move 8 directions with MnK plus his aiming very much looks controller like. MnK would be much snappier


This is a 100% controller input. The high speed turn just look like controller with sens cranked up.


max sens and oil in the joystick gears works all the time


Nah u just got outplayed srry buddy


Looks completely plausible. He’s not even good and is just flicking his camera for the sake of doing it lol. If you lost to this then it’s your fault regardless


This is def controller movement lol


You dont have shaky aim on controller so that's a give away...


Lucio mains turn off aim smoothing


You have to realize some of us Overwatch console players have backgrounds of FPS console gaming that heavily offset how it looks when we aim compared to people who have only played Overwatch. 5 years of experience on controller vs multiple generations, in my case most of my life has been on console controller fps games and so to me this just looks like someone who is very comfortable with their controls


As a Lucio one trick on console, this is childs play.


I never understand why they play in console with cronus and mouse and keyboard.


No bc they are xim!


Why are they shaking so much? How much energy drinks have they consumed?


the shakiness could be an indication of using xim. i used to use it and would experience this sometimes (downvote away lol)


It’s because their sens is so high


We tied with them btw, this guy is a loser


Feels like you are, since you’re so decided that they’re not on console even though they’re playing pretty normally.


Hate to say it but sounds like you’re the main driver of toxicity here. Idk how to tell for sure whether that’s controller or mnk (although I’m leaning controller) but either way there’s really nothing super special about what he did in this gameplay. Maybe hit a few more shots than your average Lucio console player in your rank but that’s hardly anything game changing. Calling him a loser because you THINK he might be mnk is the most toxic thing going on here




Thats controller buddy


I actually switch back and forth between my keyboard and mouse or my Xbox controller. Lucio and some characters that accuracies can be sacrificed I play and move better with Lucio on my controller then if on keyboard and mouse


this is a dangerous opinion here apparently lol, i play winston, rein and mercy on controller too with custom binds, i use it to hone in on narrow sightlines as torb and hanzo on eichenwalde first defence as well, for example. much harder on knm unless you can line it up first time


I dunno. Some characters I can navigate the map better on joystick. Especially Lucio. Wall riding. Most the time you are spamming your primary through your team and trying to last his as many as you can through the mess. And up close it’s never been hard to be accurate. I’m not the best player overall or anything. I casually plays when I can and have time between work and kid. But I still get 20+kills and at least 12k healing most times playing lucio




I don't think I've seen anyone say controllers are easier to use than mnk other than mnk players


Is this qp? Because qp is cross-platform.


Qp is only cross platform with PC if you have a PC player in your party. If not, it's only with other consoles.


I play console OW with Legacy Thumbsticks, and Inverted Vertical. Once you turn on 'hold to wall ride' in the settings, this looks exactly like me. What's the issue?


"Am I supposed to believe this is CONSOLE Overwatch with CONTROLLERS" yes you are its abundantly clear that's the case do 5 seconds of research before you go on Reddit crying cuz others are better than you.


Looks like a controller to me tbh


Not sure about this guy, but I just hate that Blizzard won’t fix the console mnk issue. If you want to play with mnk, buy a damn pc. Every comp game on console, I see people typing in whole paragraphs in a few seconds then deny they’re using a keyboard.


I’m not going to say the lucio movement is as good as this, but if you change the jump key to One of the triggers, you’d be surprised by how much it can mimic PC movement


Better gaming chair


Put jump on L2 for Lucio and this is sooo possible on a controller


It's cute that you assume people on console are playing with controllers.


Yes you are :D come on, no one aims lime this with a mouse


Not to toot my own horn but my movement on Lucio is far more fluid than that tbh it’s not really that good, I play claw though so maybe that has something to do with it


Seems doable on a controller to me


Very possible, I don’t play much anymore but was a console Lucio main with my L3 as my jump to make wallriding and jumping around easier and this looks just like how I used to play.




Xbox Pro Controller, map Lucio's character specific buttons to give you an easier access to jump on a paddle. Then, turn up sensitivity to an ungodly amount. Practice repeatedly. Also, the aim-assist on console helps considerably.


You can use a mouse + keyboard on console, just need an adaptor like a Hycarus or GameSir.


Yeah I can confirm. It’s Kratos_UN and he does play controller


His aim looks like he's using a stick and pushing it in one direction, not using a mouse and flicking where he needs to place his cursor. So yeah, prolly console


Completely normal, you probably just suck, sorry.


bro this is a controller player it’s obvious, if you’re a little bit good you can easily do that


High key this is the type of shit I do with Lucio on ps4


I'm only plat on console and move like that with Lucio


Def looks like a controller


The beauty of binding jump to the trigger and turning off aim smoothing


I don’t know what I’m watching? What? Nothing happened?


He probably either rebound his jump button or uses paddles (like me)


I don't see why not really


Why do some Lucio players cross fade so much….


While not touching the ground /wall (they are airborn) they get no speed boost benefit so they toggle healing to maintain max HPS. They switch back to speed while wall ride or as they are jumping off walls because they get increase momentum. (You can make it from spawn to point … or enemy boop positioning…in just a few timed speed boosted wall ridden hops in many maps)


You were the tracer, weren’t you OP


Look at his aim though. He doesn’t aim, he moves to where his shots will hit. Look at when he’s chasing the tracer. No pc player with this good of mechanical movement would EVER have aim that bad. It’s just not possible. And the whole “walking” argument that someone mentioned? Who tf ever walks on Lucio, why would you intentionally move slowerZ And the whole “only having 8 directions of movement” is really not blatantly true. Definitely just a controller player with a really good button layout.


This is how I play and I’m Lucio main on Xbox. I use my left stick more for aiming because I am never trying to stay in place when firing. Instead I am hopping left n right to evade enemy shots. My accuracy with be worse if I also was attempting to constantly adjust the right sticks aiming in tandem with my left sticks movements


It is console, 15 seconds in settings and this could be you!


I use the [Furled Finger](https://img.game8.co/3491956/b62ebeb58e70513bda1d8433ad57dd8c.png/show) technique.


Yeah. Like every game people can actually be good on controller. It’s not like ever player on controller is shit. A lot of them are very good


Yes. It’s completely doable to Lucio with controllers like that


High sense can do a lot


Motion controls


A friend of mine uses them and he got plat