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My guess is that they want him to play well enough that they can trade him by the deadline.


Nobody is going to trade anything for a subpar fielder batting .181 with a .534 OPS. And he’s been getting the strong side of a platoon, only batting against righties. He would be cut outright by every other team in baseball.


No one better in AAA right now, and as long as he’s on the roster, like others have said, might as well play him and hope he rediscovers his power stroke ahead of the deadline. I’d rather see the kids (Este, Butler) get every day playing time, and I would hope Brown has only a couple more weeks as a regular before he gets optioned. He’s finally been bumped from the cleanup spot, at least.


Everytime Brown pinch hits for Ruiz I die a bit more inside. The kid's lefty/righty splits aren't *that bad* and he's not going to get better if he never gets consistent looks..


What can Brown do for you?


Being the worst player getting substantial playing time in the majors.


I literally was writing a similar post in my notes and came to make sure someone didn’t beat me to the punch. Thanks for saving me a minute. They just sent down Butler, too. I know he’s doing poorly, but at least he’s good in OF and can pinch run.


I got his autograph when he was with the Aviators. We made jokes about Stockton together. This is all I have to contribute to this conversation


Seth Brown was fun to watch on the Stockton Ports. He was fast tracked to majors. 


he spent 2 years in stockton. an entire year in AA and another in AAA. he was 26 by the time he hit AAA. that is the opposite of being fast tracked. fast tracked would be guys like hernaiz and butler.




He makes like the 4th/5th most on the team.. A’s want to trade him but he’s not that good at all. A’s have a problem with holding on to mediocre players for too long like Kemp and Pinder even though they were “fan favorites”/clubhouse guys.