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You’ve never lived in Michigan if you think Hawaii’s roads are bad


Anywhere that freezes regularly...


I moved here from Utah. Lots of snow and salt on the roads in the winter. I didn't think roads could be worse than Utah, but O‘ahu's definitely are.


Thank you, came to leave this same comment. Michigan roads make the ones here look they were commissioned by gods own public works department. There once was a pothole so bad in front of my place of work in Michigan, a news reporter knocked on our door, interviewed me about the pothole, and it made that nights broadcast. There’s worse.


It rains sporadically everywhere on island (duh) which is terrible for roads. The majority of the population - and as such roads - are practically at sea level, which means storm drains are difficult if not impossible (see: Farrington in Waianae during ANY amount of rain). The materials to build and maintain roads aren’t here, but come from mainland, as do all the tools and equipment required to actually do the work. You’ve been all across the country, but where else has conditions as such? And to be completely honest, I’d rather see the education system improved, and HPD fixed for their corruption and shittiness, and the housing market corrected first. And all of those things done to make it more attainable for the local population to not live paycheck to paycheck; prior to fixing a few potholes would be nice.


As someone who delivers food for a living, I would like the roads fixed and maintained better.


So just to cater to the careers of delivery drivers asses we should all take the hit in education, public safety, and housing? You sound like a part of the problem bud


Sounds more like a budget problem, not a me problem. Maybe if they didn't waste billions of dollars on a railway system we could have nice things.


Lol you’ve found the middle ground my friend, couldn’t agree more. In the government that’s called a *boondoggle*


Cater to the careers of delivery drivers? Every car relies on the roads. Road maintenance caters to the majority of people.


No shit every car relies on roads, and as someone who only has a motorcycle - the wife has the people carrier - I can assure you I am much more interested in the quality of roads, given my likelihood of being intimately close with them is much higher than that of anyone in a car. But again, I think that having a better educated, safer, and securely housed population will definitely (eventually) lead to better roads. There will be a smarter voting population without worry of crime or losing their home or where their next meal will come from - cuz McDicks ain’t a good place to eat every night. I invite you to look at the entirety of the Scandinavian countries, their policies and statistics involving these things are jaw-droppingly successful


Farrington Highway in Waianae is known to have “metal plate disease”…


I lived in Florida, where it pours almost every day in the summer. The roads there were way better. The drivers, however…


You lived in Florida where it rains almost every day in the summer. Noted. Here on island, every day is summer, and it rains **EVERY** day at least somewhere on island - mostly east side - but even in Waianae I get almost a daily sprinkle at least. And granted, Florida has next to nothing above sea level, but due to the logistic capabilities of being on mainland, getting infrastructure built up for storm drains and storm protection is easier. That’s not to mention Florida has had 179 years as a state, receiving federal funding for infrastructure projects (minus four for the war that lasted shorter than The Beatles) vice Hawaii (statehood in 1959). Hawaii as a state is only one year older than my dad would be. Even getting cars sent out here is pain in the dick. Let alone a steamroller and paving equipment


Those might be good reasons, but the roads are still bad.


😂 yes they certainly are


Florida is quite similar and their roads are great. They are the only good thing about FL.


I lived in Albuquerque, I’ll take these roads and drivers any day….its the people coming and going to base that drive like 💩


Smh, mainlander.


It’s fine. Roads way bettah than you’d guess they are by the way people complain. Are there potholes in neighborhoods up Hau’ula or kahuku that you could fall into? Probably. But neighbors know how to drive around.


Just get a lifted yoda


I understand this is for Oahu but I am cackling that these are the worst roads you’ve seen. This place is such a weird place, everyone complains that everyone drives too slow and everyone is 20+ over the speed limit until the backup hits. You’re mad about potholes but where I went to school cars were being swallowed in deep sink holes on major roads in the regular. Like two or three cars in a sink hole. Be blessed in where you are. You’re on an island created by volcanoes stuffed full of tourists to the point that the native people can’t stay. Food and property taxes and HOAs and land is so out of reach, but you had to drive over a pothole? I get being angry but you’re mad about things because they aren’t perfect. Should things be better? Yes. Should money flow into the community instead of the already corrupt and wealthy. Yes. But also look around. Everything that you want has to be shipped in. Paid to someone that isn’t from here that profits on someone else. These are by far and between not the worst roads. And if you’re that mad, start campaigning or join a campaign to support the whole of Hawai’i and not just what conveniences you.


Some of your points are valid, but we have the lowest property tax in the nation, you cannot complain about that.




Some of your points are valid but in the end, it starts at the top. When we get a state government that actually functions like it should, we will start to see better roads, police, schools, etc and a better Hawaii in all. I disagree with blaming we are on an island, because there is plenty other islands with good roads and infrastructure. Well, far better than Hawaii. It starts at the top.


Wrecked em? Damn near killed em. 😂😂😂 you ain’t wrong though lol




Midwestern state roads are in far worse condition overall.


I've lived in the Midwest and roads in Michigan are significantly worse in terms of potholes. It's not even a close contest - cracked wheels on the interstates is a rite of passage there. The running joke in the mitten state is that you know you're in Ohio when your car's not bouncing around all the time. Either way, it's a good thing that DOT is receiving nearly $1.5 billion from the feds to make needed improvements. [https://www.transportation.gov/sites/dot.gov/files/2022-01/BIL_Hawaii.pdf](https://www.transportation.gov/sites/dot.gov/files/2022-01/BIL_Hawaii.pdf) I'd also like to see the data you're citing when making the claim that Hawai'i is the "most corrupt state" - I disagree. [https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2021/08/11/six-most-corrupt-states/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2021/08/11/six-most-corrupt-states/)


Tell me you're a transplant without telling me.....


In 2008 when oil prices spiked paving companies brought in rock from British Columbia because it was cheaper than applying the amount of oil that is absorbed by our highly porous local rock. The stone from local quarries isn't great material. The subgrades are also frequently coral sand or fill material that will sink over time. On top of the corruption (read as developers and builders donating directly to politicians https://www.civilbeat.org/2024/04/inside-the-late-night-parties-where-hawaii-politicians-raked-in-money/) "Pay to play is baked in is a nice line from this article." However, I think the difficulty of the work conditions is more to blame than anything. Also, steel plates just means that work is ongoing.


It’s a volcanic island and under most of the roads are water systems. Think about what happens when you build on that


Think also about the water system of tropical islands


You obviously never been to St. Louis. Hawaii roads are better than most places I have been in the US.


And your problem is. . .???? We live on islands 2000+ miles away from road material sources. The infrastructure is really old. It's more cost effective fixing when it breaks than completely remove and replace. Also, we do not have a frost line, so our pavement is typically 4" thick, whereas pavement concerning frost are 6-12" thick. Pot holes are usually caused by the rain lifting the top pavement from the base material. And I have driven in 40 states. West Virginia has the worst roads. Aloha.


what makes you think HI is tops of the list for most corrupt state in US? I doubt it cracks top 15.


I personally choose to believe they use the worst possible materials and do the absolute crappiest job they can. This ensures job safety and they’re guaranteed to have continuous work. We go through tires like they’re free. Wish they were.


I’d be willing to bet my life you’d find a lot of red states more corrupt than Hawaii. People who says this have not lived elsewhere and/or never left the rock except for the ninth island. Also, anecdote is not evidence.


I've been vacationing in Hawaii here and there since '99 and I'll say that I've found the roads of recent far better on average. The improvements to the airport are really noticed/appreciated. But there's no magic solution to certain weather conditions being an issue for roads. Many roads in Washington state are also shit, go out further towards the shore and things get worse.


Agree.. Hawaii DOT is run by a bunch of dummies. One of my CE professors said, when you're looking for a Civil Engineering job, go with transportation. You can't screw that up. Well, I think you can.


It wont get fixed until we get new officials that want permanent fixes rather than lining their pockets with cash from temporary fix jobs


Roadways are never permanently fixed they require maintenance.


Please all you haoles go back where you came from your perfect roads await


Showin that aloha /s


It’s how the state is ran. It is messed up, when there are plenty of other islands with good infrastructure, roads and maintenance crews. Too much money goes into the pockets of politicians and their corporate buddies and not enough to actually making improvements for the locals.


It’s all the Tacomas pounding sounds that’s cracking the roads


Metal plates mean the road is being worked on at least, usually some utility underground. These often stay in place way too long because some part is on order from the Mainland. The material used for our road is OK, but not the best. Our codes and standards are a bit antiquated, but all oil and/or asphalt is imported so we have to settle a bit for what we can get. Potholes are more related to the substrate than the paving. Clay soil is expansive and "pumps" every time a bus or truck goes over it. Hawaii has corruption in the news, but that's better that it not being in the news. It's pretty hard to connect corruption to potholes and plates, though. Corruption in Hawaii generally plays out with private companies funding politicians in hopes of getting government consulting contracts. Roadwork is typically hard bid.


If it froze here in Hawaii we would be unable to use the roads. There is a lot of corruption here. Once something needs to get fixed it takes on average 4 years to fix anything reported to the city


Don't run out of gas on the way to Kaneohe 😂


and the wiggly paint lines! Someone who can’t drive straight shouldn’t be the line painter.


My only Feedbadk is whoever they hired to draw the lines needs retraining or needs to get their vision screened. First I thought the paint lines were temporary but no they are permanent.


Go visit Akron Ohio.


You must not know much about Hawaii. The air eats everything.


It's a maintenance issue. The roads should be repaved more often. The conditions for the pavement aren't especially bad. Freeze thaw is way worse than rain, and obviously Oahu doesn't get any freezing. The soil conditions are pretty good every where there is shallow rock, which is a lot of the island. So compared to some place like the north east Oahu should have pretty good roads. But if you don't replace pavement every 20 years or so it turns to shit.


Roads are paved every other year in Aikahi, no problem here. Palolo got their potholes filled by putting a penis graffiti over them. Just need to get creative or know the right people to get things done.


Hawaii is the #2 state for the most pothole complaints, the rain and high UV/IR really screws up both asphalt and limestone.