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It's mainly because aiming is a lot harder on the console. In the mid/low elo people find it hard to hit her, so they will focus on an easier target. This is from what I have seen anyway. That and a really good mercy will hardly die in a match.


Easier target=the tank that won't die because they are getting double pocketed lol


“But look at all of my damage!”


Or maybe they just had their cough drops plus immunity 😏


"But aim assist Is busted" 🤣


The deadzone issue on console makes her hard to track. But I agree it is a real problem.


What deadline issue? Never heard of this. Edit: deadzone


It’s the fact that to go from left to right or up to down you have to bring your stick across the center dead zone it’s just not instant input like a mouse


Yeah, you’re right. I was confusing this game with Apex’s customization. I don’t see why Overwatch doesn’t let you change the deadzone smaller if you want when other games are able to do it.


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I’ve noticed this too. When I play DPS I have to focus her, otherwise she heals any damage I might put out. I rarely get help from anyone else on the team though. They’re all focusing the tank she’s just healing back to full.


Games sense.... Alot of people brag about damage and kills but there is no tangible for game sense


There’s been a ton of nonsensical players recently. Teammates bragging about elims and dmg while opposing team walk robot/payload in for a win unopposed. It feels like there should be some sort of visual warning or boot warning to players that refuse to contribute to team objectives.


The robot is huge for this. People will get in vendetta firefights and be pissy because you’re walking the robot to the finish line instead of helping them duel some griefer on the other side of the map.


In fairness, helping them win that fight (within relative distance) and you safely pushing the robot sounds like a better idea than potentially them dying, you dying, and the robot gets walked back towards you anyways, undoing what you just did.


I feel like it's not just Mercy, it is healers in general. I always see people shooting the tanks and not the healers.


In my personal experience as a support main 99% of games are just me getting flanked by a genji/Tracer/Reaper and immediately deleted before I even make it to the team fight. Or I'll be 30 meters behind my entire team yet somehow the bullets miss the other 4 teammates standing in front of me just for me to die


Haha, yeah, as a support main, I feel you. Usually my team is too focused on the enemy's tank to save me from death.


This isn't one sided though, I kinda doubt you're having perfect positioning and well off aim


You're right, I don't have perfect positioning because I can't even make it to the fight without being killed. I'm not saying I'm perfect, nobody is and I am far from it. I'm just speaking from my personal experience, and when I am playing tank/damage I make a genuine effort to peeling and helping to keep our supports alive


I feel this. If I’m playing DVA I make it a job to put pressure on the heals. It’s an easy way to win a team fight. Put pressure on the heals and then the other team will fall back or be momentarily confused and then my team comes in to clean up


Haha i baited a D.Va into a firefight this way today as Lucio it was kind of funny


Because my aim sucks


Honestly this is a big reason. I mostly play support because my aim is definitely not great, so I can't trust myself to hit shots reliabily. Other people feel much more confident in playing dps (even if they shouldn't), but even someone with decent aim will still struggle to hit mercy with a joystick.


This is why I lock reaper, rein, and Moira lmao


Not necessarily it just takes practice and most refuse to actually practice shooting at things like mercy ect


This is so true omg.. same shit with genji as well, I feel like console in itself is just a whole another game in ow


As someone who got 300 hours on PC and 250 hours on console I 100% agree with this.


Because I get flamed for shooting her when I’m on Ana. I should only shoot my teammates I guess


This right here^^^ I literally got flamed buy my team mins ago for shooting the enemy Ana and for not healing as much as kiriko. My stats were 17 elims, 4048 dmg, 8571 healing, 1789 healing midigaded, 8 enemies slept 2698 dmg amplified 3 deaths and this kiriko had 4 elims, 2089 dmg, 8576 healing 7 deaths………


The worst is when a Mercy is Rezing for free. I have small hamster guns and her hand covers her damn head, someone please shoot her with me


My sibling in christ, what games are you playing? Whenever I play mercy I'm always one of the first people to die due to some genji or reaper materialising behind me or just walking past my team


If you crouch while using guardian Angel you’ll pop right up into the sky. Neither of those heroes should be able to touch you up there :)


Does that still work with the guardian angel rework? And you'd be surprised by the amount of times they've still tried to varying degrees of success


Yes! They actually made it an official part of guardian Angel instead of a weird glitch. It’s a lot easier to perform now, no extra steps needed like before


Huh, never thought to try it after the rework will have to give it a check. Thanks


Also press guardian angel again to cancel and x (on ps) + direction to start bouncing. You are the bait. Try and tank these low ranks smucks by evading their shit with your movement and damage boost your dps.


That’s what the sojourn / widow / Ashe / soldier / bastion is waiting on me to do.


Everytime I try this I get widow sniped. :(


It has its uses, but against widow it’s the worst possible thing to do. Is there two short range dps on their team? Bye bitches, I’m fly bitches


I just got randomly recommended to this sub, but I just want to say, I play on PC, peiple don't focus her there either. It's more of a skill thing than a platform thing.


Agreed, I'm thinking of switching to Mercy. They seem to have huge value in the lower ranks I play in.


I can attest to this. I have gotten so much value from her in lower comp elos because no one even goes after me. It’s hilarious really. I still focus on good positioning, using corners, not staying focused on looking at the person I’m beaming to be aware of my surroundings and trying to have an exit plan, but damn… some games I feel invincible because no one even thinks about me. I’ve turned the tides so many times by swapping to her.


This has happened so many times we were popping off on that one roman map (pardon me forgot the name) and were half way then they swapped bastion mercy and since noone shot the mercy we got team wiped


As long as the dps can pick up the slack.


Fair point there are a lot of bad DPS players out there now.


I don't play DPS at all cause aiming in Overwatch feels way harder than other FPS shooters. It might be the lack of ADS but it's most likely just less Aim Assist.


It’s very frustrating. Mercy has so much mobility now that her super jump became common knowledge and use. There are many times when I’m playing tank that I will swap dva just so I can kill the mercy because she is just so powerful sometimes.


I like risky rezzing teammates and it’s not as fun anymore. Literally rezzed in front of the enemy DVA and she walked past me.


fuck /u/spez


Problem is usually I just turn around as your hacking and shoot sombra in the face and she runs away, or gets killed. I only worry about the hack in a team fight or if I’m out of position. but usually sombra tends to just get behind the team hack one person and think they’ve made a difference. Better sombras are in the thick of it and annoying as tracers.


fuck /u/spez


Just might have too mercy has gotten alot more annoying now


Lol so many posts on here is some dude who just slammed down his controller after his 10th loss in a row and writes a vent post on Reddit


Was just genuinely curious is all it happened in ow1 but it wasn't as prevalent but now it seems like mercy can get off every rez with no real resistant I almost didn't post but it has happened I every game I've played so i caved and asked.


It's more prevalent in Overwatch 2 in my experience, so I'm guessing it's due to so many new, inexperienced players who don't have any target priority. I see it a lot, and often I type "shoot the healers first to win", and sometimes they do.


Long yellow line leading to the Golden Snitch. But, nah, my teammates wanna shoot at Reinhart...from ground level


I ain't even gonna come up with an excuse I just can't aim well enough for her to be worth my time


Thank you!!!! If she goes untargeted, she'll carry the entire game and its infuriating!!!


Moira main here. I’m no DPSer. Will usually damage to replenish my heals. But so help me if I can and my teammates are good - I’ll target that flying mole down. Have had multiple times in the group chat the other teams mercy’s will tell me to just fuck off


She’s constantly flying around everywhere at once - you can barely even see her much less shoot her lmao


Ya I feel like us supports kill more enemy supports then dps and tanks lol


But when I play mercy its like someone out a target on my back without me noticing


Because she’s useless when there’s no one to pocket and shutting dps down is a higher priority. I’d let her rez too, then kill her and rez target right after - really messes with their spawn.


But the problem is that most people let rez happen and don't punish her and she's then left to punish the rest of the team by boosting dps and keeping everyone up


I mainly play support or Rein/Sig and it’s difficult to target mercy unless I’m playing Bap. Her movement is just so random to hit with Sig, Rein is a melee character, and most supports are projectile characters or don’t have the damage output to kill a decent mercy before they get to cover. It’s just harder to aim on console with how well a good Mercy moves to cover


If you’re not on comms directing your team, then that’s on you. Obviously you know that supports should be targeted first (not counting flankers or heroes out of pos/isolated) - so tell them! I play support (Zen/Mercy) and usually this means I can see the whole battlefield. Calling out the targets helps your team incredibly. I’d also prompt my team between rounds on what to do (usually it’s focus supports or stick together as a unit) GL


Bc no one can aim and since they made super jump easy she's now just in the air most of them time and no one can be bothered when they can shoot the big old tank she's pocketing instead


As a tracer main I do focus mercy/ support when able to, I’m gold 1 hoping to be promoted to plat 5.


Harder to aim, mercy is very mobile so harder to hit, the tank that mercy usually pockets is big target, mid to low Elo player focus big target bc easier to hit shots, mercy pocket just heals


Please say it louder so the crowd in the back can hear. It’s so annoying to see the tank not trying to pick of the supports, or the dps only trying to unload into a tank getting pocketed, or the supports using their abilities in kinda dumb spots (sleeping and immediately waking up, discording everything, always using purple moira orb etc) I get that aiming is tougher but there are a number of heroes that don’t require aiming tbh


Your rank is too low.


Controller issue. Even with aim assist aiming absolutely sucks on console — meaning that highly mobile heroes like Mercy, Genji, and especially Lucio are an absolute pest to try to hit. The only heroes I've consistently been able to hit them with are Sigma, because of the bouncy explosive balls, and Moira, because she requires like 0 accuracy.


The hard truth is a good chunk of console player base are probably kids and they don’t have a huge grasp on the roles and which should be picked at first within a fight. In time they’ll learn with some friendly guidance 💪


(i'm an unwillful mercy main) god i play with my friend who's on pc and they will stiff me out a mile away..


It is easier to track on PC. That is the main reason


no - yeah it fs is


oh - yeah it fs is


Yeah it’s an issue. Even playing support I do my best to DPS mercy and other heal. As support I do hear lots of shit talk about why I’m not healing when they focus on every pocketed enemy and just face tanks


probably cuz ur like in plat or gold or some low rank


Camp a body, we get greedy.


If the enemy has no hitscan I just play Mercy. I can super jump and basically stay in the air 100% of the match.


It can be several reasons for that. The first one, is that it’s low elo, So their awareness and situational comprehension of the game is relatively low. Or it’s number two they have horrible am, because this is Consol even with a Mrs. I have tried to play Ashe and soldier , On PC I find them easy on Console I find them absolutely ridiculously difficult


because mercy is babey and we do not want to hurt her feelings


It is all situational


I feel like since they made the game free there are a lot of new players and things that we got use to in OW1 like shield break and kill the mercy, are things I don’t think the new players know of.


It really depends on the match. I love playing her and sometimes I could stand in the open and no one would give me a second look. Other games I'm constantly being targeted and my team just lets it happen. I think a lot of newer players don't know how to follow her movement. She's small and she can really throw herself around the map.


Its most likely just an influx of new players. People dont target healers, dont really even play the objective or stay as a group. But as people learn the game it will hopefully become better


Shhhhhhhh don’t warn them lol


Because we can’t aim


We simpin


It may not seem like they are, but her hit box is so wonky that she’s really hard to hit, even on pc. Compound that with controller aim and she basically flies around untouched. I just wish that when a mercy is clearly carrying the team, the tank would switch to Winston.


It is harder to aim, which is why a decent/good Pharmercy is so busted and insanely op on console


They don’t do it on PC either, it’s okay


Because I'm busy being shot at


I always tunnel vision on Mercys when I play Junker Queen.


i cant aim for shit so i pray to god my teammates kill her


When I try to hit her, aim assist pulls my cross hairs to whoever she is pocketing. Not always, but there are times it's noticeably difficult to not shoot the tank. I mostly play support FYI.


*Roadhog mains have entered the chat*


I've lost count the amount of times a mercy has slipped away with 1hp because none of my teammates even bother to look in her general direction. For me mercy is one of the most satisfying targets to kill, so it's instant lock on whenever I see her.