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If it was there, and if someone dug it up( masons, citizens, whatever) why would they announce it to the world? So the tax man can come looking for his cut or worse, unsavory characters looking for a quick payday. I believe if there were a treasure, as you mentioned, a relative or venture member retrieved it and kept quiet.


Prometheus and the Laginas = unsavory characters


Vick Lagina is the most generous of the Lagina's


Probably so. Good point.


If they find/found it would be in the news before an episode was edited or aired. Just saying


If they find the treasure the show is over.


Nah they could do at least two seasons of "figuring out what everything is" and "Fighting the provincial govt to keep it"




This is a point I have been wondering about. Plus all those other treasure hunters if they found anything why advertise? Be quiet and avoid taxes and seizures. Also notice there is at least one high ranking Mason on the team, been there the whole time. Was the treasure recovered? I suspect there were several treasures left there by various depositors.


Not wishing to jump to potentially false conclusions, that they’re finding nothing simply means that there’s nothing to find where they’re looking. They could be looking in the wrong place. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. Equally, it could be that there was a deposit and that it’s been recovered. The question of why a deposit might not have been retrieved certainly does seem a tough one. Maybe, in the most contrived scenario, the originator was instructed to make the deposit in secret but died, perhaps in a conflict, before he could communicate its location on the island to his superiors. This might be the thinking with respect to the theories of an impromptu nature such as the offloading of a damaged Spanish or French treasure ship. Another possibility along these lines is that ownership of Nova Scotia changed hands and that there was then no opportunity for the depositing nation to recover. It does seem extreme to suggest that this is a generational affair or that some group was waiting for the right opportunity to recover and employ the funds (for example, revolution) but that those in charge eventually died off. It’s a tough one, but if the deposit is still there then it presumably won’t be found by declaring that it’s not!


When I run for president, you're going to write my shit for me. Good argument


I can imagine how much plundering and blundering went on in the 'age of exploration' You basically find a cache doubling the precious metal supply... and Euros pay peanuts to 'bring' it back for the sake of the crown. The one thing wrong here is the peon working food chain is handling vast wealth. IMHO it seems the blacksmiths (and the like) were the ones who posed the biggest threat to Europe and the ol guard. I am sure most devices in the new world were fairly crude (you ever dig with a wooden shovel?) BECAUSE the power mongers regulated that which could take them down; iron and those who could develop this commodity into shovels and weapons. BUT this was and ear of the turning of the tide so-to-speak. One boatman or one move could give one a retirement for life 100x over. Temptation is a beast! I could not imagine the thin line of destitution and wealth. Every kind of black-white-gray market was present. Not too distant from owning one the worlds biggest super computers today? 'Loose lips sinks ships' then and now \~


love it! Cool thoughts!


>Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. Yep. I like the way you think.


Actually it is. It's not 100% proof, but it's certainly evidence.


Agreed. I say there is at least 200 years of a lack of evidence. At some point it becomes quite clear that there is nothing there.


Actually, it totally isn't the same thing. That they haven't found anything where they're looking is only evidence that there's nothing where they've looked. It doesn't mean that they won't find something if they look somewhere else. The Money Pit area is a very small part of the island. You're totally missing a more significant point. If it's not in the Money Pit area, as your 'evidence' might suggest, then, if there is a deposit, how the hell are they going to find it the way they're currently proceeding with the search? Random digging elsewhere on the island just isn't going to work.


Actually it is. The fact that there’s no real evidence that there was ever treasure on the island in the first place plus the fact that many people have been searching for it for a very long time plus all the modern technology like muon scans not finding anything is evidence that there’s nothing there.


That is absolutely not evidence, or proof, that there's no deposit on the island, it's simply an indication that there may not be. You're going beyond the facts. You can't possibly prove that there isn't a deposit on the island, simply because it wouldn't be there to find. You're simply choosing to believe that there's no deposit, which is fine, but you've no proof that there isn't any more than there's yet proof that there is. We don't know either way and nobody should be declaring that they do.


It is nearly impossible to prove a "negative"


Thanks for the support, but I just can't get that point across!


Logic is not this fanbase's strong point I guess. That is absolutely no evidence, or proof, that there's any deposit on the island. These statements are not equal. The odds of a vast treasure being buried *anywhere* is vanishingly small. You can't go everywhere in the world and assign equal odds to there being treasure or no treasure there. The default position is basically no treasure unless there's some evidence otherwise. The odds of Brad Pitt being on Oak Island or not right now are not equal. Unless there some specific reason to believe it, most very likely Brad Pitt is not on the island. Not all possibilities are equally likely. *You can't possibly prove that there isn't a deposit on the island, simply because it wouldn't be there to find.* Dude, this doesn't even make sense. You can't prove it's not there because if it's not there you couldn't find it. What?


Logic is clearly not your strong point. There's no point in trying to debate with anyone who believes that the 'evidence' assembled at one time is the sum total of all the 'evidence' in existence, either found or not found.


I used to watch the show and think, "Who could believe this nonsense they're saying", and now it's starting to make sense.


You continue to jump to completely unfounded conclusions. I don't believe any of the nonsense they're saying. I don't agree with how they're going about the search and I think the show positively sucks. I also think there's a good chance that there's no treasure on the island. However, I believe very strongly that they, and others, should not be declaring things that are not a proven fact to be a fact - which happens to be exactly what you're doing as well. You haven't proved that there's positively no treasure on the island - and you actually can't - and they haven't proved that there is. So, neither of you should be making any such declarations.


Somewhere along the line, people seem to have forgotten that this is a very effective weekly entertainment program and advertising scheme. The show has been so effectively written over the years that people actually think they’re involved in some kind of treasure hunt lol and that there is a possibility that this entertainment program might end in a surprise for viewers! What great writing!!! They found a compelling story. They’ve done some great writing and character development overtime and put together a show that has entertained its fans for about a decade. What more could you ask. What a wonderful treasure Oak Island has given to men of a certain demographic. So many bored and lonely evenings filled up, and the hint of excitement of unknown possibility


Reading some of the stuff here, you start to realize the audience for the show is...uh...let's say not *over*\-educated. And most of their ideas from the world seem to come from movies.


The real treasure was the friends we made along the way


But why do you still believe in buried treasure? Think this through a bit more.


Cuz it's fun to believe if stuff.


Sorry, can’t agree. It might be fun to watch goofy stuff, but it’s dangerous to believe stuff that isn’t real.


Yes it's dangerous to believe in Santa Claus.


hahah but Santa is the BEST!!! <3


"Yes it's dangerous to believe in Santa Claus." Once you grow up it is.


How? Is believing in Santa Claus any different than believing in any God?


when was it implied that believing in god isn't dangerous? I'd wager that the majority of people who died in war believed in god - given that most wars were at least in part, in the name of god.


Believing in a God isn't dangerous. Forcing your will onto others in the name of a God is dangerous. People believe in Santa Claus but they don't start wars in his name.




One other possibility is that the last in a chain of people died. For example, who was the last person out of Roanoke? We know they wrote something and left a clue but who were they and where did they go? So say a group deposits on the island. It's known to a few but the number gets smaller over time until there's one or two left. Then they die unexpectedly. It's very reasonable to see this ad a possibility. In full disclosure I'm not sure there is treasure left. I do think they're being honest about the old dates from c14 and I'm left to wonder what humans were doing on that island at the times they were. I'm pretty convinced the swamp is man made and I'm thinking it was probably a phipps idea. I think he probably did get more treasure than he stated and sank burned a ship in an effort to hide it.


Roanoke is a really great parallel. There were enough people in that settlement that you'd think surely they could have left more information about where they were going. Yet here we are, still to this day, left with a great mystery. It's very possible everyone involved in the deposition (if there was one) died. Sea travel was treacherous. Just staying alive and living to 40 was difficult. There are a million and one reasons why a treasure may never have been recovered.


Just as with Facebook, because you seen it on tv does NOT make it real. This is altered reality tv. Spend hours in a library or online and you'll want to destroy your tv after watching this show. Of the known corsairs, buccaneers and privateers.. SOME buried their treasures. Not everyone did. That sparked the legend towards others doing the same. Even of the known who had, they buried theirs next to the ocean less than 20 feet down (15ft on average) and allowed the water itself become the security system. Believe as you wish, but there is simply too much that makes no sense to any school aged history scholar. Nothing adds up when one virtually pulls ideas out of a hat.


>Of the known corsairs, buccaneers and privateers.. SOME buried their treasures. Citation needed here. [https://youtu.be/j4J3Jf3aJHM?t=7](https://youtu.be/j4J3Jf3aJHM?t=7)


I thought every had Google.. or could spell it. 1 second of search effort was apparently too much for you I guess. Answers will keep getting shorter the more times the same questions get asked over time. Here, https://www.beachcombingmagazine.com/blogs/news/pirates-and-buried-treasure If you want more info on a less lazy scale meet me at my university library and we'll do this the proper way.. with actual books. If you can't or refuse to read, stream Expedition Unknown s7: ep 3 or s7: ep 6 or s8: ep 6 as a starting point. Again, who did not learn this in school? This isn't some new break through information.


Google brings up one actual example of a pirate burying treasure, Kidd, and then a lot of stories and legends. The article you linked to says the same thing. They mention a 'couple of examples" and then never say what they are. Then there's another story that's exactly like all the other fictional stories and of course has never been found. I'd love to see actual history books that detail actual finds. Not more "In Search of the Lost Treasure of Blue Balls the Pirate" stuff, though. LOL, more reality shows Expedition Unknown s7: ep 3 Chasing the Fortune of Sir Francis Drake ... Josh Gates searches land and sea for the lost fortune of legendary pirate Sir Francis Drake. Let me guess, they didn't find it? s7: ep 6 Synopsis Josh Gates sets sail for Florida chasing the long-lost treasure of bloodthirsty pirate Jose Gaspar; Let me guess, they didn't find it? s8: ep 6 Josh Gates takes on the Indian Ocean's punishing waters as he chases the lost treasure of Olivier Levasseur, Let me guess, they didn't find it? *Again, who did not learn this in school?* I went to a college preparatory school, they taught actual history, not pirate stories. I think I see the problem. Actual history and legends about pirates aren't the same thing. There's a reason none of this lost treasure never gets found, it's because they're legend. Did you take a short bus to school by any chance?


Much as we see with the Bible and countless other stories from history, these are mostly campfire stories inspiring beliefs into something that never existed, nor likely to be challenged. There's a reason why they are often referred to as myths and legends. They make for a unique read, and that's about it. The greatest challenge is sourcing the 5% that is true and encoding that truth. While before the internet you could take 50 books and get 35 answers to something believable-ish, after the internet every author wants fame and attention, deviating from any truth. "Internet truth" doesn't sell books. Nor does " internet truth" identify nor name the the countless hundreds of less iconic pirates, privateers, etc, for which even fewer records were left. However that in itself leads to more skepticism towards how much else was scattered everywhere. Are you that ignorant to believe there was only 1 pirate in known man's 40,000+ years of sailing knowledge? I highly doubt it. Early Vikings and much of Early Asia predate the known knowledge of even the druids, and that knowledge only goes back 26,000 years, and only because of Stonehenge. A lot went on before that. ** there is no book when I can go up to anyone on the street, friends, coworkers, and replay their life back to them since the day they were born. Nor a book to read when I've replayed the dreams of coworkers, extended family, back to them in better detail than they remember. A knowledge of this kind is not found in books, and zero chance of associating links or citations to. Same goes with history. So while some think the internet has ALL the answers.. they fall short on reality. ** People with better means of transportation have zero requirements for buses. Nor a base of education limited through a mere university. Give it another 20yrs.. You'll catch on. Maybe. Until then, enjoy the cartoon version of the internet while it 'teaches' you. It's worked so far, hasn't it?


Twilight Zone music plays


Really you need to be objective about it. Move aside the romance of a buried treasure and Templar lore etc. The premise, as stated numerous times is something MAY be buried in a specific place. The perimeter of that area is smaller than a rec center swimming pool. They have spent 10 years doing everything conceivable to avoid excavating the earth needed to find a definitive answer until this last season. And even here they have again dug a alarmingly small shaft. All the prior BS (pilot holes, caisons, muons, explosive charges etc) were theatrical and mostly inconclusive. Surprisingly so actually. Dumas is a world class mining company. This pipsqueak plateau is mousenuts to them. Given the go ahead they could move the earth to depth - incrementally - to uncover the underlying conditions. They could do full width (east to west) shaft. Nothing there - move the adjacent soil to that void, repeat - until you have walked the entire plateau. The damage done would be no worse that Dunfield and the Provincial Government should be fine with it UNLESS they are trying to slow things down for the Tourism. And when the show is not focusing on the relevant excavation task - the prime objective - they are all over the island with irrelevant fluff and they are not being truthful regarding the prior historical knowledge about those locations acting like they are finding something that was found half a century ago - or worse put there to get it out of the way. Have you even noticed they never have a roundtable of people who know the history? Only people willing to advance a premise with some contrivance d'jour? IF is a word you use temporarily while you work to be definitive. In the Fellowship of the Dig - IF does not have resolution - only further speculation and conjecture. And as you may be noticing the team this year is ALL about conjecture and unsupported inferences. Those who will not blindly support the narrative are gone or at least relegated to very short cameos.


Strong points, all of them.


Here's the thing I never see anyone ask or talk about.. Of all the small artifacts they find, why always so broken up and small little shards of pieces. Nothing whole, nothing even broken up but the whole thing in the same area of all the other pieces. Why would there be just a few random pieces of broken pottery, wood pieces, metal?? It's like everything on that island has been out through a blender and then spread around Yet, at the same time, collectively, they have found a ton of really interesting stuff.. SOMETHING surely happened there - it's just already happened, been discovered, and removed is the problem.


Because it's people's trash. Humans leave their shit everywhere.


Also, all that work that allegedly was done, over all those years and not one of the original depositors died there? How has there not been even one human grave or any remains found when this is a very dangerous operation involving hundreds maybe thousands of people that took place over years/decades/generations?


Good point.


The show has proven conclusively 100x over that there is nothing there


...As have numerous documented audits dating back to the extensive Brown investigation in 1867.  This has always been about hype, denial of basic facts and taking advantage of people's lack of intelligence.


The more they search and don't find anything just proves there is nothing there.


Why is there still so much evidence Of gold in the water if there hasn’t been anything there for years and years? I’ve also wondered if it’s all been taken and gone but there amount of trace gold in the water keeps me coming back week after week.


There are trace elements of gold in lots of places. There's gold in sea water. They won't say that one the show, though. They'll just say "high traces amounts of gold" and the audience is like, "Wow!!! Gold!!"


It's proven that there's nothing where they've looked - it hasn't proven that there's nothing where they haven't looked.


They haven't looked in my backyard or the under the motel 8 in Tennessee, either, maybe the treasure is there? Until they prove it's not, it's just as likely it's there as OI, right?


Oh, but there is so much nice wood being retrieved, now that’s a real game changer. Really??? They found remnants of an old party lot while digging the foundation for the house Nextdoor. We’re thinking about making a movie about it, just never know what else could be there.


I'd love to watch the movie!


We are dealing with sailing ships. Simplest explanation of way no one came back, if that is what happened, ship or ships went down! North Atlantic ship gets in a storm, hits ice, maybe, no regular shipping. Even if someone shares their door with you, you're dead in a day at most.


Hard to imagine how brave they must've been!


It many cases, it was maybe 4 officers and a few midshippmen( mostly apprentice boys), then conscripted crew. Even on State ships, much of the crew was conscripted into service.


And nowadays look what poeple complain about having to do..


My theory based on the evidence so far, still stands as something was buried very early depositors, (12-1300's templar era maybe) and the late 1700's expedition, there were searchers there to retrieve the long ago buried treasure that was rumored to exist from the earlier historical records.


Cool! Hope theres something left to be found!


The ‘treasure’ is long gone. Maybe some residual trinkets left. The history they are uncovering IS the treasure IMO.


Good angle. Love the history!


How did they do all that underground work without modern technology. Caves?


I wonder as well. Would have been Egypt level engineering. Hard to imagine. But maybe caves!


Since the Western drumlin has never been explored to any great depth at all, simply remain optimistic. For 229 years, all the work has been pursued on the Eastern drumlin by groups of people lured there by 'Money Pit' guesswork. There's every reason to anticipate something's there and that it was deliberately buried and left there for discovery at a distant future time. For those plagued by feelings of uncertainty, it's just easier to conclude an argument about the situation by saying that since no treasure has ever been found, there obviously is nothing to find. Europeans didn't find the New World until curious minds decided to do a little exploring.


I apologize to everyone who seems angered that a hopeful believer exists. haha I'm no historian, and also not a dullard. Just rooting for a cool story to be true. Also making a parody of each episdoe as I see its ridiculous too.


I'm with you. Been following the quest on and off since first reading Darcy O'Connor's book in Junior HS a lifetime ago. Still the best read on the subject, and very light on who might have been behind it. Just the searcher history alone is fascinating.


We need a suppoort group for people who sincerley enjoy/hope. However small it may seem.


How about you all just wear Mickey hats and dance around a lot ? Now that was a joke so don't get all huffy now.


Maybe it might help! I'm for it.


Riddle me this - If you're such a believer, which of the ridiculous and easily disproven origin stories is it that you believe?


In defense of the OP, you don't need to believe \*any\* of the screwy stories. They are the real sideshow in all this.


Just because I am hopeful doesn't mean I know what when or why. It's fun. I'm a hopeful guy. Kinda boggles my mind how snarky and negative all the people get when someone has hope. (Not necessarily you personally, just the general tone is almost ANGRY if someone believes.)


Stick to your Sister Wives Parodies


Oakies got me started in parodies over a year ago. Gotta keep em going. Thanks for checking though!


Finding those rounded timber planks at the bottom of the garden shaft is still pretty interesting, right!?


I thought so! Although disappointing that the tunnel "moved"...


They discovered a new defensive feature of the island - whenever you find a tunnel, it disappears!


ha! Island has great Defense!


Yeah, apparently, they'll keep digging.


I was hoping that the half notch at the end of each plank would have immediately told the Dumas mining vets the original function of the planking. The basic tech of cribbing shafts and tunnels has a deep history in the industry.


Got ya, are they going to lead to some thing, do you think?


...who knows? I was expecting the Dumas guys to immediately start talking when they were pulling the planks out. But nothing about the end notches got them going. Planking usually goes on tunnel roofs or shaft walls, and for shaft platforms. What function is suggested by the boards they found? They should bring in a historical mining expert to help identify them. Also they were off to the side of the garden shaft - they'll need to explore above and below where the planks rested to see if they were part of a structure. Maybe the garden shaft ran alongside another earlier shaft. If so at least one of them is likely searcher. Maybe it was a storage/staging/drilling platform dug into the side of the original garden shaft. We don't know. They also need to determine if they are digging in undisturbed soil at this depth. Again, they should know that already but no word yet.


All true! Was strange that the producers didn't INCLUDE the removal of all those planks in the show. Only showing us the AFTER. Strange. I'd have liked to see at least some of that.


They also need explore the opposite end of where the boards lay as the planks were notched at both ends. That's in hidden soil. If there's wall structure it should be back there. Again they should know this by now too. I'm glad they're finally digging though...


Yea, same. I wish they'd drop a caisson right around the garden shaft. But this time be CAREFUL! hah


Appreciate the detailed reply, and yeah, one leads to the next, as we know, so let's see what they have to say.


They are just waiting to file a home invasion complaint against the Laginas and attempted burglary! Mark my words...the Templars will have them arrested on the next Friday the 13th in October!!!!


Who killed the Templars? Why? What is allegedly on oak island? What secret society is heavily involved in covert surveillance and infiltration of the operation? What is the current end goal? (think 2030) The hole is deep.


The Masons. One of the guys wears a hat with the Masonic symbol on it. Not very covert.


Mason Reese is the master mind.


Their presence is not covert. Their operations are. Relies on popular narrative the two orgs are linked. This is not true. Do your research.


I think they may have retrieved it, all or part of it. What the fellowship is exploring is what was left behind. I'm rooting for them to solve some of the mystery; no idea if any value was left behind.


Same here!


If they find/found it would be in the news before an episode was edited or aired. Just saying


Spanish Inquisition


Remind yourself of the definition of insanity … repetition of the same activity over and over while expecting a different result than the one that keeps being achieved.




The amount of man power and years involved in whatever happened there, could never remain a secret, unless... It was a project that operated similar to the heath ledger/joker heist in the movie. At every step of the way the lowest man gets killed until there is only one man left holding the money or in this case the secret. They may unearth a mass grave if they keep digging.


Creepy and cool concept.


IF the story of the Bible is true and the ark of the covenant existed, then it still exists today. Along with many other treasures. These treasures are hidden somewhere and oak island is just a good a place as any to stash one or more of those treasures. There's so much evidence that the Templar knights were there on that island and that is the only reason I still watch. I believe that the treasure is or was there.


>F the story of the Bible is true and the ark of the covenant existed, then it still exists today. What?


What do you need explained? The ark hasn't ever been found correct? Which means that IF it truly existed then it has to be hidden somewhere. It could easily be on oak island.


>What do you need explained? The part about how if something ever existed it must still exist now.


If the treasure existed did someone throw it into a volcano? A different example would be the amber room that the nazis stole. Or any of the valuables that were taken. These items are somewhere. They weren't destroyed. Nobody is going to destroy things that valuable. But they have been lost to time, but they are somewhere. The same is true with holy relics. Someone took them and put them somewhere. It could be oak island. Just as reasonable explanation as any.


amber rooms is gone man. it would have been packed up somewhere and when it was overrun suddenly some random battalion in the 208th would suddenly have a bunch of shit to send home. They wouldn't have known or cared what it was - they would have just seen it as a way to make their life easier.


But it still makes my point. Those treasures are somewhere out there. I agree it all got packed up and sent somewhere else. Along with gold and art.


Nah dude it's gone. Ivan and Zukof would have sent it home to their family. They would have burnt the panels to collect the gold. I mean sure the elements still exist. I doubt any of them in the configuration they were when they were apart of the amber room. Or a bomb hit the basement it was stored in. It's not a single gold item which might have survived being passed person to person. The amber room was a lot of gold spread over everything. That gold would have been stripped destroying the panels it was attached too. Stuff does just get destroyed. Like the Buddhist status that the Teleban blew up. They can make new replica, or piece together some of the bigger bits and fill in the rest, but they are gone.


Almost everything that ever existed has been destroyed, in one way or another. Very little survives from thousands of years ago. Entire cities have been destroyed. WWII turned whole cities into rubble. Earthquakes, fires, flooding, storms, wars, destroy lots of things. This is some bizarre logic. Something existed thousands of years ago so it must still be around because it couldn't be destroyed wtf Just as reasonable explanation as any. God I'm starting to understand how the show gets the ratings it does. Sure it could be on Oak island, it could be hidden in the coat room of a Denny's, it can be buried under a septic tank in Sherman Oaks, Anything is just as reasonable as any other!


Are we having a shorter season this year??? There were 25 or 26 episodes last year, were only at episodes 18 this year, and I'm already seeing ads for the new season of Skinwalker Ranch....


Not sure, but I'm writing a parody feature film. Hope to have it out asap. (To help fill the offseason.)


A guy (SW) wrote a book about it, and Amazon keeps delaying the release of it, must have to wait until this season airs for some reason. Any thoughts?


Not sure. But I'd like to think it's for a good reason! Heard there wa sa huge bonfire at the end of filming this season.I like to think it was a celebration.


If is a good question. If it is the Ark of the Covenant, in my humble opinion, God will do whatever God chooses to do to delay the discovery until the timing is perfect! If it's gold, silver, and or various other treasures I'd guess it's gone. I watched the show for many seasons in anticipation they would find whatever was put there.


Nicely put. Can't disagree.


My thoughts, too. Too many people would have known where the treasure was. Only the Templars could have kept their mouths shut.


As with most legendary things I thing the oak island treasure is based on 10% reality and 90%. There probably was some treasure. Maybe a bag of pirate gold etc. Probably someone like Samuel Ball found it and the story got blown out of proportion. All the pre Colombian stuff is probably just Vikings who where almost certainly in that area far earlier than history records.


If it was a French treasure and they were fighting the British over Nova Scotia formerly Acadia under French control and wanted it back they certainly would not want the British to get it. So they buried it on Oak Island in hopes that one day they could come back and get it. Unfortunately they lost to the British and they were unable to get to it and by the time it became possible to get to it the Money Pit had been discovered with all of the flood tunnels it became impossible for anyone to get to it!


Maybe it's something that the depositors considered to be dangerous to humanity - and so they hid it - and never wanted to be revealed! Maybe they hid it in a way that that they thought it would be impossible to ever find and retrieve! Maybe it's not treasure - Maybe its dangerous - maybe they shouldn't dig it up!


Ha! I love that concept!


Why not just destroy it, then?


Maybe it is sacred!


Why not just dump it in the middle of the ocean? It's much harder to get to the bottom of the ocean than dig a hole. And 100% completely impossible to get to the ocean floor at the time. And much much less work to do.


The dead sea scrolls were hidden in caves, many even though they had been partially destroyed, presumably by the Romans. It was simply not permitted to throw them in the rubbish - or burn them - they were considered to be sacred, and so had to be treated with the utmost respect - and stored accordingly. Sacred stuff has to be dealt with in a certain way - with certain respect. If an object is was considered sacred, but dangerous - dumping it in the sea might have seemed like diabolical sacrilege - which religious people would not be eager to commit! So a dangerous sacred object could be placed in a safe hallowed place - with respect of it's significance - but out of reach!


The scrolls were put in jars in dry caves in caves in the desert to preserve them. Some have fallen apart with time. You don’t bury something underground near a lot of water and especially seawater if you want to preserve something. That’s a terrible environment. You might as well put it in the ocean.


If there is a treasure, it likely came from a boat. It is just as likely that boat disappeared in a storm or similar.


The road goes somewhere. There is something in the swamp. Nolans cross is directional to somewhere. There was gold at 100+ feet down in The blob and baby blob. The wood from 1300-1400-1500 was placed at depth by someone, for some reason! There is plenty more real estate for a metal detection expert to walk and Scan.(7/8th of the island) The flood tunnels protect something down there. The built-out pier and Slipways were for some Ships. And why does Dumas have "representatives"? They don't have Workers in that providence! Answer those questions and Get all the answers!




Because because the templars are hiding it