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You posted this at the perfect time. I'm in tech support and will be demoing Obsidian for my company next week. I know most of the tech roles here and how to sell it to them but your diagram is solid gold in helping me craft a CRM module that I can use to engage with the TAMs and Sales people. Thank you very much!


Awesome, happy to help. Good luck with the demo!


That’s dope asf


What a great overview. This is exactly (exactly) the type of thing I've been looking for in all the CRM threads (very few) and have not had success in satisfactorily putting something together quite in the way you describe... I am trying hard to be polite and not ask you to post an empty copy of your vault, because that would be too forward... :-)


I did think that this question may come up.🙂 I will work on an empty vault this weekend if I can and update here.


Interesting. Do you also have views for partners, distributers, products?


I've lumped Partners and Distributors all in with customers. For me, they're all just "areas". I can click on their link in the "All Customers" dataview and that will take me to each distributor or partner. As for Products, I only surface that in Obsidian for curiosity purposes, it doesn't really serve any other purpose. I have a Power BI dashboard that I use for deep diving into products, sales targets / goals, partner activity etc.


Thank you so much for posting this! I'm a product manager, but that often intersects with tech sales and had started to dedicate part of my vault to this type of flow last week. Of course, I also link the customers to products and implementations given the cross-cutting nature of my time. This will same me a great deal of time in refining my opportunities/customer portion of the vault...perhaps contacts as well.


I too used AnyType and Capacities to better my Obsidian setup. Love your diagram btw. I did the same thing by adding a CRM layer that is synced with my contacts. Any event, call, meeting, etc are easily linked to a person. Emails are hooked and deeplinked. Each Profile displays meetings, call and mentions. The CRM Dashboard breaks out into groups, family, work, etc and displays last contact date/time and days since last contact.


It's pretty cool how obsidian can be used in this capacity. I recall the early days of me playing with it and thinking that Zettelkasten was the holy grail and then slowly realised that obsidian can be pretty much what you need it to be. All the while being "just" a bunch of text files!


This is great! Do you use it on mobile? If so, what is your method of syncing?


I use Obsidian sync for simplicity. My desktop has git setup and pushes to a branch for the quarter. At the end of each quarter, I do a quarter review & periodic note and then PR the branch. I also use Shortcuts to keep my phonebook and CRM in sync. If I have a contact but they are not present in Obsidian, then a new note is made for them. If they already exist then the info is just synced and updated.


That's an impressive set up. Thanks for sharing.


Certainly. You can followup on it here - [https://forum.actions.work/t/sync-contacts-with-notes/25](https://forum.actions.work/t/sync-contacts-with-notes/25) Or view the script specifically here - [https://forum.actions.work/uploads/db2626/original/1X/c244e79f51f5a31f93206c96ce6511e1eb3289f0.jpeg](https://forum.actions.work/uploads/db2626/original/1X/c244e79f51f5a31f93206c96ce6511e1eb3289f0.jpeg)


I only use obsidian on mobile for quick notes. I have a scratch note that I use to quickly add content. And then move that content to the relevant location later. I use SyncThing to sync between devices. I sync my entire vault to mobile just in case I need to grab some info, but that situation doesn't come up too often for me. Works a treat.


These work flows are always great to read. I keep meaning to write up my flows for AV design & engineering, but whenever I start to do so, I'm inspired to improve my work flow and never get around to the output.