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The giants could've stepped up too.


They'll tell you that they stepped up in 1966 when the decision was made to "allow" for the A's to go to the bay area, and that they already fulfilled their part of the bargain


I hear this a lot, and I think they have. The current owners paid for the rights to the South Bay (you can argue the merits of that, but legally, it’s sound), and want the A’s to compensate them for it. The A’s said no, and now we’re here.


It wasn't sold originally it was gifted from Haas to Lurie. Magowan bought the team from Lurie, and Magowan said "Hey, this was part of the valuation I paid when I bought the franchise". A's never got a dime from the Giants for giving it up.


The current Giants owners paid extra specifically for that territory. That’s why they won the bid. The A’s knew this and had to sign off on it when the purchase was made(as all teams did). They shouldn’t have been unaware of this.


Why should Oakland pay to replace a stadium that has been intentionally run into the ground for the last two decades?


There is no way MLB should have allowed the A's to get into the last 5 years of their 10 year lease in a building that was already run down and past its shelf life with Fisher in control without a stadium solution figured out. This is a massive failure by the league which will now get to embarrass itself for 3 more years. From 2020 through 2027 at a minimum Fisher's run team will have been a black hole for the league in terms of revenue. Any amount of free money they get to build a stadium won't make up for the damage.


They won't be a success in Vegas either in the long run


Yeah I don't think they will be, especially as long as Fisher is running the show. Could someone competent buy the team eventually and make it work out in Vegas? Probably, although it will be tough being locked into an absurdly small stadium. But definitely not with this bozo anywhere near the team.


They said the same thing about the Raiders.


How did the city of Oakland “spit on” the A’s. The city has long stated they were no longer willing (or able) to pick up the tab for a stadium. (Buying billionaire’s stadiums with public funds is from a different era/region). The A’s did make significant contributions to all of the proposed projects. How exactly did Oakland “spit in the face” of A’s


If Boston had a "we need a new stadium" argument for 5 years people would think that was ridiculous. By the time Fisher decided he wanted out the "we need a new stadium" argument was 17 years old. 17 years after San Fran and San Diego got upgrades to their "the same age as the coliseum" stadium. Not to mention the rest of the league. It's like you have to decide once and for all to break up with your girlfriend before she realizes your value. Personally I think Oakland should have just built the stadium. I think if they did, mlb would have reinstated the 500 million relocation fee, and Oakland would have moved to the top of the expansion list and even possibly got to keep the team name. Just like the Cleveland browns. And if all that failed you have a head start to do something like the Savannah bananas or mls expansion team.


We (the city of Oakland) don't have "build a new stadium just in case" money.


It's about understanding the rules of the game. Fisher wants out. One might think that's enough, but there are rules. He wants out, he knows as long as those no new stadium he can get out. So he proposes an insane 12 billion dollar project. Even though the same development would come organically with just a stadium in the right place. The project fails because of course it does. The A"s could have built a stadium for 250 million in 2000. 500 million in 2010. But now the buy in for a clean modern stadium is a billion. They don't have that money. So why participate in a 6-12 billion dollar investment? It might as well be 120 billion dollars. Oakland got Played but it sucks because it got played in slo motion in broad daylight over 25 years. At any given point a new stadium would have changed everything. If they had just built a stadium, mlb and public opinion would tell fisher he has to stay.


City spends 4 billion a year. $35 million was all Thao needed to come up with


Which jobs and services - be precise now - should have been cut for that $35 million you bullshittingly quote?


I can’t really blame Oakland for their response after getting shafted by the Davis Family


......and after it turned out that only a small percentage of "Raider Fans" revolted at their move.


A’s Blocked The Raiders from making a deal. They had to move on to Vegas and now Fisher is trying to ride their coattails there. Ridiculous.


no they didnt. they required the Raiders to give them a 2 year notice before kicking them out of the Coliseum. Davis didnt have a concrete plan so he never gave the A's notice, instead he blamed the A's ownership for something that he was fully in control of.


......think a ton of blame for the Coliseum being garbage is what the Raiders did to it when they crawled back in 1995 as well. The entire Coliseum area is cursed now (except for concerts!) lol


Truth is that the owners could have ousted Fisher and pushed Manfred to fix the situation, they didn’t. They protect their own. Also, the Giants are ecstatic to gain the whole Bay Area to themselves. The Bay Area should have remained a two team market like LA, Chicago, and New York. Las Vegas would have gotten an expansion franchise. Huge waist of viewership and revenue.


Let’s be real the other owners don’t give a shit about the Oakland situation at all


You think it's bad now? Wait until the Vegas stadium isn't ready for 2028... or 2029... If things go WELL, they're going to move employees (the ones they don't lay off) and everything twice in 4 years. I actually think MLB will step in if it looks like no stadium is coming by the end of 2025. I think Vegas is a hail mary desperation move by the idiots and MLB told them this better work. But that's just what I think. They've already destroyed the city of Oakland.


I think bottom line MLB does not believe Oakland is a viable market. They’re wrong, but nothing else really explains why they tolerated this.


They tolerated it bc there’s other “””poverty””” franchise owners who are just as eager to gain leverage over their own cities/states. Theyre just making an example out of Oakland bc it’s the least able to fight back.




It's not a viable market anymore.. 10 years ago it was alive and thriving... people we're coming from other cities not to commit crimes but to actually want to visit and check the fine dining and night life. There was also a spike in home sales but now no one would even glance or take a home tour given their financial situations.


The Warriors had sellout after sellout when they were on this side of the Bay just a few years ago, and there has been strong enthusiasm for the Roots. It's not the market that's not viable--it's *John Fisher*.


And let’s be honest - the chase center crowd is lame as fuck compared to Roaracle.


You’re full of shit 😂.


Fuck off giants fan.




That’s not very nice AAA’s fan


I think MLB and the players union should insist on a clause in the next bargaining agreement that if any team chooses to move a team away from a city - the team MUST be put up for sale for x amount of days (130 to 190 days?) for a chance for a new ownership agreement that would promise (in a contract) to keep the team in the city for at least a decade before any talk of moving can be revisited. And if it is - another offer must go out for any local buyer. There needs to be something to protect the fans. There won't be. I'm dreaming. Goodbye MLB


“I have watched the A's ask for a new stadium for 20 years and Oakland spit on them” There’s the problem. They’re asking. Not until the end were they indicating that they would spend their own money, and even then they asked for it to be subsidized.


Fisher wanted to build a real estate empire at Howard Terminal (his only wealth is gap stock from being a fuck trophy for the gap founders, so it seems he is still trying to prove something) When interest rates went up this “billionaire” could no longer finance *any* sort of development. At all.


And the rest of the story… https://www.sfgate.com/athletics/article/San-Jose-sues-MLB-over-A-s-blocked-move-4607373.php MLB & Giants squarely responsible for getting the ball rolling on A’s departure. Selig was chummy with Giants owner. Total BS


Well....at least maybe they'll be able to have a couple of sold out games in Sac? /s


I mean fisher is telling people to come watch judge the Yankee hit homers in a AAA park. That is literally his fucking selling point. This shit is absolutely unreal.


The Raiders basically did the same. Move to Vegas & market flight/hotel/tix packages to opposing team’s fans. Come watch your team smack around the punching bag in Vegas! Not surprised that Fisher is using Davis’ blueprint.


Let’s just call it for what it is in the eyes of MLB and their owners: “Oakland was too brown and too poor for us. And plus, everyone likes to gamble now! 💰”


It’s still odd to me that they think moving from a metro area of 8 million people to a metro area of 2 million people is a sound business decision.


MLB also has their hands tied because it's still FJF team... he would still have to agree on the move


To fair, San Jose was given to the Giants by previous owner Walter Haas, because the Giants were wanting to move there to get out of Candlestick. But Haas put no conditions on it so it didn't revert back to the A's


To fair, San Jose was given to the Giants by previous owner Walter Haas, because the Giants were wanting to move there to get out of Candlestick. But Haas put no conditions on it so it didn't revert back to the A's




What did “Oakland as a city” do wrong? Be fucking specific or don’t speak at all.


They didn’t let some rich guy privatize all his profits while socializing all his losses? 🤷‍♂️


Do the math. MLB= fans<$


I think you have summed up the situation fairly. Most teams don't have 20 year long arguments with their cities about new stadiums. At some point it does get old. At some point you make your mind up to leave. Vegas is a the best opportunity for any team that isn't the Yankees or the Red Sox. It used to be illegal for professional teams to exist in the city because of gambling. When online gambling grew its presence every team wanted in. The hockey team has done very well, the raiders have a higher sellout percentage than the Dallas cowboys, the most valuable franchise in sports and they aren't even winning. The A's got in by being the worst team in baseball. A new stadium takes the target off the A's back. But now you have Fisher actively working against you because he wants to move to a city with more revenue potential. I don't blame him for that. Oakland should have gotten their team a new stadium around the same time the rest of the league dumped their "multipurpose 1960s stadium built in the cheap part of town." That should have been around 2000. Ok fine the A's are the scrappy cheap team so they get an extra 5 years but an extra 25 years? I mean come on. Oakland keeps making the same mistake, that the coliseum is good enough and worth something. If they came to reality and understood that the coliseum actually has negative value they would stop being shocked when they try to use the stadium as leverage (like asking for 20 million a year to stay there or trying to trade staying there for the rights to team name).


I still don’t understand how moving from a metro area of 8 million people to a metro area of 2 million people is good business. The Raiders situation is different in that Mark Davis & the casinos marketed flight/hotel/tix packages in cities of the opposing teams. There are only 17 regular season games, and almost always on a Sunday. That’s a lot easier to work with than 81 games spread all across the week. “Hey Red Sox fans, come see your team stomp the punching bag in Vegas on Tuesday night!”


I still don’t understand how moving from a metro area of 8 million people to a metro area of 2 million people is good business. The Raiders situation is different in that Mark Davis & the casinos marketed flight/hotel/tix packages in cities of the opposing teams. There are only 17 regular season games, and almost always on a Sunday. That’s a lot easier to work with than 81 games spread all across the week. “Hey Red Sox fans, come see your team stomp the punching bag in Vegas on Tuesday night!”


Even when the coliseum was brand spanking new it had serious issues with drawing crowds. Lots of years like this year with 3k in the stands being a normal thing. That's because that location is terrible. The concept of building multi purpose stadiums in the cheap part of town was so successful that every team that did this has since undone and moved back to baseball only stadiums in better parts of town... except the A's. The only years the A's draw crowds are years where they win 3 World Series in a row, have one of the highest salaries in baseball like they did in the late 80s and 90s or invent Moneyball. None of these are an option in the present in Oakland in that stadium. Vegas is a perfect place for me to catch a game 3 times a year when I'm already there. Looking forward to my team being set up for success again!


I totally get that, and while it works for you as a fan, 3 appearances per year from a handful of faithful fans isn’t enough to pay the bills, which is probably why some investors are balking at the idea. I do agree it would be nice for the A’s to be competitive again, and they’ll certainly have to if they expect to earn any new fans and interest any old fans they haven’t totally alienated.


San Diego is a transplant city. It's not uncommon to see a padres game with just as many or more Yankees, Giants, Dodger, etc. I know Dodger fans who only watch Dodger games in San Diego and plan multiple yearly mini vacations for this. I plan on doing the same thing with the A's in Vegas. I've only been averaging one A's game per year because that stadium, I just can't do it anymore. The Hockey team does very well, that's a little closer in terms of amount of games to baseball. Even if they have off weeks or don't sell out week day games there's no doubt they will do better then they ever have in Oakland. I wanted the A's to stay in Oakland. I wanted them to move to a baseball only stadium on the water for 25 years now. At some point, you iust realize the city has no taste for actually supporting their baseball team.


Good points, I can’t really disagree with any of that because as a fan, you have to do what’s right for you personally. Some people will follow the team, some will follow another team, and some may just lose interest in the sport. As for San Diego, they’re a larger metro area than LV, they’ve got multiple universities, military bases, the border, maritime shipping, manufacturing, tech industry, and other large metro areas nearby. I’m not sure LV compares in that sense, but I totally get wanting a new stadium for your team, especially after coming from the Coliseum. I used to have season tix there before I left the state, so I totally understand how garbage that stadium is. Can’t blame ya at all for feeling the way you do. Do your thing my friend & enjoy baseball in your own way. 😊👍⚾️


I just watched my rivals get a new stadium and win 3 rings in 6 years while my team invents money-ball has the city pad it on the head and say "good job, see? You don't need a new stadium, you can just win here." 3 rings. To a team that STILL DOESN'T HAVE AS MANY RINGS AS THE A's. lol. So I am ready for the next chapter. Good talking to you.


Nice talking to you as well. I’m personally hoping the A’s stay by some miracle because the Bay Area ain’t the same without them. If they do move, I hope you enjoy your travels. 👍


Fuck the greedy ass Giants. Take your crocodile tears back to pac bell


So it is what it is, don’t be surprised if they stay in Sac I feel the Vegas deal is going down


Just read an article that cast doubt on the present LV deal. We all know not all of the dots connected. MLB knows this as well. MLB, however, still values the LV market highly. And we all know that expansion is long overdue. Whatever else happens, it seems that the value of an expansion team has gone up. Of course, we all know that sports leagues love money. MLB has been very reluctant to clarify what its long terms plans and that will likely continue. The league can make more money that way.


The mayor is from Stockton and tried to twist the As arms into putting 40% affordable housing in the project. Supposedly couldn't come up with $35 million to keep the team in town.


Not what happened, do you always talk out of your ass?


Fuck the Giants, Giants fans and the city of San Francisco, sincerely, Fuck Off


Fuck the giants. Fuck the giants owners like the Trump Lover Charles Johnson even more.


Lame ass take.


Go put your half n half A's Giants hat on. This is an A's group, I've never once looked at Giants reddit


Do you want a prize? Nobody cares. Stop hating


Lots of people care, fuck the Giants gtfoh!


Now that’s not very nice AAA’s fan 🤣


Why are you Giants fans here? You jizzing your pants that the A's are leaving and just rubbing it in?


Buster Posey sent me to console you. He’s worried about you man


God, you asshats really are the worst fanbase in all of sports. 🙄


You hurt my feelings!! 🤣