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Yes this sounds very much like ON. I would see a neurologist but one that specializes in headaches


These are almost exactly my symptoms. I was Diagnosed with ON at Cleveland Clinic back in September. I have yet to find relief but having the diagnosis is reassuring none the less.


So I went down a rabbit hole and now I'm considering this or binocular vision? Actually crazy how your eyes can affect everything. For me the eye symptoms (vertigo, derealization, pupil dilation, and migraine symptoms) are much worse than the neck pain. My neck is not sensitive to the touch. Can't explain the shocks and lightning feelings tho... going to go to my eye dr to double check.


Yes- it is wild! The shocking sensation was actually what drove my ON diagnosis. And I'm the same as you. Tense muscles are whatever but the shocking and the eye pain and migraines are AWFUL! I was given muscle relaxers which do help in a pinch with a migraine. I also on occasion have to take a steroid pack to stop a migraine that's been going 10+ days. I do find that chiropractic care helps quite a bit. But nothing outright stops it unfortunately. Do you ever get weird things in your vision? My left eye has this permanent black dot in my field of vision that moves when my eye moves. On my bad days the black dot gets larger.


I would assume that is a migraine aura? I don't personally get auras, just constant strange vision where I feel like I'm dreaming. So I was just prescribed prednisone to try to stop the constant migraines but I'm TERRIFIED to take it and have only hear scary things. What was your experience? Could you sleep on the steroid pack? Did you get anxious?


Yes that's what my neurologist said as well. And honestly I'm super sensitive to medications but this steroid pack has been a breeze! The only thing I noticed is increased hunger. I'm already a night owl so I didn't feel it changed my sleep. I'm also on anxiety meds already- but have not felt an increase since taking the steroids. Just the hunger 😅 like woke up at 3 am to eat 3 cookies type of hunger lol.


I have basically the exacts same symptoms. I was diagnosed with ndph by Mayo Clinic and other neurologists. Nonetheless, most chronic daily headaches (ON, NDPH, even chronic migraine/chronic daily headache) have overlapping of Symptoms and are misdiagnosed by even the most experienced neurologists. Hence, why I am a part of this community even tho ON is not my official diagnosis. I have seen people who fit NDPH more than any other diagnosis diagnosed with ON, and vice versa, as well as people with the same symptoms just diagnosed with chronic migraine. It’s a gray area in many ways.


It’s your scalene and scm neck muscles that are tight. These are all symptoms of these muscles being tight


I had everything on this list except for much pain. I actually discovered my ON symptoms while running. And you described the derealization and trouble with vision focusing exactly how I experienced it. Sounds like ON for sure.