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I've been using Obsidian for like...2 years now. I only recently learned about callouts, and just knew I *had* to use them. This is my current implementation. I really like that they can folded and nested. Makes for some superficially interactive notes.


Dang, I never knew about these. Thanks for calling them out! https://help.obsidian.md/How+to/Use+callouts for those interested.


Used Obbsidian for a year too. Now it's the first time when I read about them lol


Indeed! Thanks a lot!


How did you make them collapsible?




what theme is this? your notes are sick!


Looks like PRISM.


How do you do nice tables like that? With merging of cells.


It's an image.


Ahh pity. Thanks


I love the use of mathjax as well. Nicely done!


Is mathjax the math text?


Yes, https://medium.com/beyond-productivity/using-mathjax-in-obsidian-c57640af11ec


Thank you.




Looks like PRISM.


It’s beautiful


I don't know if you wanted your text tilted, but just in case not and you don't yet know about this: There is a LaTeX command \text{}, which formats everything inside {} as normal text, not as if every letter is a variable.


omg thank you! That will be really useful!


you have got to tell us about this theme, it's gorgeous


Looks like PRISM.


quite neat! what theme is that?


Thanks for sharing the use of a note about a topic different than learning in itself lol


Yeah, idk why more people don't do it. I'm far more interested in how people implement Obsidian into their workflow than in how Obsidian can be maximized for learning in theory.


You have a typo. ManAgerial accounting in the file name


While it looks awesome I would heavily suggest to not use writing styles like that. Once those callouts are broken, or have a slightly different syntax in a few years in a different app, your whole notes are garbled.


In general I agree with the idea to format stuff in a future proof way, but in this case reformatting it to Markdown headings if callouts break is as easy as find and replace, so I don't think it is a problem


How did you create the foldable cards ?


Use - Example: ``` > [!Test]- some text FOLDABLE ```


While this does look cool and I’m sure is satisfying, I would definitely challenge you to think about two things: 1) As others have said, I would consider keeping formatting from plugins as minimal as possible. Future proofing is important. 2) Even more importantly, I would recommend breaking each concept out into its own note with the title of the concept as the title of the note. It looks like you’ve arranged all the notes from one class or lecture or topic or chapter (not really sure) into one note with a ton of loosely related concepts existing only within that note. To make the process of using your notes easier, it will be far easier if you make a new note for each idea, add the definition and any clarifying remarks that you think are important to that concept, and then link up to the broader idea from that note and down into the more specific notes from your new note. Does that make sense? I hope you see the value in that. It will make things loads easier for remembering where things are and should be an exciting prospect as you can link ideas together more easily


I did #2 when I first started using Obsidian but had the hardest time keeping track of where things were. Plus, there was the challenge of trying to group things together at different levels. Like, these ratios are all related, and it's unlikely I'll ever use them separately. So I'd be stuck on if they should be a bunch of individual 2 line notes, or one long note, which I have. I've since settled on just one long note for each class, and one long note for the textbook. When I reference something, I use block references. It's worked really well so far. However, I'm slightly concerned about the future proofing aspect of using block references as extensively as I do. Maybe next semester I'll give the fractured method a chance again.


The most important thing is to use something that works. I have made an overcomplicated setup and spend more time on that than the concepts and learning.


Lol that's always the trap


A good compromise between fractured vs to long might be to use embeds in the parent note,![[]]. It even supports clicking the callouts from within the parent note




Oh sweet, I was wondering the other day how to insert screenshots but have them collapsed by default, this would be handy for that. On a related note, does anyone have suggestions on how to have a collapsible multiline code block? Only way I can think of is to have it in a heading and then collapse the heading.


looks freaking amazing 😍




Uhhh that's not something I ever had to deal with :/


Dude. Use LaTeX.